Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1204 New Species

"Who taught you the waltz, the woman in red?" asked Napoleon. "You have a dance teacher too?"

"No, you can understand that my father taught me." Hathor said with a smile, "We don't need to get so close, Your Excellency the Consul."


"Look around." Hathor looked around the dance floor, covering the faces of men and women whispering with a small fan, "Guess what they are talking about?"

Even if she couldn't hear the whispers of those ghosts, Pomona could guess one or two from their expressions.

In the 21st century, the waltz can be described as an old antique among the old antiques. It is only danced by grandma and grandpa, while young people dance like epileptic rock and roll.

However, at the end of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century, the waltz was still a kind of dance that "had been detrimental to the weather". The elderly ladies would not only be very angry when they saw their daughters in light veils dancing to the music of the waltz. , will also think that they have the responsibility of being a parent, which is a distortion of the implicit fine traditions and family education.

For some unknown reason, the waltz first became popular in Germany, and later became popular in England. This English-style waltz is mixed with folk dances, and it is not quite the same as the popular waltz of the Parisian bourgeoisie.

All in all, those French nobles are probably guessing that this foreign woman who doesn't know where she came from is ruining their first ruling.

Pomona never dreamed that one day she would be associated with such words as "merry" and "bad woman".

"Worried about what they say and do, they are just some idiots who like to boast." Napoleon said contemptuously, "I finally captured Italy and they lost it in less than a year. I gave them a good French before I went to Egypt." , and now it’s a mess, and they’re planning to assassinate me for what it’s like.”

Pomona calculated the time, and the ball should have been held around Napoleon's second expedition to Italy. Compared with the first expedition to Italy, Napoleon's second expedition to Italy was not so smooth, and no one paid attention to him. Arrival cheers, who told him to rob so many things when he first came to Italy.

"All my life I long to be well collected, properly placed, and carefully preserved, so that I will not be surprised, I will not suffer, I will not be wandering around, and I will not have any branches to rely on." Hathor said softly, "You know this sentence comes from where?"

"Sounds like a poem," said Napoleon.

"It's indeed a poem, but it's not written by you Frenchmen." Hathor leaned closer again, almost whispering into Napoleon's ear, "This poem comes from Egypt and is sung in praise of Osiris." of."

"Osiris seems to be the king of the underworld."

"That's right, this poem is recorded in the Book of the Dead. Even the ghosts hope to avoid the suffering of wandering, with no branches to rely on. How can you..."

Napoleon suddenly threw Hathor out, made her turn around a few times, and then pulled her hand to make her turn back. The two continued to dance to the music, as if they had just performed together.

"Do you feel that you are unprotected? What about the two men who accompanied you last time?" Napoleon smiled stiffly, as if wearing a mask.

"One is my husband, and the other works for him." Hathor said, "What I'm protesting now is that you men are taking our women's jobs, making us unable to make a living. In order to survive, we must find ourselves to rely on. .”

"A man robs a woman's job?" Napoleon said in amazement, "How?"

"Tailors, making clothes used to be a woman's job, but now there are male tailors everywhere." Hathor said plausibly, "Have you read Rousseau's Emile?"

'My God, have you even read Emile? ’ said Pomona in the depths of her soul.

"What do you want to say?" Napoleon said helplessly.

"Women seldom go to war, and women don't eat the rations of Hercules," said Hathor. Selling swords and guns, why aren't you men ashamed of taking away women's jobs?"

Napoleon laughed this time.

"why are you laughing?"

"Did you read those books to attract me?" Napoleon looked Hathor up and down with playfulness in his eyes. "Ordinary ladies don't read those books."

"I'm asking you for equal power, Archon."

"You are not French. What is the use of a foreigner wanting power in France?"

"The Great Revolution gave women the same power as men, and you can't take it back!" Hathor said solemnly. "Or did you spend a year in Egypt and yearn for polygamy in the East?"

Napoleon's face became serious.

"Not all of Africa is polygamous. The Moors of West Africa are monogamous. In monogamy, women have a lot of influence over men. But among polygamous peoples, women are almost One of the reasons why it is hard to be respected by men must be that in monogamy, men will take women's feelings into consideration, and a civilized nation will take women's feelings into consideration."

"You think I'm a savage?" asked Napoleon.

"I heard the rumor that you had a public affair with a seamstress when you were in Cairo..."

"Why do you ask that?" Napoleon frowned displeased.

"How different do you think your actions are from Louis XIV and Louis XV." Hathor sneered, "You still wonder why others would assassinate you."

Napoleon stopped dancing, and by coincidence, the music stopped at this time.

"You should know that I'm not the kind of woman you can treat with contempt. Like a star in an opera house, you can spend the night in her room as long as you pass by her. I hope you can respect me..."

"What have you done that deserves my respect?" Napoleon said contemptuously, took Hathor's hand, kissed the back of her hand perfunctorily, then turned and left, returning to the conversation he had just had. In that social circle.

'How did you end up telling him this. ’ Pomona asked Hathor.

Hathor lifted up his collar and smiled mysteriously, "Do you know what Josephine's catchphrase is?"

'What? ’ said Pomona listlessly.

"Every time Bonaparte approached, she would subconsciously say 'no'. He is that kind of person. He is not interested in what is easy to get. The harder it is, the more he wants to get it."

'You are using my body. ’ cried Pomona.

Hathor snapped his fingers, all the people around the dance floor disappeared, and the magnificent and bustling hall just now became deserted.

"She's a master at love." Hathor said with her waist in the air, "but she's not very smart. In order not to go to Egypt, she lied and said she was pregnant."

'You want to deal with her? ’ said Pomona listlessly.

"If she comes to my land..." Hathor smiled bloodthirstyly, plotting a terrible plan in his mind.

Pomona's mood was extremely complicated. Logically speaking, women should make things difficult for women, but it was indeed difficult for her to develop a good impression of Josephine.

Women are often the ones who are cruel to women. Napoleon forgave Josephine, but his sisters and mother could not forgive them, even if their own behavior was not very dignified.

It didn't take long for Pomona to feel the sensation of regaining control of her body as Hathor walked past her in a white Egyptian linen robe.

The combination of her white body and the Egyptian red on Pomona's body represents Upper and Lower Egypt.

"Are you happy?" Pomona asked Hathor, who was seated on the picnic mat again.

"Did you feel it just now? His hands are still hot." Hathor held his chin and said with a sweet smile.

"That's your illusion. Napoleon is dead." Pomona ruthlessly shattered her illusion.

"I can bring him back to life. That Voldemort will be resurrected." Hathor picked up a glass of wine and continued to drink. "Aren't you curious what Napoleon can do in the 21st century?"

"But...there is no great revolution now." Pomona said anxiously.

"Oh, really?" Hathor burped, "Are you that sure?"

Pomona opened her mouth, but without saying a word, she walked to the picnic blanket and sat down, picked up the wine glass and took a big sip of wine.

Hathor acted as if nothing had happened, and drank and ate food on her own, as if she had been hungry for thousands of years.

==================================================== =============

Severus used his flying cloak to fly to the top of the Egyptian pillar, and the red-eared baboons immediately scattered and fled.

Eugene, who was standing under the pillar, chopped off one of the Bobby's heads with a Mamluk sword, but it didn't die. Black liquid spewed out from the deadly wound, and then absorbed it back. Reconciliation as before.

The baboons barked at Eugene and Severus defiantly, as if they knew the two humans didn't know their weaknesses.

"Didn't you say beheading them would work? Idiot," Severus said wearily.

"You can't do it after just a while?" Eugene said sarcastically.

"I'm not a young man anymore, not to mention I've explored other places before." Severus sighed. "Otherwise, let's ignore these monkeys and go to the exhibition hall where we met our 'friend' just now."

"Aren't you worried that these baboons will become a disaster?" Eugene asked.

"We already have monsters like Dementors and Voldebats," Severus said helplessly. "It doesn't matter if there's another one."

"It's really irresponsible of you to say that."

"I killed one, plus the bandaged dog before, I'm two ahead of you." Severus flew down from the height again and landed on the ground. "Want to know what your new job is about?"

"It's not the end yet, so don't get too complacent." Ou Ren glanced at the body of the Bobby that exploded just now, it was still torn apart and had not been revived.

"Maybe they'll disappear after dawn." Severus looked at the aggressive baboons. They probably knew that these two people were not easy to mess with, so they kept their distance vigilantly and didn't take the initiative to attack again.

"You just have this kind of fantasy." Ou Ren said without sincerity, and left the exhibition hall after sheathing the knife.

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