Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1213 Attacking Fate

Isaac Newton became the smartest man in Britain after universal gravitation was recognized. He was not only a university professor, but also set gold at 3 pounds, 17 shillings and 10 pence per ounce when he was the director of the Royal Mint in 1717. , This price has continued until the 20th century. If the national debt of the United Kingdom is 570 million pounds, that is, it needs 3930 tons of gold. I am afraid that there is no other place on the surface that can provide so much gold except the national treasury.

Egypt once had a brilliant civilization, and there may be a lot of gold in the pharaoh's tomb, but after thousands of years of looting by tomb robbers, it is almost difficult to leave anything. The United States only experienced the War of Independence. George Washington passed away last year. The newly elected President Jackson was a soldier. It would not be so easy for Britain to recapture the American colonies. In contrast, trade with India and other East Asian countries has become the main source of income.

The East India Company is not unique to Britain. France and the Netherlands also have East India Companies, but the French East India Company went bankrupt in 1794 after the Great Revolution.

The Dutch East India Company lost its naval power to the British, and its goods and commodities were repeatedly plundered. In order to strengthen its armed forces, it had to increase military expenditures, resulting in a huge burden of funds, as well as unclear accounts of internal personnel, corruption, etc., which led to bankruptcy. It also went bankrupt a year after the French East India Company.

Due to the war, the merchant ships of France and Britain could not communicate normally, and the shrinking of trade naturally meant that it was impossible to talk about obtaining more tax revenue through trade. At that time, the South Sea Company borrowed the Spaniards to allow Britain to conduct trade in the American colonies and undertook low-interest treasury bonds. However, in the "Utrecht Peace Treaty" signed after the Spanish War of the Throne, it only obtained from Spain to transport a ship of black slaves to the United States every year. The power of Spanish America is completely different from what the shareholders promised to the shareholders.

In order not to lose money, these profiteers dare to say and do anything. A smart person like His Excellency Isaac Newton also lost a lot of money in this financial turmoil sweeping across the country. When he fell into the collective unconsciousness, his personal wisdom, experience, and judgment would become very blurred. A torrent cannot be stopped by a single person's strength.

It is not so easy to calm people's fanatical minds. Death is the best way. The Black Death has indeed shaken the influence of Catholicism in Western Europe, but it is not a lever to pry it off the altar.

Protestants and scientists like Isaac Newton are the ones who were rejected by the education system monopolized by the Jesuits to teach the Newtonian mechanics system. After they were driven out of France, the French education circle began to accept new knowledge and reintroduced these priests. Back, it was these intellectuals who accepted the "enlightenment" who first raised their objections.

Napoleon was a realist at heart. Although Pomona's proposal sounded interesting, he didn't care much about it. He brought up the Abolition of God Movement, which played a role in promoting the expansion of the counter-revolutionary rebellion.

Almost all farmers in France are religious. In the old days, to count the population, the priest only needs to count how many people came at the Sunday mass, how many people did not come for some reason, and then estimate whether anyone has given birth to a child recently. The population calculation of a village will be completed on this day.

During the Reign of Terror, the Jacobins drove a large number of Catholics and Orthodox Christians out of the monastery, which aroused strong dissatisfaction among the believers. Napoleon is the younger brother of Robespierre. He discovered that the only way for this foreigner from Corsica to get ahead in France is to find a strong backer. From the age of 17, he participated in the suppression of the strike of Lyon silk weavers. From the age of 23, Napoleon was quite downcast. He even planned to leave the army and learn from his brother Joseph in the silk business.

Fortunately, he did not waste his six years on the front line. Although he did not know as many generals as he did in Italy, he has accumulated a lot of experience in the field. Although he was young at the Siege of Toulon, some of his ideas were considered whimsical by the veterans. However, they are much more practical than those "geniuses" who come in gorgeous military uniforms and come in carriages.

Napoleon was very eloquent, but compared to his lame love poems, his eloquent field was military, and the topic of chatting changed somehow from the church to the siege of Toulon.

He talked endlessly about the performance of those "geniuses" when they first went to the battlefield. Pomona sat listening on the luxurious gilded sofa. General Dopp regarded all noble officers as potential royalist rebels, and planned to carry out a large-scale internal purge.

Dopp was originally a dentist and had no experience except his political background. He led a group of inexperienced lieutenants who had just graduated from the military academy to patrol the battlefield. Those "geniuses" looked around the battlefield and asked where the bunker was?

Captain Bonaparte told them that "there is no bunker here, only our patriotism", and then he wrote a letter to Paris, asking Paris to recommend a commander who can really fight.

A captain dared to say that the commander-in-chief was incompetent. Paris did not really send a new commander after the letter was sent, but Calto should have been "reminded" by some kind of "reminder", and his attitude has undergone a huge change. Napoleon was promoted to battalion commander, and arranged as Napoleon suggested.

The city of Toulon has a high and strong wall, seemingly indestructible, but there is a high ground and two turrets in the southwest of Toulon. As long as the two turrets are occupied, the British fleet docked in Toulon will enter the French bombardment scope.

Of course, the British commander also knew the importance of these two forts, but in order to capture them, he must first occupy Cape Kerr. One day when Napoleon was patrolling the coastline, he found that the British army was landing through a telescope. Thor mobilizes troops. Although Calto agreed to Napoleon's plan, he did not send 1,000 men to reinforce Napoleon's attack on the high ground, but only sent 500 men. In the case of insufficient troops, Napoleon still launched an attack, but this time the attack failed due to insufficient troops, not only that, but also suffered heavy casualties. Calto and Napoleon's boss, Xiao Fei Bronton, attributed the defeat to Napoleon's leapfrog letter, disrupt battlefield discipline.

If this crime was brought to a military court, an accidental sentence would be sentenced to execution. Napoleon was depressed all day long, so he took his family to Toulon, intending to say goodbye to them for the last time. As a result, Napoleon's mother Letizia told him not to give up. After the two discussed, Napoleon leapfrogged to Paris again, accusing the real reason of Cape Kerr's defeat, and asked to send a commander again.

In mid-November, because Calto was injured and disabled in the war, the experienced General Digomier replaced Calto as the supreme commander of the French army in the Battle of Toulon.

As a famous battle in which Napoleon was born, the Siege of Toulon, Pomona as an "enemy" has heard of it. Charles O'Hara, who participated in the suppression of the War of Independence and surrendered to George Washington The general was captured again twelve years later, and this time he surrendered his sword to Napoleon Bonaparte.

He is also considered a "celebrity". Another interesting thing is that when he surrendered to Washington for the first time, Count Rochamp, as the son of the commander of the French Volunteer Army, experienced the ceremony of handing over his sword. Two years after the Battle of Toulon, Britain and France exchanged prisoners, and Britain exchanged the Earl of Rochan for O'Hara. The British fired again that day, perhaps because they accidentally hit a French ammunition depot a few days ago, so they fired with great vigor, hoping to see if they were so lucky and fired another one.

Dopp’s daily task was to go to the battlefield to read revolutionary articles, and he walked around to reach the headquarters. As a result, a shell hit Dopp’s adjutant that day, and the adjutant was blown into blood and splashed a lot The general was so frightened that he ordered a retreat on the spot. In Napoleon's words, "he was crying like a woman."

This time the officers put the reason for the defeat on Napoleon again.

After the withdrawal, Napoleon secretly arranged heavy artillery, using olive branches as camouflage, intending to bombard the "Little Gibraltar". As a result, Dopp probably felt that he was ugly screaming and retreating in front of the soldiers, so he came back to inspect the new position. Just when Napoleon returned to the command post to drink water, he ordered the artillery to try the power of the heavy artillery.

This time, the position was exposed, and the enemy began to shell again, but this time the coalition artillery did not completely destroy the artillery position. They felt a huge threat, and sent 7,000 troops to storm the French fort the next day. The French army was outnumbered, and Napoleon led his troops to retreat from the tunnel. At this time, both sides of the exit of the tunnel had been occupied by the coalition forces. On the left was the army of the Sardinian Kingdom, and on the right was the British army. Napoleon asked the soldiers to shoot at the Sardinian Kingdom first, and then at the British. Both sides thought that there were enemy troops shooting at them on the opposite position, and then they started shooting at each other. Napoleon took the opportunity to lead the soldiers to retreat into the jungle.

At this moment, he saw a British officer wearing a gorgeous red uniform patrolling the battlefield on the high slope. Napoleon let the sharpshooter shoot him. The officer rolled down the high slope in fright. The French army captured him. It was Charles Omaha, commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, and Napoleon was promoted to major general for his military exploits.

"What would you like to drink?" Napoleon poured himself a glass of water, perhaps because he had been talking too long.

He even uses gold for drinking cups, but even cups made of gold are cheaper than porcelain shipped from China, and that kind of fragile product can't be used much when it arrives in Europe, even if it is sold locally It is very cheap, and the high freight rate also makes porcelain extremely valuable.

"No thanks, I'm not thirsty."

Napoleon didn't care so much, he drank it himself.

This is also a strange place. Many people often experience thirst in the middle of the night and get up to drink water. If he really feels thirsty, why doesn't he wake up?

"When I was a child, I often looked at the sea alone." After drinking the water, Napoleon looked at the white wall and said, "The waves have kissed the reef on the shore thousands of times, turning it from rock to rock." Sand, since then I have believed that as long as there is perseverance and firm will, nothing is impossible, but why no matter how many times I kiss Josephine, she still treats me badly?"

Pomona recalled Napoleon's "daydream". He thought that Josephine was waiting for him at the Tuileries Palace and sharing his worries about his career, but in fact it was not the same thing when he returned to Paris.

"You didn't hear anything about it before you returned to Paris?" Pomona asked knowingly.

If he didn't know, how could he have a little Cleopatra in Cairo.

"General Juno told me. Joseph knew it, but he didn't tell me at all." Napoleon held the golden cup, as if wanting to crush it. There is a way to drive them away, but she is not a well-behaved woman after all."

"Your brother may not want to distract you." Pomona said, "The battlefield is so dangerous, but it's General Juno, why is he meddling in so many other things like an outsider?"

Napoleon did not answer her.

"If you look at it from another angle, you will find that your brother is very worried about you. Learn to control your emotions, general, and don't let feelings become your problem."

"You are different from the legendary witch." Napoleon said, "I think you know the rumors in the streets."

"Oh, yes, how could I not know." Pomona smiled and shook her head, "Witches are all lovers of Satan."

"What made you stay faithful to your husband? Because of your faith?" He stared back at Pomona.

"I don't believe that if I make a small mistake, I will go to hell after death." Pomona said hesitantly, "but I am really afraid of being punished by fate."

"Do you believe that God will punish you by changing your fate?" asked Napoleon.

"I prefer to say that I am in awe, so that I will be cautious when doing things. Paris is not like battlefields and wilderness. Bravery and fearlessness are not enough."

"Have you ever thought about becoming a French citizen? There are some things I can't say to a foreign woman." He walked up to Pomona, and suddenly bent down and sniffed her.

"What are you doing!" She hid on the other side of the sofa vigilantly.

"You smell like a French woman." Napoleon smirked. "Believe me, no one can tell a woman's body odor better than a soldier."

She finds this kind of self-humorous metaphor disgusting.

The next moment Bonaparte sat down next to her, she almost jumped up.

"Go over!" She pointed to the other side of the sofa.

"Why should I obey your orders?" He said with great interest as if he thought he was playing a game.

"You offended me."

"How about going out with me?" He put his legs in riding boots on the coffee table, looking relaxed and comfortable.

"No..." Pomona shut up in mid-sentence.

"I promise that I will maintain etiquette in public places, and you will not be offended." Napoleon supported his big head with his arms. "Or do you prefer to meet in private?"

"I don't want him to hear gossip," Pomona said. "He's going to be very disappointed in me."

"There is a scar on my leg, which was left by the British." Napoleon patted his thigh. "I remember that it was the 16th, the French launched a general offensive, and it rained heavily that day. Juno was my adjutant at the time, and he reminded me that if I dared to disobey orders and act without authorization, I would be court-martialed, but I could hear it, not the gunfire at Cape Kerr, It is the call of fate to me. In my opinion, a fighter plane is like a woman. If you meet her this time, if you don’t take action, you may not meet her again next time. Men want men, but as long as their first stormy attack is blocked, they will relax, lose their enthusiasm, and become as timid as women. So I took the reserve team and circled up the mountain from the path, and attacked the fort. Losing the cover of the artillery, the French quickly broke through the second line of defense and finally took Cape Kerr, when a bullet hit me and killed my mount. The strange thing is that I don't feel it at all. When, after the victory, the French lifted me up and cheered loudly, those who raised me noticed that I was bleeding. The French favored victories, and those who lost battles were spurned. I want to spend money to repair A triumphal arch, do you think the money was used where it should be used?"

"My God." Pomona clutched her forehead.

"How about accompanying me to see where this door is located? Just take a ride in the carriage." Napoleon smiled confidently, as if he knew that no one would refuse his invitation.

"You should invite Josephine, she is your wife."

"You always ask me for equality, but you are like an ordinary woman. You don't dare to do this, don't dare to do that."

"I'm not an idiot, General Bonaparte. I won't let you show off to the citizens of Paris like a trophy." Pomona said calmly, "The red dress on me is Egyptian red, not British red."

She thought he would get angry, but he looked at her very calmly.

"I'm not French," said Napoleon. "After the first tsunami-like attack, there will be calm. My attacks will be like waves, one after another, until the reef in your heart is kissed by the waves. fine sand."

"You don't need to waste so much effort on me."

"This is your woman's new tactic? Huh?" He suddenly grabbed her hand with the same strength as holding a horse's rein, "The bottle is about to dry up, you must be the best champagne. "

Pomona pointed her wand at his nose.

The hot-blooded Corsican calmed down and stopped trying to get on top of her.

"Get away from me!" she said urgently in English, and was about to repeat it in French when Napoleon drew back.

"I understand English." He put his elbows on the back of the sofa, leaned on the sofa, and said in English with an accent, "The newspaper I received in Egypt was published by you in Britain. I read it late in August. After five months of news, the Directory declared war on the Kaiser on March 13, Jourdan retreated, the Italian garrison retreated at Livoli, and I was then ready to return home."

She didn't know what to say at this time.

"If your husband is ashamed, he can challenge me."

"Do you think he is a teacher, you are a soldier, and he is not your opponent?" Pomona asked.

Napoleon smiled, which was so strange that she didn't know why.

"Go out, and call the people outside." He stood up, straightened his military uniform, and became majestic again.

He was really fit to call the shots, and Pomona complied automatically.

When she opened the door and left the study room, there were actually more than a dozen people in the circular waiting room outside. They all focused their eyes on her face, and her face immediately hurt.

'What a shameless woman who deserves a slap. '

She seemed to hear a voice speaking.

She really felt something, and left with her head buried.

She will find a place where no one is around to wake herself up later.

Your daydreams are exaggerated, girl, no, old woman, don't you look at how old you are?

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