Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1194 Game World (Part 2)

Severus pulled the dagger out of a clay jug, and a black, pitch-thick liquid gushed out immediately.

"Oh, Paracelsus, what does it smell like!" Conseil held his nose and kept retching.

"The entrails of crocodiles," said Prince Eugene, "the sailors would take out the entrails of crocodiles, mummify them, and stuff stones into them as a kind of ballast to keep the ship from capsizing in the water. The viscera will not be thrown away directly, they will be kept in such a jar."

"Can't you smell that smell?" Conseil said in a low voice, covering his head with a foaming spell.

Eugene did not answer him.

"I can't imagine that one day I will be jealous of a ghost who has no sense of smell."

"Be careful," Severus said. "There's something wrong with the water."

The black liquid flowing out of the jar is not like stagnant water like before, but is constantly deformed by an invisible force.

"Two brothers share one cake, and eight brothers will definitely get different cakes." Prince Eugene said, "The fewer crocodiles left, the stronger it will be."

Conseil tried to force back the thing that was about to emerge from the water with his Patronus, but his macaw, as if afraid of things in the black water, did not dare to fly too close.

Severus twirled his wand around the top of his head, and soon a white swan flew out from the end of the wand, and the two birds managed to force it back.

"Your Patronus has changed." Prince Eugene looked at Severus. "I remember it was a stag."

"It's none of your business." Severus said coldly.

Eugene looked at Conseil, who was watching Severus's back thoughtfully.

"Let's go." Prince Eugene said, and left the exhibition hall first.

==================================================== =

"Fox? Is that what you call the Bird of Eternal Life?" Hathor stared at the golden-red bird like flames.

"No, we call it Phoenix, Fox is its name," Pomona said.

"Is it your god?" Hathor asked.

"No, that's its nickname." Pomona said cautiously. "It's Dumbledore's pet."

Hathor's eyes widened in shock.

"Human beings are incredible, you actually dare to take this undead bird as a pet."

"Well~, you should really look at the attitude of humans towards cats." Pomona said with a smirk, "I read in a book that the phoenix seems to be a product of alchemy, because it, like the basilisk, does not exist in nature." natural enemy."

"You want to talk to me about this?" Hathor looked at Pomona.

"What would a normal woman want to talk to you about?" Pomona said feebly.

"They will ask me what kind of person they are compatible with, when will they meet that person, and sometimes a boy will ask me if his beloved girl is interested in him." Hathor smiled and shook his head "These Little fool."

"Is horoscope divination really accurate?" Pomona asked with great interest.

"What do you want to divination?"

"Is this a stupid question?"

"What do you think?"

"You should tell me the origin of the phoenix." Pomona said helplessly.

"Why should I tell you?" Hathor asked.

"what do you want?"

"I smell food, what have you brought?" Hathor pointed to Pomona's velvet pocket.

So Pomona generously took out the food she brought with her, and by the way, put her picnic blanket and the wine she brought from the winery on the blanket. Hathor directly picked up the wine bottle and pointed at Just drink it from the bottle.

"Phew." After finishing a bottle of wine "ton ton ton", Hathor used his hand as a fan and kept fanning himself, "It's really delicious, do you have any more?"

Pomona brought out another bottle, and Hathor was less impatient this time. She waited for Pomona to pour the wine into the glass and began to peck gracefully.

"I'm so sorry, I'm so shabby here." Hathor said apologetically, "It's been many years since no one offered sacrifices to me."

"It's okay." Pomona gave Hathor a luxurious pillow stuffed with dried evening primroses and bought in Venice. "Let's lie on it and talk, it's very comfortable."

The Egyptian beauty lay lazily halfway on the pillow, her gestures were elegant and charming, just like the oil paintings hanging on the walls of the Louvre.

Let alone a man, even Pomona, who is also a woman, couldn't help being moved. No wonder Ramses II called her "my peerless beauty".

"This is life." Hathor fondled the silk fabric "I miss it so much."

"Now can you tell me the origin of Benu?" Pomona asked quickly, taking advantage of Hathor's good mood.

"In the myths recorded by the priests, Benu created himself from the flames of a sacred tree in the sanctuary of the temple of the sun god Ra, but I heard that it was conceived from Nunn at the beginning of chaos. Cracked out of the first rock." Hathor took a sip of his wine and picked up a piece of strawberry pie to eat. "Do you know what Nunn is?"

"I've heard of it," said Pomona calmly. "We call it the Sea of ​​Chaos."

"If alchemy is the art of water and fire, then the phoenix you are talking about is created by alchemy, but not by humans."

"I get it," Pomona said with a smile. "It's like the difference between 3-methoxy-4-hydroxybenzaldehyde and natural vanillin."

"What does that mean?" asked Hathor, puzzled.

"I don't even know what to say." Pomona wanted to cry, "I'm becoming more and more like Severus."

"What's wrong with that?" Hathor asked.

"He is the most unpopular teacher in the school." Pomona pointed to her nose, "I am very popular with the students!"

"But I think there are a lot of students who like him now."

"I know, that's what's annoying." Pomona took a swig of her wine. "Even the house-elves listen to him, and I'm the one who treats them better."

"Are you jealous?"

"No!" Pomona denied. "I can't be jealous of a snot."

Hathor looked at her with his chin resting.

"Well, I'm kind of jealous." Pomona waved her hand. "Even Trelawney has admirers, why don't I?"

"Me too." Hathor shook his head, "Why do so many people look at Venus, obviously I am also the God of Love."

"You mean Venus Broken Arm?" Pomona said confusedly.

"And the sculpture of the goddess of victory, what's so interesting about it being so dilapidated." Hathor pouted, full of jealousy.

"They don't smile at them like the Mona Lisa." Pomona put an almond biscuit in her mouth and chewed "I can't even see a smile. What are they doing around them? The mystery of the Mona Lisa Smiling, I don't think it's mysterious at all, she just wants to attract attention, if any woman smiles at my husband for no reason..."

"Slap her!" said Hathor violently.

"No," said Pomona falsely. "It's very uncivilized."

"So you're going to let that woman smile at your husband, keep his eyes on her, and think of her all the time?" Hathor asked sarcastically.

With a sullen face, Pomona drained the wine in her glass.

"If there is a cat that wants to steal the meal I made, I won't say 'please' to it." Hathor raised his eyebrows, looking like a femme fatale, "Of course, I will drive it away with something convenient .”

"Pharaoh has so many concubines, Nefertari is not jealous at all?" Pomona asked.

"Pharaoh needs to establish his own authority. Some people think that having more women and children is considered success." Hathor said wearily, "That's what his job requires."

"I can't accept that." Pomona frowned in disgust.

"Kings, pharaohs, and emperors all need heirs. In the old days, the heirs of kings needed their mothers and noble births. This rule made many ambitious people stop their own ideas. Later, as long as it was legal, whether the births were noble or not was a matter of choice." It doesn't matter, the origin of the harem battle is largely derived from this." Hathor sneered, "Louis XV's mistresses all chose the wrong enemy, and they competed with Pompidou for the position of first mistress. You should find a way to make yourself a legal wife, so that the children they have will have the right to inherit. That little Cleopatra is actually very clever. Napoleon promised her that as long as she can give birth to children, he will Divorce Josephine."

"So he promised to marry that little Cleopatra?" asked Pomona.

"Guess." Hathor asked with a smile.

"It's unbelievable." Pomona shook her head and put the wine glass to her lips, "Who would believe a man's nonsense?"

"A man who can embrace the world spiritually, but does not have the ability bestowed by nature, then everything he does is empty talk." Hathor stared at Pomona drinking "Napoleon is eager to prove his ability in this regard, you Is your husband really willing to give up the heir?"

Pomona didn't answer her.

"See, that's why women can never be friends with women, especially young women and 'old women.'" Hathor sneered.

"How much of the love between Nefertari and Pharaoh is real?" Pomona asked.

"She will always be his favorite, and her tomb is the largest and most spectacular part of the Pharaoh's work." Hathor sighed, "Work is the Pharaoh's love."

"I thought...building the pyramids was a waste of money." Pomona asked confused.

"Do you think it's a waste of time and money for modern people to build so many buildings?" Hathor asked.

"Oh~" Pomona realized.

"Building pyramids and tombs can create employment opportunities. In order to realize these buildings, the Egyptians invented so many machines and all kinds of whimsy that modern people can't imitate. Why do you think that building pyramids will damage national power? ?” Hathor asked strangely.

"I just heard people say that."

"Use your own brain when you hear people say that, I thought you were smart," Hathor said.

"No, I'm not smart." Pomona chewed strawberry pie with her eyes closed. "I'm sleepy and hungry. Should I go to bed first or eat first and then sleep?"

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