Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1119 Harmless Tears

Some people say that curiosity is the driving force for human progress, and the spirit of science is: try to know if it is the truth.

Even though synthesizing new elements might make a nuclear bomb, scientists tried anyway. It's just a matter of luck that nothing has gone wrong so far, otherwise those who lead ordinary lives may be forced to be involved in accidents that have nothing to do with them.

Just like war, the Spanish throne war was a struggle for power between the rulers. It was impossible for ordinary villagers to have the opportunity to see the king in their lifetime, but they were still involved in this war that had nothing to do with them.

It would take a person a lifetime to produce 5.5 tons of urine, and Brant needed a lame reason to collect the urine of so many people.

Those people probably never dreamed that their excrement would one day be presented in front of the king and university professors.

According to Schopenhauer, there are only three driving forces in human behavior:

A, selfishness, hope to be happy, there is no limit to selfishness.

b. Vicious, wishing others pain, for which they can develop extremely cruel behavior.

c. Compassion, wishing for others to be happy, can develop extremely generous, noble and selfless behavior.

Everyone's behavior can be attributed to one of the three behaviors, and sometimes it can be two.

A person can make himself happy by hurting others, and someone can make himself happy by being generous and unselfish, but few people can be malicious and compassionate at the same time.

This is a kind of psychology full of contradictions, but it was born in Severus.

Harry Potter is the son of James Potter, the son of Severus Snape's enemy, so he used vicious methods against Harry Potter.

At the same time, Harry is Lily's child. Harry lost his parents since he was a child, and grew up in Petunia's house happily. After returning to the magical world, he lived a short happy life, but soon he would accept the arrangement of fate and be sent to death by Albus Dumbledore as a raised piglet.

Arthur Schopenhauer was a cynic. When he was teaching at the University of Berlin, he tried to compete with Hegel on the podium. As a result, Hegel's lectures were often full, but the students listening to him never exceeded Passed three people. So Schopenhauer left the university forum with a feeling of resentment.

He does not belong to that era. In Schopenhauer's own words, his books are written for future generations.

Some people and some things must be gradually accepted by the world after his death.

Severus was like this. The "misunderstanding" was only clarified after his death. Schopenhauer was luckier than him. In his later years, the times and Schopenhauer came together, and he finally enjoyed the honor he had been looking forward to all his life. And Severus Snape hadn't received the honor he deserved after his death. He didn't have the Order of Merlin, and he wasn't even considered eligible to hang his portrait in the headmaster's office at Hogwarts. Rita Kist also wrote him a book "Saint or Sinner?" ” book, in order to gain interest and attention.

Letaquist's behavior is typical egoism, she doesn't care what the truth is, and when she wrote the book about Albus Dumbledore, she at least interviewed people related to Albus.

She can write whatever she wants to write about Severus Snape. Anyway, except for the supporters of "Love Saint", I am afraid that few people will speak out for this double-faced agent who betrayed his own.

Voldemort was defeated by love, but "love" seems so stupid.

If everyone desires to be loved, but is unwilling to love others, then "love" will become the most scarce resource in this world.

Paris is outstanding in appearance, everyone loves him, and has a noble status. It can be said that he stood in a position that ordinary people could not reach throughout his life.

In the vast sea of ​​people, you can't find that one special person, but "gold diggers" are everywhere. Therefore, Prince Troy did not choose power and reputation, but gave the golden apple to the god of love.

If Pomona had been a man, she might have regarded Paris as an unreliable ruler, as Poseidon had. As the patron saint of Troy, he chose to side with the Athenians.

But it's a pity that Pomona is a woman, and words that despise Cupid should not be said by a woman.

Nietzsche said that the faster a woman forgets how to be attractive, the faster she learns to hate.

And the beginning of viciousness is hatred. She hopes that the person she hates will suffer, so sometimes people will sigh "the most poisonous woman's heart".

Hate is not the antidote to love, but forgetting is. When the person who loved you in the past is indifferent to everything about you, that person really doesn't love you anymore.

Jealousy is a measure of how much a person loves another.

If she can share a man with another woman without being indifferent, then this woman doesn't love him at all.

She just uses the man to get the material, that makes her feel happy, but the man still doesn't get the scarce resource, "love", such a "transaction" is not equal.

Life is like a pendulum, hovering between happiness and burnout.

Those that make people feel happy are nothingness; ordinary and painful things are real.

Lily once gave Slughorn a present as a thank you for his constant teaching, and Slughorn was not prejudiced because she was a Gryffindor girl.

In this regard, as the head of Slytherin, Slughorn did a much better job than Severus. He valued a person's talent more than that person's gender and affiliation. camp.

It was a lily petal floating in a small bowl, and in Slughorn's hand it became a small fish.

When Pomona visited Slughorn's office, she found that he had placed it prominently on the "collection shelf", with other student photos that made him feel "glorious".

Even if Lily later married and wasn't as "famous" as he thought, he still put it there.

Then one day, the fish in the bowl disappeared with a "poof", and then came the news of Voldemort's death.

While everyone in the auditorium was cheering and celebrating, only Slughorn was in a daze. He quietly left his seat, but he was still there when the normal class resumed, and everything was as usual, as if nothing had happened .

Now, there is a small fish in Phoenix's pool of tears, but it is not produced by Transfiguration.

Pomona made a small pond in the greenhouse of the painting box to hold water for watering the plants.

She kept a few fish in the pond, both for viewing and to bring some vitality to the greenhouse, and Severus caught one from the pond and threw it into the pool of Phoenix's tears.

It struggled for a little while at first, then took a leisurely swim in the pool, which looked as if it was safe and sound, like the pool she was using to water it.

He threw in a few more strips.

The main components of tears are salt and water, but it is not neutral. Human lacrimal glands are secreting tears at any time. Tears can moisten the cornea, lubricate the eyeball and kill bacteria, so it is weakly acidic.

Tears shed for emotional reasons did not have much higher concentrations of protein than tears shed when cutting onions.

However, the manganese content in tears is very high, which is hundreds to thousands of times higher than the manganese concentration in blood plasma. At this time, the tears are weakly alkaline. Men cry one-fifth as often as women, so men are much more likely to suffer from ulcers than women.

Many people have had oral ulcers, which are very painful and will be fine after a while.

Gastric ulcer is difficult to heal, because it has been in contact with gastric acid for a long time, and gastric juice is strong acid, and the ulcer surface is stimulated by strong acid. Only the person who has gastric ulcer can feel the pain.

It was a chronic disease, caused by not having a normal diet for a long time, and it was a miracle that "Mad Scientist" Severus didn't get it.

This is also the credit of Pomona, she always told him to eat on time, but she can't do anything about his greasy hair.

He made the test strips float with his wand.

"How is it?" Pomona asked.

"No problem." He sighed, and set the test strips on fire with a raging fire.

"Have you seen Fox Nirvana?" Pomona asked looking at the orange flames.

"No," he said, looking at the flying sparks.

"I'm afraid no one has seen Fawkes Nirvana except Albus," she said dryly. "What next?"

Severus looked at the pool thoughtfully.

After a while, he took out an empty test tube and the potion bottle containing Fox's tears from the deformed lizard skin pocket, and used the empty test tube to take a little water from the pool, and compared it with Fox's tears, they looked Appears to be a transparent liquid.

Then he rolled up his sleeves, revealing the Dark Mark on his arm, and sank that arm into the water.

The Dark Mark gave off a green light, and the originally calm pool began to boil, and the small fish in the pool swam around frightenedly.

But it's not dead, the water isn't really boiling because of the increased temperature.

After a while, Severus pulled that arm out, the Dark Mark was still there, but his arm was wrapped in a thin layer of holy light.

"I think we can jump in," Severus said. "The water is harmless."

"You really think so?" said Pomona in horror.

"I thought it could wash off that mark." Severus said, looking at the green glowing Dark Mark on his arm, "it might stay with me forever."

Pomona didn't think cutting off the hand would be a good idea, and it probably wouldn't break free from the past.

She hadn't seen a Potions master with no arms or legs, but she knew one from the Care of Fantastic Beasts professor, and his life was very inconvenient, even with a wooden hand made by Albus, it was still not as convenient as her own.

Severus needs dexterous hands, just as a pianist needs dexterous fingers to play a beautiful movement.

Once you make a wrong choice, that "stain" will follow you for the rest of your life. How difficult it is to find someone who can tolerate the "stain".

"You dance and I dance too." Pomona smiled and said, "Titanic."

He laughed too, reaching out to her.

"Do you want to undress?"

"It's not hidden here." She looked around and said, "What if someone sees it?"

"Who else but me?"

"Xenophilius, and the Dark Lord, oh." She couldn't help crying out in pain from being pinched.

"Enough." He said with a stiff face, looking down at the pool. "One, two, three, jump."

She subconsciously jumped along.

After jumping into the water, she heard the singing of the mermaid, and then she saw the brightly lit Hogwarts Castle bathed in the moonlight, and the dementors surrounding the castle.

Then the Dementors were gone, replaced by the Dark Mark that appeared in the sky, and it looked like a new constellation.


She heard Dumbledore's voice.

The old fool was looking at her imploringly.

"Avada Kedavra!"

What looked like a green light shot from the wand and hit the old wizard, sending him flying backwards.

The color of the test paper is gradual, and people who are not good at color discrimination may mistake the color.

Pomona finally understood why the Elder Wand chose Draco Malfoy instead of Severus.

Because Severus Snape didn't kill Albus Dumbledore at all.

If there was a murderer, it was Gravity.

Falling from such a high place, even wizards will die. Whether it is Voldemort or others, they forgot to use the flashback spell to check the Half-Blood Prince's wand. After all, so many people have witnessed it with their own eyes. The murderer is not Snape or Who could it be?

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