Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1214: Parisian Women (1)

"good afternoon."

Just as Pomona was leaving the study, a woman suddenly stopped her.

Appeared, women's war.

Pomona wanted to pretend she didn't hear and just leave, she was never good at this kind of sticky stuff, but apparently the mistress of the palace felt she touched her hard-earned pie, Hathor said, to the gluttonous cat You have to use sticks to teach you a good lesson, you can't hide.

"Merlin's beard, how much longer do you want! Severus!" Pomona whispered through gritted teeth, and when she turned her head, her face immediately wore her tried and tested smirk.

This is a woman's special skill.

"Good afternoon," said Pomona sweetly.

"I am the companion of the first lady, Mrs. Deremisa, my husband is the secretary of the first ruling, and this lady, you are..."

"Nobody." Pomona followed Mrs. Deremiza's words and said, "Please don't mind my existence."

Mrs. Deremisa, who was affectionate and indifferent and difficult to get along with at first glance, suddenly smiled.

This is another special skill of women.

"The First Lady is holding an afternoon tea party, please follow me."

"Can I say no?"

Mrs. Deremisa still kept smiling, as if Pomona had told a joke, then turned and walked in front of her.

"Obviously not!" Pomona looked up at the ceiling of the Tuileries Palace. The oil paintings here were very mottled, far less gorgeous than the Louvre. She didn't even feel like complaining to God.

The Tuileries Palace was the last residence of Marie Antoinette, who was guillotined after she and Louis XVI failed to escape from here.

Although she was named queen at that time, she was watched by countless maids and staff, but the royal family always knew some secrets that ordinary people did not know. The secret letter she had prepared for her escape was finally found in a secret room.

It is said that being Napoleon's secretary is a hard job, and few people can do it to the end, and it is not known how long Madame de Remiza's husband can do it.

They hadn't gone far when Pomona heard roars mixed with a Corsican accent coming from the study just now, and she didn't know what those people had just done.

One of the privileges of nobility and royalty was to have beautiful gardens that were not open to the public.

Although the smell of the Seine River at this time is not good, and there are all kinds of foul-smelling floating objects on the river, there are still many citizens hanging out in the Tuileries Garden.

The Louvre, which is next to the Tuileries Palace, is also currently open to the public as a museum, because the scholars who went to Egypt with Napoleon have not yet returned home. The Louvre exhibits mainly the spoils he looted from Italy.

Josephine's afternoon tea was held on the second floor of the future Denon Pavilion in the Louvre, and she was accompanied not only by the wives of French officials, but also by the wife of the Russian ambassador.

She is easy to recognize, a standard Russian woman, slim and sexy before getting married, but she gained weight quickly after getting married, and the silk dress can hardly fit her body.

Her laughter was full of Russian boldness, which was completely different from the slim and charming French girls around her. Looking at them, Pomona now misses Beauxbaton's girls so much.

Russia withdrew from the second anti-French alliance so quickly because during the war, the land occupied by Russia in Italy was stolen by its ally Austria. The Austrians always wanted to annex Italy, so when the Russians were surrounded by the French, Austria Instead of helping, the people made a secret agreement with the French and swallowed Rome and Naples.

Paul I was furious about this and directly withdrew from the anti-French alliance. Besides Austria, Britain also stabbed Tsarist Russia in the back and annexed Malta. In fact, Malta has always had a close relationship with Russia. Although they are separated by a long distance, they Always considered Malta a piece of land of its own.

People suspect that Paul I was assassinated by the British because Paul I withdrew from the anti-French alliance. Napoleon immediately showed his favor to the Russians after seeing the Russians withdrawing from the alliance. Not only did they release the Russian prisoners, but they also issued new uniforms and Leather boots, let them "return home", it is not obvious that they have returned after losing the battle.

After the death of Paul I, his son Alexander I came to the throne. From the portraits of the father and son, we can see the obvious difference. Paul I still kept the clothes of the Bourbon royal family, wearing a wig and a silk coat, while Alexander I had already Put on the Prussian uniform.

At present, the relationship between France and Russia is good, because Paul I died not long ago, and Alexander I was suspected of being the murderer of his father. The situation in Russia is unstable, but sooner or later this "European Gendarmerie" will be hostile to Napoleon .

She didn't like this kind of hypocritical occasion, and maybe some people would like this kind of drama with a needle hidden in it, but Pomona preferred to spend her energy on reading the secretary Napoleon snatched from the Holy See.

She and these court women are not from the same world, and this is just a dream of Napoleon, why should she pretend to deal with it.

However, she remembered a sentence that the death priest once said.

Since nature made her a woman, she must learn to live with a woman's values ​​and morals.

‘Just treat it as an extracurricular practice. '

As she thought to herself, she stood there indifferently, being left alone.

Mrs. Deremisa walked around a group of women chatting with small fans, walked up to Josephine and whispered for a while, then withdrew.

Entertaining guests is the foundation of a hostess, and it is very rude to be neglected, especially in front of the foreign ambassador's wife, but considering Josephine's mood at the moment, Pomona is understandable.

"So...you are Miss Georgiana?" After taking a sip of the rose-scented afternoon tea, Josephine asked Pomona politely.

"No, I'm the woman in red," said Pomona, secretly hoping that Josephine would not order her companions to strip her of her clothes in a fit of rage.

She didn't want to do anything to Jiao Didi's beauty, provided that no one else would mess with her.

"The woman in red?" Josephine asked confused.

"It's like Rosie, who used to represent redheads, is now a name," Pomona said.

"you are British?"

"I was born and raised in England."

Josephine was keenly aware of what was left in her words.

"your parents?"

"My father is French and I don't know who my mother is."

"This is really strange, usually the father is unknown." The smile on Josephine's face became a little more sincere, as if she felt that she had won.

"It's hard these days to find a man who doesn't care about a woman's parentage, and she's still infertile, and my husband is one of them." Pomona stared into Josephine's eyes and said, "Maybe it's because he's a teacher. Because I have read many books."

The smile on Josephine's face stiffened.

"Please forgive my accent. I don't speak French very well, and my words may not convey the meaning." Pomona smiled. "Besides, the relationship between our two countries was still hostile before the peace treaty was handed over. Even if I say sweet words to you, I still don't mean it."

"Britain and France want peace talks?" The Russian ambassador's wife asked Josephine in accented French, "Is this true?"

"We women should stay away from politics." Josephine said to the ambassador's wife. "Women in the previous dynasty were too involved in politics. The new government is different from the previous dynasty."

"I don't think so," said the Russian ambassador's wife in a rough manly voice, "Our queen Catherine made Russia a great country, and the reason your country is in such chaos is because they are all stupid. "

Roar, polar bear~

Pomona peeked at the ladies of the court who changed their faces in an instant, looking forward to their counterattack.

Should I continue to put on a show, or will I lose my education and yell and curse.

"It's almost enough rest, how about we continue shopping?" Josephine said to everyone with a smile, and there were wrinkles at the corners of her eyes when she laughed.

The first lady took the lead, and the others stood up one after another. The wife of the Russian ambassador was struggling to stand up because of her obesity. Pomona went over to help her.

"I hate rococo dresses," Pomona told the ambassador's wife. "You have to wear tights to wear them. That thing is enough for murder."

"You like liberalism?" the ambassador's wife continued in a rough voice.

"Freedom only belongs to men. When have we women been free?" Pomona wanted to cover her face with a fan like those noble ladies just now, but she found that she didn't have this prop.

"That's right, they can leave their homeland at any time to study abroad, and I can only travel with my husband." The ambassador's wife said again, "When can we women decide where to go?"

"I believe there will be in the near future." Pomona held the thick arm of the ambassador's wife and continued to watch the exhibition in the Louvre like a good sister.

What a sure thing to have such a thick arm, and with a single nudge, it would be like playing a game of ten-pins and knocking those frail-looking French women over.

==================================================== ================

Severus lifted his head from the Pensieve, because his back was turned and no one could see his face.

But no one dared to speak, the pressure from him was too terrifying.

After a while, he found the signed document signed by Napoleon from his coat pocket, tore it up, and burned it with blazing flames.

"You burn this file, if we get into trouble later..."

"We'll figure it out ourselves," Severus interrupted Conseil. "The French are unreliable, and neither are the French ghosts."

"Did you get what you asked for?" Nadia asked.

Severus looked at the dagger in his hand, it was different from Pharaoh Kamose's dagger, it was made of gold, and there were red blood-like marks on the blade, just like the blood stains left after a sacrifice.

"You have won," said Conseil.

"No, I don't." Severus said, staring at the lapis lazuli sculpture. "We have to destroy it."

"As long as you leave the Louvre, you don't have to worry about the magic disappearing, you don't have to," Conseil said.

Severus laughed.

"There is no place in this world that I can't go to, including the emperor's bedroom. I'm not a coward."

"There is a place you can't go to." Nadia said, "It's easy to go to the underworld, but it's hard to come back."

He ignored her, raised the dagger of Kamos I in his hand, and directly poked at the lapis lazuli crocodile.

This time the crocodile did not come out with black water.

"Come up and have a look!" Ou Ren shouted to everyone on the roof.

Severus and Nadia flew up first, and saw a large stream of black water gushing out from the pool beside the pyramid like a spring, and then countless pale hands stretched out from the black water.

"You seem to have opened the gates of hell," Nadia said to Severus. "Good luck."

Then she spread her wings and flew away.

"It's unreliable!" Conseil yelled at Nadia's receding back.

Severus looked at the Tuileries barracks in the distance, wondering what he was thinking.

Not long after, he suddenly turned into a cloud of black smoke and flew towards the pyramid courtyard.

The undead, who were waiting to cross the river, saw him falling from the sky, and subconsciously took a step back to make an open space. Severus used his wand to bridge the opposite bank, just like the story of the three brothers in the fairy tale of the Deathly Hallows. the same.

"The bridge is repaired, let's go." Severus said to the undead.

Some of the undead were riding horses, some were not. Seeing a bridge appear out of thin air, they ran to the bridge immediately without having to bargain with the ferryman of the Styx River.

On the other side of the bridge, some kobolds wrapped in bandages and holding sharp knives are crawling out of the water, and will soon meet these undead crossing the bridge...

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