Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1216: Parisian Women (3)

Les Invalides was just across the Seine, and it took Severus only a minute to fly there from the Louvre.

As his feet set foot on the ground inside the Les Invalides, Conseil also Apparated.

"Wait, what are you doing!" Goncey raised his hands in front of Severuston.

"Get out of the way," Severus said impatiently.

"With such a big commotion...do you want to expose the magical world?" Conseil said helplessly.

"Get out of the way!" Severus snapped.

"What are you doing here?"

Severus didn't intend to answer Gonseil's question, he walked straight towards where Napoleon's tomb was.

It is said to be a tomb, but in fact it is more like a luxurious baroque building with a splendid gilded roof and sculptures on the facade. Except for a few security guards who have nothing to do, there are basically no guards here.

"Your wife..."

Before Gonseil could finish speaking, he was startled by Severus' gaze and shut up.

"You intend to destroy Napoleon's tomb?" Conseil asked anxiously.

Snape didn't answer, he dragged his black robe and sprinted up the steps.

"You and your wife have no other way of communicating?" Conseil asked behind him.

Snape stopped and took out the crystal ball again, but nothing happened inside.

"I gave her a ring." He stared at the crystal ball and said, and then he took a golden thing that looked like a lady's powder box, but instead of powder, it contained something like a compass.

"What is it?" asked Conseil.

Severus ignored Gonseil, he took the compass to check the direction, and the pointer was still pointing to the Louvre.

"That Muggle!" Severus cursed, trying to fly away again.

"Don't go now!" Gonceil grabbed Severus' arm. "There are Aurors everywhere!"

"I'm out of time!" Severus withdrew his hand and was about to fly away.

"I thought you loved Lily Potter," said Gonseil. "Am I right, Severus Snape!"

Severus stopped.

"Prince Eugene almost said the answer directly. If I still can't figure it out, I'm a real fool. You came back from the dead? Just like the Dark Lord?"

"Someone saved me," Severus said.

"Sit down, you're not thinking at all now," said Conseil. "We need a plan."

"Sit if you want." Severus glanced back at Napoleon's grave. "Corsican dwarf with a big head."

"He did. . . Oh," Conseil realized halfway through his sentence. "I thought he was dead."

"He's dead now." Severus pulled out his wand "but he was alive two hundred years ago, when he was dreaming..."

"Didn't you ever have a dream like that?" Goncey continued Severus' words. "It's a normal physiological phenomenon."

"If I were to your wife..."

"I don't have a wife, thanks Mary, James Potter is dead long ago, how do you think he would react if he knew you were thinking of his wife?"

Severus smirked, "Open your arms and embrace my 'brother'."

"Did you not pester Lily after her marriage?" asked Conseil.

"That's right."


"Because I'm a real gentleman, and this guy in it, he's a villain." Severus pointed at Napoleon's grave and said, "You still think of him as a hero!"

"God also likes the strong, and the French are like this." Goncey spread his hands, "Even if we receive help from others, we will consider how much we can return."

"What do you want in return?" Severus asked.

"I want your dagger."

"I can slash your throat with it right now."

"Well, on the other hand, is your wife a mixed Veela? Does she have sisters or something?" Conseil asked.

Severus glared at him.

"It's normal for a man to go crazy about Veela, you're not crazy."

"That's different," Severus said quietly.

"She's been, I mean..."

"She's been refusing," Severus said. "That Corsican dwarf thinks of her as a fortress that must be taken, f***."

He suddenly cursed an international swear word, and kicked an empty soda can that someone threw on the ground, kicking it far away.

"So, does she have any sisters?" asked Conseil, "and if so, introduce one to me, that's my condition."

"No problem." Severus agreed immediately.

"What are you doing here?" Goncey began to help him analyze in an orderly manner.

"Look for her body, her consciousness is now in the Tuileries Palace where we went before."

"I think you're looking in the wrong direction, bro, it's Hathor who hides her body, you can't find it here with Napoleon." Gonseil looked around, "There are only cannons here, there is no way to hide people, how do you Thinking of coming here to find someone?"

"I met a man, last time we met during our expedition in Italy." Severus said calmly, "He is the Priest of Death."

"What is he doing here?" asked Conseil.

"I have no idea."

"He tricked you into this place, perhaps to divert attention," said Conseil. "He has other plans."

"I don't need you to tell me."

"We need to go back to the Louvre, not in the current form. I have a job and a family. I don't want to be wanted. I heard that you are a master of potions. Have you prepared Polyjuice Potion?"


"Then let's kidnap two Aurors, use their appearance to sneak in, and then we'll ask Hathor what he wants to do?"

"Great idea," Severus said, "Thanks."

"Don't forget the terms you promised me." Gonseil pointed at Severus and said, "If you don't keep your promise..."

Severus pulled him directly to Apparate, and the threat of Goncey disappeared with the two of them. Only the doorman who was listening to the radio noticed the movement and shone it with a flashlight, and then went back to the sentry box.

==================================================== =================

Pomona pauses in front of a painting.

It was a painting with deep colors, but it gave people a very peaceful feeling. A man in ragged clothes was kneeling in front of an old man. Perhaps because he was the protagonist, these two people used highlights. There were four other people around, three of them were closer, and a woman was standing at the door.

"This painting was painted by Rembrandt." Josephine walked to Pomona and said, "Do you know the story of the prodigal son?"

"I know." Pomona looked into Josephine's eyes and said, "It's a story from the Bible."

"Can you talk to me about how you feel?" Josephine asked.

"Forgiveness," Pomona said. "No matter what the son did wrong, the father will forgive."

"It may be true for some fathers and sons, but not for others. What did you say to the ambassador's wife just now?" Josephine asked.

"It doesn't matter."

"My husband investigated you. He once thought you were a spy for the British," said Josephine. You show up in public places and no one even sees you eating, like you're a phantom and don't even exist."

"You don't have to pay attention to me, First Lady."

"You are different from the woman he brought back from Egypt. She thought that Napoleon's warehouse belonged to her, and she could come and take whatever she wanted." Josephine opened the fan with a snap, and gracefully Fanfeng "She has been famous in Paris for a while, and now she is gone. He will handle things well without my intervention. He tried his best to find you, not only in Paris, but also in Lyon and Marseilles. I've looked for it, recently he always reads before going to bed, sometimes he reads it by himself, sometimes he asks someone to translate it for him and read it to him, he often says "the most beautiful purple robe" before going to bed, that's Theodore Is that the famous speech delivered by Queen La?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." Pomona decided to play dumb. "Who is Theodora?"

"Don't lie to me." Josephine pursed her lips tightly to avoid showing her unattractive teeth. "Is it because you will be like that whore and take my place?"

"I didn't think about it that way." Pomona stared at Josephine. "Especially after seeing you now, I'm more determined. I'm already married. If my husband knows that I'm here, he's not here." When I was a child, there was a shameful scandal with others, I think he might not be as merciful as the father in this painting to forgive me, I will be in the same situation as you, even if he is with other women With the behavior beyond the rules, I can't condemn him. Public opinion will say that I caused all this. I can understand that the world of the first ruler is very big, and he can't always be by your side, like a An ordinary husband is happy with you, and a happy marriage is what every woman expects. I am a completely different person from you. I don’t have such superb communication skills. I only spend time in the dusty pile of old papers. Being a Napoleon woman is not just sitting in a carriage, driving around Paris, being eye-catching and beautiful. I love the ordinary life more. I came here only hoping to promote peace talks between Britain and France. The impact of the famine is expanding. You are also a person who has experienced the Great Revolution, and you should know better than the ambassador’s wife just now what kind of immoral things hunger can do, and it will not benefit anyone if you continue to fight, men just can’t save face.”

"Sounds great." Josephine sneered. "This is your excuse to approach my husband?"

"Please have mercy, don't be blinded by jealousy like Hera." Pomona looked at Josephine and said, "I heard that you often acted as a 'citizen couple' with the First Consul, so you never cared price?"

"What does that have to do with what we're talking about now?"

"It has something to do with everything we've said." Pomona said firmly, "understand the suffering of the world, Josephine, you are not the only victim of this revolution, don't be the second Marie Antoine Varnet."

"If I could be as uneducated as you, I could slap you right now." Josephine said indifferently.

"The ambassador's wife asked me what I do just now? I didn't tell her the truth. Now I can tell you that I am a prophet."

"Don't make yourself sound like a prophet, you're just a crazy woman who kills chickens and sacrifices and talks nonsense."

"Okay, I'm a lunatic, you're satisfied." Pomona said indifferently, "Are you going to lock me up in a lunatic asylum?"

"You think I dare not?" Josephine stopped shaking her fan, squinted her eyes and said fiercely.

"Why do you two like to lock people up so much?" Pomona said distressedly, "My God, what did I do wrong that you want to punish me like this?"

"There's something wrong with his eyesight. He actually fell in love with a fool like you."

"You guys really need marriage counseling," Pomona said. "He loves you, and you love him, so why can't you two just fuck off and love each other?"

Josephine said nothing, and after a moment she asked, "Do you think he still loves me?"

"Only love can make people choose to forgive. Forgiving others is also forgiving yourself, but the mistakes you made are really serious. Compared with jealousy of other women, you should think about how to make up for your mistakes." Pomona condemned " You can't just think about yourself, think about how to help him get through the current difficulties."

Pomona did not hear the heart-wrenching realization, nor did she see Josephine suddenly realize. On the contrary, the surrounding people, paintings and walls disappeared. Napoleon was sitting on the swan armchair surrounded by snow-white, but Judging from the outline of the building, it seems to be still in the Louvre.

"I think it's a pity that she is not the kind of person you said." Napoleon looked at a painting on the wall and said calmly, "She prefers to play the queen, and like other Parisian women, she must get what she wants." satisfy."

Pomona looked at the colorful painting on the wall, Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa.

"I don't think I'm really in love with her as a person, but a phantom I've been living on, like soldiers hoping that I'll be a warlike monarch so they can fight more. My plight is dire, and if I exceed If you don't give them a war for two years, they will kill me, can you help me with that?"

Pomona didn't know what to say.

"Please tell me the truth, I don't want to listen to your flattery, please help me." Napoleon said painfully, covering his face.

"The emperor of the East will kill those heroes." Pomona said in a difficult voice. "The hunting is over, and the bow is no longer needed."

"What if the bow has been left unused for too long?" asked Napoleon.

"At that time, there will be people from poor backgrounds like you who will lead the world from chaos to peace and order."

"Is it a dream?" whispered Napoleon, "I can only see you in a dream."

"Yes, this is a dream, it's time for you to wake up."

"No, I don't want to wake up." He put his head on the backrest tiredly, "Read a passage to me."

Pomona looked at the thick stack of books on the floor next to the armchair. They were all made of parchment and looked very old.

She went over, found a book and opened it, which was all written in Latin.

"You took this from Rome?"

"That's right." He admitted without hesitation, "including the ones in the Pope's archives."

"What a robber," she muttered.

"This is the French. They covet other people's money by nature. They spend it without restraint. When they have no money, they will rob and then squander it." Napoleon smiled. It’s sort of coming together.”

"Have you ever thought about returning these books to the church?" Pomona said tentatively.

"Don't be naive, they don't want these books." Turning sideways, looking into Pomona's eyes "What they want is the heart, soul and spirit that control the human body, which is the most precious part of human beings. It is useless for them to feed their bodies, because they need work, farming, and medical treatment to feed their bodies, and all of these have to deal with the devil of money. Religion can bring order, but it can also imprison thoughts. , Freedom of thought, order will disappear, as Rousseau said, human wisdom is a misfortune."

Pomona looked down at the book in her hand, it was slowly oozing black liquid, it stained her hands, she immediately threw it away.

"That's a trap, you reminded them." Napoleon said, "But they don't listen at all. The minority must obey the majority. This is democracy. Now they will suffer the consequences."

"You were the one playing chess with Severus?"

"I've been waiting for this chess game for 200 years." He sighed. "It's finally over. Stay with me, Georgiana."

"I can not……"

"You haven't eaten anything in this world, but knowledge is food for the spirit. After reading these books, you are a person of this world." He stroked her cheek, just like Hathor said, it was hot "I have the Church Library, the French Library, and the Alexandrian Library, and I'll feed you."

"You can't do that."

"Of course I can. Impossible is not in my dictionary." He put his hands on her eyelids. "Summer is here, how about changing into light clothes?"

"No." she said in horror.

"Don't worry, it's for the summer ball." He whispered softly in her ear, "I will always be your dance partner this social season."

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