Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1249 Gleaner Girl (Part 2)

Among the twenty-four solar terms in China, there is a Ear Grain solar term, which is the ripening season of winter wheat and the sowing season of summer-sown plants.

However, there is no such season in France. The French usually sow in October of the previous year and harvest in July and August of the following year. They only ripen once a year. If the harvest fails this year, the whole country will fall into food shortage before the next harvest. Dilemma.

The ears of wheat in the field are not very full. Those who grow grain know best that there will be no good harvest this year. There is a village near the monastery where Pomona lives. You can see someone driving a carriage, taking their wives, children and children away from their hometown to flee famine.

The direction they are going is Paris. If there is a famine or war, the first thing that ordinary people think of is to go to the capital. The king can ignore other cities, and he can't give up the capital. Moreover, there are more employment opportunities in Paris, as well as the city defense army and strong city walls, which are much safer than the countryside where bandits may run rampant at any time.

I heard from those "knitting girls" gathered at the door of each house that their relatives who work in Paris earn less than 2 francs and less than 3 francs a month. weather.

1 franc can be exchanged for 20 sous, 2 francs is 40 sous, if a pound of bread is 7 sous, 40 sous can buy more than 5 pounds of bread, which is not enough for an adult to eat for a month, not including other things such as rent and water It's hard to live on my own, not to mention supporting a family.

If the population gathers and another plague occurs, it will mean disaster. Big cities are not necessarily better than the countryside, but those country people also have their own sufferings. If you tell them, they will not listen.

This means that Napoleon needs to store food for more than 1 million people in Paris. As for how much he needs to prepare, he will only know after statistics.

Even if the food was collected, it could not be placed in the open air, and it needed to be stored specially. Fortunately, he listened to Pomona's "prophecy", established the bread guild and built many storage barns, but after doing so, some small bakeries went bankrupt.

Small bakeries are inherently less profitable, and they are definitely not as good as those big bakeries. The Matthew Effect mentions that "the strong get stronger and the weak get weaker". However, there are more and more people in the city, and everything is going in the worst direction.

Of course, this is not as cool as Hengdao Lima. The problem is that the general not only has to consider the formation of troops, but also the issue of supplies.

Originally, Joseph was the best candidate to be in charge of negotiating with the church, but he seemed to be busy with other things, such as discussing with outsiders about his brother's inheritance rights. It can be said that Lucien came back from Portugal at the right time.

If there are robbers coming, the nuns in the monastery and a few peasant rakes are no match for the most vicious gangsters.

At this time, the troublesome man becomes important again.

Pomona never thought of writing to Severus at all. If Napoleon is the kind of person who can't rule out everything and separate love from the world, Severus is the kind who can concentrate on it and separate love from the world. A clear-cut person.

He concentrated on his work until he was under the same roof with Wormtail, the traitor who indirectly killed his beloved woman, and he never thought about the problem of being able to kill him himself. Although Pomona didn't know what Severus had done and needed Napoleon to tell her to warn "that man" not to make trouble, Pomona estimated that Severus would simply ignore her.

He even had a misunderstanding, thinking that Pomona was taking sides.

Love is not a game, although it can produce the same joyful feeling as a game.

If you offend people who shouldn't be offended, you have to bear the consequences yourself. The school motto of "Don't Disturb the Sleeping Dragon" originated from a few Muggle children who provoked a Sleeping Dragon because of their greed for novelty. Napoleon was like those Muggle kids, didn't he have so many secret police and scavengers? As long as they have the strength to catch that "dragon".

She is just a woman, politics and war have nothing to do with her, she solves her own problems by herself.

There were still a few cows in the monastery. After coming to this place, she learned a new craft—milking. Just as she was carrying the milk bucket and returning to the monastery kitchen, that foolish guard came again.

The guard's clothes are so conspicuous, she doesn't want to be targeted by those who want to.

This time Pomona didn't let him stand outside, she led him into the kitchen, gave him a small stool to rest, and poured him a glass of water to drink.

She took the letter she had just received and went to the bright window to read it.

I'm so tired these days, as if I'm really getting old early like Jenner said, all the beauty, intelligence and affection will go away, only the fighting will not stop. I've done a lot of wrong things in my life, some of which I'm not ashamed of, but my love for you embarrasses me.

When I was in Egypt, I had already written the divorce statement. I didn't send it because I didn't want to become a great person and push away a woman who was so good to me.

I talked to Hortense, and I think you understand me, I don't want to remarry until after her death, and I don't want her to be unhappy.

But I don't think you will marry me if I become a widower. I am fighting a futile battle, not only disgraced myself, but also the gossip and gossip of you and your wife.

It's ridiculous.

This time Napoleon didn't even sign it, let alone ask her to reply.

But thinking of the current situation in Paris, if he can't handle it anymore, who can maintain the order in such a big city.

She found pen and paper for keeping accounts, and began writing letters by the kitchen window.

You should talk to Lucien more, he shouldn't think his future is ruined by marrying a dishonorable woman. It is very difficult for a woman to live in such an era with a child. Sometimes you need to give up something. Too much care about other people's evaluation and sight can easily make you fall into vanity.

Machiavelli once said that a monarch should be a patient listener to the truth, but he should not listen to everyone, he should keep a clear head, his advisers each have their own interests, If he himself does not know how to unify them, how to correct and see through them, it is not advisable.

Do what you think is right, how is the Paris water system that you're planning to fix now designed? There are many people who are gathering towards Paris, and they will contribute to the completion of this project. I know some people who have dignity and shame, they will not accept other people's handouts, and the way of work for food may be more acceptable to them.


After drying the letter, she folded it and put it in an envelope, but she was in no hurry to give it to the soldier.

She gave him some bread and cheese, so that he would not go hungry.

When he was busy eating, Pomona picked a wheat ear from the field that was not full and put it in the envelope.

Although autumn had not yet arrived, the harbingers of the famine of 1801 had already arrived.

He shouldn't be like Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, ignorant of the situation outside the palace, because Napoleon is not a hereditary monarch, not a bird in a golden cage, he is a lion in the wild.

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