Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 115 The Right to Celebrate

From 1980 to 1990, there was a super-capable Minister of Magic, Millicent Barnold. During the day and night when Harry Potter escaped Voldemort's attack and went to Petunia's house, members of the Order of the Phoenix and Death Eaters had numerous encounters. In violation of the International Statute of Secrecy, she performed well when confronted by the International Confederation of Magicians, saying what was then cheered and now notorious:

I assert our inalienable right to celebrate.

In the Quidditch World Cup final between the Irish team and Bulgarian team, Barty Crouch cast the Dark Symbol as fireworks for the Death Eaters. They launched a killing spree, turning ordinary people's celebrations into Disaster, Bella was "celebrating" at the time, that bitch loves to torture.

The early Death Eaters were a bit elegant and intellectual, and they became more and more crazy as they went on. The Carlo brothers and sisters even asked students to cast the Unforgivable Curse on the confinement students in the black magic class. Neville resisted them, but the Carlo brothers and sisters did not treat him Well, since he's the son of a pureblood Longbottom, ancient purebloods are very rare these days, even though he's almost as magical as a Squib.

Neville is manly at times, but mostly dull and not as attractive to girls as Victor.

What kind of dean taught what kind of students, Pomona felt that Hufflepuff's girls liked Quidditch players so much because of her own responsibility, because she liked "sexy beasts".

Beneath his calm and self-possessed exterior, inside Severus was an aggressive beast, just like his father Tobias. Tobias liked motorcycles very much. The powerful power it produced and the sound of the roaring engine made his blood boil. After Severus killed him, the motorcycle had been kept in a forest cabin to fake the illusion of his disappearance.

The Muggle police wouldn't deal with disappearance cases. There were so many people missing every day. Besides, Tobia had a lot of misdeeds, and Irene suffered from aphasia. No one went to him at all.

Tobia's corpse was handled by Pomona. Human corpses are food for animals, but watching animals eat people still touches the bottom line of her conscience. She turned her back and listened to thestrals chewing on human bones and muscles The voice, eyes looking at a black lake, the moonlight sprinkled on the lake was crushed by the waves into spots.

At first, because of the different perspective, she didn't remember how Severus took her to such a romantic place that day, but now she remembered what happened there.

That was a memory she had buried deeply. Even Dumbledore didn't know about it. If he knew, he would be very angry. The Thestrals in the Forbidden Forest of Hogwarts are raised by Hagrid, the only one in the UK who can tame them. The Ministry of Magic classified them as "dangerous", and Hagrid believed that carnivorous Thestrals would not attack humans as long as they were not provoked.

But as long as they have tasted human flesh, who knows if they will suddenly attack the little wizard with a savage nature, after all their main job is to pull the carriage for the school. She herself couldn't tell why she did that at the time, maybe it was to retaliate against Dumbledore for putting the werewolf in the school, and she felt very tired from fighting Remus every full moon night, and she felt that she could not hold on anymore .

She wanted to ride a Thestral to a place where no one could find her, and live a peaceful life, as long as she ignored those terrible sounds, the wooden house by the Black Lake was a very good place.

It used to be her most secret secret. Even Dumbledore didn't know why she knew that there would be motorcycles in that cabin. Thestrals could fly into the sky, but they couldn't carry Hagrid on their backs. After Dumbledore cast the spell, everyone split up and took the crazy Death Eaters around.

Thestrals are very smart and fast, but that day and night were still extremely long. The Death Eaters gave up their pursuit until Harry was held in Petunia's arms and the protective spell took effect. When she was on the ground at Hogwarts, she had a feeling that she was actually a bait to protect Harry and attract other people's attention. She was no longer Dumbledore's most cherished treasure, she was abandoned.

On that foggy morning, she felt very, very alone, and that was her worst secret, but now someone else knew it, and she felt cold, and wanted to be warmed by another warm body, and then She cast a spell, summoning her leprechauns.

As the green smoke disappeared, the space in front of her distorted again. Severus had already drank the polyjuice potion antidote and returned to his original appearance. His black robe was billowing like smoke, and he looked like he was eating death Flying by the gangster's flying technique.

He watched Quidditch but didn't play Quidditch. He had no natural talent for flying broomsticks, but he still practiced hard in order to impress Lily.

Pomona is very jealous of the pure relationship between the two of them, especially after she has done so much for him, why does everyone take her "sensibility" for granted and does not ask for anything in return?

She has always listened to Dumbledore like a sensible daughter, restrained her desires, did not wear those luxurious clothes to dress herself up, and took good care of everyone like a house elf, how could she be inferior to Minerva , why did Dumbledore give her the gargoyle spell?

That spell came from the dark middle ages and was left by the founder of the school. It made lifeless stones move like living things. She liked the feeling of controlling an army. It made her feel powerful. At that time, she can do whatever she wants, and whoever dares to have an opinion, she will command the army of stone men to shut him up forever.

"Are you alright, Pomona?" Severus looked at her incredulously.

"Severus, how about we celebrate?" She said with a crazy smile, what Hermione said just now is right, there is nothing wrong with pursuing freedom, she really suppressed herself for too long.

"Celebrate what?"

"I don't know, anything!" She started circling around him, her feet light and light, like she was dancing.

"Pomona, control yourself." Severus held his wand in his hand, his expression more serious than usual.

"Why should I control myself? I am free!" There is a river in the reeds, and there is water in the river. After the water evaporates, it becomes air. As her arm passes through the mist, the haze begins to change shape, like a patron saint The silvery-white smoke that appeared before.

Using the God-Calling Guardian requires happy memories, but the happy memories in her mind are not strong enough, she wants to be more excited, at this time she saw the human wizard, his soul exuded a water-blue silver light, and he looked more than ordinary People are much bigger and sure to be very tasty.

"Dance with me, Severus! You are my partner!"

"Concentrate, Pomona, you're losing control!"

She felt that this person was very boring, and the sense of joy that surged from the bottom of her heart gradually dissipated. As the dance stopped, she felt that the strength in her body was rapidly disappearing, and she could hardly stand up.

Just when she thought her face was about to kiss the ground, a pair of strong arms hugged her. Her little beast used to practice push-ups in the corner alone in the Slytherin cellar. Quidditch belonged to the sun, and he He was so pale that even after exercising he still looked like an infernal corpse, only his heavy breathing proved that he was still alive.

"Don't you think the windows of Slytherin are like fish tanks? Mermaids often observe you through those windows, humans." Pomona said vaguely, Veela is land-born, and she invented the bubble head spell for diving, and then Dive underwater to play with mermaids.

They are close relatives of her, and their hair will be deformed. Mermaids in the attacking state look terrible, but when they relax their vigilance, they will become beautiful women, singing very moving songs, attracting human sailors to sink into the bottom of the sea.

"I'm a monster, Severus, you should find a human woman to marry." Pomona cried and said, many women like ageless beauty, but she wanted to grow old with her husband like Molly.

Sooner or later, Severus would be as gray-haired and hunchbacked as Dumbledore, and who would believe that they were married.

Her age has always stopped at fifteen, and even Hermione looks feminine now, and she feels that she is really cursed.

"I've already died once, Pomona, I'm an undead." Severus comforted her softly while hugging her. "We're not human anymore."

"No, you're not, you're alive." The face in front of him began to shake, and it looked more and more like Tobias.

"Miss me, baby?" the dark-skinned man in the leopard print shirt said with a smile, but his hands were wrapped around her neck.

She tried to struggle, but found that the bathtub was not slippery. The man she loved so much watched her sinking to the bottom of the water, smiling more and more happily.

'Help me, Severus. '

She opened her mouth to shout in vain, but what came out of her mouth was blisters.

"Let go of my mother!" A childish voice sounded, and then I saw a teenager holding a sharp knife and stabbing at the tall man with his back turned...

"I'm happy to teach you how to fight, Severus." Pomona said wearily, she felt all her strength was gone. "You did a good job that day. You saved Irene."

"Drink this." Severus brought a silver test tube to her mouth, and she drank it without hesitation, just like Remus, except she tasted hellebore syrup, no It is said that it is very bitter wolfbane potion, that kind of medicine cannot add sugar, if added, it will lose its effect.

"I'm your next experimental target, Professor." She recovered after drinking the potion. "Don't waste your talent."

"That's what he wants? Continue the experiment?" Severus' voice was filled with hatred. "I won't let him do it, he and Grindelwald are dead!"

But their ideals will still be inherited by others, because all they do is for the continuation of the race.

How desperate human beings are to survive.

She saw the monster curled up under the bench at the train station, and suddenly felt sorry for him, because he was just afraid of death, what a coward.

Then she looked at the old wizard with white beard and hair standing next to it. His nose was crooked. Even without Transfiguration, there are many ways to treat it, but he still kept the scar.

"Who hit it, Dumbledore?" asked Pomona.

"My brother, Aberforth," said Dumbledore. "I deserve it."

You do deserve it.

Pomona thought with a smile, and slowly closed her eyes. Her personality seems really not suitable for being too free, and she will become a stranger to Hermione who chases freedom in the future. What a pity, she obviously likes that girl very much.

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