The Triwizard Tournament changed things beyond those children's own imagination, like a beast was loosed from its shackles, Severus rescued Myrtle very willfully, but she became very happy, didn't she, he broke free and If you want to take her out too, you will lose your mind after suppressing it for too long. Both of them do things as they please, without thinking about the consequences at all.

How stupid her face must have looked to be seen by someone so young, longing for his "warm body", the kind of Ron Weasley and Lavender Brown who can kiss everywhere The relationship didn't last long and ended, and they didn't last seven years, how stupid they must have looked to outsiders.

Cedric was halfway through the shower, if a girl rushed in, he could ask her out, but what could he do with a female ghost?

Patience is for vengeance, which Pomona taught him, and letting Myrtle leave the bathroom on the second floor was just incidental, and Severus' main purpose was to punish Cedric, an adult who used such childish tricks on minors. Means, how old does he think he is?

When Theodore saw the Thestrals, it at least proved that he witnessed the murder process. If there is a time-turner that can be played backwards, Theodore obeyed his grandfather, old Nott's request to steal the materials of the Potions classroom and boil the compound recipe in the toilet Soup, find a way to get Harry Potter's hair, boil it and give it to his grandfather, Old Nott. After becoming Harry, Old Nott accepted Barty Crouch's invitation to cheat and go together In the Forbidden Forest at the scene of the crime, Theodore followed him to see what his grandfather was going to do for some unknown reason, but he witnessed the murder. He could see thestrals in fifth grade.

"Hahaha, this is of course the best idea. It is also possible that Theodore drank the potion and turned into Harry himself and committed suicide. May I ask the victim, what do you think?" Pomona held a The licorice wand was used as a microphone to "interview" Severus who was lying on the bed watching her act, and the old bat had a look of "you're so childish" and didn't bother to talk to her.

"Aren't you curious what Lily and I do in the summer? Let's just watch this, Sherlock Holmes!" Pomona sat down on the edge of the bed wearing a deerstalker hat that was too big for her. Sherlock was a Muggle A world-famous detective, but he didn't actually exist at all. She bought this hat in a souvenir shop. She thought it would grow, so she bought it one size bigger on purpose. Who would have thought that she would never grow up.

"So Theodore can prove my innocence, but then he will have to admit that he was an accomplice to the killing of old Barty Crouch, right?" Severus pulled the brim of her hat "How clever head."

"This has nothing to do with you, Severus, it's you who wants to talk to Theodore. His father and grandfather were both Death Eaters. You can't let him continue on the old path of endurance for revenge."

"You're crazy." Severus took a cigarette and started smoking "Are you going to tell me that patience isn't about revenge?"

"You go your own way, anyway, you just need to trick Theodore into not being like you."

"Did you hear what you said?" Severus gestured with open arms.

"He hugged Neville. If there is another scandal with him, the Slytherin Death Eaters' atonement for the fathers' drama will not go on!!!!" She shook his arm desperately, Sev Ruth followed her, and both of them looked like they were crazy.

"I hate these stinky brats." The old bat cursed while smoking, "Why should I continue to manage them after they graduate?"

"Other students are 'trouble' to you, Theodore, don't you appreciate it? Haven't you been manipulated by Dumbledore!"

"Enough, woman, that analogy isn't good at all."

Severus put on that "husband" look again, and Pomona looked at him through her nostrils with her chin raised high like Narcissa Malfoy.

"I asked Hermione Granger to ask her to go to Charlie Weasley to solve the Gringotts dragon problem. The trio of saviors made troubles by themselves and took care of themselves. Shouldn't you provide some help?"

"what do you want?"

"Talk to Theodore Not."

"Damn it!" Severus threw back the quilt and sat up.

"You now know how difficult it is to deal with your gloomy, withdrawn personality. He's just like you when you were young." Pomona patted him on the back, "You don't have to be Severus Snape, Instead, speak to him as Orpheus Sprout."

Severus snatched her licorice wand, unwrapped it, and held it to Pomona's mouth, as if intending to feed her.

"What are you thinking, honey?" Pomona curled her hair with her fingers, maintaining Hufflepuff's smirk.

"Candy for you, sweetheart." Severus kept his elegant Slytherin smirk.

"Tell me about your future plans, otherwise I won't be able to cooperate with you."

"Continue to play hide and seek, do you know who the current head of the Auror Office is?"

"Harry Potter?"

"It's Gadwin Robards, the aura master. He used to be Barty Crouch's subordinate." Severus scratched his eyebrows. "It was he who accused me of killing old Barty Crouch."

Pomona couldn't express her feelings, so she simply stood up.

The Aurists were founded by Barty Crouch, Director of Law Enforcement of the Ministry of Magic. They have comprehensive powers, including allowing the Aurists to bypass the trial and directly arrest or even kill enemy wizards. They use the same methods as the Dark Wizards. Seriously, Sirius Black was thrown into Azkaban without a trial, it was this group of people who did it.

Calvin’s former head of the Auror office was Rufus Scrimgeour, who succeeded Connery Fudge as the Minister of Magic. Their attitude towards the Death Eaters was “tough”, and Barty Crouch Jr. was regarded as a scapegoat by Severus After being thrown into Azkaban, they figured out a way to get Barty Crouch Jr. kissed by the dementors, and they wouldn't look at him as the son of old Barty Crouch.

In other words, Calvin wanted Severus' life at that time, and he used legal means.

This case has been closed after the death of Barty Crouch Jr. There is no need to bring it up again. If the truth is restored, then the old Nott who is now in Azkaban may be photographed like Barty Crouch Jr. The ghost kissed once, and Theodore Not became an accomplice in the murder of his grandfather, for Severus Snape's not so innocent innocence.

"What were we doing at that time?" Pomona had a splitting headache, and Dumbledore was right to call her stupid.

"I didn't think about anything anyway." Severus said with a laugh. "It was the happiest time I've ever had in my life."

Follow your own mind and do whatever you want, just like a child regardless of the consequences.

"There were so many Dark wizards and ex-Death Eaters at the school, why did he accuse you?"

"He suspected a lot of people, all of them were ex-Death Eaters. Karkarov came to me in the middle of the night just to talk about it. As long as there is a dark symbol on his arm that can't be washed off for a lifetime, he never thought about it. Killing old Barty Crouch wasn't done by the Death Eaters, old Knott was caught in the Department of Mysteries but because he didn't have that badge, he was better off in Azkaban than everyone else, you now know why I don't want to Talk to Theodore. As for why he accused me? Who told me that I was protected by Dumbledore. I made a mistake and Dumbledore was also unlucky. After being stigmatized, Dumbledore cannot shake the position of Minister of Magic. gone."

"It's disgusting." Pomona felt like throwing up.

"That's politics, my dear. Harry Potter's gullible fool would have lost his life if he hadn't had a reputation as a savior. Are you sure you want Hermione Granger involved?"

"Of course!" Pomona said without hesitation, "her brain is ten times faster than Harry's, and she can handle this game."

Severus took a drag on his cigarette, smiling and shaking his head.

"What's wrong?"

"She's more naive than you. This game has nothing to do with brains. Do you know what Theodore's nickname in Slytherin is? He's just a cowardly rabbit who only dares to follow Draco to make trouble."

"What about your old nickname?" Pomona asked, not knowing that Slytherin had this rule.

Severus exhaled a smoke ring and said after a long time, "I'm so glad Sirius Black is dead. Bella killed him and I kissed him. The Dark Lord said I almost danced like a leprechaun."

Pomona shook her head and walked out of the bedroom full of smoke. It was almost dawn and she was going to prepare breakfast.

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