Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 121 Deluminator

"I heard from Neville that you are very proud of him and that he is indeed Frank's son. You already knew that Frank was an Auror, didn't you?"

Across Frank's hospital bed, Pomona sat opposite Mrs. Longbottom. Compared to the last time she visited when she was unconscious, Mrs. Longbottom seemed older.

"Yes," said Mrs. Longbottom wearily.

"Why don't you stop him from doing such a dangerous job?"

"When darkness falls, someone has to step up, Knox, I hear Charlotte call you that, but you tell Neville you're Pomona Sprout, is that your real name? "

"Yes, I lived in a confidential ward at the time, and Knox was there for confidentiality. I have known Frank for a long time, and I used to be a member of the Order of the Phoenix."

Mrs. Longbottom wasn't too surprised. She was petite and looked a bit like a leprechaun in her green suit.

"I want to borrow your house, Mrs. Longbottom, as the new headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix." Pomona said straight to the point. She still remembered the various ways Severus used to invite her for Christmas that he thought he could convince her Reason, it's self-defeating, he just needs to say 'Will you be my dance partner' and she will agree.

"You should have heard the prophecy. There are two boys born in the family that repelled Voldemort three times at the end of July. One is Harry Potter and the other is Neville Longbottom. Dumbledore chose Harry. Lin Li died once, and I can't let him die again."

"Then do you think my child deserves to die?" Mrs. Longbottom said in a trembling voice.

"I will let him leave an heir, so that the blood of the Longbottom family will not be cut off. Dumbledore once sent me to the Black family. He hoped that I would be with Sirius Black, and if possible, leave a descendant for their family. "

"Then did you stay?" Mrs. Longbottom asked with concern.

"No, Dumbledore believed in long-term love, thinking that I would fall in love with Sirius just like Tonks, after all, he is so handsome and humorous, just like Frank." Pomona fiddled with the wine core chocolates in the basket "but I failed his hopes, and I don't think I'm good enough for Sirius Black."

"How can you convince me to accept your proposal?"

"Do you know Hannah Albert? Like Neville, she used to be a member of DA. She is my student and the Miss Albert's family."

"I'm not a pure-blood, Knox, I don't care what blood she is as long as she can marry Neville."

"But in your heart, you still hope to find a noble lady from the Holy Family like you, right?" Pomona said with a smile, "Just like what I said before, you seem to be a decent person. "

"You have a nimble tongue, Knox, just like Albus Dumbledore." Mrs. Longbottom took Frank's hand. "When You-Know-Who died, I thought the war was over and everything would go back to normal, so I turned off the defensive magic of the old house. Unexpectedly, a year later, the Death Eaters broke into my house and took Frank and Alice away. I only had time to take Neville away. I regretted it countless times, why did I lose my vigilance? , I kept saying that Neville wanted to uphold the family's honor, but it was me who really shamed the family, because I ran away like a coward."

"You are not a coward, Mrs. Longbottom, you have protected the blood of the Longbottom family." Pomona said softly, "Women don't need to be strong, you taught Neville well, he is better than Draco Malfoy .”

'He said he was better than twelve Dracos! ’ the distraught old Bat was milling about in the cellar, ‘that squib blew up Longbottom the Cauldron! Where did he get the confidence to say that? '

Pomona was amused when she thought of the situation at that time. It was Harry's first year of freshman. Because Neville was too clumsy, he was caught by Draco and became the object of practicing the leg-locking spell. Jumping back to the Gryffindor Tower, after Hermione lifted the spell for him, Harry gave Neville a piece of chocolate to comfort him, and he told Neville, "You are stronger than twelve Malfoys." The words were implanted in Neville's heart, so that Neville always had a mysterious confidence when facing Master Malfoy, and happened to step on the pain of the old bat. High-spirited Gryffindor.

"Can you tell me what made you so happy?" asked Mrs. Longbottom.

"Don't worry, it's a joke between children."

"Neville never told me what happened at school when he came home, it was always what I asked and what he answered, and I think Frank and Alice wanted to hear it too."

Pomona looked at Frank. He didn't wear glasses now, and he didn't have the vigorous temperament of his youth, but he was well taken care of. It was like a long dream, and he might wake up at any time.

"The doctor said that sometimes you will hear something, Frank, with Neville's magic, it is impossible for him to become an outstanding wizard and continue to use the ancestral magic of the Longbottom family, but I will train him to be as brave as you Man, I'll teach him how to realize an Animagus, I remember your Patronus is a lynx, what do you think of Neville becoming a lynx?"

The lynx is a beast that looks like a cat, but is much larger than a cat. If it is big enough, it can even fight a werewolf.

"He often forgets things. Many Animagus wizards who failed just forgot who they are and how to turn them back into humans. Many of these people are Aurors. They went crazy fighting with werewolves, and finally forgot It’s time to go back, there are confidential wards in this hospital just for those people, right?”

"You want Neville to be an Auror?"

"No, he is still the professor of herbalism at Hogwarts, but the dean of Gryffindor is still vacant. Minerva can't be the principal and dean at the same time. He can't adapt to the life of an Auror."

Mrs. Longbottom breathed a sigh of relief.

"I know, you can change him, Professor, although Neville doesn't talk much about the school when he goes home, he often mentions you. I heard that you are the best dean of Hufflepuff for hundreds of years. So he didn't let him see you because you didn't look good at the time, his heart was broken once, and I don't want to see him hurt again."

"Then, let's work together with the common goal of cultivating the future head of Gryffindor, Mrs. Longbottom." Pomona held out her hand towards her.

"And his marriage to Miss Albert's family." Madam Longbottom held Pomona's fingertips reservedly, "If possible, I hope to start Animagus training after he gives birth to an heir .”

"If there is a wedding, I think there will be Gryffindor and former DA members of Hufflepuff, and there may be Death Eaters coming to make trouble. Do you remember the wedding of Fleur and Bill Weasley?"

"Oh, I really didn't expect this. It seems that the defense of the Longbottom family will be strengthened." Mrs. Longbottom rubbed her nose, as if smelling the stench of corpses, and said calmly, "I heard that the Order of the Phoenix is ​​good at Loyalty Curse, can I be a secret keeper?"

"Of course, ma'am."

"Then, can you tell me who left that cute mark on your neck." Mrs. Longbottom pointed to Pomona's neck. "Is he also a member of the Order of the Phoenix?"

Pomona touched her neck subconsciously.

"Although I'm old, it doesn't mean I don't know it. It's definitely not dragon pox or mosquito bites."

"That's a secret, I can't tell you now."

"Will your secret lover affect Neville's safety?" asked Mrs. Longbottom.


"Well then, I won't ask any more, I trust you, Professor Pomona Sprout."

"More than Minerva?"

"If a woman can cover up your beauty for a certain purpose, then she has undoubtedly made a sacrifice. If it were me, I would never be able to do it. I still pay attention to dressing Dressing up."

Looking at Grandma Neville's clothes, Pomona thought of the Boggart again, but it was a pity she didn't go to see it.

"You're very good at keeping secrets, Knox. You wouldn't confess without being strong. Is that why you were given the Cruciatus Curse?"

"I cannot tell you, ma'am."

"Well, then, I don't know what to talk about," said Mrs. Longbottom with a wry smile.

"How about talking about the wedding? I was studying and I didn't go to Frank and Alice's wedding."

That period was undoubtedly a fond memory of Mrs. Longbottom, and she immediately chatted endlessly.

Pomona, on the other hand, listened absently, subconsciously twirling the ring on her right middle finger.

In Dumbledore's will, he gave the Deluminator to Ron Weasley. It seemed to have no other purpose except to turn off the lights, but when Ron left Harry and Hermione, he used it to turn off the lights. The weapon found them again, and Severus found them with the Gryffindor sword after the three reunited. How did he know the location of the three of them?

The extinguisher was actually very similar to a Muggle lighter, except that it wasn't cheap, it was silver.

He knew that Ron would go back for Hermione, even at the risk of his life.

So it seems that Ron Weasley is not useless, Pomona thought with a smile as she turned the ring, she seemed to understand why Granger married Ron Weasley.

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