Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1117 The Tortuous Road

In 1669, Hamburg, Germany.

A businessman named Berrand heard a rumor when passing by a tavern that gold, the "King of Metals", could be made from urine. No one believed this kind of nonsense similar to drunken talk, but he did a lot of experiments with urine for the purpose of trying to get rich.

In an experiment, he mixed sand, charcoal, lime, etc. with urine and heated and distilled. Although he did not get gold, he unexpectedly got a very beautiful substance.

It is white and soft, and can emit flashing light in dark places, so Berlant named it phosphorus, which means "cold light" in Latin. Later, people added paste vulcanization to the gum. Antimony and Potassium Chloride, mixed with Phosphorus, were sticked a bit with a wooden stick, and rubbed lightly on the sandpaper.

Antimony is very flammable even as a sulfide, and phosphorus has a low ignition point, so matches were born.

Later, humans also invented incendiary bombs, smoke bombs, chemical fertilizers, etc. The substance extracted from urine did create wealth, although it was not gold.

Organisms have their own metabolic process, defecation and urination is a natural reaction, just like people eat and drink water.

Phosphorus is not only found in the human body, but also in animals. When humans obtain nutrients from food, they not only absorb the elements contained in the food.

Potato chips and fish are relatively low in energy, but after frying, they become high-calorie foods because of the infiltration of oil.

Fatty meat, animal offal, nuts and cooking oil, which contain high calories, will feel greasy if you eat too much. Our body refuses to eat these kinds of foods, and instead tends to eat them Order "light" to relieve greasy.

Children are always hungry, especially Ron Weasley, and Pomona always has a sense of accomplishment when seeing him eat. The banquet meal she worked so hard to prepare was not in vain.

Severus's eating was relatively "normal", although his previous family conditions were not very good, and he couldn't always eat such delicious food at home.

Harry's scar hadn't hurt in the 11 years before he returned to the wizarding world, and it turned out that the scar on his forehead started to hurt as soon as he met Severus' eyes at the Orientation Feast.

Harry's expression was so obvious, and he subconsciously covered his head, Pomona was still wondering why. She thought it was Lily who had cursed Harry to remind her son that he had seen his "old lover".

It was later discovered that it was not Severus, but Quirrell who was sitting next to him. At that time, Quirrell had already been possessed by Voldemort.

The connection between Harry and Voldemort was not like the Dark Mark, it was out of his control.

However, after Voldemort was resurrected and regained his body, he was gradually able to control this connection and use it.

Maybe Lyle was mistaken when he said just now that fear was the connection between Voldemort and Harry.

It was Voldemort who deliberately played it for him. Voldemort manipulated Harry's "dream" and let Harry see Sirius being interrogated and tortured, so that he was led to the Ministry of Magic to get the prophecy ball.

Voldemort knew exactly what that "connection" was, and it was not as emotional as "fear". From this perspective, Voldemort and Severus were very similar.

Now Severus is very calm, he eats food not to enjoy the delicious food, but to replenish energy, although he chews like Ron, but Pomona does not feel that sense of accomplishment.

The worst part is that she herself agrees with this practice.

Although people cannot leave the marked area on the ground, the magic spell is not affected by high temperature.

There is no cover in the seventh-floor maze. Maybe the two people are almost face-to-face in a straight line, but they have to go around a long way to reach the same location.

They haven't eaten for a day. After all, they are not monsters and need to eat. It is really not suitable for a "picnic" in this dangerous place.

It is not enough to go back to the painting box to rest. Once they are in a state of stress, they will feel tired quickly once they rest, so they can only sit on the box to eat.

"What do you and Sinista usually talk about?" he said out of words.

"It's nothing, just horoscopes, and astrology." She muttered softly.

"The Dark Lord didn't say which was the last constellation, what do you think it is?" Severus asked again.

"I think it's Lynx."

"Not Gemini?" He stared into her eyes "Did you remember the lucky metal correctly this time?"

"The entrance of the maze is made of bismuth." She avoided his sight and looked at the plate on her lap. "We can understand that it is the outermost part of the maze. There is a globular star cluster in the constellation Lynx located in a galaxy outside the Milky Way. In interspace, it was once thought not to be in orbit around the Milky Way, and Muggles called it the Galaxy Wanderer, but the Lynx constellation, and the spherical star cluster were all in the era of Mungnes Hagrid. later, and that cluster doesn't have a Latin name, it only has a code name."

"What's it called?"


Pomona dug out her horoscope chart from her pocket.

It is a deluxe version, not the simple version that students use in class. It collects the names of the stars of all constellations, and it also costs her a lot of money.

"NGC 2419, it is a ninth-magnitude star, it is difficult to observe, and only people with sharp eyesight like Linkos can see it."

"I remember the myth." Severus looked her in the eyes. "Linkos and his brother fought over two women and two Gemini brothers."

"Ivis killed Castor, and Polyducs killed Linkos. When Ivis attacked Polyducs, he was struck to death by lightning from Zeus." Pomona put away the astrology map " The distance from the center of the NGC2419 galaxy is about 30,000 light-years, and the solar system is also in the "suburbs" of the galaxy. There are too many supernovae in the center of the galaxy. It is better to say that the environment in which human beings live is harsh than other living things. Harsh, because the current temperature, humidity, and atmospheric conditions are too harsh, and it is difficult to find a second planet among the thousands of planets in the entire Milky Way."

"You think Earth is special?" Severus asked.

"Human beings are lonely." Pomona dipped a potato in ketchup "that's why angels and aliens are needed."

He turned her head to face him.

She was eating french fries, chewing something in her mouth, which was not beautiful at all, and her face was reflected in his eyes, looking like a hamster eating.

"No wonder Albus hid you," he whispered, and then fell silent.

She was afraid of staring at him like this, so she turned her eyes to him.

He adjusted her head again, forcing her eyes to look at him.

"Look at me." He said very seriously.

"What do you want to do?" She was a little scared, her voice trembling.

"Perhaps you can make the Dark Lord a different man," he said, "but I don't care anymore."

She still didn't understand what he was talking about.

"Someone called you 'Miss' just now, why didn't you correct him?"

She didn't know how to answer.

"I've changed my mind, I don't want a divorce." Severus whispered "Do you still want to leave me?"

"I have no idea."

"You idiot." He stretched out his hand and pinched her nose, "How can I tell you to understand?"

She looked at his greasy black hair and couldn't imagine what it would be like to have it all turn white.

There were footsteps in the distance, and Pomona looked in that direction and found that it was Xenophilius.

He saw Pomona and Severus too, and he ran away with a look of panic on his face.

"Look at him." Pomona looked at Xenophilius. "What do you think he entered the labyrinth for? Is it to gain the knowledge of the ancients, to recreate a Ravenclaw diadem, or to resurrect him from the dead? wife?"

No one answered her.

Pomona looked back to find that Severus was packed and ready to go.

"Are you finished?" he asked standing up.

She wolfed down the last few bites of the burger.

He looked at her, leaning back in disgust.

"What are you doing?" Pomona looked at herself, not knowing what was wrong with him.

He turned his head with an unbearable expression, and Pomona punched him hard in the back in a fit of anger.

"Ow." He groaned.

Pomona found the wound on his body from the catapult and realized she might have touched his wound.

"It hurts?"

"Maybe there's a dark magic on those arrows," Severus said, "possibly even poisoned."

"Then what should I do?" She immediately asked worriedly.

"I drank some antidote, but I can't do anything about black magic." He touched the place where he was beaten just now. "You actually used violence against the wounded."

Pomona looked him up and down "Are you really in pain?"

"It's bleeding." He showed his wounds.

"Then let me bandage it up for you." She began to rummage through the bandages.

"I can bear this pain." He said in a tone that was obviously very proud but pretending to be calm, "You don't even know how thrilling it was."

Only then did Pomona realize that she had been cheated.

Like father, like son, he and Draco, who feigned pain to Pansy after being scratched by Buckbeak, had the same virtue.

She wanted to punch him, but was afraid of touching his wound, so she held back.

She listened to him talking about how brave he was in the laurel forest full of back arrows just now, dragging the painting box and walking on this straight-line distance, but winding road.

Slytherins are really bad guys!

But it's not so boring to have him accompany this journey, at least, it's much better than being alone.

At the entrance of the seventh Malfoy Manor, Snape passed through with a wave of his wand. After he left, the railing returned to "solid"

Also, I like the combination of Slytherin who pays attention to interests and Hufflepuff who does not value interests. The little badger is so cute

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