Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1187 “incubation”

"According to the tradition of ancient Egypt, from the era of the pyramids, or even earlier, the tomb was always with the temple. People held sacrificial ceremonies in the temple. The place, Duat is actually not a nostalgic place. It is a miserable place without water and air, dark and deep, so the general dead will return to the world as gods after being judged. The temple accepts the tribute of the living, or returns to its own cemetery. The dead who have not been judged are called the cursed. The situation of Nefertari is a bit different. Her image is shaped as Ha The incarnation of the goddess Thor, you can hear voices, in Egypt it is the way the gods communicate with people, look at this stele." Goncei took Pomona and Severus to a place where the ears were engraved "Generally, some small temples will be built outside the big temple, and this kind of stele will be placed inside. You can think of it as something like a telephone. God listens to the prayers of believers through it, and believers hear the prayers of the people through their ears. God's call, this way of communication is called 'listening ears', there is a place for pilgrims to sleep in the temple, these pilgrims communicate with God in dreams, this way of communication is called 'incubation', but the gods of Egypt have good and evil On both sides, we'd better not act rashly."

"So it's an Egyptian god who's singing now?" Severus tossed his hair parted in the middle, holding a twisting little snake in his hand.

"I don't know!" Gon Sey pulled his hair impatiently, "There is a star-eating demon in Egyptian legends, he will surround Ahe with a group of 8 crocodiles, and the crocodiles will take away Ahe's magic power. "

"What's an Ah?" asked Pomona.

"Akhs are souls who have passed the judgment of Osiris, or the blessed dead, those who have not reached the halls of the judgment of Osiris are classified as 'mut', meaning wrongful death, Or the dead who are cursed, who are accompanied by demons and cause trouble to the living. The Egyptians believed that death was not just one time, and the first death was when the body lost the breath of life and disintegrated as a whole, but his Fate is still entangled with other people, and the second death is a death in the true sense, as the part of the deceased's personality is wiped out, as if returning to the sea of ​​chaos, there is nothing left." Gong Saiyi showed his face. Fear "That mysterious man in your UK is like this. Changing a body is equivalent to changing a container. We must find those eight crocodiles in the Louvre. They may not all be terracotta figurines, but may also be mummies and sculptures. You must also find the demon that devoured the stars, only in this way can your magic power be restored."

"What if we don't look for it?" Severus asked.

"The Eater of Stars sounds much better than 'Blood Dancer' and 'Heart Eater'. Do you want to fight those demons unarmed?" Conseil asked.

Severus glanced at the dagger in his hand, and Pomona glanced at the sissy bell in her hand.

"I wish I could fight as well as Anna Sui," Pomona said enviously.

"Isn't your house next to the kitchen?" Severus sarcastically veiled.

Pomona bowed her head in frustration.

Badger Yard is like this. He likes food more than exercising to become stronger. Although Severus is much better than her, he is a wizard and is far less good at physical skills than Muggles. If he meets the Scorpion King, he will probably have to fight the movie Kneeling down like Imerton in the movie, planting and framing the hero.

"Time is running out, we have to split up," said Conseil. "What do you think?"

In the movies, splitting up is bound to go wrong.

"I agree," Pomona said.

"How to group?" Severus asked.

"I can't hear your singing, so I'm going to find those crocodiles who will take away the magic power. As for how you want to divide it, you can discuss it yourself." After Conseil finished speaking, he started from his beautifully embroidered money bag. rummage through things.

"Shall we go see that singing place?" asked Pomona.

Severus was lost in thought.

"You heard me!"

"Before we left the UK, there was a rumor that someone disappeared in the London subway and was only found a few days later." Severus said, "The collection of Egyptian relics in the British Museum is no less than that in the Louvre."

Pomona recalled it, and it seemed that there was such a thing.

"But it wasn't the summer solstice, and it wasn't the full moon." She recalled while wringing her fingers. What month was it?

"The point I want to make is, what if we're stuck like those Muggles who got off the wrong side?" Severus said.

"So we're not going?"

He didn't speak.

"Mr. Leroy, if we are going to deal with the star-eating demon, are we on our own?" asked Pomona.

"The advice of the ancient Egyptian priests is to find a god who can fight." Goncey said, "Although Hathor is usually a gentle goddess, if she is protected by the Eye of Ra, she will be an extremely tyrannical goddess of war."

"Where is the Eye of Ra?"

"I'm afraid you will find out when you go to the place that summoned you."

"Looks like we have no choice," Pomona said to Severus. "I'm going to find the singer. Are you looking for the crocodile or come with me?"

"How about getting rid of this first?" Severus said to the crocodile sculpture. "Are you sure you want to use the 'civilized' method?"

"What do you think?" asked Pomona.

"I have a bad feeling," Severus said.

"Me too, I have a bad feeling." Pomona said, "You've already cheated, so stop doing things that offend the gods."

"What do you think?" Severus asked Gonseil.

"Let's try the 'civilized' method first," said Conseil, "and see if we can appease them."

"Minority obeys majority." Severus said humorously, poured several bottles of wine on the floor, and then cut open the skin of the little basilisk with a dagger, allowing the snake's blood to drip into it.

Nothing happens.

"Shouldn't the statue be in there?" Severus asked Gonseil.

"I think we should say some spells," Pomona chimed in.

"Don't tell me that I'm not an Egyptian priest," said Conseil grumpily.

They stared at the blood-red pool of water on the ground for a while, but there was still no response.

"Looks like the cleaning people will be busy tomorrow." Pomona shrugged.

"Are you sure this thing took our magic?" Severus asked Gonseil.

Conseil hesitated to speak, then turned to look through the books he had just found.

Pomona leaned closer to Severus's ear and said in a voice only two of them could hear, "I'm starting to regret not having Bill."

"Bill can't speak French." Severus smiled strangely. "Did you forget how he chased Fleur?"

"Yeah, help Fleur correct her pronunciation." Pomona smiled and shook her head, "What a stupid girl."

"Then do you think you're smart?" He continued to look at Pomona with that weird smile.

She felt something in her heart, and suddenly turned her head to look at the ground, and the puddle of wine that was spilled on the ground "boiled".

In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen eggs came out of it.

"Conseil!" cried Pomona.

The Frenchman who was reading a book also looked at the offering.

With a "click", an egg cracked open, and then a small black snake swam out from the gap in the eggshell. It had no eyes, and it hissed and spit out something, looking like a whip.

"What is this?" she asked in a low voice.

"Let's go." Conseil said with a pale face as if he had thought of something.

"What is this?" Severus gritted his teeth and asked sharply.

"I think we need to find a safe place first." After finishing speaking, Gong Saiyi ran away.

Severus wanted to destroy the crocodile figurine with his dagger, but just as he moved, the two snakes came towards him, and he had to take two steps back, and finally pulled Pomona out of the exhibition hall.

"The civilized way, isn't it?" he said sarcastically and angrily as he ran. "That's a very clever idea."

"At least it's not like a basilisk, one look at its eyes will kill you." Pomona said stiffly, and then looked back, the two snakes didn't chase them, but started to "eating" in the exhibition hall.

Souls are not only found in human beings, but in all things. This kind of snake feeds on souls, and it seems that it is not picky.

Although the Egyptians worshiped snakes, not all kinds of snakes were worshiped, and this snake was undoubtedly summoned from hell.

Every soul looks like a star in the night sky, and these snakes look like star devourers.

She stopped.

"What are you doing?" Severus asked.

"Everyone has to face consequences for their actions," Pomona said. "I can't walk away like this."

"What do you want?"

"I want to try the Patronus Charm, maybe I can use the Patronus to drive those strange snakes back."

"Don't forget, we have no magic here," Severus said to Pomona, then turned to look at the running Goncey. "Do you know the Patronus Charm, Leroy?"

Conseil, who was fleeing in a hurry, stopped, he took out his wand, and the end of the wand sprayed silver gas, and finally formed a silver parrot.

As soon as the patron saint of parrots appeared, the two strange snakes hissed as if they had encountered some threat, and retreated towards the wine booth.

The originally boiling wine returned to calm, and the eggs that had not yet hatched quickly changed color, turning into pieces of stone.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Severus quietly hid in the shadows and sneaked up to the crocodile figurine. When he raised his dagger and was about to stab the figurine, the two snakes aimed their heads at the figurine. It touched him, opened its mouth, and spewed out venom like a cobra.

Pomona quickly summoned the small round shield she got from the Palodo Labyrinth. It blocked the venom at a critical moment, but the bronze surface began to turn black quickly, as if it had been poisoned.

With this stop, Severus immediately pierced the crocodile figurine with a dagger, and a lot of black liquid flowed out from it, drenching the entire glass cabinet.

The two snakes wailed sharply, turned from solid to phantom, and finally disappeared. The souls they had just devoured were released again. They froze in mid-air for a while at first, and then returned to the utensils they were on just now inside.

They may be frightened, trembling non-stop, watching those bottles and jars shaking by themselves, it looks like an earthquake.

"It seems that they refuse civilization." Severus stared at the position where the two snakes were just now and said, "They just disappeared?"

Panting heavily, Pomona had no time to pay attention to him.

Although the pool of wine had stopped boiling, it was still smoking, and she was really worried that something else would come out of it.

Conseil flicked his wand, and the pool of wine disappeared.

"It could have been worse." Conseil put his hand on her shoulder. "You did a good job."

Pomona didn't wave his hand away, but she didn't feel very happy either.

"Do you still want to go to Nunn?" Severus asked, staring at Gonseil.

"I'll think about it." Gonceil withdrew his hand from Pomona's shoulder.

As he spoke, the Patronus flew up and stood on his shoulder, looking like a pet.

"It's a macaw," said Pomona, staring at the Patronus.

"I think it looks good, whether it's colored or white, what do you think?" Conseil teased the parrot, which immediately uttered an ugly cry.

"You look like a sailor," said Pomona.

"I like this metaphor." Conseil smiled happily. "It sounds much better than the appraiser."

"How about we call you Sinbad?" Severus smiled. "Like the Count of Monte Cristo."

"I have nothing to avenge." Conseil frowned.

"No, I call you that because you are both earls, and I think you would be a good fit to sleep in a room full of treasures." Severus smiled strangely, "Whether that place is the bedroom of the living or the dead grave."

"I don't want to lie in a coffin."

"You might do it again next time. When you meet a demon, what does the book of the dead say?"

"The dead need to defeat them by force, with the help of a dagger or a spear," said Gonceil, after a moment's hesitation.

"Then why did you tell us to sacrifice?" Severus asked.

"What do we do next?" Pomona asked.

Severus looked again at the pair of straw sandals that had brought them here, it stood still in place, it seemed that it would no longer guide them.

"Split up," Severus said. "I'll go find the crocodile."

"Are you sure you won't be with her?" Conseil asked.

"If Hathor is really the god of marriage and love, she's less dangerous than the devil," Severus said dryly, "and women are better than us at dealing with women."

Conseil thought for a while before accepting, so the three of them acted separately, and by the light of the full moon, they wandered around in the Louvre where the five of them were at night.

Ear monuments are in the Louvre and the British Museum

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