Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 122 The Snake Shadow Without a Trace

Light and darkness, who can say that he is always righteous?

The one who threw Sirius Black into Azkaban for twelve years without a trial was the righteous one, and the one who dedicated Barty Crouch Jr. to the dementors in order to avenge old Barty Crouch was also the righteous one, but It was they who were at the forefront of the fight against the Death Eaters.

The most famous Shacklebolt family is Kimley Shacklebolt. He used to be the secretary of the Muggle Prime Minister and was also an Auror. Greedy and stupid, his patron saint is also a lynx like Frank, but the species is different, Frank's lynx is an ordinary lynx, his lynx is more like a lynx, he volunteered to be Harry Potter Apart from the advance guard at Petunia's house, such a person could not be as vain as Fudge.

There is a misunderstanding here, and the key is to accuse Trevor's family of murdering Mary McKinnon, a member of the Order of the Phoenix. The Executive Department of the Ministry of Magic will need a girl as smart as Hermione Granger. Auror is under the Executive Department of the Ministry of Magic. Now, it is convenient for Ron Weasley to work in the Ministry of Magic, but in this way George becomes a person, and there is no one to "bully".

Ron is using his own way to maintain the integrity of the family, just like his father Arthur Weasley, not so smart, still a family man, he is not so hopeless.

Kingsley is in urgent need of manpower in the legal department, and his former comrade-in-arms, Calvin, who is also an aura master, has been spying on him for the position of Minister of Magic. Very familiar with this.

Slytherin always chooses the wrong allies, because they are distinguished by their interests. According to this law, if they continue to be with Calvin, the pure blood will suffer a heavy loss, and she must think clearly about the Order of the Phoenix in this dog-tooth war. What is the position in the situation, she doesn't want to be Sisyphus, and it is useless to mediate.

The rich wealth of the pure-blood family can make some people greedy, and they will plant all kinds of crimes on the Death Eater family. The Dark Mark on their hands is a stain that cannot be washed away for a lifetime. To gain power, you must first gain trust. Some people have spent several years establishing their own glamorous image in front of Kingsley, just like a fruit tree must first grow into a tree before bearing fruit. After several years of laying the groundwork, it is time to reap the fruits of victory. Newspapers The kingsley in the picture is tall, dark skinned and attractive looking, blaise zabini is also very dark, could his father be kingsley, or is he the shackles or something people?

Pomona hates men who sleep around, not only being unfaithful but also messing up the blood relationship, which is more annoying than ostentatious.

Ancient alchemy has amazing power. Although the basilisk has the characteristics of all living things, it is not a living thing. It can freely enter and exit in the space "pipe". Draco used the disappearing cabinet to experiment for a period of time and confirmed that the bird can pass through the space alive. Those Death Eaters traveled from Borginbock to Hogwarts, and ghosts can do the same. The old bat moved the crying Myrtle from the second floor to the fifth floor, allowing her to see the "warm body" Chances are, now that the boys aren't going to the prefect's bathroom, she's going to start crying again.

Tom's resurrection announced that it is feasible to put an artificial body into a human soul, but this body is made of potion, not the manufacturing process of the basilisk.

The black wizards have touched a forbidden area of ​​the gods again - human body refining, potions and life cannot be obtained by transfiguration. With this way of life, women do not have to be able to have children. This kind of black magic is a little bit Neither was aesthetically pleasing, and rather disgusting, and she didn't want to think about that anymore, and now she had to focus on Draco.

"Serpensortia." Draco muttered, and a small snake appeared in the clearing.

"Teleport it back, Draco, remember what the path of the passage looked like?"

"The godfather never taught me to counter-curse." Draco looked at the little snake in a daze.

"Blank it, or break it up, don't just stand there!" Pomona sighed in her heart, Draco was really inferior to the squib Neville at times. "Remember how the dean chanted the spell in the duel room?"

"I forgot."

Pomona was a little angry, what did he do while he was studying?

"Where did you learn Parseltongue?"

So Draco was nervous, and opened his mouth to let out a bunch of exhalation sounds. The little snake looked very confused, as if he couldn't understand what Draco was saying.

Seeing him like this, not to mention the grumpy old bat, Pomona herself also felt angry, and now she also began to believe that Neville had twelve Draco's good words.

Every house has its own unique skills, this Pomona can't help Draco, Ron Weasley can learn Harry's sleep talk and Parseltongue, there's no reason Draco can't, he will have less in the future Playing with Blaise Zabini and the others.

Pomona couldn't help but think of Cedric again. He learned the bubble head spell very quickly. He not only learned it himself but also taught others. When she invented this spell, she thought of Slaterin. It is an upside-down fish tank, which is used by mermaids to observe humans. The bubble head spell will create an upside-down gold fish tank on the head of the caster for underwater breathing...

"Oh, my God!" Pomona thought, and Fleur Delacour could also use the head-curse. Could it be that Cedric likes mixed-blood Veela like other silly boys?

"What's wrong? Godmother?" Draco looked like he was on the verge of tears.

"You still call me Christine, I look younger than you, and you still call me that, it feels weird." In fact, she was about to get goosebumps all over her body.

"What does he think it matters to call you that?"

The voice of the former head of Slytherin suddenly sounded, and Pomona looked over.

"Why are you here?" The Demon King flew into the courtyard from nowhere, covered in black smoke. With such a conspicuous Death Eater flying technique in broad daylight, it is estimated that the Aurors will come soon.

"Remember this spell, Draco Vipera Evanesca." Severus strode over and pointed his wand at the little snake, which quickly turned into a powder and disappeared.

"You teleported it back?" Pomona asked.

"I never said that spell to Aragorn." Severus looked her in the eyes. "The basilisk is not life, Pomona."

"I know, it's the product of alchemy."

"Draco, take your mother back to Malfoy Manor immediately." Severus didn't continue to dwell on this question, but turned to Draco and said.

"Yes, Godfather." Draco turned and ran towards the main building without asking a word.

"Take my arm, Pomona," Severus said, looking as if he was about to Apparate her.

"What happened?" she asked nervously.

But Severus didn't say anything, and disappeared with her the moment she grabbed his arm.

When they reappeared, they had already returned to Godric's Hollow, the house where the Fidelity Charm was cast.

"What happened?" The inexplicable situation in front of her made her feel inexplicable.

"Some people are hopeless, Pomona, and they don't see atonement as a redemption." Severus looked at her with blank eyes. "You know I went to see Calvin, don't you?"

She nodded.

"I promised to form an alliance with him. The news he gave me is that a black wizard will attack St. Mungo's Hospital today."

"Why is this happening?"

"Some people's lives are just like the summoned basilisk. They are consumables that cannot be recycled in the future. Magic cannot be abused. I am very cautious when summoning Aragon because I know it has value and cannot be used casually like consumables. Use, but you are wrong to Aragorn as you are to your friends."

She was very confused. Is there a problem?

"Do you remember what Dumbledore said? He will really leave when everyone betrays him. Why are you still loyal to him today?"

"I don't!"

"If he wants to go, let him go, you just have to betray him, so we can all relax!" Severus yelled at her, as if to wake her up.

"You're such an idiot, Hufflepuff." Seeing that she didn't wake up at all, Severus shook his head and walked into the house, but he didn't forget to grab his idiot wife when he left, a beautiful half-breed slut baby.

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