Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1134 cracked bell

Unlike ordinary invisibility cloaks, the Potter family's invisibility cloak does not become ineffective over time.

The same should be true for this newly made time-turner made of solar gold, which will not have similar defects as other time-turners, such as not being able to time travel more than 5 hours, or being able to go back to an earlier era.

Even the future.

This kind of magic props is not something ordinary people can make. Voldemort may be able to, but now he has no body, so he has to rely on possessing other small animals to survive.

All animals who are bent by him will have a shorter lifespan, even humans. The average lifespan of wild crows is about 16 years, and the longest domestic crow can reach 70 years old.

During World War II, the crows in the Tower of London were overwhelmed by bomb attacks and died. Only one crow survived, and it lived to be 44 years old.

Although wild creatures are free, their life span is not as long as that of domestic animals.

Although domesticated animals live long, they are not free.

It is not doing good to suddenly release domestic animals that have not been rewilded into nature.

From Hogsmeade to the castle, you can take a shortcut through the Forbidden Forest, but there is a carriage pick-up at Hogsmeade Station on Sunday, and Pomona and Severus will take the carriage pulled by Thestral together and return to the castle. Hogwarts.

Pomona looked at these domesticated thestrals. Although they are called unlucky creatures by wizards, can they still survive in the wild?

"This is the first time," Severus said suddenly.


"This is the first time we've taken a carriage back to school together, senior."

Severus smiled contentedly, not knowing why he was so happy.

"Albus trusts you," Pomona asked. "Sometimes I think he trusts you even more than Minerva."

"What do you want to ask?" he asked in his own voice.

"Do you know why Albus didn't tell Minerva and me of his plan?" she asked as if bewitched.

The smile on Severus' face stayed on his face like a mask.

"Sybil is unhappy at Hogwarts, but she has nowhere else to go," said Pomona. follow you."

"You regret it?" Severus asked.

"No, I just want to understand one thing." Pomona said sadly. "Does Albus believe me or not?"

"What are you thinking?" Severus asked confused.

"Just tell me what you think," she said wearily.

Severus was silent for a while, and then said, "Sometimes you think your acting skills are good, but in fact you are as bad at hiding your emotions as Minerva, he didn't tell you so that the plan can go smoothly and no one else can see it." There is a flaw."

Pomona smiled wryly.

"No wonder he believes in you so much, don't you hate him very much?"

"Don't ruin the day." Severus smirked. "And don't ruin our first time."

Pomona intuitively felt that there was something in his words.

But he looked very serious, but she seemed to be thinking too much.

"Should we go and see Rubeus Hagrid," Severus said. "We're going to take care of him, as the contract requires."

"I don't want to go to the Forbidden Forest," Pomona said bitterly.

"I know, that's why we took a long detour in a carriage." Severus suddenly took her hand. "Are you okay?"

she began to cry.

"Why didn't the old fool resist the temptation and put on that ring?"

"He's 150 years old, which is considered long in the human lifespan." Severus said flatly, "Even if he doesn't wear that ring, there will be a day."

"Why are you so calm!" she asked excitedly.

"You can't both get emotional." Severus stared into her eyes, as if trying to transmit some kind of power to her. "I know Dumbledore will interfere with your emotions."

She wanted to cry hysterically, to vent all her negativity.

But the warmth from her palms calmed her down, and she sat next to Severus, resting her head on his shoulder.

"History is a pile of ashes, but there is still warmth in the depths of the ashes, and we should not underestimate the ashes." Pomona whispered, "When I smell the love potion, the smell I smell is chocolate, mint and ash. "

"You like the smell of ash because of Fox?" Severus asked weirdly.

"It likes to eat the eggs and tadpoles of the tree monkey frog," Pomona said. "Do you think it can hunt for itself in the wild?"

Severus didn't answer.

The sound of the wheels turning drowned out the footsteps of thestrals, and she began to play with his fingers unconsciously, tangling them together as if to tie them into knots.

"The Dark Lord will return anyway," Severus said, "if the Invisible Children kill their father."

She is not in the mood to talk about this topic now.

She pulled his robe and asked him to bow his head so that she could kiss him, but the old bat actually avoided it.

"Who do you think the invisible children are? And who is 'their' father?"

"Prophecy is like guessing riddles, there are many solutions." Pomona said, "I think the real test of the maze we have broken through before is not to find the seven metals and the so-called order of heaven, but that we are in the seventh labyrinth." encountered."

"you mean……"

"How many people do you think could resist the temptation that the Dark Lord didn't drink the liquid that would bring him immortality?" asked Pomona.

"We've encountered Phoenix Tears, and that's not dangerous," Severus said.

"That should be a kind of protection. If we didn't stop there, and went directly to the temple by bypassing it in a hurry, then we might be 'radiated', Xenophilius, Nadia and Lyle Far from us until we put the sun's gold in a wine bottle."

"Then what about the black eagle that Xenophilius met? Is that also a test?"

"The eagle asked Xenophilius to help us. At Hogwarts, anyone who needs help just asks. This is a kind of generosity. Who do you think is so generous to help others in the world outside the school? If the werewolf problem If everyone can deal with it with the heart of helping them get out of the predicament instead of crowding them out, we will not be where we are today."

Severus suddenly realized.

"What if Xenophilius doesn't help us?" he asked.

"The sun gold will fall into the hands of Lyle and the others," Pomona said. "Do you think they will create some kind of weapon, just like Grindelwald intends to use the resurrection stone to create an army of ghouls to rule the whole world?"

Severus said nothing.

"Eternal life is also crazy, but it's a little better than delusion to rule the world." Pomona said with a smile, "Tom Riddle is actually not particularly bad. Although he is a 'silly boy' in the eyes of those old devils. "

"Grindelwald is really dead?" Severus asked. "Should we dig up his grave to make sure?"

"Don't do that!" Pomona sat up straight. "Why are you dark wizards not guilty at all when you do such a thing?"

"How did you have Bella's dagger?" Severus asked. "Did you dig Dobby's grave?"

"I don't want to discuss it," Pomona said angrily.

"You're as much a hypocrite as the White Wizard." Severus smiled with narrowed eyes. "It's a pleasure to expose your hypocrisy."

"And you, haven't you tried to be a little more gregarious?" Pomona glared at him, "You haven't reflected on why no one can help you in the end?"

"No, you better stop!" Pomona stopped him just before he opened his mouth to say something infuriating. "Anyway, you can't say anything good out of your mouth."

He glared at her for a long time, and suddenly laughed maliciously, the most evil kind, and she intuitively felt that she was going to be unlucky.

At this moment, the clock in the castle rang, maybe it was a mechanical failure, or something else, but the sound sounded weird, as if it was broken.

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