Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 120 Art and Defense

People who jump in the colorful sunshine all the year round cannot understand the charm of darkness.

It is monotonous, boring, gloomy, and mysterious, and the normal emotions of people are infinitely suppressed, only a cluster of soul fires burning blazingly deep in the silence.

That is the only light in the darkness, attracting moths who are not afraid of death to fly to experience the feeling of being alive in pain and burns.

When they were young, the Defense Against the Dark Arts class was also called the Art of the Dark Arts class. Art is inseparable from people. It contains people's complex and rich emotions, and uses beauty to attract people to discover and pursue it. As long as you are addicted to it, you will sink deeper and deeper, and it is difficult to extricate yourself. Art is an emotional resonance, and it needs deep affirmation.

A wizard needs affinity to use a magic wand. Although the flame in the dark looks beautiful, it is a pity that the flame creates light to expel darkness. It is different from the blue light of the soul and is aggressive. The power without affinity can't be obtained no matter how much one desires, that painful soul becomes stronger and stronger, and finally his soul fire attracts a moth that preys on human souls for a living, what it fears is not being killed by itself Instead of being hurt, I was afraid that I would not be able to withstand the temptation to eat that mass of soul, and when the darkness would come again, where would it go.

In order to prevent more and more dark wizards in Azkaban from escaping, Harold Minkan, who came to power in 1975, arranged a lot of dementors in Azkaban. Where they appeared, the world became cold and everything lost its color. .

When Severus Snape became the headmaster of Hogwarts, Dementors also wandered outside the school. He just had such a great ability to turn the originally cheerful school into a prison like Azkaban.

If Sirius is a prisoner of Azkaban, then Severus is a prisoner of Hogwarts. Without the protection of Dumbledore, he, a former Death Eater, will be arrested by an upright master. A half-breed with no relatives can't escape legal sanctions like Lucius Malfoy, and he might even be thrown into Azkaban without trial like Sirius Black. He came to him when he was the headmaster, and he was powerful but not a good teacher, at least Harry Potter wasn't very good at Occlumency.

Whether it is the Dark Lord or Dumbledore, they are all good teachers. Even Lupine made it easy for Harry to learn to call God to protect him. The spell that is easy for Harry is very easy for Severus. In his life, he had to find a lot of painful memories, but only a handful of happy ones. At least before Pomona taught him, his only memory of happiness was Lily.

Does that count as cocooning, fool?

Pomona carried the chocolate wrapped in colored sugar wrappers, and walked in the ward of the Department of Charms and Injuries on the fifth floor of St. Mungo's, where many patients with spells that could not be removed and patients who used the wrong spells lived.

They were all sleeping peacefully, looking dead, and Pomona looked at the emerald bracelet on her wrist, if it wasn't for it, she might be one of them.

The curse cast by the power of blood needs the protection of the power of blood. Narcissa Malfoy has changed the fate of many people, although she is just a very ordinary woman.

She wants to protect Draco no less than Lily wants to protect Harry. In contrast, Pomona doesn't care about her daughter. She feels that she is really more and more like Irene.

When Severus killed Tobias, Irene's heart died with Tobias, and she couldn't see her son, even though he killed his father to protect her.

If it was Pomona herself, she would be the same as Irene. Some people choose to be women between mothers and women, and they are so sad.

Maybe it's also because she has the same love for children as Narcissa, and she has a preference for weak children. Compared with the strong Sirius, she doesn't pay much attention to it. The manic mood after Animagus made him do irrational things Come on, he would actually want to use the werewolf Lupine to kill Severus.

There is no perfect person in this world, even Dumbledore can't cure Arianna's disease, the feeling of being powerless and watching the one you love die is terrible, like living in hell, Aberforth used Arianna For the comfort of the portrait, Albus used her as a substitute, but Albus could abandon his family, including his Arianna, for the greater good.

Aberforth deserves an Order of Merlin for punching Albus Dumbledore in the nose.

She smiled in relief, and came to the door of the ward where Lockhart lived. The idiot with a pair of cornflower blue eyes was currently writing at his desk, and letters from admirers were everywhere on the walls and floors.

"Professor Lockhart." Pomona called his name loudly. Lockhart paused and looked back at her with a very blank expression.

"Would you like some Ogden Fire whiskey?" Pomona lifted the basket in her hand.

"Who are you?" Lockhart continued to ask blankly.

Because he used Ron's broken wand to cast the Oblivion Curse, Lockhart was rebounded by the spell, and finally was backlashed by the magic. Ron Weasley actually thought that the broken wand could be used by sticking it with tape. What a fool he didn't die Miracle.

Oh, maybe his talent was just luck, a slug-spitting stupid kid married Hermione Granger, he was unlucky, whoever was lucky.

"You look much better than the last time I came to see you, Professor." Pomona said softly, he is slowly recovering, as long as it is not the Unforgivable Curse, any injury can slowly heal.

"How come I don't remember a pretty lady like you?" Lockhart smiled at her, showing his white teeth.

Pomona smiled at him, and put his favorite chocolate on the bedside. She didn't want to waste too much time on this person who had nothing to do with her.

After watching the Longbottoms and checking Draco's learning progress, she is going to discuss with Neville's grandma about placing the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix in her place. In the future, Hannah and Hermione can learn Brain Defense there, and She also had to rule out the danger around Neville.

When a man gets angry, he will do something irrational. Maybe Neville's uncle was really disappointed in him and threw him from upstairs instead of murder as she thought before.

Young people these days live in a good time, Dumbledore, thanks to you, but they're so well protected that they don't make sense.

Evil is inescapable, and goodness can only be manifested when it is set off. Now Severus hates Dumbledore so much that he wants to tear his soul apart. Who told Dumbledore not to take his soul seriously.

"Rune snake eggs are very hard to come by now, Mrs. Longbottom, they are rare animals." Charlotte Prey explained to an old lady standing with her back to her in the Longbottoms' ward, "and the patient It's not the same situation as Frank and Alice."

"What's the difference? Isn't she cured?" Mrs. Longbottom said anxiously.

"Frank is not cursed, she is." Pomona said coldly at the door. "Someone wants her to suffer while awake, so she doesn't have to hide in a safe place and enjoy the quiet."

Mrs. Longbottom turned her head and looked at Pomona in surprise.

"It's you?"

"During my coma I had a long dream, in the dream I was back at Hogwarts, I was a freshman, I was studying magic there, good things happened, bad things happened, and when I graduated , I didn't wake up from the dream, but I was back on the Hogwarts Express one time, and I was a freshman again, I thought I could chat for a while as someone with a shared experience, would you mind if I come in and sit for a while? Mrs. Barton."

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