The uniforms worn by the Napoleonic army are probably the most elaborate and flamboyant military uniforms in the entire history of military clothing.

The French Army not only made Europe tremble in terms of force, but the style of military uniforms also affected the whole of Europe. Even the uniform of ordinary soldiers looks like a party dress, which is very flashy and not defensive, but young lads look very handsome in this outfit, and in an instant they are wearing gorgeous silk coats and wearing The aristocracy of wigs is more than the past.

Lydia in "Pride and Prejudice" fell in love with Wickham in military uniform. As long as the military uniform is well-designed, there are fools who want to wear military uniforms to volunteer to join the army.

The incompetence of a soldier is only his personal incompetence; the incompetence of a general of a legion will lead to the incompetence of the entire legion. Napoleon said that a soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier. During Napoleon's period, the French army's morale was as high as it was reborn.

His marshal of the hussars said that a hussar who fought for a year and was not killed was not a hussar but a worthless one.

The marshal of the hussars who uttered this "famous saying" was the black-haired young man Joachim Murat who just sneered.

Cavalry is the romance of men. From the 16th to the 18th centuries, the hussars were popular in central Europe. The most famous ones were Hungary and Poland. The main weapon was the saber. After Napoleon went to Egypt, he introduced the scimitar used by the Mamluk cavalry into his own cavalry. .

Although the Mamluk cavalry lost in the Battle of the Pyramids, Napoleon was deeply impressed by their extraordinary individual quality. He once commented that two Mamluk cavalry could easily deal with three French cavalry, but a hundred French cavalry Armored cavalry will not be afraid of a hundred Mamluks, three hundred can fight three hundred, and one thousand French soldiers can fight fifteen hundred.

This is of course due to the fact that Napoleon was encouraging the French. His later bodyguards were all Polish. It was also because Napoleon had an unstoppable Marshal Joachim Murat. He was promoted to major general after wounding and capturing Mustafa Pasha, and he was also the cavalryman who obeyed Napoleon's orders and carried 40 cannons from the barracks to the Tuileries Palace.

After Napoleon, the French army began to become weak again. Napoleon was like a fleeting meteor, disappearing after a short gleam. His once prominent subordinates died or escaped, and even he himself was imprisoned.

Napoleon launched the Brumaire Coup not only to obey the request of the people of Paris and realize his personal ambition, but also related to the attitude of the Directorate.

When the Great Revolution broke out, the land-based countries bordering France wanted to take advantage of the fire to grab a share. After ten years of turmoil and the appearance of various forces, the foreign countries were basically calmed down, and the domestic rioters also obeyed. What's the use?

After Louis XIV expanded the territory of France and turned Paris from a border city into an inland city, he tore down the defensive walls, making Paris an undefended city, and making the people living in it undefended. So stay on your toes.

Enjoying peace for a long time can make a once shattered army disarmed and make a cold sword rusty.

Creatures like werewolves, when humans are stronger than them, they will submit. When humans are weaker than them, they will attack humans. When Death Eaters are around, werewolves will be obedient. Now it is the turn of the Anti-Dark Magic League to rule. , Werewolves dare to rebel and cause chaos, without strong means, just using "de-you weapons" can't educate those "bad dogs".

There are no weak soldiers under a strong general. When Pomona and the others walked through the door of the cabinet and returned to the North Wing of the Louvre under the moonlight, they had an extra document in their hands. Napoleon signed and authorized them to second 200 cavalrymen.

Napoleon's signature begins with a very ornate "N", and "N" is engraved on household items he used throughout his life, including his love letters to women.

With this thing, Pomona felt a lot more at ease. Even if she couldn't borrow soldiers, it could be used as a pass. At least if there was a problem with the Egyptian Pavilion, they could go to the barracks in the fog. As for whether the French cavalry could fight She won't know about defeating the Egyptian pharaoh's army.

She looked up at the moon above the glass pyramid. In the Tarot cards, the moon not only represents restlessness, but also strong dreams. Maybe Napoleon became the emperor and his life of sweeping ups and downs is just a 27-year-old downcast. It's just a dream that the youth had in the hotel.

When he woke up, he was still the poor boy who was abandoned by his first love, and everything was just a big dream of his. Just like the examinee in the east who woke up from a sleep in the hotel while rushing to take the exam, when he opened his eyes, the proprietress's yellow rice was not cooked yet.

A dark shadow blocked her gaze into the moonlight, and she saw a pair of wolf-like eyes glowing in the dark.

"What did you just say?" Severus said angrily.

"Anyway, it's not what you said." She straightened the small square scarf in the pocket of his coat, "You really can't please people."

The scowl on his face faded a little.

"Then what did you say?" he said softly.

Pomona repeated what Conseil had said.

"It's only been a while, you don't think I'm going to move on." Pomona sneered at him. "Are you jealous?"

"I don't like to see other people whispering," Severus said unhappily.

"We're not in class right now...well, you won." Pomona relented, although she felt that "Professor Snape" was making a big fuss over a molehill.

Then he stood still and said nothing.

He exudes a gloomy temperament of "quickly coax me", as childish as that eccentric Slytherin student.

"They're French," Pomona reassured. "The French know how to deal with the French best."

"Do they think I'm an idiot!" Severus complained angrily.

"I don't think that's the case. Talking to you always makes people feel stomachaches, and Napoleon is particularly afraid of his own stomach problems..."

"What?" He got even angrier.

"You are not omnipotent. You should congratulate Mr. Leroy for being a flexible person. He is not like an answering guy. You can do whatever you say."

"Who are you speaking for?"

"Think about Albus, how did he put up with you?"

He looked at Pomona half knowing.

"I know that the Dark Lord likes to do things himself. It's because he doesn't have many talented people around him, and that's why he needs you so much. You spend more time with Albus than I do, especially when it comes to work. Is he good at letting go and letting you deal with things? He trusts you."

"You want me to imitate him?" Severus asked strangely.

"I'm asking you to learn his art of ruling." After finishing the kerchief, Pomona placed her hand on his heart. "Learn to be a man with the heart of a lion, Prince."

He was lost in thought.

"You can't trust people, and you can't trust no one. Like the Dark Lord, you can only trust yourself. His end is actually quite tragic." Pomona said sadly, "I feel like we took away the orphans." property."

"Salazar Slytherin donated Hogwarts, so it is no longer Slytherin's private property." Severus said indifferently, "He learned the power to control his own magic in school, If you haven’t become an obscurant, you’ve already settled the matter.”

Pomona said nothing.

Newt Scamander always said he didn't want to take sides, he wanted to be absolutely neutral, but in the eyes of others he still belonged to Albus, and Albus let her go to his house for the summer vacation.

Although the Egyptians were very pitiful and were bullied by Britain and France and almost lost their sovereignty, Pomona knew very well that if she fell into the hands of the Egyptians, they would not show mercy to her. It will still be the "English gentleman" and the "French knight" who will protect her.

It is an extremely bad act to fire at civilians, but Napoleon still chose to fire. In the choice of being a knife and fish, he chose a knife.

When his life was threatened, he understood that the impact of the incident should be minimized. That Corsican dwarf also has a lion heart. No wonder he became the first ruler of France, admired by so many people, and musicians like Beethoven wrote songs for him.

The Broken Arm Venus made the French understand what flawed beauty is. Even though those so-called heroes are not real heroes, Pomona still thinks that Josephine and Napoleon are really too unsuitable.

The most basic rule after becoming a husband and wife is to remain faithful. How could she be entangled with other men when her husband was on an expedition.

"His world is too big, it doesn't matter if he has her or not."

While Pomona and Severus were talking in a low voice, Goncey looked at the sunny corridor behind the cabinet and said, his eyes were full of pity, as if standing in front of a beautiful woman.

"What?" Severus asked confused.

"I was wondering why Josephine was so flirtatious." Gonseil looked at Severus and said, "He spends so little time with her."

"I'm going to study the Egyptian artifacts," Pomona said.

"But in this way, she won't be able to introduce those old-time nobles to Napoleon." Severus understood quickly, "Josephine is a social star, you are not, who was one at the beginning of the ball?" People hiding in their rooms and eating cake while crying?"

Pomona was so angry that she slapped him hard.

Her punch had no effect on him, he turned to her ear and said in a low voice, "If I hadn't knocked on the door that day..."

"Come on." She pushed him aside.

Conseil smiled ambiguously, turned and left the room.

When he was gone, Severus became more daring, he put his arms around her waist, and swayed slowly as if he wanted to dance with her.

"I'm not a coward," he said softly, smiling.

"Do you want to be a fool like Murat?" she said angrily.

Dragons are scary, but almost every country in Europe has "Dragon Cavalry". Murat once led Napoleon's cavalry division and staged a magnificent and gorgeous charge at the Battle of Eylau, rescuing the friendly forces besieged by the Russians.

Men always have fantasies about war, but Pomona didn't want him to be so out of his mind that he could become the First Marshal of France as an Englishman.

"You don't need to be the bravest man," Pomona said. "Give the title of bravest to a warrior like Murat. You are a wizard, Severus. You have to use your brain and your wits."

"You don't like heroes." He smiled, running his fingertip across her face. "It's because you like wizards, right?"

She put her cheek close to his hand, dawdling obediently.

"Yes, Prince."

"Am I still dreaming?" he whispered, looking into her eyes.

"I can give you a slap in the face, want to try?"

"I prefer the other way." He closed his eyes and kissed her.

"Too many kisses," she complained. They had kissed just now in the Tuileries.

But her voice soon faded away, replaced by wails of love, and the occasional sucking sound, like the one you make when drinking butterbeer,

Sweet and a little greasy, it will be very warm to drink in winter, making people warm from the inside out.

She personally felt that it was much happier than Eugenie's father felt warm when he saw the gold when he was dying.

In fact, besides fate knocking on the door, happiness also knocks on the door. Who would refuse to open the door to happiness?

She recalled the scene when she heard the knock on the door and opened the door, and suddenly felt that the knock on the door from the depths of the Louvre was no longer scary.

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