"You should divorce her, brother." Paulina's voice came faintly from the closed door. "When you are not around, she is not idle at all, first with the Governor, and then with her dance teacher." , that officer you expelled from the army before, he is now a supplier of the army, this is all arranged by her, "

"That young man isn't even much older than Eugene." A man's voice sounded, "They're having sex in public, like you're dead."

Ou Ren was in the room, covering his ears with his hands, as if he could not hear the voices from the next room.

Rustam, Napoleon's new Mamluk, was standing silently holding the sword Napoleon gave him, a very handsome young man with blue eyes like the sea Zhan Lan, it is hard to see his oriental blood from him.

Then Eugene started to cry, as if he could no longer bear the pressure in his heart and finally broke down.

This pressure does not come from deserts and water shortages, nor does it come from enemies that may appear at any time.

It's just gossip, that's all, what's more, what they said is not groundless rumors.

The boy who had just turned 17 and hadn't turned 18 had to bear things that he shouldn't have to bear at his age.

"Don't let them defeat you." Lustam said to Eugene in unfamiliar French, "Don't forget who is connected with you."

"Shut up!" Ou Ren yelled at him uncontrollably, "Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!"

"Do you want to shut me up, or do you want to shut up other people," Rustam said.

"Great." Eugene smiled, "I don't even have the power to shut up a slave."

Lustam pulled out the Mamluk sword and threw it in front of Eugene, it made a dull sound on the thick wool carpet.

"If you really feel so ashamed, use it to end your life." Lustam raised the scabbard. "Or, you can use it to fight."

"Didn't you lose enough in the Pyramid War?" Eugene stared at Rustam.

The Turkic man ignored him, his blue eyes were like wolves, shining coldly in the dark.

Ou Ren thought for a while, picked up the sword on the ground, and then stood up slowly. Rustam stood in an odd posture, as if that was the way the sword was supposed to be used.

"Ah!!!" Ou Ren slashed at Rustam with a knife, as if he had a blood feud with himself.

Rustam dodged deftly, the blade slashed into the wooden table, and Ouren pulled it out with great effort, ready to attack Rustam.

The Turkic was already very flexible, plus he bent down and lowered his center of gravity, so there was less room for him to attack. After Euren slashed several times but failed, Rustam hit Euren with his scabbard With his back, Ou Ren staggered and fell to the side of the sofa.

The lighting in the room still relied on candlelight, and the wind brought by Ou Ren's long sword blew out a candle, and a puff of green smoke slowly hovered in the room covered with expensive silk.

The Mamluk's movements were extremely light, and he barely blew the blue smoke. Eugene's expression changed from painful and anxious at the beginning to extremely serious. He imitated the way the French had seen before dueling with a razor sword. .

At least for the moment he was briefly free from that unspeakable pain.

This beautiful boy was brought up by his mother before. He knows all kinds of court etiquette and ballroom dancing, but he is very unfamiliar with another kind of "dance".

What he had learned was just an appearance, and it had no lethality at all to the Mamluk cavalry who had grown up with scimitars and horses, even though Rustam was only holding a scabbard at the moment.

Suddenly, he couldn't hear those gossips, and he felt an unprecedented tranquility, even though he was exercising vigorously at the moment.

Like a teacher, Rustam corrected Eugene's movements with the scabbard, even if he didn't try his best, it still bruised Eugene's skin.

But this kind of pain is nothing compared to the one just now.

He kept attacking and getting beaten, but he still didn't want to stop.

Until he lost the slightest strength and was so tired that he lay on his back on the carpet.

When the hilt of the sword fell from his palm, he heard the cry of a woman and the knock on the door. He was familiar with that voice, which belonged to his mother.

At this time, the doors of the living room and the study room were opened, and Napoleon was standing at the door. His face was covered with sweat, his body smelled of alcohol, he looked angry and didn't know how to vent, his face was as pale as a ghost.

"Please forgive her, General." Eugene whispered, "Please forgive her."

"You heard what other people said." Napoleon had already unbuttoned the discipline button, and now he also pulled out the scarf inside. "Why should I forgive her?"

"If you really love her." Eugene lay on the ground, tears slipping silently from the corners of his eyes, "don't care about other people's eyes, because they won't share any pain for you."

Napoleon dropped the wine glass in his hand, took the musket from his belt, pressed the firing pin, and aimed the muzzle at Eugene.

Rustam didn't speak, nor did the other cronies who hadn't left in the living room, and the time just passed by like a slow and fast one.

Maybe ten seconds later, maybe ten years later, Napoleon put down the gun in his hand.

He sat on a low stool, as if he had run a long distance, his lungs were panting like a bellows, but his breathing finally returned to calm.

"Am I not good enough for them?" said Napoleon in a hoarse, dry voice. "Why are they doing this to me?"

"Please forgive her, father, please forgive her." Eugene continued to repeat this sentence.

"Don't let her go on," said Jean Lannes calmly. "We have other things to do."

"There are many enemies of yours in Paris." Joseph Bonaparte persuaded, "Fortunately, this is a suburban area. If she had been making such a fuss all night in the city, there would have been countless people watching."

"Forgive her, General."

"Forgive her, my brother."

Napoleon was silent, and no one dared to disturb him.

After a while, Napoleon stood up with his gun in hand, and left in silence.

Eugene did not get up to see what Napoleon had done, and after a moment he heard the sound of the bolt being opened, and then nothing else.

Even the gunfire he expected.

When Lana walked in and helped him up from the ground, Ou Ren realized that he seemed to have stopped breathing just now. He panted heavily, and almost choked on his own saliva.

"You did a good job." Lana patted Eugene on the shoulder, as if praising a soldier who performed a beautiful mission, "You're a bit of an adult."

Eugene stared at Lana, and the others.

He doesn't know if other people have experienced what he has experienced when they "adult". He feels that what he is experiencing at this time is like a dream, which fits his fantasy, but it does not conform to common sense.

"If people are not so determined, if they are not so obsessed with reminiscing about past misfortunes, and if they will think more about how to deal with the current situation calmly, then people's suffering will be much less. This is written in the general's favorite book." Lana said, "Do you know the name of that book?"

"No, sir." Eugene said timidly.

Lana walked to the bookshelf, took a book from it, and threw it to Eugene.

"Read it, and I hope you don't commit suicide like other young people who read it."

Ou Ren turned the book over.

"The troubles of young Werther, Goethe." Eugene read the title of the book and the author's name on it.

At this time, he heard a sound of sharp metal rubbing in the darkness, and Ouren turned his head, only to see Rustam put the sword back into the scabbard.

The blue eyes of the Turk were fixed on him, and he left the small room.

Eugene knew his habits, and estimated that he would sleep at the door of Napoleon's bedroom again tonight like a loyal dog.

==================================================== ===========

As Severus Snape cut off the nose of a crocodile-headed statue with a dagger, the foul-smelling black water gushed out quickly from the tip of the nose, and then transformed into a dog-headed, covered body. A bandaged monster that looks a lot like Anubis at first glance.

"It's a demon with a knife, cut off its neck!" Eugene shouted to the other two.

"Knife? Where's his knife?" asked Conseil.

"Do you want to wait for it to take a knife and cut your own neck?" Severus said, and then a curse was thrown, and the newly formed demon wailed, as if it had been cut by countless blades, and the bandage It was full of wounds.

"It has no skin, so it doesn't feel pain." Ou Ren said to the two, and then, like a dexterous dancer, after a few bounces, he came to the side of the dog-headed monster.

He jumped up, and the monster was as tall as a man and a half, about the size of a knight on a horse. When Severus used Kamikaze Shadow again, and when the monster dodged in embarrassment, the Mamluk sword with a curvature like a saber slashed the neck from behind the monster, and the demon let out a wail, and then seemed to be beaten to pieces fell to the ground like a sculpture.

"Maybe next time, you'll be able to see it in its full form." Severus said sarcastically to Goncey, "What are you going to do with it then? Throw it with your book, Leroy gentlemen?"

"That... that kind of monster..." Gong Saiyi looked at Ou Ren.

"It exists throughout the underworld, and it is a very common demon." Eugene said to Goncey, "They want to stop the undead on the ship from advancing. Was that yours or mine just now?"

"What do you think?" Severus asked back.

Ou Ren sneered, "It's your fault, otherwise others will say that I didn't let you go."

"Funny how a Muggle thinks he can beat a wizard." Severus smirked.

"Just those small wounds you made with the short stick in your hand?" Ou Ren sarcastically said without showing any weakness.

"When my strength recovers..."

"Isn't it just for this time that you set up Muggle Studies? What will you do when the magic power disappears?" Eugene interrupted Severus unceremoniously, "There are many traps that will make the magic power invalid. A melon's way works better than your wand."

"I hate you, Frenchman," Severus said through gritted teeth.

Ou Ren sneered, and turned around smartly, "Five have been destroyed, and there are three more. We must hurry up, gentlemen."

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