Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1185 Eye of God Ra

"Hey you, stop."

On the way back to the chessboard exhibition hall, Pomona heard someone shouting behind her. She looked back and found that it was the staff of the Louvre.

She raised her wand as if to give him a forgetfulness, but when nothing happened, Conseil raised his wand, and a red light hit the worker, who fell over.

"It looks like we're almost there," said Gonceil, going over to deal with the worker.

She looked out of a window that looked out onto the central square courtyard, out of sight of the glass pyramid.

Maybe those ghosts in the underworld also feel like Pomona at this moment. When he feels that he is surrounded by unknown darkness and terrifying demons, finding the pharaoh's army is equivalent to finding safety and protection. Anyway, Pomona is not lost now. So scared when magic.

She carefully observed this boundary, trying to find some clues. There are not as many statues in this exhibition hall as before, mainly murals and reliefs, and there are also some funerary objects placed in glass cabinets.

Severus pulled her back suddenly.

"Listen carefully," Severus said.

Pomona also held her breath and listened, but she heard nothing.

"Did you use a Sense Charm?" Pomona asked.

Severus ignored her.

She took a deep breath, walked to Gong Saiyi, asked him to bless her with this spell, and then returned to the previous exhibition hall, this time she heard a very crisp sound, a bit like a woman wearing jewelry, The sweet sound of the jewels hitting it above.

"I hear you," Pomona said. "And you?"

Severus walked over to a glass case where many musical instruments were displayed.

"What are these?" Severus asked after Gonseil arrived.

"They are all musical instruments used in Egyptian sacrifices." Gonseil said, "The one in front of you is called Sistrum, which means a shaking thing. It originated from the worship of Hathor, the god of love, and was later sacrificed to the goddess Isis. At that time, a cross handle was added, which later evolved into a symbol ♀ symbolizing women."

"Oh, it's Venus again." Pomona couldn't help crying.

Lockhart's winged Venus caused quite a bit of chaos at Hogwarts, as did the Trojan War Venus, and the archery Cupid.

"You don't like Venus?" Conseil asked strangely.

"Ignore her," Severus said mercilessly. "It made noise just now."

"Ra, Shu, Tefnut, Geb, Nut, Osiris, Isis, Seth, and Nephthys are one of the nine pillars of Heliopolis. This may be a good omen." Gonce Yi looked around, "Maybe we are blessed by gods."

"Are you sure they're not cursing us?" Pomona asked.

Conseil was speechless.

"Why are they manifesting now?" Severus asked.

"Isis is the goddess of magic, marriage and family, maybe your love has moved her..."

"Ugh~" Pomona wrinkled her facial features in disgust.

Severus watched her shake his head resignedly, then he turned to Conseil and asked

"So what? Take it?"

"In addition to playing the sissy bell, the ancient Egyptians also used it to exorcise demons. They believed that music could defeat death. Have you ever heard of Mozart's magic flute?" Gonseil asked.

Pomona and Severus exchanged glances.

"I have," Pomona said, curtly. "This gentleman thinks chamber music is a waste of his life, so he doesn't go."

"Mozart rewritten The Magic Flute based on the fairy tale of Kinnistan written by Wieland, a court teacher in Weimar. In addition to serving as the tutor of Prince Karl August, Wieland was also engaged in the translation of ancient Greek and Roman literature. , in the original story of the Magic Flute, Prince Lulu strayed into the castle of the fairy queen Periferimi while hunting, and the fairy queen asked him to help her retrieve the golden sword taken by the devil and rescue the captured princess. For this reason, she gave the prince a magic flute and a string of silver bells, so that he could turn danger into good fortune when encountering danger on the road. Later, Prince Lulu defeated the demon with these two treasures and retrieved them for the fairy queen. After winning the golden sword and winning the love of the princess, Mozart moved the story to ancient Egypt, where the Queen of the Night only gave the prince a magic flute, not a silver bell."

In Mozart's story, the Queen of the Night became a bad woman. Her purpose was to destroy the Temple of Light, and she finally saw through the Queen's plot.

The era that Mozart and Wieland lived in was the late stage of the German Enlightenment, and the darkness of the Middle Ages had not completely dissipated. Anyway, as long as women wore black veils, they would inevitably be maliciously slandered. Pomona was numb to this.

"I think you should bring this." Severus motioned to her for the pharaoh's dagger in his hand. "You don't have a single weapon in your hand."

"Just because this instrument represents a female symbol, are you unwilling to touch it?" She said sharply.

"In ancient Egypt, it was the queen who mastered sacrifices. Every year on the first day of the fourth month of winter, the priests of the goddess would leave the temple and go to cities and villages to pray for people to exorcise demons. Darkness and demons, I also think it is more appropriate for you to take this instrument." Conseil said.

This time Pomona didn't say anything more, and Conseil concealed the glass and motioned Pomona to get it. It seemed that he had no intention of returning the silver bell to the Louvre.

The glass is gone, of course it is stolen, but what is lost is not a precious cultural relic, just a slightly exquisite Egyptian musical instrument. Those so-called cultural relics have become tattered after thousands of years. No wonder they came to Egypt There will be so few tourists in the museum.

She reached out to touch the handle of the Sith bell. At the junction of the handle and the sounding part of the bell, there was a head of a goddess. Her eyes were painted with thick eyeliner just like the Egyptians.

Both men and women in Egypt draw thick eyeliner, which has almost become a symbol of Egypt. As for why Egyptians wear eyeliner, there are different opinions.

It is said that the Egyptian gods would protect those who wear eye makeup from disease, so that there is no risk of eye diseases.

It is also said that this represents the eye of Horus. After applying it, not only will the vision become sharper, but it also symbolizes fighting darkness with light.

But maybe people do it just because eyeliner makes the eyes more attractive, which makes it easier to fall in love.

She couldn't help stretching out her hand and stroking the face of the man with eyeliner in front of her. His black eyes were staring at her. The daytime sunlight in the desert was so glaring that she needed to block it with a curtain made of linen. The bright white light suddenly becomes very soft.

There is a female musician playing the harp in the distance of the bedroom. At this moment, the beautiful music sounds soft, accompanied by the rustling of palm leaves, making people drowsy. It is not at all like exorcism, it is more suitable for Listen to it during hot afternoon naps.

Next to the silk-covered bed was a low table on which stood a tiara with a cobra representing Lower Egypt.

The pharaoh is not only handsome, but he also has a pair of magical eyes, and a beautiful voice, softly speaking beautiful words of love.

It's a pity that she couldn't understand a word, and just when he rolled over to pin her down, Pomona woke up.

She raised the Sis bell in her hand, and drove away all the illusions that charmed her, and then she returned to the Louvre from the Egyptian pharaoh's bedroom.

"Oh, my God." Pomona gasped. "It's just horrible."

"What happened?" Severus asked, frowning.

Pomona shook her hand.

Unless it's the end of the world, she won't let him know what she just saw.

"Have you seen a hallucination?" asked Conseil.

"You just said that this instrument was sacrificed to Hathor first, and then to Isis. When did the belief in Hathor first exist?" Pomona asked Gongseil.

"It was there a long time ago, most of the time she is an independent goddess, but sometimes she is the wife of Horus, usually she is the goddess of love and beauty, the god of wealth, the god of dance, the god of music, once Ra will Put his eyes in Hathor's body, and she will turn into the tyrannical goddess of war, Sekhmet, and start killing the mercenary." Goncey said, "You think this bell is dedicated to Hathor. ?”

Pomona didn't know what to say.

Severus had been looking at her weirdly since just now, as if he had sensed something.

"I saw Pharaoh's cobra-headed crown," Pomona said. "And he said something."

She spoke in the Egyptian language she had just heard.

Conseil's face became strange.

"What did she say?" Severus said angrily.

"She said... my peerless beauty." Conseil suppressed a smile and said, "Which infatuated young man told you this?"

"It wasn't about me." Pomona hurriedly shook her hand, "It was the pharaoh who said it to his favorite concubine."

"You're in the pharaoh's harem?" Severus said through clenched teeth.

"Do you think I can control this?" Pomona tossed the sissy bell to Severus, who froze for a moment, then dropped it.

But this top-heavy instrument did not fall to the ground because it lost its support. It stood upright like the symbol "♀" representing women, which looked magical and weird.

"What did you see?" Gonseil asked Severus.

"Water," Severus said sullenly. "The water came up slowly over my head, and then I left."

"Do you know which pharaoh that is?" Conseil asked Pomona.

"How do I know!" She jumped up angrily, "I hate this place!"

Conseil seemed to have noticed something, and looked back over Pomona's shoulder.

Pomona Ye followed his gaze and saw a pair of exotic Egyptian straw sandals on the floor of the Louvre.

It must have belonged to someone noble. The straw sandals have not been damaged after so many years, but the gold on the buckle of one of them was removed by someone, otherwise it could still be worn.

Conseil went over to check it out, then looked around in the nearby glass booths, and finally stopped in front of a glass case.

A moment later, Conseil blew a frivolous whistle.

"Whose shoes do they belong to?" Severus asked.

"You won't believe it," said Conseil, laughing wildly.

Pomona walked over to check in disbelief.

After reading the introduction, she couldn't help opening her mouth.

"These shoes belonged to Nefertali, the queen of Ramses II, the most beautiful woman," said Goncey, "but Ramses II preferred to call her 'my love, the sun shines because of you. Rising', when they were alive, they went out in pairs, and even after death, the tomb of the Pharaoh was next to hers. Her temple was next to Ramses' own temple. In front of this temple, Nefer The statue of Tali became the incarnation of the goddess Hathor and stood side by side with the statue of Ramesses himself. The statues of women, even noble queens, are seldom lined up at the same height as the statues of the Pharaoh, who loved her very much , these sandals made of palm leaves and papyrus are worn by the queen to Hades and the afterlife."

Pomona did not join in the lively discussion between the two of them.

No matter how much Pharaoh loved Nefertari, it was a pity that all the children she gave birth to died. In order for Pharaoh to inherit the throne, she still had to endure sharing her husband with other women.

An innocent and lovely woman can't protect her children in a pharaoh's harem full of snakes and scorpions.

Pomona took off her Beatles boots, with the socks inside, and gesticulated with her bare feet alongside the shoes.

It's a pity that these straw sandals are not Cinderella's glass sandals. They are suitable for people with big feet, such as Lily's height, and they are too big for a short person like her.

At this moment, the shoes moved slowly.

In the wizarding world, she could move a lot of things, which wasn't surprising at first, but Pomona felt a cold air rushing from the soles of her feet to the top of her head, and her hair was about to stand on end.

The pair of shoes walked by themselves for a while, as if realizing that they were not keeping up, and stopped again, as if waiting for them.

"Perhaps it means that we should follow," said Gonseil, looking at Severus.

Severus scowled, walking towards the shoes.

"Take that sissy bell," he said to Pomona as he passed her, not intending to get down on one knee to put her shoes on.

Angrily, she threw her boots on him, stomped her feet, as if she didn't feel any pain at all, and went back to get the "weapon".

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