When Severus and Eugène returned to the previous pavilion full of murals, Gonseil and Champollion were already waiting there.

"Have you discussed a solution yet?" Severus asked stiffly.

Conseil looked at Champollion.

Champollion hesitated for a moment, and said, "I think the result will be known only after opening the 'surprise box'."

"What do you mean?" Severus asked.

"He said that we didn't know what we encountered until we started." Ou Ren said coldly, "After discussing for a long time, there is still no result."

"We can save the sculpture in that room until the end," said Gonceil. "Where were you?"

"We opened another 'surprise box'." Severus smirked. "From now on, the Louvre will have another mascot."

"What is it?" Champollion asked nervously.

"The Egyptians called it a Baboon, a baboon with red ears," said Severus.

"I don't allow that kind of monster to appear in my museum!" Champollion waved his fist excitedly. "They are dangerous to the audience!"

"Where's the last crocodile?" Severus ignored Champollion and looked at Eugène instead.

Ou Ren's eyes quickly swept across the mural.

Although these murals were all painted in the tomb, they depict scenes in the world of the living, mainly including farming and pottery making, sculptures, musicians playing musical instruments, and sacrifice scenes.

"There." Eugene pointed to a mural and said, "A crocodile hidden among the reeds."

Everyone looked in the direction he pointed. It was a hunting picture of nobles. A group of people rode horses to the Nile River to hunt. Some horses had prey on their backs. When there was a waterfowl, a crocodile hid in the reeds by the river and waited for an opportunity. It seemed that it was planning to wait for someone to kill the waterfowl and then steal the prey.

"Where the floods irrigate is Egypt." Champollion said intoxicatedly, "Egypt is a gift from the Nile."

Severus detached the dagger from the spear, and now he could use the Levitation Charm. The dagger of Pharaoh Kamose I was floated in the air by him, slowly approaching the crocodile in the mural.

"What are you doing?" Champollion regained consciousness "Do you want to destroy cultural relics?"

"What do you think?" Severus said impatiently.

"You can't do this!" Champollion looked at Ougène, "Are you just watching like this? Soldier?"

Eugene didn't bother to pay attention to him at all.

"Where did your 'friend' go?" Eugene asked Severus.

"How do I know, I don't even know what he came here for." Severus said, and then suddenly he held his breath, and the dagger stabbed the mural crocodile in the eye.

This time, the black water did not flow from the stabbed wound, but from the cracks in the floor tiles of the entire hall, and everyone left that area.

More and more black liquid flowed out from the cracks in the ground, finally forming a rectangular pond, and then with a "boom", the black liquid ignited like oil, and then a big flaming snake slowly stood upright in the fire Get up.

"Paparacelsus, it's the Rostau!" Gonseil yelled.

"What's that?" Severus asked him, but Gonseil looked pale, looking like he wanted to run, but didn't because he had something to worry about.

"It is the guardian of Naris, the south gate of the underworld." Champollion said, "There is a lake of fire from the south gate to the house of followers, and it lives there. The lake of fire will burn the guilty and purify the righteous. And the Rothau snakes feed on the bodies of those people."

"That's a monster." Eugene said to Severus, "How are you going to keep score, this big one is much more difficult to deal with than the two smaller ones you just dealt with."

"Difficult to deal with? It cannot be destroyed!" said Conseil with a trembling voice. "Only a spell can repel it temporarily."

"What's that spell?" Severus asked.

Conseil seemed to come to his senses, and began to look for books in his purse.

"I'll help." Champollion said, he could pick up a book just as he and Eugene could pick up a sword.

"I hate Egypt." Severus whispered, walking up to the flaming serpent.

The snake has no "substance", but is made of flames, and looks similar to the fiery snake summoned by Lord Voldemort during the Battle of the Ministry of Magic.

The air heated up quickly after being heated by the flames, and the hot wind from the pavement almost curled people's beard and hair. It was only the last battle of the Ministry of Magic that Albus Dumbledore could use the water from the Magic Brothers fountain to deal with him , but there is no such fountain in this exhibition hall.

Severus summoned a salve against fire magic from his shapeshifter skin pocket, and spread it on his face and hands.

"Do you think this ointment will work for high-level fire magic?" Ou Ren asked after seeing his actions.

"This is also a high-level potion for me." Severus said, "You'll know if it works or not."

He thought for a while, and then found a bottle of water from his pocket.

"what is that?"

"Water of the River of Forgetfulness." The Potions Professor replied with a smile, "It depends on whether the water of the River Styx in Greek mythology has any effect on the flame snake in Egypt."

==================================================== ================

"Do you know why the ball was held just now?"

When Hathor was admiring the paintings in the Denon Pavilion of the Louvre, she suddenly asked Pomona.

Pomona was wearing an invisibility cloak at this time. Although there were few patrolmen in the Louvre, there were many surveillance cameras. She didn't want her appearance to be on the front page of tomorrow's newspaper.

"I don't know." Pomona said as if giving up resistance.

"It was held for Josephine by the United Chamber of Commerce of the Textile Industry, and Napoleon only appeared for an hour." Hathor said, "1800 was the beginning of the French 'Industrial Revolution'. In 1999, the civilian cotton yarn produced in Britain was much better in quality and quantity than that in France. They wanted France to open up the market, and the local textile industry chamber in France hoped that Napoleon could ban British goods from entering France, which would have an impact on the local industry. "

"Oh, I didn't expect that," said Pomona in surprise.

"The British know how to compromise. In the autumn of 1801, the grain harvests in the Baltic countries were poor, and the same was true for the United Kingdom. However, the food prices in the United Kingdom were not as sharp as those in France, and the population began to grow slowly due to the hard-won peace. But in this way This means that food consumption has increased, coupled with poor harvests, within a week, the price of four pounds of bread rose to 18 sous, people queued in front of the bakery, and then someone gave an impromptu speech, but this time it was rejected There are not as many instigators as before, ten years of turmoil have exhausted the French, civil strife and the reign of terror have reduced the urban population of France by 20%, they expect peace and a new life, Bonaparte asked the French bankers to transfer everything that would have been The grain destined for Holland and England was bought to stabilize grain prices, and in exchange he would open the cotton yarn market in France to England.”

"There's no such thing as a good feast." Pomona shook her head, "It's all about profit."

"Last year... I mean 1800, when France and Austria were at war, the British stepped in, and when the Austrian army assembled in Genoa and Swabia to invade France on two fronts, the British financed Bavaria, the offensive Provence and Alsace, he handed over Liguria to Massena, the Rhine to Moreau, and he entered Italy from the San Bernard Pass with 40,000 people, 600 horses, and 40 cannons. Complaining that he doesn't have much respect for human beings and treats them like cattle for camels, the locals expected them not to be able to climb the Alps, but they succeeded, the Austrian soldiers stationed in Italy were attacked from the back and couldn't support the Germans, The south of France is protected from invasion. Compared with the Franco-Prussian War, the French are still the same French, but they lack the military genius of Bonaparte, what do you think?"

"As you said just now, the reason why the Medes were conquered by Persia was not because of the long peace, which made them compliant, but because they lacked the wisdom of war." Pomona said.

"Bonaparte has such a big head, and it is not filled with air. He asked us a question just now. What 'lever' do you think drove the soldiers to pry out the cannons that were stuck in the snow?" Harto Er asked.

"I don't know," said Pomona troubled. "I thought it was an honor."

"Women don't understand soldiers just as soldiers don't understand women, and those bastards think that women have the same rights as minors in civil law." Hathor said angrily, "They also treat women as intellectual children when they formulate education programs." Weak people, can you believe that anyone dares to say that? 'We Western nations have corrupted ourselves by pampering women too much. They should not be regarded as equals to men. In fact, they are all tools to bear children. It is best to do Needlework, not rap'."

"Who's that bold?" said Pomona, furiously.

"That's what they said in the secret room of the study. I lived in that sculpture at the time." Hathor curled his lips displeased. "I didn't have many places to go at the time. Didn't you ask me how I could read Emile Is this a book? It’s in the study, and I’m bored so I read it.”

"They actually said that behind our backs." Pomona felt her chest constricted angrily, and wanted to fan herself with a fan.

"In fact, there are more infuriating things. I want to teach them a lesson. What do you think?" Hathor asked.

"What are your plans?" Pomona asked.

"Don't forget, you are a prophet." Hathor said with a smile, "How about you 'prophesy' this incident?"

The affirmation of patriarchy and patriarchy was a common view in the Napoleon era. In fact, the status of women in the Napoleon era was a big regression after the Molière era.

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