Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 123 Silence

When Harry was in the fifth grade, the bubble head spell was popular in the school for a while. At that time, George and Fred, the twins of the troublemaker, had left the school. Without these two leading pranks, instead of stopping, they became more powerful. Dung eggs and rotten eggs are everywhere, and almost everyone has a "goldfish bowl" on top of the students for a little fresh air.

The current situation of dark wizards is the same as that of Hogwarts who lost George and Fred. Some people want to stop playing pranks and go to class obediently, while others want to make things worse. The stragglers are the big trouble.

The bubble head curse was invented by Pomona for swimming with mermaids. They said that human beings are very interesting, and they didn’t realize that they were fish in the fish tank at all. Later, she taught Cedric the spell to participate in the Triwizard Tournament. Hahaha, although it is not as rare as the fish gills, but this spell is much more beautiful than growing fish gills on the body, so she still won the competition, whether it is to make an appointment with Qiu Zhang first or to dive, from being a teacher She is more successful than the old bat.

"The best student in the whole house belongs to Hufflepuff, how can you call me stupid! Aren't you afraid that our house will collectively retaliate against you?" Hufflepuff's dean waved his fist and shouted at the old bat. The dean smoked with his back to her, and looked out the window at the rolling hills.

"Severus!" She forced the ugly face to face her.

"I'm thinking about something, don't disturb me!" He sprayed all the smoke from his mouth onto her face, choking her to cough.

"Why does Draco listen to you so much! He doesn't hesitate at all? He trusts you, doesn't he!"

"Slytherin rank is order, and you think it's the same as your house."

"No wonder you made school look like a prison! It's not fun at all!"

The old bat laughed sinisterly, "You used to teach me to block curses first, how did you teach Draco to attack?"

"He is not as stupid as you. He ran away early when he saw that the situation was not right. He is not like you. He will only stand still and resist."

"Why do you like him so much? Even running away is considered smart by you?"

"His main means of attack is to control the basilisk. Unlike you, he doesn't need agility and agility. He needs a smart brain."

He hugged her head and kissed her forehead, "What a smart head, think about your own business, don't bother me!"

Seeing that he really didn't intend to take care of her, Pomona deliberately stomped on the floor and sat down on the sofa.

The old bat is a "bookworm". He searched a lot of information before finding the fish gill grass. Even the magic spell he invented was for the purpose of "attacking". He classified the bubble head spell like a goldfish bowl as useless I don't even bother to learn the spell.

Both Slytherin and Gryffindor boys are aggressive and tough on themselves in order to gain strength, and it's not easy to find a boy like them in Hufflepuff.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo " pomona began to cry, her Cedric died, she was so sad.

Basilisks are not life, they can be kept in space, and their bodies can also be broken down by magic, unlike human bodies, which will not shatter when hit by a spell.

Back then, she used thestrals to deal with Tobia's body. When a creature dies, its body will enter the food chain and be eaten by other creatures. If this is the way to distinguish life from non-life, it is too cruel. Ke's body was brought back, but his soul stayed in the cemetery, which is too ironic.

"You must know that people sometimes dare to try anything in order to gain strength or to satisfy their own curiosity." Pomona cried so sadly, but Severus did not comfort her, but turned his back to her and said, " Not just Tom Riddle, a lot of people want to have basilisks, these people have used various methods to create all kinds of snake monsters, they are supposed to be destroyed, do you remember Moaning Myrtle? If She wouldn’t have died without the basilisk. Do you have feelings for the straw? The basilisk is a man-made object like a straw. It only has utility value and has no life. In the eyes of that old fool, we are all valuable pawns. Everything is for his great dream, we are actually similar to the basilisk, but he ordered us not to need Parseltongue."

"It's much easier to follow orders than to use your own brain, Severus, I'm not like you." Pomona wiped away her tears "I want to find someone to rely on, I'm actually a devil's net, usually disguised as a crab claw , don’t be fooled by appearances.”

"Then why do you trust him more than me?"

"I will not fall in love with Dumbledore. He betrayed me. I will not kill him. If you betray me, I will destroy you. I am afraid that I will become such a terrible woman."

"You love me?" he asked in surprise.

"Yes, I love you," Pomona said deadpan.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"Do you still remember how Tobia treated Irene? As long as you conquer him, you will get tired of it. I don't want to be abandoned by others like Irene." She breathed a long sigh of relief and felt relieved, "You are your father son."

"I'm nothing like him!" Severus seemed to be irritated, his voice sounded like a growl.

"I'm confused now, who am I to you?"

"You are my wife, that's all." Severus took a puff of cigarette, and quickly calmed down, "I know some people will never change their temperament, I didn't expect you to be the same, stop sending wrong messages to confuse Your student, a half-breed veela with no skills can drive all the boys insane, let alone you, do you think Draco is not affected by you at all? He keeps calling you godmother because it makes him Remember a lot of things so that you won't do something stupid."

Pomona remembered Draco's awe-inspiring eyes when he looked at Severus, it seemed that he was no longer the kid who complained to his godfather when he was bullied.

"The old fool underestimated the power of appearance. As soon as that lotus appeared, all the boys chased after her. The boys would do whatever she asked them to do. She didn't know what to do in the black lake. She just asked your good student how much In just a few words, she learned the bubble head curse away, and Harry Potter risked his life to save her sister back. She kissed him a few times, and the kid felt that all the hard work was worth it, you really don’t care. Do you know what Sirius thinks of you? You are the most beautiful, even on the outside. He stayed in the living tomb in Azkaban for twelve years, and you thought he was the boy who was with you The 'good buddy' who plays games in the bedroom?"

"It never occurred to me that..."

"He is very handsome, but he is not of the opposite sex, just like I was before, I never realized that you are a woman, you always call me a potion nerd, you are right, I have been confused for a long time, you helped me A lot of work, I should appreciate you, but look what I've done?" Severus smiled contentedly, "I know what you want, look at Cedric with straight eyes, no father He won't be alone with you when he's around, he thinks you're a pudgy woman, he uses you to get into high society, he thinks you're disgusting, but he'd love you if you had a different face All your life, the students you have taught have been so superficial, my dear."

Pomona couldn't believe that Cedric had such a scheming idea.

"That prefect's bathroom joke was just the beginning, Pomona. I said there's nothing better than revenge than you and the Dark Arts. It's a shame he died before I could enjoy it."

"He's just a student, what enmity do you have with him?"

"Magic, you never let me down, but you are really stupid when faced with this kind of problem." Severus turned and continued to look out the window. "Please leave me alone for a while."

He who can fool even the Dark Lord and Dumbledore, can't he fool you?

Pomona looked at the pitch-black figure, and suddenly felt as if she had really raised a Fenrir.

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