If you can come in the fall, I will dust off the summer, half scornful, half smiling.

— Emily Dickinson

According to the exam week arrangement, next Tuesday will be the exam for the Protection of Magical Beasts class, which is much easier than Potions on Monday.

It's just that the practical part may be more dangerous. Candidates have to demonstrate how to feed and clean fire crabs without getting severely burned. Uncontrolled "wildfires" have not been allowed in the castle since the Fountain of Fortune staged in the Great Hall nearly burned down the school.

Minerva had been dutiful, and when Pomona found her, she was inspecting the test site the day after tomorrow—the lawn by the Forbidden Forest.

Hagrid was still the same. He was casting a defensive spell on the examination room with Professor Graplan to prevent the fire crabs from escaping the examination room and rushing into the Forbidden Forest.

After the Battle of Hogwarts, the Forbidden Forest is no longer the territory of humans. There are a few centaurs watching from a distance. Even in the daytime, there is not enough light in the Forbidden Forest. You can only see their bodies. Silhouetted, Pomona wasn't sure Firenze was in there either.

Minerva asked Pomona to call Sinista back, and she hadn't understood what the deep meaning was.

Although many "heroes" in Greek mythology have learned their skills from the centaurs, the centaurs are not human after all, and they have many views that are different from human beings.

Stargazing takes place at night, and teaching at a famous murder scene is really inappropriate. It would be great to renovate Trelawney's tower during the summer vacation, provided that Sybil could give up the "prophet" and spend more time on astrology.

It wasn't easy being a Headmaster, even though Minerva had served as Deputy Headmaster in Albus' absence.


Pomona heard a child yelling behind her, and subconsciously turned around to find that the two girls were not calling her.

What they were looking for was Neville Longbottom who had just come out of the greenhouse, and he was pulling out the rough and rotten leaves that had just been cleared out on a small cart and piled them at the door.

"What do you want me for?" Neville asked.

"Tomorrow is the Potions exam, help us!" said the two Gryffindor and Hufflepuff girls anxiously.

Pomona looked at them both and shook her head.

If they had known about Neville's potions grades at school, they wouldn't have asked him for help.

"How do you want me to help you?" Neville asked.

"Give us some medicinal materials, we need to practice."

"Do you know what the test is for tomorrow?" Neville asked.

"The main thing is to find the feeling."

Pomona ignored them, she needed to think about how to talk to Minerva.

"Why don't the leaves turn yellow in this forest?" Lily said while eating a sirloin pie in the open space next to the greenhouse.

"Because it's the Dark Forest," said Severus, still in his Slytherin robes.

"Black Forest? Like Black Forest Cake?" Lily asked.

Severus looked at Lily with hopeless eyes.

"Why do you ask that question?" Pomona asked.

"Autumn is my favorite." Lily quickly forgot about Severus, and said with a happy smile, "The colors of this season will be particularly bright, and the weather will not be hot, what about you? Which season do you like best, Ge Ergon?"

"In May," said Pomona, "there are plenty of flowers in early summer too."

"But it's going to be hot," Lily said disgustedly. "I hate being sweaty."

"Why don't you ask Severus which season is his favorite?" Pomona asked.

"I already know." Lily said proudly.

"So... which season do you like?" Pomona asked the little wizard, wondering why she was so nervous.

Severus didn't answer the question.

He ate his sandwich expressionlessly, looking at the mountains in the distance, and the earth was turning into a carpet of colors, as if someone had cast a color-changing spell.

"Minerva," Pomona called.

Professor McGonagall turned away, her hair had turned gray.

"Why are you here?" McGonagall said in surprise.

"Professor Graplan, Professor Rubeus Hagrid." Pomona said to the other two.

"Do I know you?" Hagrid asked.

Pomona looked at the half-giant who still had food scraps in his beard.

She just couldn't connect him with the ancestor who could create that maze.

"I have something important to tell you." Pomona called Minerva aside.

"Wait for me a moment."

"Now!" said Pomona forcefully.

"Okay." Minerva said to the other two, "You do it first, I'll be right back."

Minerva then walked to Pomona's side.

"what do you want to say?"

"It's about You-Know-Who," Pomona said. "He'll be back."

"That's just a rumor," Minerva said. "Harry Potter is the seventh Horcrux. It's all over."

"No, no, do you know where the Goblet of Fire is?" asked Pomona.

"That portkey, what are you asking for?"

"The Goblet of Fire is not just a portkey. All in all, you must make sure to hide it well, and don't tell me where it is."

"What do you mean?"

"I've encountered many things during this trip." Pomona said wearily. "Do you remember Albus said that the centaurs would tamper with the stars?"

"Of course I remember," Minerva recalled, "but it was just a legend, like Sybil predicted the students would die every year."

"I think I have found the proof, the star of Bethlehem in Corvus, the Mongols thought it was the right wing of the crow, while the modern star map is on the left wing, the star of Bethlehem represents greed and trickery. The centaurs have been banned Lin, guess what else they want?"

"You don't agree with Firenze continuing to teach either?" Minerva asked.

"He was driven out by his tribe. If we don't take him in, where will he go?" Pomona said wearily.

"If you think so, Firenze is now accepted by the ethnic group again, and he will leave Hogwarts Castle at night like the professor." Minerva said softly, "Albus hopes that we can talk to the centaur Mermaids and mermaids coexist peacefully, but we can’t do it wishfully, it also depends on whether other races are willing or not.”

"What do you mean?"

"The mermaids kept a lot of Grindylos as pets, and a few Muggles in the nearby Muggle town were attacked by them. But the mermaids said they tamed Grindylos, it wouldn't be their pets that attacked people, let us Don't frame them."

"Merlin's beard." Pomona couldn't help complaining.

"How about you go talk to them? I know you're on good terms."

"What are you telling them? Control your pets? It's not like you don't know women." Pomona said anxiously. "Harry's aunt has a dozen dogs, and Figg has a house full of cats. "

"It seems that you know where the crux of the problem is." Minerva said hard-heartedly, "Summer is coming, and there will be more people swimming in the river. I don't want to hear about people being attacked by mermaid pets, and then being compelled to attend a hearing."

"You can't do this to me!" Seeing that Minerva was about to leave, Pomona immediately yelled.

"After you promised me to come back to teach, but you didn't come, and you haven't found me the astronomy professor, yes, professor, of course I can do this to you." Minerva said sternly, "Don't forget, I am Your witness, aren't you willing to help me with this little favor?"

"And what about what I told you?"

"It's not two days away!" Minerva said hurriedly, "Even if Voldemort is to be resurrected, it will have to wait until the exam week is over!"

"You are a terrible witch," said Pomona desperately.

"You didn't know me one day," said Minerva McGonagall, a clergyman's daughter, grimly. "You left everything to me and eloped, and you deserved it!"

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