Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1133 New Prophecy

Honeydukes is back with a new candy, an edible quill.

It is made of white chocolate, which can solve the small problem that some people encounter problems and habitually bite the tip of the pen.

After all arrived in Hogsmeade, Pomona would of course have to "replenish" some stockpiles. Fortunately, many young wizards were not in the mood to hang out in Hogsmeade during the exam week, so she came out easily.

Severus was waiting for her outside the door, perhaps at the owl post while she was shopping, his black robes stained with owl feathers.

But considering the post office is right across from Honeydukes, maybe some shedding owl accidentally stuck to him.

"What are you looking at?" Pomona followed his gaze. There were not many young wizards on the street, and most of them were adult wizards, unless Harry Potter lent the Invisibility Cloak to someone else.

"Sybill Trelawney." Severus said, staring at the back of a stumbling woman. "She looked very unhappy just now, as if she was trying to drink away her sorrow."

Sybil went in the direction of the Three Broomsticks. Considering that Aberforth has lent the Pig's Head Bar to the classroom where Ernie McMillan is the guardian of the gods, if Sybil wants to get drunk, the only one is the Three Broomsticks chosen.

"Should we follow her?" Pomona asked.

"Are you in a hurry?" Severus asked.

She thought about it for a while, but in fact her mind went blank and she didn't think about anything.

"It's a bit warmer to drink butter beer in summer, but sherry is actually nice to drink," says Pomona.

So they turned a corner halfway and walked towards the Three Broomsticks.

When they entered the Three Broomsticks, Sybil was already sitting at the bar, and Mrs. Rosmerta was putting a glass of cherry juice with an umbrella and ice cubes in front of her.

"I want wine." Sybil said angrily. "Wine! Do you know what wine is?"

"You're drunk, Professor," said Madam Rosmerta, "and it's still daytime."

"Who cares? I'm a useless person anyway." Sybil trembled her lips, as if she was about to cry. "Everyone thinks it's unnecessary to set up a divination exam in the owls exam."

Pomona raised an eyebrow.

In the past, Albus had planned to cancel the divination class because of financial expenses. Sybill's grandmother, Patricia Trelawney, did not inherit the talent of the prophet, she was just a swindling liar.

But Patricia did predict one thing, that is, Sybil's father will marry a Muggle woman in the future. They met when they were reading palms, and they still live a wandering life without a fixed place after marriage , Of course, there is no inheritance for her, and Sybil will be homeless after leaving Hogwarts.

Sybil had been married once, but it ended abruptly because she couldn't accept changing the man's surname "Higbottom".

Compared with the marriage that ended before it started, what makes Sybil feel more depressed is the contempt for her. Just because Minerva does manicures for all the female teachers at Hogwarts doesn't mean she and Sybil get along well.

Minerva didn't take Sybil's predictions seriously. Every year, Sybil predicted that a student would die, but none of them actually died.

Sybil actually wanted to gain the respect and approval of others, but lying did not improve the situation, but made it worse. She rarely went to the auditorium downstairs to dine with everyone, but let the house-elf deliver the food to that place. On the sweltering tower.

Being taken advantage of is unpleasant, but it's even more unpleasant being left "idle" and seemingly useless.

After a while Madame Rosmerta was called away by the other guests, leaving Sybil alone, her shoulders twitching, and she seemed to be crying.

"Don't you like divination? Why don't you get along with her?" Severus asked.

"She's a Ravenclaw." Pomona turned her gaze to him. "Would you be friends with a Gryffindor boy?"

The head of Slytherin immediately gave a look as if he had drunk a pint of raw bone water.

Pomona found a place to sit down. In fact, she was still very jealous of Trelawney. After all, Sybil had a few students from the outer court who admired her, but Pomona had no admirers except students from this college.

"She looks upset, how about we get her a present?" Severus sat down beside her.


"The horoscope board."

"Is that why you don't like that thing? At least study it for a while!"

Severus shook his head. "I want to experiment with using it to start a fire. Will it be better than ordinary fuel?"

In fact Pomona couldn't stand the horoscope board either, and since Sybil was lonely, maybe they would make good "friends".

"Bring it out," Pomona said.

Severus took the poor horoscope board from his shapeshifter pocket.

In addition to the astrolabe, it also had a cameo of Medusa's head, its mouth now sealed with some kind of gum, and "Medusa" was looking at Severus in horror.

If it could run with legs, it must have run far away at this moment. Pomona looked back at Sybil, thinking about what excuse to use to send it out.

"Want something to drink?" Mrs. Rosmerta came over at this moment.

"Some sherry," said Pomona in a sweet voice, so that she would not recognize her own.

Mrs. Rosmerta left quickly, and when Pomona looked at the bar, she saw Sybil was looking at it, and then she came uninvited and sat next to Pomona.

"Do you want to read your palm? Dear." Sybil smiled crazily and said, "I am the great-great-grandson of the Prophet Cassandra, and I am very good at reading."

"No." Pomona subconsciously withdrew her hand.

She didn't want Sybill Trelawney predicting when she would die.

"I heard that a centaur at Hogwarts is also teaching Divination, won't your classes conflict?" Severus asked.

Professor Snape's voice is very special. I don't know what method he used to make his voice not so deep, but Sybil is still in a trance looking at him.

"I'm sorry." Sybil squinted at Severus through glasses as thick as wine bottles, "Did I see you somewhere?"

"This is my first time in England, you've got the wrong person." Severus said calmly.

It happened that Mrs. Rosmerta came over at this time. She looked at Pomona and Severus while serving the wine, as if trying to remember their looks.

"Do you know what this thing is for?" Pomona put the horoscope board on the table in front of Sybil. "It seems broken."

"You should clean the glue off its mouth," Sybil said.

"No, I made it up." Pomona said awkwardly, "because it keeps talking."

"It's really pitiful." Sybil said sympathetically, "You are clearly just a piece of wood, but you try to guide the fate of mankind."

"That should be an alchemy item." Severus said, "You can try it."

Sybil took out her wand.

It's made of the same hazel wood as Felix's wand, but Sybil's has a unicorn hair core.

With one flick of her wand, the glue on the Medusa cameo was gone, and it gasped loudly, like a real person.

"Thank... thank you." Medusa said intermittently.

"You're welcome," Sybil said. "You can do divination too?"

"The people who made me hoped that I could have this ability." The board said, "but the future is like being shrouded in a layer of fog, and I can only see the trails of a few stars."

Sybil's eyes lit up with excitement.

"I'm like you, sometimes it's like looking at the stars through the clouds, but sometimes I can see fragments."

"Are you a third-eyed person?" Board said in surprise.

Sybil became complacent.

"That's right, I am the Third Eye." She said proudly.

"Oh, I didn't expect...it's such an honor," said Plank excitedly.

Sybil relished the flattery, and the smile on her face looked radiant.

Then the two started exchanging something that Pomona couldn't understand at all.

"You know what they're talking about?" Severus whispered in Pomona's ear.

"No." Pomona shook her head. She felt that the "alien" mentioned by Muggles was referring to the two in front of her.

In fact, Grindelwald and Sybill both have the talent of a prophet. Why did Grindelwald become the Dark Lord, but Sybill Trelawney almost didn't even have a place to stay?

Pomona poured a glass of sherry and drank by herself. She didn't go through the interview like Sybil, so she stayed at Hogwarts to teach.

She hadn't thought about how lucky it was before, nor had she ever linked herself to Arianna.

Arianna was attacked by three Muggle children while she was using magic in the garden of her home. It is estimated that she was playing with flowers and plants at that time, just like Pomona usually did in the greenhouse.

Perhaps in Albus's eyes, Pomona was the normal Arianna who hadn't experienced that drastic change. Like a normal little witch, she will receive education in a magic school, enjoy a happy time, and then under the shadow of her brother, she will teach in the heavenly Hogwarts and live happily and carefree all the time.

The realization made her feel like she couldn't breathe.

Those picnics, and the wise teachings in the headmaster's office, was he after her, or someone in his fantasy?

"Don't drink in such a hurry." Severus pressed her hand with a cold face, "Even sherry will get you drunk."

It does no good to indulge in vain dreams and forget about real life.

But who is it that is really indulging in illusions?

Many people wanted to stay in Hogwarts, such as Voldemort and Lily, but none of them stayed, because the qualifications for choosing teachers were in the hands of the principal, Albus Dumbledore.

Heaven invites many, but leaves few.

Albus finally chose to kick Severus out of Hogwarts because he could no longer tolerate Severus' obsession with the dark arts, or was it for other reasons?

Of course, you have to bring flowers when you go to the grave, but Pomona remembered a seed given by an oriental wizard. It is called "Huaimengcao". The beauty of the night.

She had so many questions she wanted to ask him, maybe, she could try to plant it on Albus's grave.

At this moment, Sybil put her hand on the horoscope board.

Then she gasped as if her soul had come out of her body.

There was a look of horror on Severus' face.

Immediately afterwards, a voice that did not resemble Sybil's own voice came out of her mouth.

"When those in the way are killed, when time is turned, and when unseen children murder their father, the Dark Lord will return."

After speaking, Sybil lay down on the table as if she was drunk.

No one in the tavern noticed what was happening in this corner.

"What did you see?" Severus asked the horoscope, still looking horrified.

"I have never... never seen the future so clearly." The astrology board said tremblingly and moved, "This is the power of the 'Tianmu'."

"What did you see?" Severus asked again.

This time, when the plank was changed, there was silence.

"I said, you will regret what you did to me, human being." The astrology board said arrogantly, "You deserve this end, who told you not to listen to the words of the 'prophet'."

Severus took out his wand again.

"I can do it."

"Just try." The board said, "If you burn me, all the secrets you want to know will disappear together."

"So, you are the new 'prophecy ball'." Pomona said.

"Crystal balls are not the only way prophecies are recorded. Your analogy is inappropriate." The astrology board said, "Now, you should put me on a shrine and enshrine me instead of stuffing me in a corner..."

Before the astrology board finished speaking, her mouth was sealed with gum again.

"Let's go." Severus took out a bottle of potion and put it on the table.

Pomona recognized it. It was a potion of oblivion modified by the venom of the Winged Demon.

As the light blue potion evaporated, it began to diffuse throughout the bar, and the bustle gradually died down.

Pomona left the Three Broomsticks right behind the other principal.

"Tick tock, tick tock"

She heard the sound of the clock turning. The precious metals that can be used to make the time converter have been obtained. The next step is who will make a perfect and flawless time converter.

So who will be the next to make the "Deathly Hallows"?

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