Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1203 The Ship of Theseus (Part 2)

The lapis lazuli sculpture cannot leave the Louvre, so it cannot be exited through the open iron gate.

Fortunately, the sculptures couldn't leave, but the people could. After counting the supplies, Gonceil and Champollion couldn't discuss anything. So then, Severus followed the Europeans and left the secret room.

There are many exhibits on the basement floor of the Syria Museum, including the pharaoh's sarcophagus and papyrus scrolls that are considered sacred. Hard stones were originally easier to preserve than perishable paper scrolls, but due to the excavation of tomb robbers, even granite stones were cut and damaged, and many sarcophagi had lost their lids. Instead, papyrus has survived 5,000 years. After the passage of time, it is still relatively intact.

Facts have proved that as long as human beings are willing to think, some seemingly impossible things can be accomplished.

Severus and Eugene finally stopped in front of a black sculpture of a baboon.

"Even if there were no tomb robbers, the pharaohs of the past dynasties demolished the temples of Ramses II in order to build their own palaces. They were polished and sculpted and changed into other shapes. This sculpture used to be dedicated to Sobek. Later Sculpted into baboons." Eugene explained to Severus that "baboons represent wise men in Egyptian mythology."

"I know." Severus said, and he looked around. In this exhibition hall, there were a whole stone pillar dismantled from the temple, as well as incomplete sculptures, making people feel like they were in the ruins of Egypt.

"Walking through this world where the boundary between the dead and the living is extremely ambiguous, one who doesn't pay attention will accidentally lose himself, and can't tell which world is real." Eugene said, "Compared to the stench, people are still more Willing to smell the fragrance; people prefer to listen to sweet music rather than silence; people still prefer to be rich than poor; It is true, this is where Hathor's power is terrifying, especially those nobles, who have lived a wealthy life since the day they were born, and have been watching the shadows on the wall like the inhabitants of the cave, so they They think that the only thing that exists in this world is those rich lives. They don't want to wake up from Hathor's control, even after death, they want to live the same life as before. Soldiers prefer those gold and gemstones Funeral objects, scholars study stones, they are like people living in two worlds, it is very difficult to mix them together, it is like mixing water and oil, but my father said that even water and oil Oil can be mixed as long as it is shaken vigorously, and what power is greater than war?"

"And the revolution," Severus said to Eugene. "I heard that the army defected shortly after the Bastille fell."

"If you were a soldier in our time, you would know why they would do that." Eugene said with a sneer, "My father told me that the Bonaparte family is not very rich and powerful in Corsica, but at least they eat for nothing." Bread dipped in olive oil. When he was young, he asked Leticia to give him black bread, because the army ate all black bread, and soldiers had to live a hard life. My mother told me that the nobles even ate maca Dragons are picky. Nobles have stayed too long in peaceful Paris, thinking that armies are useless. Louis XVI is a king who wants to be loved. Maupe's reforms were very unpopular in France at that time. The reputation of this reform discredited the reputation. After the new king came to the throne, he wanted to restore the reputation of the royal family. Part of the content continued. Although Mo Pu was seeking power for personal gain, the reform content he made was useful. The composition of modern countries is based on this. Those judges who were exiled became very docile after returning. It has become useless at all, the role of the courts to plead for the people has been replaced by the three-level parliament, the opportunity is in front of us, how can there be no reason not to take it?"

"I've heard a saying." Severus said with a smile, "The levers that drive people's actions are fear and interest, but the levers that drive the French are ambition. Kindness is useless to some people."

"Who said that?" Eugene asked.

"Dark Lord, are you sure your father's reason for continuing Mauper's reforms was not because he wanted to be a dictator?" Severus said.

"French people's political enthusiasm was not born overnight before the revolution broke out." Eugene said coldly, "I think it is better to waste time in arguing than listening to some people express their opinions in the guild and arguing for their own interests and arguments." , it is better to obey the orders of a visionary and do something practical."

"People do change. Bonaparte changed from a national hero who supported the republic to a dictator. Don't you think you have become the same as the Bourbon dynasty?"

"We are different..."

"You're like a replaced ax handle that's become part of your grandfather's axe." Severus interrupted Eugene. I made the same mistake when I was young, and then I found out that I couldn't continue to hang out with those delusional people, who are more unrealistic than Grindelwald's followers."

"You think the Death Eaters have no chance of success?" Eugene asked.

"Anyway, I don't want to live in the world they imagined." Severus said, "My wife is a sweet woman with a kind heart. Both the White Wizard and I hope that she can maintain this kindness and purity, so we don't let her go." Touch those dirty things. My childhood was short. Unlike your father, who deliberately created a difficult environment to exercise his will. The environment I live in itself is very bad. I feel that when I am with a pure woman like her It's very pleasant, but I recently discovered that she can't live in Neverland forever like a child. Our child was lost because of her kindness, and I almost lost her. Being a pure person can't protect yourself, you have to Teaching women is hard work, and your father spends too much time in the army and ruling, not with your mother."

"What do you want to express?" Ou Ren gritted his teeth angrily.

Severus smiled evilly. "The rock is still the same rock, only because the chisel is in the hands of different sculptors. They become different. You romantic French people really don't understand women and love at all."

Eugene stared at Severus like a viper.

"How about we bet something other than 'loser' on who loses?" Severus said.

"What do you want to bet on?"

"If I win, you will work for me for half a year."

"What if I win?"

Severus spread his hands, "What do you want from me?"

Eugene began to think.

"Like freeing you from Hathor?" Severus said impatiently. "You want to be her slave forever?"

"I hate you, Englishman." Eugene said contemptuously.

"Maybe it's because I'm not like Louis XVI, hoping to be a beloved king." Severus shook his head, looking at the pharaoh sculpture not far away, as if missing someone "I don't want to Be a fool."

"Is there any way you can terminate my contract with her?" Eugene asked.

"It's up to you to win." Severus said, then raised the "spear" in his hand and stabbed at the baboon sculpture.

This time, what spewed out of the sculpture was not a black liquid, but something like water vapor. The steam condensed quickly, and finally formed twenty or thirty baboons with red ears.

"The Egyptians called this animal Babi." Eugene drew out the Mamluk sword. "They feed on human hearts."

"I know the animal," Severus said. "I've heard that Baby is the eldest son of Osiris and will appear at the weighing of the hearts."

"I don't know if it is the son of Osiris. I only know that once the heart is eaten by it, the soul of the deceased will be tortured forever." Eugene looked at the aggressive baboons warily, "All the internal organs in the mummy will be taken out Come out, only the heart remains in the body, and the heart is the proof of eligibility for trial."

"Where is your body buried?" Severus asked.

Eugene ignored him.

He stared intently at the one in front of the barbie who was slowly approaching him, baring his teeth, and lowered his center of gravity, as if he was about to launch an attack at any moment.

"What a clever idea to use a monkey as a symbol of wisdom," Severus said sarcastically.

"Where do you talk so much!" Ou Ren cursed.

"I don't talk as much as you do!"

At this moment, Bobby attacked, and Severus cast a kamikaze, knocking the jumping baboon upside down and flying out, hitting the stone pillar of the Egyptian temple, but it quickly Just got up again.

Nearly black blood flowed out of its body, and as the wound left by Kamikaze disappeared, the black blood also returned to its body.

"Chop off their heads, idiot!" Eugene yelled, but these bobbys were so agile that his blade could only cut off some monkey hair, and it seemed that he had no advantage.

"Expluso!" Severus muttered, and a blue light flew from the end of his wand, blowing a bobby to pieces.

"One," Severus said triumphantly.

However, it didn't take long for him to be happy, and the bobbys scattered, and they jumped nimbly along the pillars to a place where neither spells nor knives could attack, and then made strange screams one after another.

"What are they doing?" Severus asked in bewilderment.

"Don't ask what you know." Ou Ren also stared at the Bobby on the pillar, his expression looked extremely heavy.

==================================================== ==============

"Since you have chosen the truth, let me tell you something that I and other ladies would not say." Napoleon held Pomona's hand and said in an arrogant tone while dancing on the dance floor.

"Oh, you want to scare me?" Hathor said with a smile. "What are you trying to say? Blood or killing?"

"Neither." Napoleon smiled sarcastically, "I remember the weather that day. Egypt was as wet and cold as the winter in Paris. We were marching in muddy water. We were almost out of ammunition and food, but we were lucky. I found some materials, just like the manna that God gave to the Jews when they were wandering in the desert, don’t you think it’s amazing?”

"You're making up a story." Hathor smiled.

"I didn't lie to you. Many veterans who participated in the war at that time remembered that I wrote to General Marmont and asked him to send three warships to Jaffa. John, but I don't know whether the letter was not delivered, or your British navy intercepted the three ships. The ships and supplies I asked for did not come. Instead, Captain Smith of the United Kingdom came with two warships. We There is a lack of cannons and equipment for siege, so we can only choose to siege the city, but the city has one side facing the sea, and British warships can send supplies to the city, so it is impossible for us to use the siege method to make the people in the city surrender Yes." Napoleon easily led Pomona in circles, "Fortunately, the British fired a lot of cannonballs at us. Have you heard the story of the straw boat borrowing arrows?"

'what is that? ’ Hathor asked Pomona.

"The Romance of the Three Kingdoms...an ancient military story in China," Pomona explained.

"Is it a Chinese story?" Hathor said with a smile.

"That's it, but my story is a bit different from that of straw boats borrowing arrows. For the next two weeks, my army did not fire a single shot, and the British shot at will. They sent us more than 4,000 shells, enough for us. A gap was opened in the city wall, and I ordered people to dig a tunnel for two days, and finally we captured that city."

"I do not understand……"

"Cannonballs will not always explode when they are fired. I have given an order to reward 20 sous for every unexploded cannonball picked up. In most cases, the levers that drive people's actions are interests and fear, and sometimes it is the victory of fear. For the benefit, people dare not make mistakes. Sometimes it is the benefit that overcomes the fear, and people don't care about life and death for the benefit, but this is not always useful. When we cross the Alps, we dig the center of the trunk, Put the cannon inside, and hundreds of men dragged it forward, but when it sank in the snow, do you know what lever lifted it?" asked Napoleon.

"Honor," said Pomona.

"Honor," Hathor said, borrowing Pomona's mouth.

Napoleon smiled.

"It seems that you don't know soldiers well, women in red clothes. If you want to protest the new divorce law to me, then you are wasting your time. I won't modify it just for a few words of protest."

"you this……"

"Rogue? Villain? I learned a little in that battle. As long as it is for victory, I am not afraid of losing face. You just said that it seems that you have actually read that book. Then I ask you now, in order to prove that Hanni Bard can't do enough, whose example did Machiavelli use?"


"He is a benevolent general, but he is too benevolent, allowing his army to enjoy the indulgence that cannot be tolerated by military discipline. It is impossible for such an army to cross the Alps." Napoleon looked at Pomona with an almost fierce expression, "Many People know how not to make mistakes, not to correct mistakes, do nothing of course you can't make mistakes, so I think the latter is more important than the former, glory is sometimes shit, if it brings more pain and trouble than benefits, then don't No matter, but sometimes the glory must be guarded. If you dare to talk nonsense and live with a man for survival, I will put you in prison. There will definitely be shelter and food for you. You don’t need to do anything to survive. Such a dishonorable thing!"


Napoleon clasped Pomona's waist, no, it was Hathor's waist...

No matter whose waist it is, Napoleon is in charge of leading the dance at the moment anyway.

"In the first round, the Lion of the Wild won." Pomona laughed in the depths of her soul.

"Shut up!" Hathor cursed in his heart.

She glared at the Corsican, her eyes burning like fire.

Like the eyes of God.

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