In addition to the Deathly Hallows invisibility cloak owned by Harry Potter, Tebo warthog's skin can also be used as an invisibility cloak. The animal is very dangerous because of its invisibility, its hide is not easy to obtain and the cloak of invisibility is passed down from generation to generation.

At a glance, it is no different from Harry's invisibility cloak, but the invisibility cloak has two functions that are different from ordinary cloaks. One is that it cannot use the flying spell, and the other is that it has no sound when it cannot move.

Even the invisibility cloak doesn't leave no trace, at least it leaves footprints. Ordinary invisibility cloaks need to use the spell "Sliencio" if they want to make their actions silent, or else they are stealthy, just like being a thief.

After the night was quiet, the students could still have activities in the lounge. The liveliness next door was in stark contrast to the desolation here. Without thinking about it, she actually put on the cloak of invisibility and walked towards Slytherin's cellar under the cover of darkness.

He likes to wear black clothes, which are the same color as the night, and he doesn't need to use a cloak as a disguise like she does.

She has been waiting, as long as he knocks on the door, she will open it for him, but she knows that this relationship cannot last long, because it looks like pity. Appearance is Severus' shortcoming, and many women like to look at their faces, so he is far inferior to Peacock Malfoy when it comes to women.

The Mirror of Erised can make people see the most urgent and strongest desire in their hearts.

She wanted a partner, someone who could protect her from riding a Thestral in the mist and darkness, running like a decoy under the spell. At that time she was so frightened that she almost collapsed, death was so close to her, but what made her more uncomfortable than death was that she was abandoned by Dumbledore, she used to be Harry, now Harry replaced her, she couldn't find the meaning of its own existence.

She hid for a long time, and for the first time in her life, she didn't want to hide any more. She mustered up the courage to walk in the deep corridors of the castle. The torches on the stone walls swayed in the wind, and she couldn't hear anything except her own breathing and heartbeat. arrive.

You are being silly.

She heard a voice that Pomona thought it might be from the Cinderella Lady, who wore the Ravenclaw diadem for wisdom, and whose wings were broken by the love of the Bloody Baron, to be with him here. The castle has been entangled for thousands of years.

Amors or mors, if you love someone for a long time and don't get him or her back, the extreme sadness and disappointment can drive people crazy. The resident ghost of Slytherin has the same empty eyes and emaciated face as the living Headmaster, and he's reliable in Barrow's waking hours, when Tom Riddle's spirit infiltrates Hogwarts and directs the basilisk to attack the students. At that time, he proposed the ghost to be responsible for patrolling, anyway, the ghost was dead and couldn't die anymore. But his unconscious time became longer and longer, and it became more and more difficult to control after midsummer materialized every year. He always stared at a place, maybe he was thinking, or thinking about nothing, the once noble and powerful The ghost has become more and more dangerous, and has even acquired the ability to become invisible. Of all the pearly white ghosts, he is the only one who can do it.

It is easy to save him, Helena just responds to his love, but Helena herself is going crazy, she is very smart but a little timid, courage is what Pomona lacks, she will never be as brave as Lily, Maybe that's why he loves her.

Pomona gave Lily a nickname called Ariel, which means the little lioness of God. She is independent and powerful. If it weren't for Voldemort, she would take care of herself as she said, even without Jan She can bring up Harry Potter as well as Mbott.

Lily and James started dating in the seventh grade. She was almost 18 at that time, and she had reached the age to get married and start a relationship.

It is not a good thing to fall in love and taste the forbidden fruit prematurely. A hasty decision will affect one's life, but in the case of Pomona, it is too late. Dumbledore is a powerful wizard, he can resist the world's most powerful Most of the temptations, concentrating on research, becoming a top powerhouse, but she can't do it, Hufflepuff's rule is eighty-six, you don't need to be a strong man, this one is like a flood channel, allowing her to be lazy , Gather and chat with the children.

It's hard to accept young people's minds, but you'll never understand them if you don't communicate with them. Once Pomona caught a cute little fool brewing a love potion in the dormitory. She thought that the girl was going to drug Harry like a Gryffindor girl, but after asking, she found out, little fool Wanting to smell her favorite smell, at that moment she felt that she was in heaven and hell at the same time.

Slytherin makes friends based on the relationship of interests, while Hufflepuff does not let interests distinguish your friends and foes. The stupid badger and the cunning snake are natural enemies. Generally speaking, one of them will be changed. It's just that this process is very tortured and can drive people crazy.

What is she thinking? She didn't think about anything, she just thought so in her heart so she did it, even if the price was to betray Lily.

You're a bad girl, Pomona, very, very bad.

It wasn't until she approached the cellar that she remembered what to do if the old bat wasn't there, so she stopped at the corner before turning into the corridor, and took out the double-sided mirror from the space bag that Sirius had lent Hers, as a thank you gift for teaching him the Animagus, she used it to talk to Severus so much that he thought she had left school.

"Are you there?" She took off the invisibility cloak to reveal her face, but there was nothing in the mirror.

Just when she thought he was not there and was about to give up, that unhandsome face appeared on the other side of the mirror.

"What's up?"

"I'll get the Polyjuice Potion."

The greater the deformation, the greater the pain the body suffered. Pomona was originally short, so she chose a Muggle woman who was about the same height as her. The recovery process was not as painful as the deformation, just like frost and snow in winter. The sun, melting to reveal a land of flowers and green grass.

"It's inconvenient now." He said with an unspeakable secret.

"Then can you open the door? I'm right outside your door." Instead of leaving sensiblely as before, she asked proactively.

"You're outside my door?" Severus laughed, as if amused, and put down the mirror.

Pomona also put down her own mirror, put it in a velvet bag, and walked towards the thousand-year-old wooden door with her skirt.

She was very nervous, because of a guilty conscience, she pulled the inner lining of the invisibility cloak up and turned it into an ordinary black cloak. This is the difference between the Deathly Hallows and ordinary magic tools, and it cannot be camouflaged. into something else.

The Slytherin lounge was at the bottom of the lake, and the merman's singing echoed behind the wet, empty stone walls, and even the lighting was green, which was actually very similar to the color of light that Hufflepuff used for lighting with fireflies.

As the latch turned, the door opened, and the Half-Blood Prince didn't change into his comfortable home clothes until midnight, still wearing the ascetic-looking black robe.

"Can I go in?" There is no fear after no scruples, Pomona said with a sweet smile.

"Do you know what you're doing?" Severus didn't step aside, leaning against the door and speaking weakly, as if he wanted to make a final struggle.

"Do what I want to do, even if it's wrong." After she finished speaking, she directly stepped in and lost the last retreat.

"Where have you been these three days? Lucius is looking for you everywhere."

In the tea room full of sunlight, Narcissa Malfoy said angrily.

"We're at your house." Pomona drank her tea feebly, and now she felt very tired.

"I went, but I couldn't find a place." Narcissa Malfoy looked Pomona up and down. "Cover your neck, honey, you don't need to announce to the world what you did last night."

Pomona blushed and pulled down her collar, wondering if the ointment used to treat dragon pox on the third floor could cure the hickey.

"Why is my house gone?" Narcissa continued.

"How long has it been since you went to that villa?" Pomona asked.

"I basically haven't lived in it since I bought it. That's what I plan to leave to Draco."

Pomona knew, Severus had cast the Fidelity Charm on the house, and he was the Secret Keeper.

"Don't worry, Sissy, everything is normal, what does Lucius want him for?"

"With regard to the replacement of the Minister of Magic, many people are interested in Kingsley's position."

"Is Kingsley that bad as a minister?" Pomona still couldn't believe that Dumbledore's vision would be that bad.

"The Shaker family is a big family, and he is also one of the twenty-eight sacred families. Every family has one or two bad apples, just like my sister and Sirius." Narcissa picked up the cup and took a sip of tea." He worked very hard to change the relationship between wizards and Muggles. He was very gentle with Muggles, but too cruel to pure-blood nobles. Do you remember the Trevor family? All Trevors suspected of murdering the McKinnon family were arrested. Summons, unless they're willing to post a bond, a trick I'm told he picked up from the Muggles."

In the Death Eaters escape from Azkaban, a Trevor killed the family of Mary McKinnon, a member of the Order of the Phoenix. If Pomona was a pure member of the Order of the Phoenix, she should feel very relieved for this.

Shaker is also an upright master. It is normal for him to hate dark wizards. Besides, he understands the psychology of Muggles very well. Guests from the Muggle world to the wizarding world pass through a telephone booth. People will also come and go frequently, let those Muggles flush the toilet and come to the Wizarding Ministry of Magic, they will think that wizards are all from the madhouse.

"The money will be returned." Pomona was about to explain the bail to Narcissa, but she shook her head impatiently.

"You know anyone who wants to sit in Kingsley's seat? Calvin Robards, his Auror chief of staff, looks like he wants to be a second Stringer."

"Didn't Calvin hate dark wizards?"

"But he's tougher on those Muggle things." Narcissa grumbled. "Do you remember that walkie-talkie in front of my house? I really want to tear it down!"

It's hard for people of a certain age to learn new things, especially in this era of rapid change. Too much change can make people feel out of control, and it takes time to adapt.

"Why are you so angry today, Sissy?"

"Obviously, isn't it? You and your Severus can live together somewhere no one knows after making a mess, and we have to clean up the aftermath. What the hell are you thinking?"

Looking at Narcissa's face, Pomona inexplicably remembered the crying myrtle in the girls' bathroom on the second floor. It seemed that Narcissa also began to miss her "warm body".

"Are you so angry because you think Lucius looks different from normal when he's doing business?"

"Of course!" Narcissa drank the tea in the cup in one gulp. "I hate him for being in control of everything."

"I'm going to visit the Longbottoms." Pomona picked up the basket and stood up, but she felt that Narcissa didn't listen to what she said, because she was obviously still missing Lucius' "manly demeanor", probably Still dizzy now.

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