Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 116 Unexpected

It does no good to indulge in vain dreams and forget about real life.

What did you see in the Mirror of Erised, Dumbledore?

Twelve years can change a lot of things. The half-blood Slytherin that everyone looked down upon gradually became a remarkable potion genius, and he was the youngest dean of Slytherin. It's so sweet, he should be happy, why is his face so ugly.

Is it because Harry Potter is going to school? Although he looks like James Potter, he has Lily's eyes. For his mother's sake, he should treat him better.

He attracted her attention because he became excellent. Sirius would be excellent if he didn't enter Azkaban. She wished them a happy marriage. Now she will only focus on her students like Minerva , the next generation of wizards. The old fool asked her to look at Neville Longbottom, a pure-blood noble who was almost like a Squib, how would she train him to be a talent?

Many Aurors are Animagus, and Neville has a gentle character. Even if he becomes aggressive due to the sequelae of Animagus, he will not become out of control like James Potter, provided he has enough This is the real problem Dumbledore left for her to make the Squibs have the same magic power as a real wizard, but first she needs to understand where the magic power comes from.

Neville was awakened because his uncle Algie accidentally threw him out of the window, but he bounced back without doing any harm, and he was able to go to Hogwarts to study later.

Did Algie really miss it, or did he want to murder Neville, and then get the inheritance of the Longbottom family.

He's just a boy who likes to talk to potted plants, why bother him.

Pomona made up her mind to set up the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix at the Longbottom house, on the premise that she wanted to deal with this Algie, and what was going on with him.

"Are you awake?" Severus asked.

"Are we in St. Mungo's again?" asked Pomona.

"No, in Godric's Hollow."

Pomona thought of Arianna, and the doctors felt they couldn't do anything, so Aberforth and Albus took her home instead of keeping her in the hospital.

Maybe she's like Arianna.

"When did you find that place?"

"When that old fool dies, all his memories will be stored in the principal's office. I didn't know why you went to such a secluded place until I saw that motorcycle." Severus grabbed Her hand "Thank you."

"You just can't help but want to open that envelope, can't you?"

Thanks to his curiosity, the relationship between Petunia and Lily was extremely bad. She didn't give Lily a good look during the whole summer vacation. Petunia wrote a letter to Dumbledore, hoping that he would accept her, but the thief opened it. The envelope, peeking at the contents, trampled a teenage girl's self-esteem.

"Curiosity is what drives you forward."

"Curiosity can kill cats!" Pomona sat up angrily. "Shouldn't you have spent that summer at Slughorn's house? Why did you come home suddenly?"

"I wonder what you and Lily are doing?"

Pomona couldn't help but roll her eyes, Tobia was really unlucky.

"I want to see Neville Longbottom," she ordered in a tone of voice.

"Hogwarts is back. He is a professor of herbal medicine. If he wants to see you, he can only come on a day off." He slowly stretched his hand under the quilt, "And today is a working day."

"I'm your subject, Professor." Pomona reminded him, but she didn't stop him from reaching into the restricted area.

"One day I'll find his soul, tear it to pieces, and let him taste what he's done to me," Snape said through gritted teeth.

"He gave you his inheritance, Severus." The approaching heat source acted like a hellhound, dispelling the cold from her body.

Even if she couldn't do whatever she wanted, she should do whatever she wanted, so she let those hands work their magic on her.

Controlling the beast is difficult, both Dumbledore and the Dark Lord have failed, and it's her turn, and if she can't control it, there's nothing stopping the prince from conquering the world in his chariot.

Women tend to fall in love with bad men, and gentle boys like Neville won't be interested, let alone Ron Weasley who vomited snot all afternoon, Hermione Granger was tricked by that old fool up.

"I heard that there is no matriarch in a pure-blood family? Since there is already a female minister of magic, why can't there be a matriarch?"

"It's a tradition." The Half-Blood Prince put his hands on her waist, "But if you want to be the patriarch of the Sprout family, I have no problem."

Pomona sneered, "You don't want your original surname anymore?"

"I only want to keep the name Irene gave me. If it weren't for the fact that following my mother's surname would be regarded as an illegitimate child, I would have changed my surname to Prince when I was studying."

Severus Springs, like Blaise Zabini in essence, would rather be a half-breed than an illegitimate child of an unknown father.

"Do you think women are stupid too? My prince?"

"It's not you, Knox." Severus curled up in a smile. "What new discovery have you made?"

"Did you cheat on the Screaming Golden Egg level? You were the one who moved Myrtle from the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets entrance to the prefect's bathroom on the fifth floor."

"I just think it's so pitiful for a girl to cry in the toilet all the time. Don't you think she was very unhappy when she was on the second floor? Few people saw her laugh. She always felt violated because of a little thing, and then deliberately Weeping so loudly that others forgot her original name, and named her Weeping Myrtle." The well-dressed thief, pretending to be aristocratic, searched for her like a treasure. Go to "She's so much happier in the fifth-floor prefect's bathroom, did your Cedric tell you how much happier she is."

As happy as Myrtle was, as unhappy as Harry and Cedric were, even ghosts liked the warm bodies of boys, and someone would be happy just to see Harry suffer.

"How could you let a female ghost appear in the male prefect's bathroom? Nobody used that bathroom after the Triwizard Tournament."

"That's because I know what she wants, just like I know what you want. Why did you suddenly mention her?"

Thestrals, like Ophiuchus, are very unlucky. The beast that deliberately named itself an unlucky name wanted to get up and regain control, but Pomona refused to let him succeed, so he continued to bow his head in the Kiss on her collarbone.

"You remember when Hermione made Polyjuice Potion in the girls' bathroom in her second year and turned into a cat's head? Harry and Ron entered the Slytherin lounge pretending to be Goyle and Crabbe. "

He didn't listen to what she said at all, and moved his hands to more obscene places.

"Cedric said she saw someone making Polyjuice Potion in the 'pipeline'. Do you remember where the pipeline passed? Ah!"

"Long story short, Pomona!" Severus lost patience, breathing as hot as a dragon.

"Harry Potter's hair is not difficult to get. The person who designed to frame you can use Harry's appearance to ask old Barty Crouch to meet in the Forbidden Forest, and then kill him."

The frenzied beast fell silent.

"I remember that Harry was the first to find old Barty Crouch, and he complained that his scar was painful." She stretched out her hand and patted his back gently, "Think about it, when you passed by that pipeline Where is it, is it the room where the Mad-Eye was locked, or another place in Hogwarts, if you find that place, you can find the suspect."

"Toilet and bathroom," Severus replied.

"Hermione went to the women's room to make Polyjuice Potion because there were too many people in the dormitory. That is to say, it may be your student who stole your ingredients and went to the toilet to make the potion. I believe Neville is impossible. He didn't With that ability, besides him, only Theodore and Draco can freely enter your warehouse, right?"

"You suspect it's Draco?"

"I've read about his Legilimency, and he's trying to tease Harry with some soft-clawed land prawns from you, so the remaining suspect is Theodore Not, whose father was a Death Eater who raised him. The big old Mr. Knott was also arrested in the Department of Mysteries, so we can assume that Theodore handed the Polyjuice Potion mixed with Harry's hair to someone in the toilet, and this person took Harry's appearance Going to old Barty Crouch's appointment, when the protective spell wears off, the members of the Order of the Phoenix split up pretending to be Harry, there are seven Harry Potters."

"You suspect that old Nott killed old Barty Crouch?"

"Who else can order Theodore but him, old Barty Crouch is the Director of Legal Enforcement who sentenced his son to Azkaban." Pomona pushed Severus "Those who accused you Who is the person?"

"Let's talk later!" Severus cast his fingers across her eyelids like a spell. "Enjoy being alive, Knox."

Knox is a fluorescent flashing counter-curse, and Pomona feels that she is wrapped in darkness again, but this time it is not bitingly cold, but warm, like holding someone's waist and riding a Thestral on the Black Lake. While running, the roaring motorcycle has gone away, and she is no longer afraid.

Thestrals can only be seen by those who have seen death. Theodore is the only person in the fifth grade who can see it except Luna and Neville. Unfortunately, she didn't care when Neville told her. All I think about is love.

Witch, why are you bewitched by love.

Pomona really felt stupid.

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