Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 127 Flamenco

There is a natural gap between boys and girls in athletic ability. As a girl, Irene should be very confident to become the captain of the Gaoshi team, but it is a pity that she meets Tobia, who has better athletic ability.

Conquering a woman, especially in the field she is good at, makes her succumb more easily. The poor Slytherin who was trained by her is now much better than her, and she feels like a "bookworm".

She hated the role-reversal, but he liked the way she was playing with her, with a smile on his face, and no matter what jinx she cast, he blocked it with a silent rebound spell. Oh hell, how could he be so easy when most wizards wouldn't cast a decent Iron Armor Charm on himself, the power gap made him feel like he had the upper hand, and she was underestimated even though she kept stalking him She still didn't feel relieved by casting a curse on her body, but became even more angry.

She followed a rhythm, reloading, aiming, and shooting, but he was more free to use it without even thinking about it, as if it had become a part of his own body. Judging from the current situation, he should be the one to teach her.

"Lucius said he was beaten badly by you, and I was very happy at the time." Pomona stopped attacking, and said with her waist in her hand, "but now I feel very unhappy!"

"You're so stiff, can't you dance?"

"Do you want to hit the Imperius Curse, Severus?" Pomona said with a smile, "Still the Imperius Curse without a wand."

"As long as you don't get out of control like you did that day, that's a practice for me as well."

"The Dark Lord is also training with you?"

"Not often, he's a busy guy, he mostly does Occlumency with me and what he calls 'dancing', he never thinks fighting is supposed to be brutal, it's graceful and has a sense of rhythm."

When Severus's black robe fluttered and fluttered like black smoke, Pomona really felt that beauty, which was different from that of a boxer.

"Like flamenco?"

A smirk curled up at the corner of Professor Snape's mouth, "It's an interesting metaphor, you don't want to dance the waltz anymore?"

Flamenco is passionate, unrestrained, elegant, and vigorous. It is the carrier of love, hatred, and sorrow for gypsy girls. It mixes sadness and slowness in the rough music. Going out is a big bookstore and record store. When she passed by the record store, she heard the music played in it. From the moment she heard it, she fell in love with this kind of music.

Now look at Severus Snape, he looks like a gypsy, maybe Tobias has gypsy blood, he is not a person of high moral character, even some petty theft, but he just has a kind charm.

Maybe I can't find the reason to love you, but you have made me lose the ability to love others.

Pomona is like the foolish mermaid in a Muggle fairy tale, falling in love with a human being.

"I only learned the waltz for a short while, and it was taught by Dumbledore, and I learned flamenco by myself." She curled her hair and circled the human wizard, who stood in the original place with a smile on his face. The ground seemed to be waiting to see what tricks she would play.

"Why do you want to learn flamenco?"

"Fun." She said insincerely.

"Liar." Severus smiled as if he had caught her.

"I can dance this kind of dance by myself and in front of the mirror." Pomona is often obsessed with herself in the mirror. At that time, she looked very beautiful, but unfortunately she had to hide it. Plump woman with patches.

"Would you like to see it? It might be dangerous. I'll suck your soul out like a dementor."

"To deal with the dementors, I can use the summoning guard, what should I do to deal with you?"

"The Killing Curse, Severus, as your mentor taught you, Veela's spiritual magic is only effective on male humans, and males of other races are useless. Would you fall in love with a moth?"

Severus shrugged. "How could I lay hands on such a beautiful creature?"

"Then you want me to transform?"

"You guys just want to drive me crazy, right?" Severus shook his head. "I hate Dumbledore."

"How do you know that Dumbledore didn't leave?" Pomona asked, why he was still lingering at that station after being dead for so many years.

"His portrait is still sleeping."

The portraits and photos of the wizarding world will move, but the portrait is different from the photo. The photo is just a repeated scene, while the person in the portrait is conscious. When Sirius threatens the fat lady of Gryffindor, she hides in other paintings went.

There will still be something left behind when people leave. The principals of all generations have already started the next journey, but their consciousness stayed. Dumbledore did not leave, so his consciousness would not stay in the painting.

"Are you going to keep the secondary painting in the principal's office, I believe no one will question it?"

"Hahaha, you are so funny." He laughed and shook his head.

"anything fun?"

"I ran away, did you forget? Harry Potter provoked me in the Great Hall, and he called me a coward!" Severus took a long breath. "I won't be the headmaster of Hogwarts then."

"He won you, so he can freely enter the principal's office?"

"That's right, that's right! He was the master of the Elder Wand at that time, and Hogwarts thought he was qualified to challenge me for the position of headmaster."

Pomona shook her head, the group went crazy.

The duel wins the spoils, except for the assignment, whoever defeats the headmaster will be the next headmaster, and the referee is Hogwarts, a ghost that no one can see.

People it admits can enter the headmaster's office, and those it doesn't admit can't, not even in cases deemed "legal" by the Ministry of Magic.

"I think you're wrong, Severus. It was Harry Potter who challenged you, but it was Minerva McGonagall who beat you away. She was the first to call you a coward." Mona continued circling Snape, "Harry didn't pull out his wand, McGonagall cast a spell on you, Harry was free to enter the principal's room not because he was the principal, but because Minerva gave him permission He went in."

"Honey, you must beat me, right?"

"Success or failure is in the details, Severus, have you decided what to say to Theodore?"

"So this is the new bet, what do I get if I win?"

"what do you want?"

He twirled the wand in his hand.

"I remember that invitation, Pomona, do you still have it?"

"Is that what you think?" Pomona raised her voice in anger.

"It's very impressive, isn't it? You can't imagine how surprised I was when I received it. The disciple of the White Wizard would do such a 'naughty' thing. I dare say that even Bella is not as bold as you .”

Pomona looked at the dark man in front of her. Where did that boy who always looked up at her go?

"You're a naughty one, Pomona, I know who you are." Severus Snape suddenly raised his wand, "Lumus solem."

The light from the wand was as bright as daylight, dazzled her eyes, and when she subconsciously blocked the bright light with her hand, Severus suddenly apparated and appeared behind her after dragging a string of black shadows.

"Don't let this reward come too easily, Pomona, start playing seriously."

"Settle all!" Pomona turned around deftly as if dancing flamenco, and pointed her wand at the person behind her. The corner of his mouth was pulled, and the spell was bounced off an invisible wall.

"Well, it seems that protecting you too well is not a good thing. What should I do with you?"

Pomona swung her wand like a whip, and the cutting spell quickly tore through the rebounding spell, and he immediately Apparated out of the way.

"Maybe the God's Edge is invisible and more concealed, but it's not as powerful as my Cutting Curse. This is the 'vine' I taught the giants. What do you think will happen if you hit it?"

"Are you really going to kill me?" He said in surprise not far away.

"I am a female praying mantis, have you forgotten?"

"I'd rather call you a prayer bug, ma'am, holy and dangerous, but let's forget it tonight." Severus looked at the place where he was standing just now, where there was a deep ravine. "We still want to live in this place, If you play like this, the house will be demolished."

"Then what do we do next?"

"I'm going to read a book, you can do whatever you want." Severus turned and left with an expression that I don't want to play with you.

"Bookworm!" Pomona yelled at his back.

"You are in charge of cleaning up." He said without turning his head, just like all the men in the world who are too lazy to do housework.

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