Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1195: Game World (Part 2)

Hathor has a good capacity for alcohol. After contributing all the new wine in the winery, Pomona also gave her the old wine that was taken away from the bunker last time, so she was slightly drunk. look.

"Eugène is a beautiful child, isn't he?" Hathor mumbled, lying on the mat, "he is already taller than Bonaparte at the age of 17."

"Indeed." Pomona poured another glass of wine for Hathor.

"That slut... hiccup." Hathor hiccupped, "She really thought she was very charming. After becoming Bonaparte's mistress, she always smiled at Eugene, thinking that she could make the father and son look good. conquered."

"You hate that little Cleopatra?" Pomona asked softly.

"She's in my territory." Hathor said a little deliriously. "Seduce my man."

Pomona wanted to say that neither Eugène nor Napoleon was the Egyptian God of Love, but she still smirked and agreed, "You're right, she really can't control herself."

"I heard you are fighting for equality in Britain?"

"It's past tense, my goddess."

"Do you believe this?" Hathor looked at Pomona with drunken eyes.

"No." Pomona followed her.

"Don't try to lie to me." Hathor seemed to have regained consciousness. "You just say that to make me happy?"

"I think that pure blood should be married to excellent Muggles and Muggles. If the blood is too close, the probability of giving birth to deformed and mentally retarded children is higher." Pomona looked into Hathor's eyes and said, "Just like you Napoleon married a Habsburg princess."

"He doesn't love that princess," said Hathor coldly. "She is neither beautiful nor wise, and has nothing but noble blood."

Pomona didn't know what to say.

"She's clumsily like a cow." Hartoll took another sip of his wine. "But at least she's a living woman."

"What did you do?" Pomona whispered to Hathor.

Hathor sneered, "They want children, but I won't let them. That little Cleopatra is an illegitimate daughter. What right does she have to give birth to the king's heir?"

"What?" Pomona asked in surprise.

"Napoleon was a half-Oriental born in the Mediterranean, and children born out of wedlock in the East have the same inheritance rights." Hathor smiled evilly, "Just like Thutmose III, as long as he is the son of Thutmose II He has the right to inherit, even if he has no blood relationship with Hezaser."

"Who is Huxer?"

"You should really read up on Egyptian history." Hathor said displeasedly, "Hechaise is another name for Hatshepsut."

"You let the child who was supposed to be born in Egypt be born on the bed of the Habsburg princess?" Pomona raised her voice.

"I have fulfilled his wish. This is not what he has been dreaming of day and night. A legal heir."

"Oh, God." Pomona wailed, covering her head.

"Why are you so excited?"

Pomona suddenly understood how men would go crazy when they mentioned Venus, and she was going crazy now.

Augustus had no sons of his own, although he married a woman who had had children, making sure she was okay in that regard.

The successor of Augustus may be a son-in-law, or even an adopted son. If Napoleon really admires Rome so much, then he can learn from Caesar and pass his throne to his officially recognized adopted son Eugene instead of being weak , The young biological son, let that child grow up surrounded by wolves with ulterior motives.

The cause of the War of the Spanish Throne was also the death of the male heirs of the Habsburg family, and the Spanish princesses who also had the blood of the Habsburg family had no inheritance rights.

They also did not have the courage and means of Hatshepsut to usurp the throne and become female pharaohs. Beginning with Thutmose III, the blood relationship of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt has nothing to do with the founding "Luna Family".

Seeking to usurp the throne does not necessarily require "divine right of kings" and "abdication". Ancient women were good at weaving. They could weave a sophisticated and complicated net, and achieve the same level as men with swords and blood in a way that ordinary people can't perceive. The purpose is, when they think about the taste, the yellow rice is already cooked, and it is too late to change it.

Although Hathor is the god of love, he is jealous of the living woman. Everyone is asking her for blessings, but no one thinks that she also desires to be loved. Napoleon's private life was messed up by her, but who made him die? If you don't die, you must sleep in Hathor's temple.

Couples who could not have children went to temples and other places to seek children after searching all ways. Pomona didn't know whether to say Napoleon was lucky or unlucky.

"He's a very interesting person, isn't he?" Hathor said a little desolately, "No matter what Josephine did wrong, he can be forgiven by him."

"You love your 'pet'?" Pomona asked.

"He's not here." Hathor looked back at the direction of the Tuileries Palace outside the window.

"Why?" Pomona asked.

"In the last years of his life he repented to your God, and his messenger on earth forgave him, and now he is not in my domain." Hathor turned his gaze to Pomona "if you promise to help me A little favor..."

"No." Pomona flatly refused, "He is pitiful enough, find someone else to trouble him."

"And how about your lover?" Hathor said coldly.

"How do you want me to help you?" Pomona changed her words decisively.

"You don't even know what blessing I want to give you."

"I don't care," Pomona said decisively. "I can't afford Cupid's blessing, whether she's Egyptian or Greek."

"Oh, is it?" Hathor looked annoyed. "You still think Cupid is stupid and only creates chaos?"

"We just want to live a simple life. Don't force me to have a child. I have helped people raise children for decades."

"I know what you want." Hathor put down his glass, and said seemingly soberly, "You always thought he had someone else in his heart."

"If you want to talk about Lily, oh, yes, the whole world knows about it." Pomona said angrily, "Even if you are a god, you can't erase the memory of people all over the world."

"How about we do a test?" Hathor stroked the rim of the crystal cup with his cardamom-colored fingertips. "See if he loves you more, or misses another woman more."

==================================================== ==============

Severus made a stick, and tied the pharaoh's dagger to the end of the stick, so that he had a spear.

"Why can only you enter the Louvre and not others?" Conseil asked Eugène.

"They are blessed by other gods, this is not its territory." Prince Eugene said coldly.

"Other gods? Ares?" Severus asked casually, holding his spear.

"My stepfather was a Catholic and he was faithful to God."

"But God didn't seem to let him wear the crown." Severus smiled teasingly. "Or rather, didn't let him wear it for too long."

"You are someone else's godfather, but I don't think you believe in God very much." Prince Eugene sneered and said, "Do you remember what kind of oath you swore to it?"

The smile faded on Severus' face.

"You know the price of breaking your oath." Ou Ren also said solemnly, "The scar on your hand is left by an unbreakable oath, right?"

Severus subconsciously covered his right hand.

"There are some punishments in this world that are more severe than death." The young Eugene said in a mature and solemn tone that did not belong to his age, "Those veterans who followed my father, they not only left a mutilated body, but also lost their souls. .”

"You're here, which means you're not that loyal to God," Severus said softly. "Do you believe in pagan gods?"

"I should have died in Egypt, but she continued my life and allowed me to stay in this world for more than 20 years." Eugene smiled. "I had a wonderful marriage, and I hope others can do the same." As happy as I am, serving Eros and she will bless them so they can find their peace."

Neither Gonseil nor Severus spoke.

"We are not crusaders, we are not fighting for God." Eugene said a little lonely, "We just hope to dig through the Suez Canal."

"It's a pity that you lost that game of chess." Severus said, "Why did you only survey once?"

Eugene stared at the Mamluk sword on his waist, "During the days when we left France by boat, my father often slept on the deck in the middle of the night watching the stars because of seasickness. It was August and the cabin was very hot. Blowing some cool breeze, we also came to the deck. At first, everyone was just chatting, but then they couldn’t find anything to talk about, so they started playing cards. Can you imagine what it would be like to play cards with the first marshal of France and the sailors?”

"Sounds interesting," Gonceil said with a smile. "What's the stake?"

"What I want to say is that my father was surrounded by people from the lower classes, who, although sometimes vulgar, were frank, and they were not suitable for such a complicated political life." Looking at Conseil "When my father said to me When I was going to divorce my mother, I also agreed, the complicated palace life is not suitable for her, we didn't expect human nature to be so complicated."

"I remember that Napoleon had a valet who was always sleeping in front of Napoleon's bedroom," Severus said suddenly.

"You're talking about Rustam, what did you mention him for?"

"I think this is the virtue of the Turkic people. Once they are defeated, they will show their loyalty. Rustam never raised the idea of ​​assassinating Napoleon while he was asleep, did he?" Severus asked .

"What are you trying to say?" Eugene looked at Severus blankly.

"I know some nobles, they are very similar to you, loyal, but." Severus shook his head, "You just want to get out of the circle of right and wrong and find a quiet place to live the life of ordinary nobles, right?"

"I think we've chatted long enough, gentlemen," interrupted Conseil at this point. "How about we continue our mission?"

Eugene turned his gaze to Severus.

"Is that what you thought when you killed the white wizard? Black wizard, kill the man who taught you, usurp the headmaster's position, and become the uncrowned king of the wizarding world?"

Severus twisted his lips and smiled slyly. "No, I never thought about it that way, did you, Prince."

Eugene did not answer him.

"It seems that we have found the reason for your failure." Severus said disappointedly, "It's really a pity."

Although Ou Ren was dead, he was still so angry that he pulled out his sword.

"I believe you have recovered enough magic power, how about we make gestures?"

"No." Severus smirked, and said slickly, "I believe in the power of wisdom more than swords. Now who hasn't allowed the nutrition of knowledge to enter the brain."

"Why do you provoke him!" cried Conseil suddenly, "do you think it's time to play games?"

Eugene and Severus looked at Conseil together.

"One o'clock! Gentlemen, did I remind you that the summer solstice comes earlier than the winter sun! We have five more hours!"

"It's not that your wife is missing, why are you so anxious?" Ou Ren said with a gleeful smile, "You don't seem to have a limit on how long you can think about a move."

Severus' expression changed drastically.

"It's really regrettable." Ou Ren returned the venom sprayed by the poisonous snake to him without leaving a drop. "Why didn't you think of it?"

Severus gritted his teeth and looked at Eugene.

"If you want someone to help you, you need to say 'please'." Ou Ren said leisurely, "Do you need me to teach you how to spell that word? British guy."

Severus looked at Goncey.

"Don't look at me, you asked for it," said Conseil without sympathy.

"'Please' take me to the next target." Severus said dryly, his tone full of displeasure.

But this undoubtedly entertained Ou Ren, the young man who looked like a court servant laughed out loud, looking proud and wild, and the veins on the old bat's forehead popped out angrily.

"Where's that thing?" Severus asked, holding back his anger.

"It's right there." Eugene pointed to a long object wrapped in cloth and said, "This is the mummy of a Nile crocodile."

Severus walked over, and after blanking the glass cover with his wand, stabbed the mummy with the "spear".

The mummy was originally dry and did not contain any moisture, but when the pharaoh's dagger pierced it, a stream of black water emerged from the wound.

At the same time, more than a dozen small crocodiles also came out of the breach.

This time, the three of them worked together to kill the little crocodiles. Their skins were so hard that they were cut like armor. They could only be pierced into their bodies through their open mouths.

"Let's go." After clearing all the little crocodiles, Ou Ren shook off the black blood on the sword and said to the two.

"How about we compete?" Severus said, "Who kills more monsters."

Eugene looked at Severus, his brown eyes filled with inexplicable emotion.

"Okay." Ou Ren said after a while, "Whoever loses is the loser."

"Deal." Severus replied, and the two left the exhibition hall quickly.

"They're all weirdos." Conseil murmured, followed closely behind the two, and also left.

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