Many are invited to heaven, but few are chosen.

——The Bible "Parables of the Kingdom of Heaven"

"Oh, sorry!"

Pomona dodged the two "goths" approaching in the corridor, and wandered around the university fearfully and aimlessly.

It's very different when you're in the "zoo" as a "peer" rather than a "teacher".

Children used to make way for her at Hogwarts, but now she disguised herself as a student and had to rely on herself to open the way.

A lone badger behaved like Pomona at the moment: Oh, my God, so many horrible people, go away!

It was still a Saturday, and none of the required courses were required. There were relatively few people in the class, and Hufflepuff always seemed at a loss when facing strangers. Pomona inexplicably found the feeling she had when Bella was in school.

The world is really scary, which is why Hufflepuff always acts in groups-we have more people, and we have to give way to the side with fewer people, unless we encounter old bats.

No matter where he goes, he will divide a way like Moses divided the Red Sea, no matter how many people there are, he will go aside.

It used to be the same for Sirius at school, with Pete Pedillo following him. Their relationship is not so much a friend as a follower, and they just happen to share a dormitory. Remus would walk side by side with Sirius and James generously, talking and laughing along the way, but he was not as inseparable as the other two hijackers.

Remus was the same age as Severus, but by the time he returned to Hogwarts to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts, his hair had already started to grow gray.

Aging is a phenomenon that young people think is very far away but cannot be reversed by older people. Some "smart people" know that there is no such thing as the fountain of youth to rejuvenate, so they start to fantasize about vampires, hoping that vampires can use it when they are young. Become a member of the "blood family" by yourself, so that you can be forever young.

In addition to the famous Jack the Ripper in Britain, there was also a famous "vampire killer" in 1949. He would drink up the blood of the deceased, melt the body with strong acid, and pour out the rest after the melting was almost done.

No one knows how many people he killed, he didn't have the habit of collecting items like ordinary serial killers, his purpose was to drink blood like a vampire.

Even if it was wizard's blood, drinking it wouldn't make her face fall off, and Pomona didn't know if her dream in the morning was just a dream, or some kind of omen. Harry sometimes couldn't tell if his dreams were happening in his head or not.

She is not like Harry, who was attacked by Voldemort with the Avada Kedavra, but she was once taken away by Voldemort to enter the maze.

Ginny has been controlled before, but she just lost her memory for a period of time, so that she would not enter the body of the crow possessed by Voldemort like Pomona.

She didn't know what the situation was, but she knew that it was after that that she had those strange dreams.

Mungnes Hagrid should hate that servant, Apollo shot the crow to death with an arrow, maybe he can't stand that "servant" anymore, so he wants to end this "competition"?

Or is it true that, as Voldemort said, he is the son of prophecy, the chosen one, and that's why the situation is developing at an uncontrollable speed?

It is often said that happiness comes so suddenly that people are caught off guard.

Pomona believes that good fortune comes with misfortune, and "good luck" coming too soon may not be a good thing. Harry Potter can speak Parseltongue, making everyone misunderstand that he is the heir of Slytherin, who specializes in killing Muggle wizards. It was this Parseltongue that made Albus think that he was Voldemort's last Horcrux, and the old fool never thought about tracing the lineage of Harry's family.

Even if he guessed six pennies correctly, the constellation and material of one penny are unknown, as well as the damn "Order of the Kingdom of Heaven".

The α star Regulus in Leo symbolizes the heart of the king, and the metal is gold.

The β star Algol in Perseus symbolizes demons, and Voldemort felt that the metal of this constellation was silver.

The economy of ancient Greece was very developed, and the business was done all over the known world around. The silver coins minted in Athens were widely used in large areas from India in the east to Spain in the west.

There are mountains of silver in Athens. It is recorded in Thucydides' "History of the Peloponnesian War": In the Acropolis of Athens, there are still 6,000 talents of silver coins minted. This number once reached 9,700 talents. "1 Talent = 25.86 kilograms", it can be seen that in the "treasury" of Athens, there are usually no less than 200 tons of silver in reserve.

Ancient Greece also had gold coins, but the circulation of gold coins was not as large as that of silver coins. In the view of the Greeks, it was irrational to spend time and energy chasing money after earning enough money for life.

They are proud of their ideas, and Hermes is not only the god of alchemy, but also the god of commerce. Shields adorned with Medusa's head were common on ancient Greek architecture, sometimes even representing the goddess Athena.

Socrates, when he was drunk, would also say that the god of love favors rich and handsome rich gods, not legendary heroes, and Mars, the god of war. The magic power brought by "money" is so tempting that it confuses one's thinking. Later, Socrates was sentenced to death for poisoning the thoughts of Greek youths.

This is a demon that needs to be cut off, corresponding to the fifth floor of the corvus, which represents getting rid of the senses through meditation and entering the darkness of the soul.

Love is a kind of sweet poison. Cupid's golden arrow shot Apollo, which made the sun god who loved his wife deeply "fall in love" with Daphne, and shot Daphne with a lead arrow, making her not love Apollo. The cause of this farce is that Apollo reminded Cupid to shoot arrows indiscriminately. Among the gods of Mount Olympus, the most helpless one is the little Cupid, the little "angel" who used his power indiscriminately in order to avenge Apollo.

Athena, the goddess of wisdom, is not like the god of love. After the prince of Troy gave the golden apple to the god of love, the god of love helped the prince abduct a married woman. Anyway, with love, you can ignore everything, including ethics and morality. and order.

But when the Trojan horse entered the city, the prophet Lakon Ao once reminded everyone not to bring the Trojan horse into the city, and was bitten to death by a poisonous snake transformed by Athena, the patron saint of Athens.

Some people also said that the two pythons were sent by Poseidon, because Laconao should not interfere with human wars.

At that time, Athena, Apollo, the sun god, and Poseidon, the sea god, supported the Greek army. Both Athena and Poseidon had one head.

Athena may have done it because she took revenge on Prince Troy for not giving her the golden apple, and Poseidon may have done it because Prince Troy was too out of tune.

It's easy for Paris to think about power and rule. He just needs to inherit his father's throne in the future. He has a lot of good skills and boldness to go on the road of a hero, but love is not something you can meet every day.

This is a typical thinking of a rich kid who grew up in a good life. The country will not perish. As long as his father is the king, he can inherit everything his father left.

He doesn't know that a country can be subjugated, a hero can die unexpectedly, and when he becomes a wise king, why worry about not having a woman?

Paris was not a clear-headed and wise king, and Poseidon did not support him. In the end, Paris became the king of subjugation because of love, and the beautiful Helen also left him and her original husband.

Among the many weapons in this world, none is as suitable for women as love.

Adam and Eve were carefree in the Garden of Eden, but they were expelled from the Garden of Eden because they ate the forbidden fruit. Before leaving, Adam took a handful of the soil of Paradise. All the animals and plants made by Chuangshishen grow on this black soil.

The metal antimony is a brittle silvery-white lustrous metal. Blackening is an important step in alchemy, which symbolizes the return of matter to its original state of chaos. Black antimony is formed after the rapid evaporation of metal antimony. In general, metals that are oxidized or turned into salts are relatively stable. Black antimony is very active and sometimes spontaneously ignites. explode.

Like a damn passion, completely out of control.

When a girl turns from a virgin to a woman, sometimes she is overwhelmed by passion, or a woman lacks her own judgment. After listening to men's sweet words, the price of freedom is vigilance, which happens to be what young girls lack.

They grew up in love and tenderness, how could they know that there is so much malice in this world. And they are not King Solomon, how can they see through the hearts hidden under the mask.

Maybe some stones throw away the outer layer of rock, and you will find beautiful emeralds inside, but there may also be stones that are the same on the outside and inside, not as good as the jade on the outside.

Cynthia fell in love with John Lennon, but this idol in the hearts of thousands of people was not a good husband and father.

Surviving in this world is difficult, and the slave trade is evil, but it is a means of supporting one's family. A villain who is despised in the eyes of outsiders may be a good husband and father in the eyes of family members.

Using brass to represent Vega, did Mungnes despise women as much as men of that era?

Vega's nickname is "Summer Night Queen". Although brass has the same color as gold, it does not fade like gold, unless it encounters mercury represented by Mercury.

Cygnus quill and iron gall ink seem to indicate that this is an exam. Iron often represents war. Pomona does not believe that a person in the 15th or 16th century knew that the core of a supernova is full of iron in the second before the explosion.

As for why the critical point of stellar life is Iron No. 26 instead of Cobalt No. 27 or Manganese No. 25, perhaps only God knows.

Because this is the rule set from the beginning of the Big Bang, the same as gold cannot shine.

The atomic orbital gap of gold is very large, and light will lose a lot of energy when it passes through it. It will absorb purple, blue, and green light, and reflect gold and orange light.

Its mass is quite heavy, but it is far less than that of a neutron star. A teaspoon of neutron core is 1 billion tons.

Although a white dwarf can emit white light, it is not as luminous as an orange-glowing star because it has stopped nuclear fusion and its core has begun to cool.

Pomona didn't know what caused Mungnes Hagrid to become what he was. Maybe it was because of aging that he became insane, so he designed such a maze, but he was undoubtedly a jerk.

She couldn't believe that she thought it was very pitiful for a time. Sure enough, a woman's sensibility would make her lack of judgment. She had already suffered a loss once, and she should learn a lesson!

I hope it’s not very brain-burning, I miss the time when I listened to the physics teacher and slept, but unfortunately my teacher is not Trelawney, and Ron is not angry when he sleeps in the divination class.

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