Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1266 Waste Reuse

Raphael's Madonna hangs on the wall of the rotunda of the Grand Tria Palace.

It was Georgiana who stopped occasionally, and then the First Consul pointed at it casually, and it was transferred from the wall of the Louvre to here.

This kind of thing is not dare to think about it in the 21st century. The collections of the Louvre are all national treasures.

This happened in the dream, because these famous paintings were all stolen by Napoleon.

He looked like a scholar when he was reading quietly, not a soldier at all. When Georgiana got up, he had been working for several hours, and she didn't bother him, because she still had her own business to be busy with.

She is not the kind of merciful Madonna who will give relief to those in need free of charge. She still prefers the method of working for relief.

Although it is written in history that the dung mountains outside Paris will not be cleared until the 20th century, but this world is just a dream, why should it be so real.

Fertilizer is needed for cultivation in the coming year, and those manures can be used for fertilization. The premise is to find people who can tolerate dirt. Farmers fleeing famine are the best candidates for employment.

She found a table and rustled the notes with a quill. His Excellency Bonaparte said that leaders sell hope, and there is nothing more hopeful than a good harvest to make people in famine feel hopeful.

There was a kind of pain that spread from her chest. At first she thought it was an illusion, but later she realized that she might have had a heart attack. Fortunately, this pain soon disappeared, and her heart regained its tranquility.

'I miss you'.

She heard Severus's voice like a ghost.

Just when she was in a daze, the First Consul took away the draft in her hand.

"You want to do this?" He smiled with interest.

"Fertilizer can improve soil quality. The Egyptians didn't understand this. They only cultivated with the silt left after the flood of the Nile River. I have observed the French farming methods, which are still very primitive and backward. New farming methods need to be promoted." Georgiana said. I'm afraid that the weather next year will be the same as this year."

"The Directory has spread in the north." He paced and meditated.

"Is the Directory really that bad?" asked Georgiana. "They haven't done anything good?"

"When I sent troops to Italy for the second time, I needed 65 million francs for military expenses, and there were only 670,000 francs in the treasury. What do you think?"

She has no idea about military spending, she just knows that France is poor.

"Your fertilizer factory is a way to make money, much more useful than Barbey."

"Who is Barbey?"

"The one who manages the treasury, I'll take this away." He put the paper she wrote in the file.

She dared not speak out, and then she didn't know what she was going to do next.

"I want to rest and talk to me for a while." The First Consul sat on the table and looked at her with his big head tilted. "Why does such a disgusting thing become so romantic when you say it?"

"That's because you like Egypt."

"How much do you know about the history of Egypt?"

She also doesn't know if there is any concept of eighteen dynasties in the current academic world.

"If you have any hesitation, just say what you want."

She wanted to ask if those pure-blood nobles killed Severus last night.

"Leon, can you tell the old nobles not to call me queen," she whispered, Leon was what Napoleon's mother and nurse called him, and it was a much better name than "my lion."

"You don't like it?"

"You want to be king?"

He thought for a while, then shook his head, "Even if I become the king, I will still be the king elected by the people, which is different from the king of the old system."

"There are still fools who pay for a name," Georgiana sneered.


She wanted to talk about the later Egyptian Pasha Ismail, a "genius" who paid more taxes to the Ottoman Empire in order to inherit his grandfather's title.

He is not good at governing, but he is good at murder.

"I don't want to be a widow again," she whispered. "You have to be safe."

He raised his eyebrows, lowered his head, and smiled.

"You care about me?"

"You were a complete stranger to me," said Georgiana. "I hardly knew you at all."

"We will get to know each other gradually in the future, let's go, go to the garden." He took her hand and left the palace.

The traces left by the fire have been cleaned away by magic, and the garden looks new again, as if nothing had happened.

"They didn't catch him." Leon said with displeasure. "You can rest assured."

"How could Hortense accept me?" Georgiana said incredulously.

"You'll help me with jobs her mother doesn't want to do. A fertilizer factory isn't for girls."

Because that would make me stinky and not so charming, and attract mad bees and butterflies?

"I like her more than my sisters, she's more kin to me than they are."

She felt very strange, why are they talking so carefully now?

"Your sisters are too powerful." She said with lingering fear.

"Isn't it?" He smiled awkwardly, "They are the daughters of Leticia."

"Am I going to deal with them?" she said with a look of pain.

Dealing with these three women was definitely the last thing Josephine wanted to do.

"Talk about other topics, how about Holland?" He changed the subject stiffly.

"Because I played the girl with the pearl earring yesterday?"

"You looked so beautiful," he flattered.

"Leon, you asked me to call you Napoleon in the Tuileries Garden that day. Was that intentional?" Georgiana asked.

"No, I just want to hear you call me that." He smiled smugly. "Leon is also a good name."

She held his arm directly, feeling much different from another person.

"Do I have to wear Egyptian clothes at home?"

"You can do whatever you want, you look good in woolen clothes."

"When I went to Venice, I never thought there would be such a day." Georgiana said, "I just walked around St. Mark's Square and the Doge's Palace."

"I also went to the Church of Our Lady of Health."

"I know that. You stole the wedding in Garner, and they made another one afterwards, saying it was by Tintoretto."

"Do you want me to repent?"

"I was thinking about the dome inside, and the tiles on the floor, they are very beautiful." She began to change the subject again, "I thought there were signs left by the Knights Templar on those sculptures."

He laughed. "That's why you think I'm looking for the treasure of the Knights Templar in order to raise military expenses?"

"Stupid idea."

"It's a very romantic idea. Which sculpture did you see the mark on?"

"I think about it, it seems to be near David and Gloria..."

He patiently listened to her foolish thoughts, not bothered at all. What's wrong with such a husband?

The mother and daughter Leoncourt watched the maids copy books in the studio, and Pomona had no intention of rescuing the girls, who told them to be lazy when they had no master.

She looked at Madam Leoncourt's back, and suddenly felt that she looked like Minerva.

"Look at me." Leon turned her gaze to himself, and kissed her.

She felt that he seemed to have kissed something into her mouth, just like Hades put a pomegranate into the mouth of the Queen of Hades.

==================================================== ==============

"Ah!" Polka screamed sharply.

Severus, who returned to the original world, looked at the house elf indifferently, and whipped the whip in his hand again.

At this time, the sun has risen, and the door to another world is closed, and it may take six years for the next opening.

Lermeyer also came, and he did not intend to defend the elf, and beside him stood a young man, holding in his hand a suit suitable for a house-elf.

It finally got the "freedom" that Dobby expected.

"What shall we do next?" Gonceil's weary voice sounded from the other side of the crystal ball.

"Find a new entrance." Severus said stiffly.

"You don't look like you've been up all night, but like you've been up for a month," Lyle said. "Get some rest, young man."

"How about we destroy the remains of Napoleon Bonaparte?"

"I need your clear head..."

"You told me to go to Les Invalides!" Severus yelled. "She was in the Tuileries, wasn't she!"

"I told you that I met her at St. Luke's. Bonaparte was a man of style and culture."

"Which one of us is more unconscious? He's a robber. You actually think he's handsome!"

"It's still a full moon tonight, maybe the door to that world can still be opened." Lyle said, "Think about it, will you cooperate with us or be hostile?"

"I can't find the map, and you're buried with me," Severus said, staring at Lyle, and he Disapparated.

"Master...Master...please forgive me...Master..." Poka cried loudly while hugging the young man's trouser legs. It didn't want to accept the clothes.

"I'll give you one last chance." Lyall looked at the house elf indifferently and said, "If you mess up again, not only you, but your family will also be exiled."

"Thank you, master's master..." Poca said gratefully.

Even if he has magical powers that Lyle doesn't, it's still a slave, and it's the Muggle Lyall who is the master of the master.

Lyle sighed, looked at Polka with pity, then took Nadia's arm and disapparated with her.

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