Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1086 The Fool's View

For a man who is famous all over the world, the whole earth is his grave, not only in his homeland, but also in the land of others, his reputation is well-known.

— Athens Bard

The University of Padua also has a museum. The exhibits displayed in it are far less exquisite than those exhibited in the Art Museum of the Venice Academy. Many sculptures have only heads. After all, this museum focuses on archaeological research, unlike other museums that are open to ordinary citizens and art students.

The University Museum of Padua not only has sculptures, but also a lot of restored Greek pottery. After listening to the class, Pomona came here to visit.

It's a pity that she didn't see Galileo's telescope. She thought that Galileo's telescope was made in Venice and taught at the University of Padua, so the museum should have it.

In fact, the pair of telescopes invented by Galileo, as well as his thumb, middle finger, and teeth are on display at the Science Museum in Florence.

In 1737, during the relocation of Galileo's body to a new tomb, his finger was broken and disappeared along with one of his teeth and one of his vertebrae. The thieves are none other than the admirers of Galileo. The same thing happened to other scientists. People longed for the amazing intelligence of the geniuses and the blessing of the amazing talents of the great scientists, so they stole the tissues of the scientists. .

This is similar to people in the Middle Ages stealing the bones of saints, except that stealing the bones of saints is to offset their sins and avoid going to hell, not to gain some kind of power while alive.

"How's life as a freshman?"

While Pomona was admiring an amphora, Severus' voice sounded behind her.

"How did you find me?" Pomona asked, clearly not telling anyone where she was.

Severus smiled mysteriously, "There are interesting lessons in Muggle schools too?"

"They do. I just listened to a section on the definition, characterization and redefinition of heroes and gods in Greek and Roman religious mythology. That professor has a very interesting point of view." Pomona looked up at him with her arms around his waist.

This is the advantage of boys being taller than girls. She can look up to him, just like ordinary people standing in the audience look up to heroes.

"What?" he asked with feigned interest.

"The sons of Cronus did not create anything, and the gods in the Bible are the creators of this world. The gods of Olympus are actually the manipulators of the forces of nature, not the creators of rules. The creators in the Bible The god of the world gave his followers the power to use science and the knowledge he possessed to manipulate nature, and the ancient Greeks believed that nature ruled mankind, um...do you still want to continue listening?"

"Go on." This time he listened carefully, and Pomona continued.

"Because nature rules the world, gods are also affected by nature. Eros is one of them. Bees, chickens, horses and dogs all need eros. The gods in Greek mythology appear to be the same as people. The Greeks People advocate nudity and think it is a manifestation of civilization. The Greeks believe that they will be overwhelmed by lust immediately after taking off their clothes. His own passion, to attack the bride and the ladies, and to take them away, was considered barbaric."

"Which teacher said that in class?" Severus asked.

"What do you think is a hero?" Pomona asked. "That's the question she asks in class."

"What did the others answer?" Severus asked me

"At the beginning, no one answered as usual." Pomona shrugged helplessly. , Heroes lead everyone to do something in extraordinary times, I think the 'hero' Jason of the Golden Fleece expedition can't even control his own lust, do you think a barbarian can be a good king?"

He stared straight at her, not knowing where his thoughts had gone.

"Are you listening to me?"

"I'm trying not to think about you without your clothes on," Severus grumbled, as if she was bothering him.

"It has nothing to do with clothes." Pomona pouted, "Put on clothes to cover your body, but imagination stimulates love more than real situations. Some details are beautified in imagination, but what we see in reality is sometimes more beautiful than reality." The imagination should disappoint, and the clothes arouse people's curiosity about what's under the clothes..."

Pomona slapped the old bat on the forehead.


"Look into my eyes!" she said angrily.

"I don't believe the teacher would talk about this in class, are Muggles that open?"

"She chatted about Pandora, and now there is a famous saying that curiosity is the basic driving force of human progress, but because Pandora couldn't contain her curiosity, after being warned, she still opened the magic box, and she closed the hope in a panic. In the box, clothes have lost their original role of restraint, but instead become beautifying the body and arousing erotic desire. Wearing clothes is more attractive than not wearing clothes. Curiosity can cause sin. I remember a saying It’s said that curiosity killed the cat, cats have nine lives, let alone humans.”

"What do you mean?" he asked confusedly.

"'Heroes' who take risks to satisfy their curiosity are not real heroes, they can only be regarded as adventurers and explorers. Remember the title of this class? Redefinition of Heroes and Gods in Greek and Roman Religious Mythology, The third generation of Greek gods did not create anything except gossip and illegitimate children. On the contrary, Prometheus, the second generation Titan god, created human beings and stole fire from heaven, but he said that he put blind hope into human beings. chest, lest man no longer foresee death, don't you wonder why he did it?"

"If you can't foresee death, you don't fear death." Severus said with a smile, "Gryffindor has no shortage of such people."

"Prometheus means 'foreseeing'. Cronus knew that his son was going to overthrow him, so he ate his sons. Prometheus also foresaw that Zeus would be overthrown, but he refused. Tell Zeus who will overthrow him."

"She's so bold," Severus said with bright eyes.

"Do you know who Prometheus is talking about?" Pomona tilted her head and looked at him.

"I was thinking of a world where there were only men and no women." Severus narrowed his eyes.

"The first woman, Pandora, was created by Zeus." Pomona smiled. "He made mankind suffer, but let mankind contribute the best things to him, and he is not the creator of mankind. Abandon Prometheus and fear Zeus?"

"You daredevil women," Severus said helplessly.

"It's just a 'fairy tale', don't take it seriously." Pomona touched the dense buttons on his coat and said, "I think, I have unlocked another element."

"which one?"

"Antimony, the fertile soil of the Garden of Eden, Adam took it away when he was expelled after eating the forbidden fruit." Pomona unbuttoned him. "Don't you feel hot? Professor."

"You told me to look dignified in front of Draco." He said calmly, "Your behavior is very inappropriate."

"I'm saying that summer is coming, don't you still wear so many clothes? Where did you go?"

He couldn't help but laugh.

"You think my speculation with the Dark Lord is also a 'fairy tale'?" Pomona continued to ask.

"I don't think it's wise to take chances on your delusions." Severus pulled back his smile.

"Haven't you lived enough?" asked Pomona.

"If you say that I want to live with a werewolf for the rest of my life, then I've had enough. It's a different story than you." He held her face in his hands, as if he wanted to give her a kiss. "I want to live forever."

Pomona looked into his eyes, as if trying to tell if he was joking.

"Do you know why Troy fell? It wasn't because of the Trojan horse, but because the Trojans had a foolish prince who thought love was the rarest thing." Pomona said seriously, "Don't be as foolish as him, Severer S."

"You're 'smart' again now? I can't believe that was just a woman saying that." He said a little exasperated. "Are you teaching me the right thing to do again?"

"I want you to live longer," she explained hastily. "Keeping your head clean is what kills you."

"Stop talking." He suppressed his anger and kissed her.

Even for museums where few people come, it is against social etiquette in public places for them to do so.

But she soon forgot all about it.

She hooked his neck and kissed him passionately.

Antimony symbolizes the wildness of nature, which even the gods cannot control, let alone a mortal like her.

People in the Renaissance followed nature, and the church's ascetic idea was to use the will to overcome this natural need.

So is man conquering nature, or is nature ruling man?

The public courses at the University of Padua include the definition, representation and redefinition of heroes and gods, as well as the sea from the stars.

Clothes insights are from Eros and the City, by Professor Ludwig of St. John's University, UK

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