Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 125 Memory Flashback

"I love Potions class, especially when chopping up the ingredients, it feels like I'm cooking." Redhead Lily Evans, a new addition to Greenhouse Picnic, unlike her taciturn friend , Lily is very talkative, and seems to be very good at forgetting, she has forgotten the scene that happened in the restaurant a few days ago, and she and Severus Snape are still friends.

"Looking for what?" Lily asked after taking a sip of the Zizi honey candy.

"A kind of candy that floats up after eating." Hufflepuff's senior sister in the fourth grade said with a smile, she can go to Hogsmeade in the third grade, but she is always alone, even if she buys a lot of candy No one to share with.

"Float up?" Lily just finished speaking, and the whole person really floated up, and Severus quickly grabbed her sleeve to prevent her from flying away.

"Wow, how did you do that?" Lily said excitedly.

"It should be how we do it." Pomona corrected her "This candy is mixed with the sting needle of the Billywig bug, which is used in many potions, if you really like potions I need to read more, have you finished reading Thousands of Miraculous Herbs and Mushrooms?"

"That's a thick book." Lily put down Honey Zizi Tang, "Do I really have to memorize them all?"

"Snape, have you finished memorizing it?" Pomona asked the half-breed Prince.

"Yes, senior." He replied blankly.

"What is Wu Yuyu?"

"A magical plant native to the deserts of North America. It looks like a green cactus with light red flowers in the center of the top. The black feather jade picked at night three days before the full moon has a special effect. It can be dried to brown and stored , is mainly used for enhancers and mental aids, and fortune tellers will eat a few before divination, but it is slightly toxic, and drinking strong alcohol can neutralize the toxicity."

"Look, if you're really interested in potions you should be like Snape." Pomona said to Lily, involuntarily lecturing again.

"Oh, I saw a pot of cactus in the greenhouse just now, is that Wuyuyu?" Lily said with a smile without hesitation.

"Yes." Pomona replied.

"How do you grow desert plants in a greenhouse?"

"Let's water it less, and use my talent." Pomona smiled shyly, which was her forte.

"Did you grow that plant because that kind of crazy lady in the Ravenclaw attic wanted it?"

"Not only that, but the potion professor also needs to use it." Pomona didn't say much, Slughorn felt that this was needed in the manufacture of medicinal materials to control werewolves, and it was the miraculous crow three days before the full moon. She was the only one who planted the feather jade.

"Herbalism is the basis of potion science, you can often come to me to play."

"Then we are friends, can you tell me your name?" Lily asked her.

Pomona glanced at Snape who was eating the licorice wand in a muffled voice, and smiled at Lily and said, "Gorgon."

"Come on, that's definitely not your real name." Lily said immediately.

"Do you know what a Gorgon is?"

"The Gorgon in the Mediterranean, looks like a woman when she matures, she looks very ugly, with a snake's head on her head, looking at her can cause her body to petrify." Snape immediately replied, "Why do you choose a snake for yourself?" False names are so unlucky."

Because this is who I am.

Pomona curled her gray hair and said nothing.

"It's okay, I can take that as your nickname, you can give me one." Lily said immediately.

"Ariel." Pomona said immediately.

"What kind of magic plant or animal is this?" Lily frowned.

"Ariel means God's little lioness, you are from Gryffindor, right?"

"Oh, I like that name!" Lily immediately exclaimed, "How about you give Severus one too?"

The atmosphere of the picnic suddenly turned bad.

"Did they do that to your hand, Severus?" Lily then noticed the bruise on the Slytherin boy's arm.

"No, I did it." Pomona came forward to defend, the boy's dignity needs to be maintained by herself, and Lily would be self-defeating if she stood up for Snape.

"Why are you doing this?" Lily found it difficult to understand "Are you bullying him?"

"No, I'm helping him become stronger. He will use the time you spend studying for training."

"Why?" Lily was even more puzzled, "If he doesn't study, what will he do in the exam?"

"This is the biggest difference between wizards and Muggles. Lily, this world speaks of strength. If he wants to gain a foothold in Slytherin, he must be able to fight."

"Why can't everyone live in peace and not hurt each other?"

"Weak people are not qualified to talk about conditions. I remember a Roman military strategist said that if you want peace, you must prepare for war. This is the purpose of the Dark Arts class at Hogwarts, and you are always ready to fight other races."

"You are all crazy." Lily couldn't understand, because she was a child living in the peaceful Muggle world, and she was really too far away from war.


A slight sting from her lips brought Pomona back to her senses, and the grown-up Severus immediately stuck out his tongue and licked away the drop of blood.

The Muggle radio station was playing the Rolling Stones' Don't Stop again, it seemed to be very popular music, Severus sang like in the lyrics, bit her lip and drank the first blood, he was really getting better More like a vampire.

The cooking level of the Potions professor is very average. Although he can’t use a scale to measure the seasoning, there are really no surprises. The steak is cooked just right, the black pepper is just right, and the salt is evenly sprinkled. What really surprised Pomona is His hair, it finally doesn't look greasy anymore.

The Potter family got rich because of a smoothing agent, but hairdressing products also have leavening agents in addition to smoothing agents. This fluffy hairstyle is very suitable for him, and it feels very soft to the touch, just like the one that Sirius changed. Hair of a big black dog.

"Would you like dessert?" he said in that low, instrumental voice.

"I betrayed Lily." She felt very guilty, but she couldn't help touching that face that was not at all handsome.

"How many first love couples in school do you think were successful." Severus said blankly, "Even Harry Potter wasn't with Cho Chang."

"That's because she betrayed the DA," Pomona said as if to choke. "She didn't think betrayal was a big deal."

A year older than Harry, Cho Chang is a very beautiful and popular Quidditch Snatcher. Every time she meets Harry, it is an unpleasant encounter. She mobilizes Marietta Ackmore to join Dumbledore's Army , After she dated Harry, she was still asking Cedric if she had said anything to her before he died. In fact, she has always loved Cedric in her heart.

When Marietta signed and agreed to denounce Dumbledore's Army because she couldn't stand Umbridge's torture, the pattern of "informant" appeared on her face. When Harry laughed at her, Qiu Zhang defended Mary. In fact, Harry and It's a good thing she broke up.

Severus stared into her eyes. "You're the only one who takes loyalty seriously, Pomona. What time do you think this is?"

"Loyalty is your best quality, Severus, and there are many people who want your loyalty."

"Do you want it? I can give it to you."

Pomona shook her head.

"What's wrong with you?" Severus stood up and started circling impatiently. "Albus Dumbledore, the greatest wizard of all, what has he done in your mind?"

Pomona didn't answer him, the warm dining room was gone, replaced by the dark, eerie screaming shack, a wolf-like creature opened its bloody mouth at her, screaming everywhere, it sounded like some kind of Birds were singing, and a black-haired boy was half lying on the ground, looking at her in horror, as if he saw some kind of monster.

'Sirius, why are you here? '

"Pomona... Pomona!" The man's voice was far away, and instead Albus Dumbledore appeared in front of her, his blue eyes behind half-moon glasses, looking gentle and kind.

"Go to sleep, dear, just sleep." Dumbledore kissed her forehead, and she seemed to let go of something on her mind, and fell asleep.

It's just that this time she doesn't want to sleep too long, there is someone she needs to take care of, he really should find a human woman to marry, how can he always make wrong choices just like his mentor.

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