Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1248 Gleaner Girl (Part 1)

A man cannot change the banner in his heart at will, if it changes easily, then he will be despised by the people around him.

Mr. Jenner returned to the UK in the end, because with Napoleon's courtesy and preferential treatment, it should be easy for him to continue to promote vaccination after returning to China.

People are like this, only when there is competition will they pay more attention to it. Without competition, even if the treasure is there, no one will take a second look at it.

Fine Gebu was originally worn by civilians, but it gradually withdrew from the market as people's requirements for the quality of clothes became higher and higher.

Cotton yarn is generally used for bandages, and France does not produce cotton, so the cost of using it to make gauze will increase. The army generally chooses the cheapest thing. If you choose expensive cotton gauze, military expenditure will increase. To control the budget and reduce the purchase of cotton gauze, many soldiers who could have been cured faced the risk of amputation due to lack of consumables.

Even if the water absorption of fine Gebu is not as good as that of cotton, His Excellency Bonaparte ordered the industry and commerce to research new materials that can replace cotton gauze, and the presidents of the chamber of commerce must also do it.

The situation in the UK is different. Anyway, the government and the cabinet will change. After the change, the projects of the previous cabinet will be put on the shelf. Generally, the money has already been obtained at this time, and if it can’t be developed, it can’t be developed. Years passed.

However, the worst part of an autocratic system is that it relies on the accurate judgment of the ruler. If the ruler is a faint and incompetent person, then he makes a wrong judgment, which will lead to catastrophic consequences.

The main enemy of France at the moment is the British. The land that the French soldiers bleed and fight for, just because of Napoleon's muddled idea, they will not agree to hand over France to the children born to British women. .

The former hero would be regarded as Antony, and his body would be paraded through the streets of "Rome" by soldiers tied to chariots.

She even believed that it was the two brothers who lied to her in partnership. Everything they promised would wait until she gave birth to the child. Although she was not sure whether an outsider like her in this world could have a child, by then everything would be all right. It has already been done, even if they want to break the contract, Pomona can't find a place to cry.

With such cunning, it's no wonder that the two of them cooperated to end the Brumy Moon coup without bloodshed.

While Pomona was weeding with a hoe, she was thinking wildly. If the flag in a man's heart cannot be changed at will, then the flag in a woman's heart is ready to be changed at any time.

She wants to marry from one family to another. If she is in her husband's house and transfers her husband's property to her natal family, no matter how good-looking she is, the husband will not like her.

If she married into her husband's family and forgot about her natal family, then she would be bullied by her husband in the future, and no one would ask for help.

So women's patriotism is far less firm than men's. Marie Antoinette didn't even think about it. She patronized and played, and she didn't look like a queen until her brother came.

Although the 19th century is far from the barbaric Middle Ages, the spiritual love between the knight and the lady still exists. When Mary fled, there was a man who was the knight of Mary's spiritual love.

When a man goes through fire and water for a woman, if she goes with another man behind his back, the support in his heart will collapse.

Therefore, no matter how lonely and lonely a woman is in her heart at this time, she can't do stupid things.

Maybe Madame du Barry thought the abbey was a place of suffering, but Pomona thought it was a paradise.

She finally returned to the life of growing vegetables.

She got on well with the nuns, even though she was a witch.

A world with only women and no men is harmonious, just like there can be many female deer in a deer herd, but there is only one buck. The buck will attack and defend its "sovereignty" for the right to mate.

Although Britain seems to be losing and France is winning now, but the French themselves are also making foolish moves, so the outcome has not yet been determined.

Napoleon still "invited" the Pope's Secretary of State, Cardinal Conservvier, into Paris that day, and did not send him to Avignon. Instead, Cacall, the special envoy who kidnapped the Secretary of State, was asked to "think about his mistakes" at home.

The quick-tempered soldiers met the slow-tempered monks. They lingered for several months and still had no definite answer. The "commander" issued a death order and asked the special envoy to let the Holy See agree to their conditions unconditionally. Mr. Envoy lost his rational judgment.

Many revolutionaries are opposed to the return of the church to France, so the church is more inclined to the royalist party.

However, the flags in the hearts of these "gentlemen" are as swaying as women's hearts. "British husbands" and "French lovers" each have their own advantages. Which one should we choose?

"Georgianna, come and drink some water," the Mother Superior called to her, sitting in the shade of a plane-tree.

A wizard can have a godfather, what else is impossible?

Pomona threw the medicine hoe on the ground, and walked on a land that was completely different from England under the increasingly hot summer sun.

When she walked into the shade of the tree, a cool feeling enveloped her immediately. She scooped a spoonful of water from the bucket with a gourd and drank it. Bought soda at a high price and drank it.

Water and air are originally free things, but in order to obtain clean water, people have to spend money to buy them, and because they cost money, they know that they are saving.

But this is limited to small households, rich people can spend as much as they want, and if Napoleon really fixed his water system, maybe Paris would have as many bathrooms as Rome.

The fact that people in the Middle Ages did not take a bath is somewhat related to the Roman baths.

If man wants to degenerate, even something built for a good purpose at the beginning will become something that is criticized by others.

Medieval people who didn't take a bath at least hoped to have a clean mind, and they felt relaxed when they were with such people.

Whether it is Severus or Napoleon, there are so many women who like these two people, it is not easy to get the love of one, let alone two, it is rare in the world to daydream about her, she herself I'm going to be amused by myself.

While the "old ladies" were resting, she saw a Guardsman riding a maroon horse walking along the dirt road in the country, walking towards this side at a dressage-like pace. come running.

She didn't feel excited at all.

The correct way is to break it cleanly, and when Severus feels that the winner is decided, they will leave this hellish world together instead of being reluctant to part with it.

No wonder so many people will stay in this world, unwilling to leave.

But when the guard handed her the letter, she still took it, and there was no need to embarrass a small person.

But the soldier did not leave.

"The general said that I have to get your reply letter before I can go back to report." The young guard said with a straight military posture.

Pomona ignored him, rested enough and went to work again.

As a result, the soldier stood there all afternoon, motionless, looking like a fool.

After dinner, she finally couldn't bear it anymore, found the letter that had been thrown into the trash can, and opened it in front of the soldier:

I am a person who likes to analyze methods. If I really fell in love passionately, I would of course analyze my feelings step by step.

I think of love as a passion that puts the world on one side and the person in love on the other, but I'm not made to rule everything out.

I can't be like him, who has come to look for you several times regardless of life and death. I hated him, envied him, he was far more free than me, he could do whatever he wanted without scruples. Crying is originally a woman's business, but you told me that people are not sculptures, so of course you can cry. After crying, I feel better, and I have found that kind of peace again.

I went back to Josephine and she was as gentle as ever and I thought she could heal me.

I know that if a woman wants to do something, she must do it no matter what. Since you want peace, then negotiate a peace, but you have to warn that man not to continue making trouble.

Napoleon Bonaparte.

"Look, everything is back on track." Pomona said with a smile, and put the letter away.

It was just a dream, and it would be forgotten by daybreak, and even if Severus couldn't forget it, she would use the Amnesiac Charm to make him forget it.

And this dream will remain in her heart and become one of the many secrets of women.

"Your reply!" said the foolish guard.

"Slap him for me," she said deadpan, and went back to the monastery.

This is what he and Lucien deserve.

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