Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1118 The Fire Player

On a summer night, if you look up at the starry sky in the suburbs or on the mountain, you can always see a bright milky white band, which is the center of the Milky Way. The West calls it "Milk Road", and the East calls it the Milky Way.

The solar system is about 27,000 light-years away from the center of the galaxy, and is located in the Orion spiral arm, one of the four major spiral arms of the Milky Way.

In fact, for life, a slightly remote place may be more suitable for survival. The stars in the "suburbs" are relatively sparse compared to the galactic center, which means that the activities of various extreme celestial bodies will be much less, and the probability of life survival is relatively high.

At the position of the center of the galaxy, which is the brightest part, the density of stars can reach several or even dozens of stars per light-year.

In the solar system, the earth's magnetic field can just block the single radiation of the sun, but the earth at the center of the galaxy will have difficulty resisting the common radiation from all directions, which will cause fatal damage to the earth's surface, and many plants and animals will disappear as a result.

What is even more frightening is the supernova explosion. The powerful destructive gamma ray burst will release a huge amount of energy that cannot be calculated by humans in an instant, and easily destroy everything on the earth, not to mention the black holes produced by the explosion of massive stars.

Many people confuse alchemy with chemistry. In a simpler way, chemical reactions are the manipulation of electrons. In chemical experiments, it is all about the gains and losses of electrons, and electrons will dance to the tune you want.

As long as the nucleus remains the same, the element does not change.

Transmutation is the changing of one element into another through a nuclear reaction. The sun turns hydrogen into helium through nuclear fusion, a technology that would require superhuman abilities to simulate on Earth.

After the discovery of element 92 uranium, all new elements were synthesized by humans according to known rules.

The best way to do this is to bombard larger elements with smaller atoms. The element francium is the second rarest element in the periodic table and is so rare in nature that it only occurs in 30 grams in the Earth's crust.

This element can be obtained by bombarding gold with oxygen atoms.

But the process of creating new elements has to be very careful, the nuclei fired too slowly will be bounced off, and the nuclei fired too fast will destroy everything.

Moreover, these synthetic elements are usually radioactive, which may be the reason why there is no grass on the seventh floor of the maze.

When Prometheus stole fire for mankind, he may not have thought that his creation would have such an achievement.

But although francium is rare, it is far inferior to gold in terms of commerciality. Is it too wasteful to use gold to make useless francium?

How is the standard of expensive and cheap set?

Brandt spent six years making white phosphorus from the distillation and dry distillation of human urine, but he didn't get rich doing it.

Only 60 grams of phosphorus can be extracted from 5.5 tons of urine. He spent all his wife's money, so he had to disclose this secret and sold the phosphorus he refined to a man named Daniel Kraft, the earliest popular science home.

He traveled around Europe with phosphorus like a circus owner, meeting kings and scientists. At that time, no one knew that the magical substance contained in the golden tray was extracted from urine.

Only Brant knows this secret, and urine doesn't glow in the dark. Who would have thought that it was related to the will-o'-the-wisp in the cemetery?

Brandt's discovery is the key to the history of chemistry. Even though some substances do not appear to the naked eye, it does not mean that they really do not exist. Your eyes are not completely believable.

Matter in everyday life is made up of invisible elements.

The tear may look clear, but it may contain salt and possibly catecholamines, substances that are strong enough to cause a heart attack.

The tears of the phoenix have miraculous curative effects, and can even cure the poison of the basilisk. Just because the tears of the phoenix look colorless and transparent does not mean that there is nothing in the tears.

As they got closer to the temple, a huge sculpture gradually appeared in outline.

As Pomona and Severus approached the giant phoenix, its tears were dripping into a pool of water.

"The art of water and fire." Pomona read the Latin written on the wall of the pool. "This is another level?"

"Do you want to drink this?" Severus pointed his fluorescent wand at the water in the pool, which looked crystal clear.

"No!" Pomona immediately refused, "Who knows what's in there?"

"Aren't you worried about being irradiated?" Severus pointed his wand at her face. "That 'solar gold' might be radioactive."

"I don't know!" Pomona blocked the light with her hand, "I just know not to drink."

Severus pointed his wand at the water in the pool again.

"Reveal Your Secrets." He muttered softly.

Nothing happened.

"Do you think the Dark Lord has passed by?" Pomona asked.

"We passed through many forks just now, and he may not have passed this place." Severus said, "The three Peverell brothers finally obtained different powers, and maybe they also split up."

"Is Mungnes Hagrid a monster?" murmured Pomona. "What doesn't he know?"

"The Dark Lord has many followers, not all because of his handsome face." Severus looked at the water and said, "Or follow him to gain power."

"I know he taught you a lot..."

"Do you remember the year in the Chamber of Secrets?" Severus interrupted her. "Harry Potter got the diary."

"I know."

"He told Albus that he had access to Riddle's memory through that diary." Severus said, "There was a special black liquid in the Pensieve, and a TV screen appeared in the diary , and sucked him in."

"You mean... Tom copied a Pensieve?" Pomona said incredulously.

"There is also the resurrection stone, you forgot what he said, he mastered the secret of materializing the soul when he was 16 years old."

Severus started circling the phoenix sculpture, as if wanting to check its secrets.

Pomona took a seat by the pool and took out the "cheat sheet".

The most violent and spectacular reactions in chemistry take place in non-metals, which are greedy and selfish substances that can easily get out of control. Do you know what a metal is?

The ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus believed that fire is the purest "substance", and metals will form powders of various colors after burning. People at that time believed that these ashes were elements. was cleared.

Muggle schools regard fire as an exothermic phenomenon in the combustion process of matter. When the fire is out of control, it is called a fire, and the visible part is called a flame.

Ordinary people don't think about what fire is. People who often cook will use it, and wizards will involve potions.

Taking fire as a phenomenon, one can never understand why the flame is attached to the spirit body of the animal, and then the dynamics of the animal appear.

The blue magic flame that Grindelwald put in Paris almost destroyed a city, and it took the power of the earth to trap it.

Nick Flamay...Phoenix...

"We've been running into non-metallic elements," Pomona said, looking at the note. "Whether it's crystal or phosphorus, do you know of any non-metallic violent reactions?"

"Does acid count?" Severus asked from behind the sculpture.

"Sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, gold is insoluble in ordinary acids... Is this pool filled with acid?" Pomona jumped up.

"I don't smell anything pungent," Severus said, "and I think the phoenix is ​​an auspicious bird."

"Mungnes Hagrid can't be deduced with common sense." Pomona said wearily. "I'm so tired, it's like playing a game of Quidditch."

"You play Quidditch?" Severus said suspiciously.

"I'm just making an analogy, why don't we do some experiments?"

"How to experiment?"

"I don't know, you are an expert in this field." Pomona said self-sacrificingly, "I haven't seen Fox reborn every time."

After the phoenix is ​​nirvana, it will turn into ashes. The elements inside are all the elements that once made up its body, but they are all "ashes". She can't figure out why the little phoenix is ​​born from it.

As large stars die, second and third generations of stars are reborn from the matter created by its explosion.

In fact, they can ignore the sculpture and go directly to the temple. This may save time, but it may also ignore important and necessary steps, and cause trouble for the upper body.

"God's path is winding and hard to find, but it will flash out in the darkness of unfortunate life." Pomona repeated the poem outside the door, "The road to becoming a god is so tiring, why do so many people desire to become a god?" ?”

Do those who chase the Sorcerer's Stone want to live forever, or master the power to make gold?

With that power, will I still be attached to fame and fortune?

Therefore, human beings are sometimes really puzzling, what exactly do they want?

"Some people enjoy being worshiped," Severus said tartly. "Vanity is the strongest and most indelible of human desires."

"Being a god for the sake of vanity? How stupid." She shook her head.

"Ambition, vanity and pride, these are the three sprouts of stupidity." Severus said "Schopenhauer said."

"I don't think Schopenhauer will be the most popular philosopher," Pomona said.

"Then we'll wait and see who is the new 'Philosopher King'." Severus said, "The premise is that we can live to see the day when the results come out."

This is an unlucky metaphor, and Pomona doesn't want to get back together with him.

She looked at the note in her hand, why did she cheat, this test is so difficult?

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