There is a story in Journey to the West, after Sun Wukong learned 72 changes from the Bodhi Patriarch, the Bodhi Patriarch announced that he could go down the mountain.

Before going down the mountain, Patriarch Bodhi made a condition that Sun Wukong could not reveal to anyone that Patriarch Bodhi taught him the skill.

Many people are scrambling for the Elder Wand, but for wandmakers, they want to know how the Elder Wand is made.

Grindelwald stole the "Old Wand" with the core of thestral and the body of elder wood from Gregorovich. However, is this wand the real Elder Wand, or was it made by Gregorovich himself? It is impossible to know.

Almost all of the people who owned the Elder Wand in history were notorious dark wizards, including the very famous demon Emeric in the 15th century, but he was "slaughtered" in a duel with the monster Egbert.

In theory, with the strongest wand, the wizard is the strongest, but fate does not always favor the strong. Compared with Severus, the "Old Wand" chose Draco, a boy as delicate as a girl.

Draco would never be able to handle big things in his life.

Serious inside, embroidered pillows, pompous, all can be used to describe Draco.

By what criteria did that strange wand choose Draco Malfoy?

The old fool was so accurate, the Elder Wand would definitely choose Draco, not Severus, the one who killed him?

Pomona felt that the old fool was only thinking of getting Severus back to Voldemort's trust through his own death, and he didn't think so long, so he easily disarmed Draco.

He is not Grindelwald, he can predict the future.

Although Mungnes Hagrid was nicknamed "Dark Light", he obviously didn't want to have anything to do with these things.

He is like the Patriarch Bodhi. Students should not report his name if they cause any trouble outside, and he is also not in the honor of the students.

He took out his inheritance as bait, and asked capable people to help him look after his descendants, which was like a trust.

Salazar Slytherin is so strong, the descendants are not ineffective, but it has become a tragedy in Voldemort's generation.

Rather than handing over the inheritance to future generations and letting them spend it in separate families, it is better to hand it over to capable people. Anyway, the magic contract cannot be violated.

Tom killed Rubeus Hagrid, and now he has to go back to take care of him. If Voldemort had the character, he would have "Avada Kedavra".

How could this cunning and evil old devil have descendants like Rubeus Hagrid?

Because of Buckbeak's claw, Harry and the others took care of the snails for a semester. The originally expected and interesting Protection of Fantastic Beasts class became extremely boring. Based on his performance at that time, it was still a question of whether Hagrid could return to school as a professor.

As if he didn't think her head hurt enough, Severus, who was in a good mood just now, was expressionless again, and he didn't even look her in the eye.

What's wrong with this?

When he was an annoying old bat in the past, everyone turned around when they saw him, but now he has become a "love saint", and then his "awkward" character becomes cute?

Voldemort was definitely anxious, but sometimes the more anxious he was, the more he couldn't think of a solution. If he had a body and sweat glands in his body, he would probably be covered in sweat by now.

He needed help, and at Hogwarts there was always someone who would ask for help, but should Voldemort, who had committed such a heinous crime, help?

Before she could come up with that answer, the Bible story was running through her mind.

Inside the ark was the stone tablet of the Ten Commandments brought by Moses, which is said to have been written by God with his own finger.

Daniel was a learned man. After the death of Nebuchadnezzar, after his son Beshat succeeded to the throne, he had a banquet in the palace one day, and he ordered the gold and silver objects looted from the temple in Jerusalem Come out, for the concubines and ministers to have fun.

At this time, a hand suddenly appeared, and wrote luminous words stroke by stroke on the wall of the palace. Bershat ordered people to look for anyone who knew the words on the wall, and if they found them, they would be rewarded.

It turned out that Daniel deciphered the words, but it was not good news for the king of Babylon.

Belshat, guilty of blasphemy and too proud, will soon end his throne, and his kingdom will be divided among the Medes and Persians.

A road glowing in the dark appeared in front of her eyes. At the end of the road was a ball of dancing light, and a daffodil was quietly blooming.

It seems that it is the most beautiful and purest flower Saturnia in the world.

"Harry Potter."

She heard a voice whisper, and the next moment she saw a golden sheep flying in the sky.

It flew and turned into a golden pendant—the top honor of nobility, the Order of the Golden Fleece.

The Knight of the Golden Fleece is not a sheep, but the skin of a sheep. The poor golden sheep was killed and skinned. The nobles always do this kind of thing, fatten the sheep, and shave it once a year, so there will be much more The Golden Fleece?

The Faun blew his flute, and beautiful music began to sound.

When trying to pass the three-headed dog level, Harry originally planned to play the broken flute that Hagrid gave him.

Regardless of whether he learned to play the flute in the Muggle school or not, just by the sound of that broken flute, Lu Wei will not only not fall asleep, but will be more awake.

Fortunately, Voldemort went in first, and used Transfiguration to change a harp that he could play by himself, so that Lu Wei fell asleep.

"You've had enough hints." Pomona heard someone say "don't keep me waiting too long."

Then she felt a hurricane blowing over, and all the darkness in front of her eyes disappeared. She was still in the sixth-floor maze, standing in front of the huge swan sculpture.

"I see, Tom," said Pomona, drawing Voldemort's attention.

"It's the scar." Pomona pointed to the same spot on her forehead as Harry's scar. "Harry's scar hurts whenever you get close to it. I remember that Avada Kedavra doesn't leave any scars on the body." scar."

Suddenly Voldemort realized.

"And that prophecy," Severus went on, "The Dark Lord will mark his rival."

"Although I don't want to say that." Pomona said displeasedly, "but the parchment is also made of animal skin, similar to human skin."

"You want me to sign this contract with the spell of that time?" Voldemort looked at her inscrutablely.

"Sign or don't sign, decide early, I don't want to be caught by Auror as a prisoner!" She said angrily.

"Do you remember what happened?" Severus said deadpan. "When Lily Potter bounced your spell with hers, what was your first reaction?"

Voldemort didn't answer either of them, he seemed lost in thought.

"Aren't you afraid that he will use Draco to blackmail me into doing things I don't want to do?" Severus whispered in her ear.

"As long as he signs the contract, we will have Hagrid." Pomona also whispered in his ear, "Why did you take the initiative to tell him about your unbreakable oath just now?"

Severus smiled mysteriously, but didn't answer her question.

"What bad idea are you thinking of?" Pomona asked anxiously.

"You'll know later." He put his hand on her shoulder, "Now let's continue watching the show."

She couldn't figure out what he was doing, wasn't he very angry before?

And the hallucination just now was also very strange. If it was really a "hint", wouldn't it be more appropriate for Nadia to convey it? After all, Nadia is the priest of Death.

"Lily Potter didn't keep the Defensive Charm for herself," said Voldemort. "That scar wasn't left on Harry Potter after the Killing Curse bounced off."

No one dared to speak to disturb him.

"He's crying. I hate children crying." Voldemort clutched his forehead like a headache, the hem of his robes covering his face.

"That reminds you of an orphanage, doesn't it?" Pomona asked.

"I don't like that place." Voldemort bit his fingernails, staring ahead with dull eyes.

Pomona was about to say something, but Severus squeezed her shoulder hard.

"This is your connection, fear." Lyall said aside. "Use it to sign the contract."

"No." Voldemort firmly vetoed "I don't want to do that."

"I feel the same way," Severus said. "It's so... 'emotional'."

"What better suggestion do you have?" Voldemort asked.

"Remember when in the Chamber of Secrets you used Harry Potter's wand to write your own name in flaming text in mid-air? How about just using that spell?" Severus said.

"I don't remember," said Voldemort, smiling. "I could feel the Horcrux disappear, but I don't know what he did before that."

Severus showed no expression.

"But I don't want to use fire, it reminds me of someone old," murmured Voldemort, and pressed his wand to the parchment.

There was a burning sensation in Severus' arm, and Pomona felt it, too, in summer's thin clothes.

He immediately withdrew his hand, and pressed the position of the Dark Mark on his arm with the other hand.

A dark, ink-thick smoke trickled from the tip of the silver satinwood wand, seeping as if under the skin, into the parchment.

Tom Riddle's handwriting is very beautiful, as can be seen from his examination papers, but the writing left on the parchment has no Gothic splendor.

This is the signature of an ordinary person.

With the conclusion of the contract, the same phantom as the contract appeared in the crystal swan, as if seeing the future through a crystal ball, or seeing a prophecy through a prophecy ball.

It's just that unlike the parchment contract in Voldemort's hand, the contract in the crystal swan is golden, and it looks like it's written on gold.

Soon, the golden contract became brighter and brighter. Through the refraction of the crystal, it was magnified and reflected on the door of the seventh-floor labyrinth, just filling the blank area surrounded by the sculpture.

That line of poetry is right at the bottom of the deed, what looks like a footer.

"God's path is winding and difficult to find, but it will flash out in the darkness of unfortunate life." Tom Riddle said with admiration, "I thought you could use thunder and lightning."

"I was so stupid to think that he could use a hundred-armed giant." Pomona cried sadly.

Felix opened his mouth wide and was stunned.

"You can wait for him here, or you can go in with him." Lyle said to everyone, "but I want to remind everyone that as long as you enter this door, you must also abide by the contract."

"But the door didn't open at all!" said Felix.

No one paid him any attention.

"Are you going, Kricht?" Pomona asked.

"No, Master," said Klitsch, looking at the door in awe.

"Okay, protect Felix." Pomona looked at Nadia and said, "Take him away if necessary."

Voldemort didn't care about this at all, he hurried away with the crow.

Xenophilius followed, and finally there were Pomona and Severus, and Lyle and Nadia.

"Aren't you going in?" Pomona looked at the two and asked.

Lyle didn't answer her.

"Let's go." Severus took her hand and left.

Pomona dragged the painting box and looked at them several times.

Until she passed through the thick-looking stone door.

"It's not 'solid'!" she exclaimed in surprise.

The door was ten meters thick, and when she came to the seventh floor of the maze, she would wipe the door again, and it would be "solid" again.

She patted the solid stone hard, then turned her head to look at the road in front of her.

The surroundings were pitch black, without any shelter, but there were fluorescent lines on the ground, extending all the way to the temple in the distance.

"Looks like we won't get out until we get to the end." Severus pointed his fluorescent wand at the wall.

Pomona pointed her wand at the band of light on the ground, and a handful of white powder floated up.

Then it spontaneously ignited.

"Looks like phosphorus," said Pomona.

"It's not 40 degrees right now," Severus said.

Pomona thought for a while, took a bottle of wine from her pocket, and threw it to the side of the road beyond the light.

After the glass bottle shattered, the wine inside caught fire quickly.

"I think he meant not to leave the path he marked," Pomona said tremblingly.

Severus looked at the fire, his face serious.

"Are you hungry?" Pomona asked. "I have something to eat."

"Find a safe place first." Severus took her hand and walked deep into the maze.

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