Hathor did not take Pomona to see the famous painting Mona Lisa, she took her to the large painting exhibition hall on the second floor, many of which Pomona had seen in various books and magazines , and various interpretations, including "Liberty Leading the People" in Hall 7.

Hathor took her to the No. 75 exhibition hall not far away to watch another huge painting.

It seemed to be a scene of a shipwreck. There was a shirtless man holding a red cloth like the goddess of "Liberty Leading the People", but the cloth in the goddess' hand symbolized the French tricolor flag, which was very bright, and that The cloth in the man's hand is dull.

"It's called the Raft of the Medusa," Hathor said. "How do you feel?"

Pomona is beyond words to describe.

There were many dead bodies in the painting of the people led by Liberty just now, but she didn't feel the feeling when she was looking at the Raft of Medusa.

"Disgusting." Pomona found a word after thinking for a long time.

"Why?" Hathor asked with a smile while drinking red wine.

"I know the story of this painting. These shipwrecked sailors ate the corpses of the dead because of hunger, right?" They were all eaten to survive.”

"You heard what Bonaparte said, as long as the soldiers can survive by themselves, the lives of millions of people have nothing to do with them. These sailors are all French navy. After Bonaparte abdicated, the Bourbon dynasty was restored, and they were in charge of commanding The captain of the cruiser Medusa was a nobleman with only theory and no practical experience. This shipwreck had a great negative impact on the newly restored Bourbon dynasty. Nabal had feelings and therefore forced them to retire from service, suffering from Royalist nobles, the captain and some senior officers escaped in a lifeboat, leaving 150 passengers thrown on a raft, only 15 survived , which was also July, the same month as the storming of the Bastille."

"Stop it." Pomona begged in a low voice.

"When food and water are limited, it is a good thing that there are fewer people. Every time a person dies, the survivors have more hope, but this is not the most tragic. When the survivors finally return to the human world However, the captain and senior officials were not punished in any way, only quietly sentenced to demotion and three years in prison by the military court, and the survivors continued to appeal but were dismissed from public office, this is the most suffocating thing." Harto Er stared at the painting, "It is said that the painter who painted this picture saw many corpses and used jaundice patients as models, but he did not use mummy brown, but the "Kitchen Interior" you just saw used a lot of mummy brown , that is the beautiful kitchen depicted."

"Are you torturing me?" Pomona said bitterly.

"I remember the first time I went to the Tuileries Palace." Hathor looked at the miserable corpses and smiled. The blood shed when the aristocrats committed suicide, that's not a place for a woman to live in, he got the best carpenters in Paris and made the place look new, the Corsicans have strong family values, when I let him choose He hesitated for a long time, but he was like the abandoned soldier on the raft, and his God didn't take care of him at this time. Guess if his ship was shipwrecked like the Medusa, there would be Brumaire in the future Coup and other stories?"

Hathor turned his attention to Pomona, "I gave him smooth sailing, but he still has no belief in his bones like those atheists in Paris. When you went to the Tuileries Palace, you told him that he would be assassinated, but He thought it was a dream and didn't pay much attention to it. Then, on Christmas day, I made him so tired that he just fell asleep on a chaise longue, and after a while Josephine came in, He had to go to the opera with her, and I could tell he didn't want to, but he did, and he fell asleep in the carriage, and I told him in his dream to beware of assassins, but He didn't want to wake up anyway. At that time, the explosives were placed on a water cart for drinking water, but the bucket was horizontal. Of course, he couldn't see it with his eyes closed, but after he woke up, he clearly remembered the almost The carriage that killed him, I couldn't let him save himself, so I attached myself to the driver. He was very fast when the carriage passed the corner. It was because of the building that blocked him that he escaped. .”

"You saved his life?" Pomona said in amazement.

"It's not me, do you think it's his beaver hat that can bring him luck?" Hartold smiled triumphantly, "That fool actually thinks that a hat can bring him good luck, even if he becomes an emperor And don't want to throw that old hat away either."

"What on earth do you want?" Pomona asked.

Hathor did not answer Pomona.

She returned her gaze to the painting.

"Do you think this painting looks like a triangular pyramid?" Hathor said after a while, "It's just like the picture of Liberty leading the people, stable and full of passionate turmoil, do you see that there is A boat shadow?"

Pomona looked in the direction pointed by Hathor. The Louvre will turn off the lights after closing to prevent the paint on the painting from changing color due to light.

It was hard to spot the shadow of a boat in an already dark painting in dim light, but Pomona saw it anyway.

It is as unreal as a mirage, but it seems real, and it represents the possibility of life to those desperate crew members.

Surrounded by the stench of dead bodies, these corpses not only represent death, but also stepping stones, allowing those standing at the top of the pile of corpses to see farther, and then discover the distant ship.

It's just that the stench of dead bodies is too bad, more disgusting than the mounds of dung that have accumulated for centuries outside the walls of Paris.

Humans are a strange species. They always boast that they like purity, but they love complexity and chaos in their hearts. The Egyptians said that lighting spices can disperse bad luck. Pomona smelled a scent of spices, but the smell of spices It didn't smell very good, and it also smelled like feet, which made her feel sick.

She couldn't help holding her nose, looking for the direction of the strange smell, and saw a man in military uniform sitting on an armchair. He took off his boots and sat in an extremely ugly Sitting slumped in a chair.

Riding boots look handsome, but they are not breathable, and they are very thin, so they don't keep warm. In the ice and snow, your feet will soon become cold.

Fighting back the nausea, Pomona sniffed the spice. She smelled it as allspice, which is often found in pumpkin pie.

Another person appeared in her mind, who also had unbearable hygiene habits, and greasy black hair that didn't want to be washed frequently.

He was like that distant ship, far away from her, but she still wanted to wave the handkerchief towards him to attract his attention.

'I'm here! '

She yelled in her heart, and she thought he heard it, and turned her face to look at her, but maybe because she was wearing an invisibility cloak, he couldn't see her.

So she pulled the hood down so he could take a closer look at her.

"Who's there!" she heard someone say fiercely in accented French, and she heard the sound of the firing pin being pressed.

She was too scared to move.

At such a close distance, even a wizard would be shot.

The person in front of him recognized her from the flames jumping in the fireplace, and he put down the gun in his hand.

"It's you." Napoleon said in a playful tone, "you came here to ask me for equal rights?"

"What is this place?" asked Pomona.

"My bedroom, how did you sneak in?"

Pomona went to the window, and outside the window was a barracks.

"Is this the Tuileries?" she asked Napoleon.

"No, it's Lyon's barracks." Napoleon sat back on the chair he was sitting on just now. "What do you want to do?"

"I told you at the ball just now that there was a prophecy, but you left before I could say it." Pomona walked up to Napoleon and said seriously, "Now I'll tell you."

"About what? I'm going to be assassinated again?" Napoleon looked up at her, his eyes seemed strangely indescribable.

"Do you remember how the revolution broke out ten years ago?" asked Pomona.

Napoleon did not answer.

"You said that what motivates people's behavior is fear and interest. When interest overcomes fear, no matter what strict laws are used, they can't calm down those speculators. The only solution is to stabilize prices and let They're not profitable."

"You mean to say that food prices are going to rise again?"

"Continuing hostilities with Great Britain will do you great disservice, General."

"Are you a spy sent by the British?" asked Napoleon.

"No." Pomona sniffed the scent of allspice mixed with foot odor, and found it hard to love this spice anymore. "I just don't want to see more suffering."

"Sounds like the Virgin Mary." Napoleon smiled sarcastically.

"I know you like to read The Monarch, but that book is just a good book and cannot represent the truth." Pomona said, "Leo is a passionate and cheerful sign. Passion and cheerfulness can offset your vicious and violent tendencies."

"You think I'm violent?"

"Please learn to be merciful. If you continue to persevere, everyone will suffer."

"Get out!" Napoleon stood up and yelled, pointing at the door, "Get out of here immediately!"

Pomona left without saying anything, but before she opened the door and left, she looked back at the painting on the fireplace. That painting was of a ship, and she couldn't tell whether it was a battleship or an armed force. Merchant ships, anyway, have guns on them.

'I'm here. '

She murmured silently in her heart, then closed the door.

After passing through the living room and opening the second door, she found herself in a hallway where a woman in jewels was walking slowly.

She originally had a smile on her face, but when she saw Pomona close the door and walk out of the room, the smile froze immediately.

"You misunderstood, it's not what you think." Pomona explained to Josephine in vain, but Josephine obviously didn't believe a word.

She looked at Pomona with eyes full of vigilance and suspicion.

"My God," Pomona wailed, and hurried away from the place.

She wants to go home now, but where is her home?

She walked aimlessly in an endless corridor, with closed doors on both sides of the corridor.

She could push open any door, but instinct told her not to.

Because one of these doors cannot be opened, and if it is opened, there will be terrible consequences, which she cannot bear.

She didn't know how long she had been walking, but she heard a fierce argument coming from behind one of the doors.

She stopped and put her ear against the door to eavesdrop, but the door opened by itself at this moment.

So, she gently opened the door and walked in quietly...

==================================================== ==============


Eugene yelled at Severus.

The former principal, who was staring in a daze in one direction, immediately Apparated.

The strange snake from hell didn't bite him, it spit out its letter and made a hissing sound.

"What are you doing! You are in a daze on the battlefield!" Eugene yelled at Severus.

"You care about me?" Severus said slickly, extinguishing the sparks on his robe.

"Don't be disgusting, we made a bet, if you die, where will I collect the bet!" Ou Ren said with a look of disgust, "Your Styx water doesn't seem to work, what should I do next?"

Severus stared at his robes.

"What's wrong with you?"

"I thought, I could try something else," Severus said, finding a bottle from the shapeshifter's skin pocket.

"What is this?" Eugene asked. The Mamluk scimitar was very tough, and the blade became sharper after being tempered by the fire on the fire snake.

"Phoenix tears, although they are man-made." Severus said and opened the glass bottle, and the water floated out of it in a line, and it was attached to the end of Severus' wand, which looked like a stream of water made whips.

"Can this thing work?" Eugene asked.

"Just try it." Severus said, and then he threw the "water whip", and the hell snake immediately let out an ugly whine.

"It seems to work." Severus said with some joy, but it didn't take long for the joy, and the snake focused its main hatred on him, so that it ignored Eugene's provocation.

"How long!" Severus asked Conseil and Champollion.

"Now, now!" said Conseil hastily.

"You said that ten minutes ago!" Ou Ren roared angrily.

At this moment, those Bobbys appeared, as if they were waiting for an opportunity to attack.

"Damn it." Severus cursed and summoned a basilisk.

"Kill them," Severus ordered in Snakespeak, before turning back to the fiery snake.

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