Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1247 Lyric Theater (Part 2)

If there is an unfortunate girl who wakes up and opens her eyes and finds herself in Versailles at the end of the 18th century, and does not want to be guillotined like Marie Antoinette, then she must first confirm two things:

One, if she knows how to spend money

Second, she has the ability to have a son

Intrigue in the workplace does not apply to court battles. It is even more foolish to seek Madame de Pompadour to be jealous like Louis XV's mistresses. Everyone has their own plans.

Maybe it was because Napoleon saw Pomona's desire for power, or maybe she seemed stupid, so she was pulled into his chariot.

As for whether she will be an abandoned son or the one who will go down with him, it all depends on herself.

The Civil Code of January 1801, in addition to promulgating new divorce laws, also mentioned the issue of inheritance law.

The old "Salik Code" stipulated that only male descendants are eligible to ascend to the French throne. Now that the king has been overthrown, the Salic Code used before can also be eaten in the library. Then the new inheritance law should be How to be sure?

When Pomona established a hospital in the manor of Louis XIV's second wife, Mrs. Maintenon, Napoleon would not concentrate on playing the infatuated prince, but he was thinking about her. On May 9, 1801, Rodrey drafted a draft, Among them, Bonaparte's power to designate his own successor was mentioned, and this proposal was passed by the Senate.

This means that Napoleon Bonaparte can designate Octavian as his heir just like Caesar. After he designates an heir, Napoleon can be killed at any time just like Caesar was assassinated. These assassins are not necessarily from foreign countries. Possibly from within the republic.

If the primogeniture system was followed, Napoleon’s brother Joseph would be the heir in line, followed by Lucien. In fact, after this battle, Lucien could not return to Paris at all and continue to be the “regent” in Madrid with his wife , but after receiving the news, he felt that it would be impossible for him not to come to Paris. He repeatedly reiterated his loyalty to his wife and was absolutely unwilling to accept the political marriage arranged by his brother. In this way, his right of inheritance would be deprived by his brother .

In addition, he has another thing to do. This time he returned home with a large amount of precious metals looted from Portugal. France is different from Britain. France uses coins, while Britain uses banknotes.

Paper money can be printed at will, and it is best to use it to offset the deficit caused by the war, but this will cause inflation, and domestic prices will soar. In the 18th century, British workers were not much better than slaves. They lived in airtight In the house, after getting the money in hand and the price is soaring, it is almost impossible to have surplus, so they have no money to spend, and if the domestic demand cannot keep up, they can only export the products they produce. France also has its own industry that needs to be protected. .

In order to start a factory, in addition to raw materials, there is also a need for capital flow. Coins are not as convenient as banknotes. They require a lot of precious metals. Money is only called money when it is spent. It is very fun to put money in your own treasury. However, this will lead to insufficient hard currency in the market. Napoleon accused the Bank of France of being too cautious in investment, and Portugal's treasury became the target of the French looting.

In addition to the upstarts, there are also many financiers attending the ball this time. As a mistress, how can Pomona save? She has to spend as much money as she can, and buy a lot of luxury goods, so that there are enough gold coins in the market.

As a result, not only did she not spend money for Napoleon, but she also helped him earn money, and came up with new uses for fine cotton cloth. Military supplies can stimulate the market for a while, but it is not a long-term solution. This is a trick used by the Jacobins.

A man seeks a woman not only for the purpose of dating, but also for the issue of having children. If "Georgianna" hopes that his illegitimate child will have the same inheritance rights as his legitimate child, it is not impossible. He will pass the inheritance right to that The child is it.

Even if she gave birth to a daughter, the Sacre Code has been abolished, Britain and Russia have queens, and France can also have queens. After hearing Lucien's description, Pomona regretted it a hundred thousandths. She had nothing to say to Napoleon about Caesar's designation of Anthony as his heir.

There are many people in this world who can not be moved by money, but there are few who are not seduced by power.

Pomona just needs to nod now, then all she needs to do next is to try to conceive. After the child is born, the two of them will raise it together. As for whether this child will become the successor of the French Republic, it depends on him or herself. good fortune.

Spending a lot of money is nothing arrogant. Your Excellency Bonaparte took a European military power with a population of 36 million as "marital property". Of course, the woman does not have the right to dispose of her own property at will, and the right to dispose of it belongs to her husband.

"He said that you made him fascinated. It's not a joke. Miss Georgiana, you should think about my proposal just now." Lucien danced a skilled waltz and led Pomona to circle gracefully on the dance floor.

"I have to tell you, my brain is shutting down now." She said blankly, "The amount of information is too much."

"Do you know what's the biggest difference between you and other girls around him? You're sincere, you really like him, right? It's not because he's the first ruler."

"Are you kidding me?"

"Are you kidding us?" Lucien smiled indifferently, "Or are you really a British spy? Are you Cleopatra from England? I told you this, do you want to know more? You can try to seduce me, maybe I will tell you some other information."

"I am a married woman..."

"Please tell me, what kind of man can beat my brother?" Lucien interrupted her. "Do you want to break his self-confidence?"

"No, I don't have that plan."

"Then you promise him once, you are not a girl who needs to maintain her chastity before marriage."

So the man's rhetoric is really all-encompassing, and she is tired of this question.

"I can't do that," Pomona said. "Some mistakes can't be made once."

"You don't have to worry about your future life..."

"No." She continued to shake her head, "I don't want him to be the second Napoleon."

Lucien did not answer.

"Your brother told me that that incident made him understand how dangerous it is to put all his affection on one person, but isn't that what true love is like? True love makes some fools rather risk being caught and eaten by a dragon." Danger, but also to go to the dragon's lair to rescue the princess, this kind of reckless courage not only comes from chivalry, but also may come from love, a kind that can be played and traded in the adult world stuff." Pomona said wearily, "I'm sorry, but I can't accept your proposal."

"You've made him miserable," said Lucien. "Why don't you leave France?"

"I mentioned that he wouldn't let me go."

"This is another shortcoming of my brother. Impossible is not in his dictionary." Lucien said sadly, "He only thinks about his useless method of attacking, and never considers that he has encountered an impenetrable fortress."

Pomona was recalling what kind of fortress was invincible. Even Constantinople had been captured several times.

"Please tell your brother, he is a very attractive man." Pomona said, "But we swore to God, either die together or live together, and I cannot break my vow."

"Oath? Who still takes oath seriously now?"

"Isn't there one in front of you?" Pomona said with a smile, just as the music was over, she let go of Lucien's hand, bowed her knees to him, and was about to leave the dance floor.

A man with a golden mask came towards her. She didn't want to say that the scene was dramatic, but it was like that at the time. The man approached her, held her face and gave her a kiss without saying a word, and the surroundings suddenly There was a gasp.

She let his tongue into her mouth, just like all the French kisses in the 20th century, free, informal, even on the side of the street, there will be couples hugging and kissing, no need to keep distance in public, intimate Be like a person.

"Wait for me to pick you up." Severus said in a low voice, "The two of us can't go together today."

"I'll wait for you," she trembled, "but hurry up, please."

"Did he touch you?" Severus asked.

"Not yet." It might not be so in the future, she said to herself.

He breathed a sigh of relief, kissed her forehead, and rushed to the window.

With a bang, the glass of the opera house was smashed, and Severus flew away in a cloud of black smoke.

The scavengers who were ambushing outside chased after them on their brooms, and the waves of the spell came from the sky.

But she has no time to care about the battle over there.

Napoleon walked over staring at her, his eyes were bloodshot, and there was a terrible fierce light.

Pomona handed him the note Severus had slipped her just now.

He didn't take it right away, but Lucien took it for him. He glanced at the contents of the note and left with a few policemen.

Not long after, Lucien returned, during which time Napoleon kept staring at Pomona.

"You should go and see." Lucien whispered to him, "Do you want to take her?"

Napoleon ignored him, turned and followed the policemen away.

"Let's go." Lucien stared at her and said, "I know you must be curious."

Although curiosity kills the cat, Pomona followed suit.

They arrived at the opera house's conference room, with its red wallpaper, mahogany desks, and an unlit fireplace.

A line of words was engraved with a sharp weapon on the back of the chair farthest from the door, which should represent the person with the highest status:

The beautiful wife Napoleon provided was enjoyed by others.

Anyone who has been to Venice, or anyone who has really understood Venice, knows that this sentence means more than just a humiliation for men and women.

Replace Napoleon's name with Marino Farrero, Doge of Venice, convicted of treason, and you know it's an omen of death.

He would be beheaded by Parliament on the landing in the middle of the giant staircase, like Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette.

"Are you trying to kill me?" Pomona asked the boys in the room. "I think I at least have the right to choose how I die."

All eyes were on her, except Napoleon.

He kept his back to Pomona.

"Take her to the monastery." Napoleon said calmly after a while, "Also, put the shackles on her."

Sure enough, he arranged it that way.

Pomona did not protest; Marino's wife had volunteered to go to the convent after the accident.

Napoleon found a chair to sit down by himself, and no one else dared to sit on it. The purgers all went after Severus, and no one would put shackles on her for a short time. After seeing her strength, the guards Jun didn't dare to move her at will.

Just as time passed in silence, the sound of hurried footsteps suddenly came from the corridor outside.

A messenger hurried to the door.

"General!" The soldier looked at Napoleon as if he was about to cry.

"What happened?" Lucien asked.

"The envoy Cacoul has kidnapped the Pope's Secretary of State and is now in the outskirts of Paris," said the orderly pitifully. "Should we open the city gates and let them in, or let them go to Avignon?"

Napoleon and Lucien remained motionless as if petrified.

Although Pomona knew she shouldn't laugh at this moment, she couldn't help laughing.

How can being a dictator be so comfortable, even if you don’t go out to cause trouble, disaster will still come to you, life is full of “surprises”.

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