There are two things in this world that cannot be looked at directly, one is the sun and the other is the human heart.

—— Keigo Higashino

Muggles think that ghosts only appear at night, but at least at Hogwarts, ghosts can also appear during the day, but they appear to be transparent and can only be seen when moving.

"Fat Friar!" Pomona called to the jovial ghost passing by on the way to the headmaster's office.

"Oh, your voice sounds familiar." The fat monk looked at her in confusion "but who are you?"

Pomona concealed the deception on her face.

"Oh, it's you, Dean." The fat monk said with a smile, "Why are you back?"

"I'm here to see Minerva, is she in the principal's office?"

"I watched her accompany the commissioner to the venue."

"What are they doing there?" asked Pomona.

"Maybe it has something to do with Professor Firenze's courses. Now he is teaching both astronomy and divination. I heard that Professor McGonagall asked you to invite Sinista back. Can I see her next semester?"

Pomona couldn't answer his question.

"What's wrong with the centaur's class?" Severus asked.

"Who are you?" asked the fat monk.

"Her husband." Severus said in his own voice, "I remember we invited you to our wedding."

"Ah, I remember you," said the fat monk. "You are the Head of Slytherin."

"Still the former headmaster, although I've only been there for one year." Severus said slickly, "Please answer the question I just asked."

"Many views of the horse people are inconsistent with humans. They pay more attention to astrology, and they don't think it matters much to the scars left on their bodies." The fat monk pointed to his forehead, "But in fact, some scars are indeed very important. In recent years Hogwarts students are becoming less mindful of injuries, and Minerva doesn't think that's a good sign."

"What?" Pomona exclaimed.

"That way they can get tattoos to cover up the scars," said the fat friar. "It's a good excuse."

"Oh my God," Pomona murmured in disbelief.

"They become careless and do not pay attention to minor injuries and minor accidents, because Firenze believes that these scars are like ants moving house, which do not affect the movement of celestial bodies, so they cannot affect fate. Minerva thinks It's time to bring some classes back to human teaching, but you know, we don't have astronomy teachers right now, especially at the Astronomy Tower, where that happened."

"You think Sybil would be good enough for astronomy class?" Severus asked Pomona.

"This is also the communication between Professor McGonagall and Professor Trelawney, oh, this is what I heard from other ghosts." The fat monk said talkatively, "Divination exams are completely meaningless, especially crystal ball divination. So far, none of the students have passed, and most of them just made up some random things. On the contrary, astronomy and astrology are somewhat related. If you want to do astrology, you must first identify the positions of all the stars, right?"

"If the Divination exam is cancelled, what course will be used to replace it?" Pomona asked, "Or should I take one less exam?"

"The Minister for Magic's suggestion is to use Muggle Studies instead, and he thinks Muggles are less ignorant than many wizards think," said the fat friar.

"Sounds reasonable," Severus said. "What are you looking at in the crystal ball?"

In fact, Pomona didn't see anything in the crystal balls, except for the prophecy balls that recorded the prophecies.

But she couldn't say it, because Sybil was too poor.

"I remember there were only four subjects in the second week of the Ordinary Wizarding Orders..."

"Look, that's what everyone's favorite teacher said." Severus smirked. "Add an exam."

"I also don't think this is a good idea." The fat monk said, "Although these two days are rest days, no one is in the mood to play."

"Yes, I know," said Pomona resignedly. "The library must be full of people right now."

"There is also an underground black market, and smart medicine is still the best-selling." The fat monk said again, "A brilliant mind is a talent that everyone wants, but I think tolerance is more precious. Gates, Harry Potter and a lot of his class failed the Ultimate Wizarding Exam, and he still became an Auror."

"It was a special time, because of the war." Severus smiled sarcastically, "What's more, Harry Potter is not an ordinary person. Of course, he and his accomplices can take shortcuts that ordinary people cannot take."

Pomona seemed to hear Draco Malfoy's nickname for Harry, the "Saint Potter" with a plosive sound.

Politics is like this. If Harry's grades and Severus' consistent troubles in potions class are used, he may not be qualified to be an Auror. If the Minister of Magic is Fudge, then Harry becomes an Auror's dream It will always be a dream.

"How is Peeves?" Pomona immediately changed the subject, "Can he attend the new year's freshmen banquet?"

"On this point, Sir Popington and the Bloody Baron are still in agreement. They believe that prohibiting Peeves from attending the school opening banquet was passed by the ghost meeting. This will not change because you let him attend the wedding."

"That's a pity. He obviously performed well at the banquet."

"Sir Popington thinks that Peeves will pay attention to his words and deeds because you invited Barrow. It is very wise for you to do so, but he doesn't understand why you arranged the wedding venue in the centaurs' divination classroom." Fat said the monk.

"I love that place."

"The Bible says that the kingdom of heaven is like a wedding banquet arranged by a king for his children. As the manager of the Hogwarts kitchen and the host of the banquet, your wedding is really too simple." The fat monk said.

"That's all right," said Pomona. "Does Peeves still call you nicknames?"

Fat Friar's biggest regret in his life was not becoming a cardinal, but Peeves always called him "My Lord Bishop". Sometimes Peeves was quite annoying.

"Not as often as before," said the fat friar. "After all, he's been at Hogwarts longer than I have been, and he's called me that for hundreds of years. It's hard to get over it."

"And what did he call you?" Pomona asked.

"Just like everyone else, monk." The fat monk rubbed his chubby belly. "I thought I could lose weight after I became a ghost. I was obviously very thin when I was young."

"Is it because the food at the monastery is so delicious?" asked Pomona.

"It's far less rich than the banquet at Hogwarts." The fat friar said nostalgicly, "It's a bad habit to be careless, but the atmosphere in the monastery is too dull, I just want to create a little joyful atmosphere."

"It's a bad idea to be a bunny out of a chalice," Pomona said.

"And your talents," Severus said. "Your Muggle colleagues are jealous of your healing abilities."

"I thought they just didn't understand." The fat monk said dryly.

"Oh, we've met some therapists on this trip who are as good at treating skin conditions as you are," Pomona said. "Have you ever been to Italy?"

"I think this is another regret of mine." The fat monk bowed to the two of them, and then flew away.

"Merlin's beard." Pomona murmured in surprise, "I've become a nuisance too?"

"How can you talk like that?" Severus said disgustedly.

"This is social! God, I can't even talk to the fat monk." Pomona whispered brokenly, and then punched Severus hard.

"What are you beating me for?"

"It's your fault!"

He wanted to argue with her, but finally endured.

"What are you planning?" Pomona asked cautiously, staring at his face.

"One day you'll find out." The vengeful Snape tore his robe and rampaged through the corridors of Hogwarts again, and the passing students immediately ran away when they saw him.

Although they didn't know who Severus Snape was.

After all, with the possible exception of the seventh year, none of these children had ever seen a living Slytherin head.

"We're going to the venue, are you going back to the cellar?"

The menacing old bat stopped in his tracks.

"If you have other things to do, you can do it. I'll go to Minerva first. By the way, you can ask the old slug who is the best alchemist alive in this century." Pomona gave a staircase Let him step down "or we're going to go to Nick Flamel."

After she finished speaking, she turned and left, Severus didn't follow, and the passing students didn't react much when they heard the name "Nickel May", as if they didn't know who "Nickel May" was.

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