Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1186 The Goddess's Hymn

The footprints on the Marauder's Map are related to the shoes the man wore.

Or in other words, animal paw prints, whichever shape is printed on the floor.

Looking at the pair of Egyptian sandals she was walking on, Pomona somehow remembered the Marauder's Map, and then Sirius, Remus and James.

She felt that the "messenger" who walked ahead of them and led them was not dangerous or scary, but rather like an old friend he was familiar with.

As she walked, the sissal bell in her hand was also making sounds, coupled with the empty exhibition hall, she always felt that she was actually walking in a corridor, only a torch was needed to light it.

"According to the Egyptian tradition, the pharaoh couple will rule the country together. Ramses II has eight queens, but Nefertari appears the most in both sculpture and painting. She is a sweet sweetheart. With a beautiful face and a singer's voice..."

"Rameses II has hundreds of children." Pomona coldly interrupted Gong Sei's wild thoughts, "He should have quite a few concubines."

"What did you see in the pharaoh's harem just now?" Severus asked.

"It's nothing." Pomona replied tactfully, "The Pharaoh's family enjoys family happiness and enjoys it."

"You learned Egyptian in just a short while?" Severus asked again. "What did he say to you? My peerless beauty?"

"I swear, next time I won't repeat something I don't know the meaning of." Pomona said regretfully "and he didn't say it to me! For God's sake, I can't accept polygamy, I don't want to be Pharaoh's concubine."

Severus stopped asking her questions.

But he still looks at her suspiciously, like she's a thief.

"Is Nefertari the priestess of Amon?" Pomona asked Goncey.

"No, she worships Hathor, the god of love, and there are descriptions of her in the hieroglyphs translated by Champollion." Goncei said in a flat tone as much as possible, "Hattor and Isis are in the temple of Abu Simbel. Awarded the crown to Ramses II and the Great Queen. Ramses II was a nobleman from Lower Egypt. Historians believe that Nefertali was the daughter of a nobleman from Thebes, Upper Egypt. Their marriage Originating from a political marriage, Ramses II could gain the support of the nobles of Thebes through her, but it was because of Nefertari's amazing charm and wisdom that he really conquered the Pharaoh's heart."

"You're really familiar with this part of history," Severus said.

"In my great-grandfather's time, everyone liked to talk about this topic. Every time Champollion appeared, everyone would gather around him and ask questions." Conseil said.

"Then do you think Cleopatra is more beautiful or Nefertari?" Severus asked teasingly.

Conseil smiled awkwardly, trying to avoid the subject.

"Is Ramses II's worship of the goddess related to the fact that Aten was too powerful at that time?" Pomona asked, "I remember that Tutankhamun carried out a religious reform, abolished Aten, and restored the worship of Amun. "

"Tutankhamun came to the throne at the age of 9 and died suddenly at the age of 19. It was his father, Amenhotep IV, who really carried out the religious reform." Which woman is the most beautiful and safer” and because the temple of Amon was too powerful at that time, Amenhotep IV introduced Aten to weaken Amon’s influence. Tutankhamun’s first name was Tutankhamun, Later the pharaoh changed his faith to Amun, and then his name became Tutankhamun."

"Is Ramses II advocating goddess worship in order to weaken the Temple of Amun?" Severus asked.

"Hattor's influence has always been small. I think it is the pharaoh's personal beliefs and has nothing to do with politics." Goncey said.

"I think Ramses deliberately made so much publicity about his love for Nefertari and this has something to do with it." Pomona said teasingly, "Women believe that worshiping Hathor will get the most perfect love? This is the same as What's the difference between casting a spell on a lover?"

"Can you act like a normal woman?" Severus stared at Pomona.

"Do you want me to have a terminal illness like love brain?" Not to be outdone, she asked back, "And then leave a large debt for you to pay back slowly like Josephine?"

Severus wanted to say something, but didn't say a word.

Pomona snorted coldly.

French women in the old days were very good at spending money, so much so that the king could hardly withstand their squandering. Josephine died in front of Napoleon, leaving a debt of 3 million francs. According to an evening dress during the Paris Commune 20 At the price of francs, Josephine can buy 150,000 pieces of clothing just because of the debt.

Assuming that a person can live to be 100 years old, there are only 36,000 pieces of clothes that need to be changed every day for 365 days a year. But since Josephine changes five outfits a day, rounding up is about the same.

This has not included jewelry, salons and various balls. 2,000 pounds to buy Egyptian cultural relics is a big deal, and only museum-level funds will be invested. That is to say, a Josephine tops a museum, let alone Marie Antoinette. Nate is gone.

Gonseil's great-grandfather had done similar things before, but the Leroy family did not decline like the Gaunt family, mainly because their family had income such as the Burgundy domain. The Gaunt family lost their territory after the dispute between the red and white roses. The descendants lived by consuming the dowry brought by the Spanish princess and were unwilling to do business and work like the bourgeoisie.

It’s okay if it’s normal. Ludwig II repaired the castle and emptied the treasury, but he didn’t see the Germans sending the king to the guillotine like the French. Even Neuschwanstein Castle has become a famous scenic spot. Before the Great Revolution, there were plagues and famines in France, and it was difficult for the common people to survive, but the aristocrats danced and danced in Versailles, which led to the following tragedies.

In the vast majority of British wizarding and noble families, the husband is responsible for earning money and the wife is responsible for financial management. The situation of Draco and Astonia is special. Draco has no concept of money at all. He concentrates on being a doctor, and it is enough to restore the terrible reputation of the Malfoy family. The family will not worry that old Malfoy will cut off the funding and be forced to break up.

Although the Neville family is a pure-blooded nobleman, their family background is average, far less rich than the Potter family. If Hannah can keep the Leaky Cauldron running, then the Longbottom family can also have something other than Neville's salary. of the entry.

That child is good at studying herbs, but his brain is not bright enough. Like Pomona, he will not secretly keep some private goods for himself when he grows herbs for the school.

Pomona thought she was doing it very covertly, but the students still found out. How did they notice it?

Just when she was distracted, Conseil and Severus stopped suddenly, and she also hurriedly stopped.

She followed the gaze of the two, and the pair of sandals walking in front of them stopped and were neatly placed on the ground.

"Looks like it's here?" Pomona said.

Severus and Gonseil looked around together. Compared with the previous exhibition hall, there were more pottery in this exhibition hall, and the steles and reliefs were almost difficult to see.

They searched here aimlessly for a long time, but found nothing.

"What did it bring us here for?" asked Conseil, perplexed.

"You're the only one with us who can use magic now, how about some spells?" Severus said sarcastically to Conseil.

Pomona didn't speak. If even this person who is familiar with Egyptology doesn't know, it's even less likely that the two of them will know

"What are these for?" Pomona looked at the booths around, and all the glass cabinets were filled with clay pots.

"These are for wine," said Gonceil. "The tribute to the gods also includes wine."

They began to look carefully at these pottery pots used for sacrifices. There were many patterns painted on each of them, but the main descriptions were farming scenes.

Severus walked to a crocodile figurine farther away. "I remember that crocodiles seemed to be a kind of god in Egypt."

"It's called Sobek, and it's usually only worshiped by sailors who hope to avoid shipwreck during their voyages, and it's only accepted in private shrines." Gonceil said, "It used to be the protector of the young Horus, This restored Horus as the ruler of Upper and Lower Egypt, which the Egyptians considered quadruple divine because of its four elements, fire, air, water, and earth."

"Is it mentioned in the Book of the Dead?" asked Pomona.

"Yes." Conseil thought for a moment and said, "There are eight crocodiles who will take away the power of the immortal."

"It seems that we have found the culprit that made us lose our magic power." Severus stared at the crocodile figurine, smiled happily, and then took the pharaoh's dagger in his hand.

"You want to destroy it?" Pomona asked.

He stared back at her.

"It's not a Horcrux," she whispered, "and it's not the Sword of Gryffindor you're holding."

"Do you have a better idea?" Severus asked rhetorically.

"How about offering a sacrifice? Let's use a more civilized method." Pomona said helplessly.

"To sacrifice what?" Severus asked.

"The Egyptians believed that snakes living underground were related to the underworld, and they sacrificed water, wine, and blood." Goncey said a little tiredly, "When the Nile River first flooded, it washed down the red mineral salt. It will turn red."

"Whose blood? Human blood or snake blood?" Severus asked.

"Can you find the snake now?" asked Conseil.

Severus turned and left, apparently planning to summon the basilisk to sacrifice.

The problem is that the basilisk is not life, will its blood sacrifice be useful?

Pomona looked at the crocodile figurine, who would have guessed that such a small thing was working.

"You seem to think that Ramses II doesn't love Nefertari." When Severus walked away, Goncei asked Pomona, "Why do you think so?"

"Love is a secret." Pomona said calmly, "I know two people who are very good at hiding their love, and they don't tell others this secret until after death. Tully invites jealousy and bad luck, she will live in danger, and if he really loves someone, he will find a way to protect her."

"May I know who they are?" asked Conseil.

"Have you ever heard of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty?" Pomona changed the subject, "The one who was buried with him in the end was a woman named Mrs. Li, but she knew very well that he didn't love her, so she didn't treat her when she was sick." His face was shown to Emperor Wu of the Han, who actually loved the peerless beauty in his own imagination."

"You don't believe in love?" asked Conseil, somewhat shocked.

"No, I believe it better than anyone else." Pomona smiled mysteriously, and raised the "weapon" in her hand, "There is no weapon in this world that is more suitable for women than love."

"A man who falls in love with you will be pitiful," said Conseil.

"Do you feel sorry for Edgar?" asked Pomona.

Conseil said nothing.

"He's not pitiful because he doesn't love me."

"He's one of those two people who didn't reveal their secret until they died, isn't he?" asked Conseil. "Who is the other?"

Pomona raised her index finger and made a silent gesture towards him.

"This is a secret. You know enough, Mr. Leroy. If you know too much, you will kill yourself."

As soon as she finished speaking, she heard beautiful singing in the Louvre.

That voice was so beautiful, it was not inferior to the mermaid's singing at all, so that it didn't sound like a human singing, but more like a voice from heaven.

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