Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1087 Strange Neighbor

In their first year as freshmen, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Draco, who were punished for confinement, encountered a hooded figure in the Forbidden Forest sucking the blood of a unicorn.

Of course, everyone later knew that it was Quirrell who was possessed by Voldemort, but everyone didn't know it at the time, so it was still very scary.

Draco ran away first, followed by Fang, and the other three Gryffindor lion cubs were frightened, and they stood still, not daring to move, until the centaur Felzer came to his rescue.

Centaurs are not half-man, half-beast, but a separate species who do not like to be offended, especially when it concerns their clan. There were no horses in their clan, and calling them "mongrels" would end up like Umurich.

Centaurs generally rarely intervene in human affairs actively. In their words, "God's will cannot be violated". Felzer's meddling in human affairs, and his teaching at Hogwarts make him an outstanding figure among centaurs. Heterogeneous.

In the eyes of humans, the naked centaur is a barbarian, but in the eyes of the centaur, he is far more intelligent than humans.

Since humans classify vampires and hags as "humans", they would rather be classified as "beasts" and be protected like magical animals than share the identity of "humans" with the two.

It's hard for Muggles to understand how inferior "noble blood" is in the wizarding world. What's wrong with being forever young and beautiful?

Therefore, the centaur and some people will never have a common language, although the centaur can also speak human language.

If Florence is the cradle of the Renaissance, then Pardo during the Renaissance attracted countless foreigners to come here to "suck the mellowness of philosophy".

While medical students and tourists cheer for the anatomy theater, people's minds begin to shift.

During the Middle Ages, the "vitality theory" was popular for a period of time, and people believed that life was composed of a mysterious substance different from non-life.

Later, people used magnets to find iron in human ashes. This "vitality theory" began to collapse during the Renaissance, and animism began to prevail in the 17th century.

In the 15th-17th centuries there was a huge shift, as scholars gradually eliminated their prejudice against craftsmen and instead incorporated their working methods into the study of theoretical knowledge. They broke down the social class barriers that persisted in the Middle Ages. Feudal thinking separated the two elements that constituted the scientific method: logic and rational argumentation belonged to the upper-class scholars, while experiments, an interest in causality and quantitative methods belonged to the common people. artisan.

Whether it is Leonardo da Vinci, Galileo, or even Newton, they can also design machinery to assist their own research, and the status of craftsmen has been significantly improved, and this is also the most difficult idea in feudal society to break.

People who don't understand will never understand. In the era of Tycho Dodonus, people spent more money on astrology and fortune-telling than improving telescopes. Kepler did not have superhuman eyes like Tycho. He A telescope is required to observe the stars in the night sky.

In addition to observing the moon with a telescope, Galileo also used it to observe the sun. He discovered sunspots, but his long-term observation of sunlight also caused his eyes to be blind.

Today's astronomical telescopes will have a layer of coating, which will filter part of the harmful light to protect the observer's eyes. This time, Sleepy Pomona missed the observation of the total solar eclipse.

But that has nothing to do with her, after all, the total solar eclipse took place in South America, which happens to be the continent where the new Pope Francis is located.

Speaking of being blind, Pomona didn't realize how blind she was until now.

Albus had told her, Minerva, and Sinistra that centaurs had the power to change the stars, and she had thought it was nonsense at first.

The stars in the sky are 4.2 light-years away from Proxima Centauri, the closest star in the solar system. How can the centaurs have the ability to displace a star larger than the sun?

Gienah Corvi is derived from Arabic, from the Mongolian astronomer Ulu Beg, meaning "the right wing of the crow", but it is the left wing in modern astronomical images. The Mongolian invasion of Europe not only brought the Black Death, but also brought over the astronomical knowledge of the East. The ancients observed the astronomy by imagining the stars as moving on the celestial sphere, like a spherical projector, carrying various stars. .

The top of the Christmas tree will be decorated with a star. Although the children nowadays only care about the gifts under the tree, the star on the top of the Christmas tree represents the star of Bethlehem. This star led the three magi to find Jesus who was born in the stable. , it is like moving on the celestial sphere.

Gienah Corvi Corvus also happens to be a star of Bethlehem, which also symbolizes greed and trickery.

The centaurs can tamper with the astrology, but they seem unable to change the records of human astronomical observations. In the Middle Ages, people used iron to make ink. Iron cannot be fissioned or fused. It is the end of the life of a star. It seems that the centaurs cannot control this power, and then this knowledge has been inherited by humans?

Pomona didn't dare to tell Severus this guess at all, let alone him, even she thought it was a "fairy tale", it was too unbelievable.

There are so many stars in the sky, art students don't bother to paint at all, they take a paintbrush and sprinkle a lot of white dots on the canvas, which is the representative starry sky.

Celestial cartography is not a compulsory subject at Hogwarts, but the astrological map is a necessary tool for observing the starry sky. It is equivalent to a map on the ground, showing the positions of the stars on the celestial sphere.

The distance from the crow's right wing to the left wing is not very far on the celestial sphere, or the Mongols can't distinguish between left and right, or the direction of distinguishing left and right is different from that of modern people, and so on.

But this discovery shakes Pomona's long-standing cognition-it is impossible for the centaurs to tamper with the astrology. From a certain point of view, changing the astrology also changes the fate of some people. Everyone has their own star. It doesn’t have to be a king, it must correspond to the star of the king in Leo, and it may also correspond to Charles II. is Alpha Canes Venatici. It’s just that most people’s life stars are too dim to be observed at all, and the atmosphere will interfere with the light. Coupled with the current light pollution, it will be even more invisible.

That's why humans have to send the Hubble Telescope into space to observe stars outside the atmosphere.

She not only listened to the stories of heroes this morning, but also eavesdropped on some philosophy.

The Greeks advocated "naked" in order to eliminate the mystery of the body. In the Utopia, Socrates also advocated nude training for men and women. In the eyes of some people, this is a very absurd idea.

Socrates advocated the abolition of private ownership in the Utopia. He wanted to eradicate the concept of "own" and "others" from the minds of the citizens of Athens. Women could not set up "own homes" with a single man.

Without a private family, there would be no private property, and no one would move public property to a private home, or if a man robs other people's property and puts it in his own home, men will have a private affair because of private property. angry.

Socrates' vision of the centaurs was also impossible. Their social structure was similar to that of the Spartans, where husbands and wives were fixed and children were grouped together. Or it is like the social structure of hyenas. When other members of the dog group go hunting, there will always be one or several hyenas in the nest with their children, which is similar to a human nursery. Centaurs do not easily hurt their foals, but they can never I have been training archery since the beginning of running, and injuries are inevitable during training, and the medicine of the horsemen is also very developed.

When humans suggested that the horses wear clothes, the horses sternly rejected them. They were proud of their civilization, but they did not understand the human beings who could still arouse love even after wearing clothes.

Nudity is the end, what else is there to think about in the face of an unadorned body? You may even feel disappointed by the gap between reality and imagination. Just like a beauty with a veil, she has a pair of sapphire-like ecstatic eyes, and everyone who sees her can't help but imagine how beautiful she looks. However, when she pulled off her veil, she found that the beauty had big buck teeth and looked like a horse. Who would look at this ugly girl more?

The Greeks are not perfect. They also lie and indulge. They restrain their animal nature for a long time. People will accumulate a lot of pressure. On the day of the Dionysus Festival, they will release it all through carnival. human appearance.

Unicorns can also defecate in front of everyone, but centaurs can't, which is common to humans.

Resisting the desire to "solve it on the spot" is also a kind of restraint. Defecation can also bring pleasure like reproduction. This is a kind of instinct, but defecation is not the original sin. The urban sanitation in the Middle Ages was terrible, and it was not seen. Which religious people to rectify, this has become a hotbed of plague.

"Lust" is one of the original sins. After Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, they could distinguish between good and evil, and knew shame. They would be ridiculed for being timid and shitting, so why would they be ridiculed for being bold in pursuit of love?

There are many tourists in the River Valley Meadow Plaza, most of them are young men and women, many of them are lovers, they lean close together intimately, and occasionally kiss, which reminds Pomona of Lavender Brown, a man and woman The girl Ron Weasley kisses everywhere.

Pomona had also been critical of her before, finding her behavior to be highly inappropriate and thoughtless.

Lavender was ridiculed as a stupid girl, and she was later bitten by a werewolf, even though it wasn't a full moon that day.

"Here you are." Just as Pomona was sitting on the grass watching others in a daze, Severus handed her an ice cream.

"What flavor?" Pomona asked, looking at the other ice cream in his hand.

"Vanilla ice cream without 3-methoxy-4-hydroxybenzaldehyde, only natural vanillin." Severus said humorously.

"I didn't find the joke?" she said deadpan.

"3-methoxy-4-hydroxybenzaldehyde is the molecular formula of vanillin, which is the same as saying that the beverage does not contain dihydrogen oxide (H2O)."

She still didn't find it funny.

The smiling Potions Professor's face froze instantly. After lying down, he put his head on her lap and ate ice cream unhappily.

"What were you thinking just now?"

Pomona glanced at the chocolate ice cream in her hand and lied wisely.

"If one day you met the Creator, what questions would you ask him?"

"Do you believe in a Creator?"

"I mean hypothetical."

"Then do you think it is God or Prometheus who created human beings?"

"That's not the point, what I'm asking is what question are you going to ask?" Pomona said a little angrily.

Severus pondered.

"I already know why Prometheus created humans, so I won't ask him that question," Severus said after a moment, "and I also know why God created us, so I won't ask him that either. "

"What's the difference between you saying that and not saying that?"

"I'll ask him, when God is painful and lonely, do you want to be human?" Severus took a bite of vanilla ice cream. "Being a sinner is sometimes fun."

Pomona froze.

"In the year of the Triwizard Tournament, you knew it was a crime to be with me, but you committed it on purpose, didn't you feel very happy?" Severus said with a smile, "Although I was almost sent to Azkaban and The dementor kissed."

"What are you thinking?" She said with a strange expression.

"I didn't think about anything, I just wanted to have fun while I was there."

She wanted to smash the ice cream in his face.

But since doing so was a waste of food, she still ate it unhappily.

"What's the chemical formula for cocoa beans?" asked Pomona.

"how could I know."

"You just mentioned the molecular formula of vanillin."

"This is a university town, is it strange that there are students from the Department of Chemistry?"

"Did you hear it?" Pomona's eyes widened in disbelief.

"I heard from Muggles." Severus said indifferently, "I told him that he didn't know the reaction between pearl powder and invisible beast tincture."

She didn't know what to say.

"Why can I find something funny but you can't?" Severus asked again.

"How do I know." Pomona took a bite of his "vanilla ice cream without 3-methoxy-4-hydroxybenzaldehyde, only natural vanillin".

"My God, it's so sweet!" she wailed. "Sweeter than Turin's chocolate! How can you eat it!"

"I can bear a little sweetness, but I can't bear the color of chocolate." Severus said, looking at the chocolate in her hand.

"How dare you say that word!" she said in the most savage tone.

"The factory of Wolfsbane was not completed, but the factory of euphoria was opened, and the patent of euphoria is mine." Severus changed the subject, "We can buy that house in Turin."

The last time they left Turin, they not only bought chocolates, but also looked at several apartments, and finally settled on a farm with a vineyard, but they couldn't afford it with their savings at the time, but now they seem to be able to buy it.

"The money will be useful in the future, it doesn't matter where you live." Pomona said blankly, "I can adapt to the nomadic life, and that painting box is our yurt."

"There's a present for you." Severus took a cigarette lighter from his shapeshifter pocket.

"What's this?" Pomona ended up

"The replica of the Deluminator is not as good as Dumbledore's, and it can't absorb too much light."

Pomona froze for a moment.

"This is the real purpose of your last Anfield battle plan?" Pomona exclaimed.

The old bat smiled slickly: "It's a pity that Ron Weasley was injured and missed, but it made Miss Know-it-all show off."

"Is Ron hurt?"

"He is now fully recovered, but will be on crutches for the time being."

"My God."

"With this, there is a light source in the painting box. I heard that Muggles use lights to cultivate crops."

"I love this gift." Pomona said, looking Severus in the eye, "but I won't say thank you."

"you are not happy?"

"So many people died that day, and so much panic. I'm not going to criticize you, I'm not going to encourage you, but I appreciate what you've done to me."

"You said you wouldn't thank me."

She put his hand over her heart "but you can feel it, can't you?"

His dark eyes stared at her.

Through those eyes, Pomona seemed to see the faint blue light in the depths of his eyes.

According to Da Vinci, the human soul is hidden near the insula, which is just behind the eyes.

Severus' soul was still clean, just with some black spots, like sunspots.

Maybe, he just didn't judge seriously like a child, and he didn't do evil on purpose.

"I know it's hard, but please try to be a good person," Pomona said softly.

"Would you still love me if I was a bad guy?" Severus asked.

"That's why I'm begging you," she said sadly. "I, unlike Dumbledore, have other means of stopping you."

"I won't promise you easily. Last time I promised the old fool, how do you think he forced me?"

"I said I won't force you to do anything you don't like..."

"When everything is over, we'll find a place to live in seclusion, just you and me." He interrupted her, "Look around."

Pomona looked around and found many curious eyes.

"Guess what they were thinking?" Severus said.

"I don't know," she trembled.

"They're guessing about our relationship," Severus said bitterly. "I'm too old for you."

"I can……"

"You're getting a little older," Severus interrupted again. "You're not 15 anymore, you're 20, and you know why?"


"I hate him," Severus said grimly. "He's like a parasite, and it's Harry Potter's job to get rid of him. It's his fate."

"Don't pass the blame on to others!"

"This is not to shirk responsibility, but his destiny, since he became the chosen one." Severus smiled and shook his head, "Whether it is Prometheus or the Son of God who is bound to suffer, he should be the same .”

"Hasn't he suffered enough?"

"You sympathize with him, why don't you sympathize with me? Haven't I suffered enough?" He said accusingly, "Is my soul dirty, so you just asked me that?"

"The sun also has sunspots, and I didn't expect your soul to shine." Pomona twisted his nose like she did when she was a child.

"Then who am I?" he asked again.

"You're a bad guy who knows the fun of being a good guy." She thought for a moment and said, "I'm a good guy who wants to be a bad guy."

"No, you are not a good person." He smiled with bright eyes, "Neither you nor I are a good person."

Pomona glanced at the appraising eyes around her, then bent down and kissed him.

This is undoubtedly a behavior only between couples, and will not exist in the relationship between father and daughter and uncle and nephew. She looks like a female college student who has found a "Suger Dady".

But she doesn't care about those comments anymore, because he tastes so sweet, how much sugar is in that "vanilla ice cream with no 3-methoxy-4-hydroxybenzaldehyde, only natural vanillin"?

In the cursed child, McGonagall said that the centaurs can tamper with the astrology. I am a fan of Harry Potter. If it doesn’t make sense, it’s magic.

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