Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 126: There Must Be Treasures Garrisoned by Fierce Beasts

If you want to keep a secret, the best way is to forget it, as long as no clue can be found in the depths of memory, the secret is hidden forever.

Little wizard magic riots often occur, usually caused by intense emotions. When the emotions are out of control, the magic power will also become manic. Arianna's mother, Candela, was killed by her out-of-control daughter.

The scene where the magic power was out of control was terrifying, but no matter how terrifying it was, it was not as terrifying as what Pomona saw. There was a teenager riding on the corpse of an adult man, and he raised a knife to stab his corpse time and time again. The whole bathroom was covered with blood. Yes, there was a woman floating in the red-stained water in the bathtub next to her. She didn't know whether she was alive or dead. If it wasn't for the remaining magic fluctuations, this would be a very ordinary Muggle murder scene.

Why didn't the Aurors come?

This was the first thing that came to her mind. Magic riots often caused accidents, and Aurors were needed to cleanse Muggle memories.

However, they are not here now, and fortunately they are not here, otherwise, even if the little wizard murdered a Muggle, he would have to bear a very serious crime. She wanted to protect him more than let him be punished, because he was her first student.

The first time is very important, representing the process from scratch, she raised her wand, trying to use a weapon against you, but she remembered that she was not an adult, so she put her hand down. She was a few years older than him, and it was not particularly difficult to control a teenager who hadn't started to develop. She grabbed the bloody hand with her right hand and covered his eyes with her left hand.

"Shhh, it's okay, Severus, it's okay." She whispered in his ear, "Sleep, sleep and wake up."

Just like Dumbledore once told her, if you can't bear it, just sleep.

Then she used a forgetful one on him, this is her racial talent, she is very good at spiritual magic, she doesn't even need a wand to use this magic, so it is extremely difficult to erase her memory, which is not something ordinary people can do of……

"You woke up faster than I thought, I thought you were going to sleep for a few more days." Severus smoked impatiently "St. Mungo's was attacked, I don't even know where to go to the doctor .”

She sat up slowly, "Don't worry, it wasn't because of a curse this time, did I deform just now?"

Severus smiled with narrowed eyes, "How many secrets do you have that I don't know?"

"Before I met you, Severus, my hair was blond, like Fleur. After I met you, my hair turned gray. Can you tell me when you met me?" ?”

"Then can you tell me, how did you know I came home? I don't remember I told anyone." Severus began to talk about the conditions "You cleaned up like nothing happened, you Do you know how scary that feels?"

"You mean..."

"It's obvious, isn't it? You helped me clean up Tobia's body and cleared my memory, but you didn't do a good job at the time. I can still remember some fragments. I stabbed him a lot with a knife. If Albus Dumbledore was resurrected now and asked me to kill him again, I would not hesitate as much as the first time, that old bastard ruined everyone's life, Harry Potter's life has been ruined , the next one is Neville Longbottom, he asked you to protect Longbottom in order to kill him like a raised piglet if necessary, he doesn't care what you think! Umbridge was once appointed by the Ministry of Magic as Principal, but she does not have the right to enter the principal's office, I can, so he designated me as his successor, and told me everything you know, Professor Sprout."

Severus was as angry as a volcano about to erupt, but still controlled his emotions, but her ecstasy disappeared when she saw the silver-white test tube.

"What did you drink, Severus?"

"Sedatives," he said deadpan. "Go ahead, Pomona."

She stretched out her right hand and grabbed his right hand. Those immature hands were already bigger than hers.

"There was a time between 1968 and 1975 that was just as chaotic as it is now, and the Aurors were too busy dealing with Squib parades and pure blood riots to care about other things, like the little wizard magic riots, and I found out you came back because you had a magic riot, Sev Les, Erin's aphasia may not be because of Tobia's death as we thought, but because your magic hurt her. After cleaning up the scene, I blanked your memory, you Both of them are wizards, and I also use wandless magic, even in the chaotic situation at that time, underage wizards were still forbidden to use magic outside of school, maybe Irene is also partly responsible for becoming like this."

"You think... I hurt Irene..." He said in a low tone.

"It wasn't intentional. Arianna also had a magic riot. She killed her mother."

"Didn't she go to St. Mungo's later, and she hasn't been cured? Why am I okay?"

"I don't know, maybe you have better control than her..."

"Don't talk about me, talk about Neville Longbottom. You just said the Squib Parade. Longbottom is almost a Squib. This is the great saint's plan to make the Squib also have the ability to use magic?"

"If it's a magic riot, the magic power produced is indeed enough for Neville to use Animagus."

"Are you crazy? Or are you as cold-blooded as him?" Severus looked disgusted as if he didn't bother to mention Albus Dumbledore's name.

"We need strength. Pure blood has suffered heavy losses in several wars, and the strength of wizards is no longer able to suppress other races."

"Oh, repression, shouldn't other races be your friends?" Severus sneered. "You support violence to solve problems now?"

"Only when you have established absolute prestige will people listen to what you say. I used the 'whip' when I taught Gegepu. After he has had enough lessons, he will stop running around, because he is an intelligent creature, a werewolf. It’s different from him.” Pomona covered her head and sighed, “Remus has never been able to remember the lesson, his memory during transformation is very little, most of the time is blank, I don’t want more of him like that people showed up."

"That's why you want to send Dracola Mora the fish? Let him study the source of magic power?"

"No!" Pomona put down her hand, shook her head and laughed, "He's such a fool to want a mermaid as a pet."

"I'm sorry to give Mrs. Norris to Filch." Severus began to play with her fingers. "But he does need the kitty."

Filch is also a Squib, and Hermione's cat, Crookshanks, also has the blood of a raccoon. It always likes to chase Ron's mouse. Best assistant for lack of magic and for identifying Animagus Squibs of various transformations.

"She's my cat, why is Filch so loyal to you?"

"He didn't know, he thought I gave it to him." Severus smiled smugly, "You're so low-key, my lady."

"I'm so sorry, I should have known you were a bad person when she yelled at you."

"How do you feel? How about we go to the duel room?"

"I'm going to lie down for a while." She patted the place next to her, "Come and accompany me."

"Okay, ma'am." The rebellious hellhound obediently walked to the other side of the bed, and then lay down. "I also need to sleep for a while."

"Sleep, I'll wake you up later." Pomona held his head in her arms, patted his back, and began to hum a song softly.

This song does not come from the mermaid singing at the bottom of the lake, but from the depths of the Forbidden Forest.

She doesn't remember who taught it, but she remembers its tune. It can make people forget all bad things, just like the hell three-headed dog guarding the Philosopher's Stone. No matter how dangerous and violent people are, they can be quiet. Playing the harp will make it sleep peacefully.

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