Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1215: The Housewives of Paris (2)

The undead crossing the bridge started a fierce battle almost the moment they came into contact with the demon, Severus ignored them and walked directly to the north wing of the Louvre.

He took out his pocket watch and checked the time. It was already past three o'clock in the morning, and there were still more than two hours before dawn. Just when he came to the corner building leading to the illusory Tuileries cabinet, a person appeared in the center of the room.

"She's not here," Lyall Meyer, in black, said to Severus. "There is only her consciousness in this palace. Her body is elsewhere."

Severus was breathing heavily, looking like a dragon on the verge of anger.

"Why are you here?"

"Is it helpful to get your wife back by finding out what conspiracy I have?" Lermeyer said calmly, "I suggest you better move quickly. It's difficult."

"What do you suggest?"

"The Les Invalides is just across the Seine. His body is buried in that place. Maybe if his heart is destroyed, his magic power will disappear."

Severus curled his lips, "I thought you were a priest of the Greek god of the underworld."

"Napoleon's heart has always been in Egypt. He was a conqueror. He once said that I succeed because I am determined to win. There is no such word as impossible in my dictionary. Conquering Egypt is what he has always longed for."

"Get out of the way." Severus threatened. "I don't care what you think, just stay out of my way."

"Keep a clear head, wizard." Lyle Meyer said, "That space is not a spiritual world created by one person, but a joint creation of many people. Hegel said that the world is balanced because of God. The reason why the balance of Europe is balanced is because of Napoleon, and Napoleon is like a god.”

Severus laughed.

"Why are you so happy?"

"If the French knew that I destroyed Napoleon's body, they would definitely not let me go."

"Are you scared?"

"Wizards are afraid of Muggles? Are you kidding?" Severus smiled sarcastically, turning away.

"You'd better pray that what you just said works, or I will never let you go." His voice echoed in the corridors of the Louvre as his figure disappeared.

Lyle Meyer's face lived up to the relaxation just now, and looked extraordinarily dignified.

==================================================== ===============

"Look at them." The ambassador's wife looked at the women surrounding Josephine. They surrounded her and did not give Pomona and the ambassador's wife a chance to get close.

"What do you want me to see?" Pomona asked.

"How happy they are." The ambassador's wife snorted. "I wish I could go back to the same carefree age as them."

Pomona began to recall that Lenin would not appear in Tsarist Russia until a hundred years later, Queen Victoria had not yet been born, and there should be no monster monk Rasputin in the Tsar’s court. Why is the ambassador’s wife so emotional?

"You said just now that France and Britain are going to submit a peace treaty. Is that true?" asked the ambassador's wife.

"You have not received any news of this?"

"I heard that General Murat led an army to negotiate a peace with the King of Naples, and the French are planning to use cannons to force people to sign the peace treaty?"

Pomona kept a stiff smile.

"Are you joking?" said the Ambassador's wife, looking into Pomona's face. "It's inevitable that a girl your age will not be dazzled by the colorful world of society and talk some crazy nonsense."

"I just hope the Queen doesn't see me as a threat," Pomona said.

"Then you shouldn't joke about such a big event." The ambassador's wife said sternly.

"I hope you think of me as a fool like the former favorite concubine." Pomona smirked.

"Are you the favorite concubine of the first ruler?" the ambassador's wife asked again.

"No." Pomona shook her head firmly, "I'm just an idiot with unrealistic fantasies and hopes for world peace."

"Actually, it's not impossible." The ambassador's wife said, "The British prime minister has changed, and Addington's attitude towards France is not as tough as William Pitt Jr.."

"I think there might be another reason."

"What?" asked the ambassador's wife.

"Famine. People who are desperate and have nothing to lose will take risks."

The ambassador's wife smiled ambiguously.

"Perhaps you can give me some pointers."

"My husband came to France this time in addition to handing in a friendly letter. He also sent a plan formulated by his predecessor. We not only want to withdraw from the anti-French alliance, but also form an alliance with France. His predecessor planned to send Cossack cavalry through Central Asia. India, together with Austria, will carve up Turkey and redefine the territory of Europe."

Pomona didn't know what to say for a moment.

"This is the plan of the former Majesty. It is not very clear what the current Majesty intends for us to be too far away from Russia, but our country hopes to maintain friendly exchanges with your country. British warships will no longer restrict the passage of our merchant ships."

"Is it up to me, a little girl, to make such a big deal?"

"That's right, so the first lady is a smart person. She knows very well not to interfere in things she is not capable of doing. Conspiring rebellion is not something that can be done only by starving people."

Pomona was speechless again.

"I like the First Lady. She tries her best to entertain me, but too many people interfere with her attention, although she originally wanted them to chat with me." The ambassador's wife patted Pomona's hand and "sit down." I felt like I was playing tea party with my granddaughter there, thank you for being with me."

"You want to do business?" Pomona thought for a long time before thinking of other topics.

"If I listen to some young children say that Napoleon was invincible on land, but France has no navy at present, and it will take at least ten years for them to return to the previous system."

"But the First Consul said he was allied with Spain."

"It's a vassal country, and it can only be called an alliance if it has equal strength. The current Spain is no longer the Spain with the Armada."

"Wow," Pomona marveled. "He's bluffing."

"who is he?"

"Uh, the first ruler."

"It is understandable that the navy is France's weakness, and Britain is a maritime power, not to mention that not everyone in Spain supports an alliance with France to oppose Britain. The current Spanish cabinet is dominated by parties that oppose alliances with France, you know, man. The ambassador's wife shook her head with a smile, "No matter what, they must appear strong and mighty in front of women, even if they are bluffing, they will not show weakness."

Pomona recalled the roar she heard when she left the study just now, and seemed to understand that those people had messed up something.

"We all know that sea freight is more profitable than land freight, and the resumption of sea trade is beneficial to many parties, so you need to give me a letter of approval, miss, are you really sure that France and Britain want peace talks?"

Pomona smiled dryly. Although the history books said so, the current situation does not look like a peace negotiation. No wonder the wife of the Russian ambassador was so surprised just now.

"Next time you want to say 'secret between girls', don't say it in front of so many people." The ambassador's wife said softly to Pomona, "and if you really want the first lady to treat you badly, don't say it in front of so many people." If you are suspicious, you should tell her this first, what you did just now was very reckless."

Pomona sighed exhaustedly.

Diplomatic balls are fun, but this kind of undercurrent and intrigue is really exhausting.

It would be great if I could only dance and not fight.

"What did you do before?" asked the ambassador's wife.

"School teacher." Pomona said very sadly, what kind of decent students can a teacher like her teach.

"Are there female teachers in England?" asked the ambassador's wife.

"I'm a teacher at a wizarding school," said Pomona half-truthfully.

The ambassador's wife laughed.

"So you are a witch, right?" The ambassador's wife smiled ambiguously at Pomona. "Are you planning to steal Napoleon's heart?"

"What do I need human hearts for?" Pomona narrowed her eyes and smiled like a fox.

"It's not the hearts of the people, it's the hearts of the lions. You know, the first lady made a wrong move, and now there is no way to recover from the defeat." The ambassador's wife said calmly, "This is true in court struggles, and even more so in political struggles. Occasionally, when I saw the girls surrounding the First Consulate, I always felt like I saw a group of adventurers who didn’t take their lives seriously. Last Christmas, the First Consulate was assassinated. I think this incident may have made They woke up from the illusion of vanity, and then gave you a chance."

"Oh, you make me sound like a bad woman," Pomona grumbled.

"You fox who sneaks in, you are not a bad woman, who are you?" the ambassador's wife said loudly, then took her arm out of Pomona's hand and followed the large troops ahead.

Seeing her being left behind by one person, several noble ladies turned their heads and laughed like silver bells.

When she was a teenager, she used to disguise herself in order to "fit in the group", said insincere words in order to cater to others, and always had a smile on her face.

But now she doesn't want to do that anymore.

"If I can live to be 200 years old, I will make the whole of Europe crawl under my feet." Pomona repeated the words of Empress Catherine.

The empress who put an end to the post-Peter turmoil and brought Russia into its prime, happened to be in the same era as Madame de Pompadour, Madame du Barry, and Marie Antoinette.

I am not afraid of ignorance, but I am afraid of comparing goods. The ambassador's wife just now represents Tsarist Russia, not a small and weak country. Even if you want to lose your upbringing and fight with her, it is impossible.

Generally speaking, men don't participate in women's struggles. It was Parisian women who pulled Marie Antoinette out of the Tuileries in the first place, but if it goes too far, it's a different situation.

If you are lucky, you will be slapped in the face, and if you are unlucky, you will be thrown into a monastery or prison. Therefore, the collective silence of Josephine and the female relatives just now is the most appropriate approach.

At present, France is still a republic, and the aristocratic system has been abolished. Even if there are nobles, they are exiled overseas. Everyone calls themselves a citizen. Of course, the wives of citizens are civilian women. Why should a civilian woman sit with the Russian nobles to drink tea and chat? Woolen cloth?

Josephine is really smart, no wonder she is a woman who can survive the Great Revolution.

Relatively speaking, Pomona's behavior just now was very stupid.

But she was very satisfied with the result, and she happily followed the crowd, looking at the paintings on the wall.

It was just a dream anyway, of course she could do whatever she wanted.

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