Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1084 The Tranquility Under the Fig Tree

After entering through the Lion Gate of the maze, no matter to the left or right, there is a long basalt corridor, the walls are covered with vines, and the faces of people with closed eyes seem to be embedded in the wall and It was as if the body was enclosed in a wall and was sleeping soundly.

Pomona walked forward tremblingly, and it didn't take long before she heard a sound, like an animal tearing at meat.

"Stop!" a voice like Gollum yelled. "Don't ruin his face! You piece of shit!"

Some kind of animal grunted disapprovingly.

"This is the rule set by the master." The weirdo continued, "You can eat meat, but the face belongs to me, otherwise you will hunt by yourself next time!"

The monster snorted twice more, then jumped over the walls of the maze and left.

"It's a mess," said the weirdo. "It's been a long time to clean up."

Pomona wasn't sure if it was time to drive there, and then she remembered that she had the Disillusionment Charm, so she went invisible.

There was a broken man lying on the ground, and a man was squatting next to him, and he was drinking the blood shed from the man on the ground.

After drinking, he made a painful sound, because he had his back to her, so she didn't know what was going on, and it didn't take long for his face to fall.

To be precise, it was the face that fell off. He put that face on the ground, and then skillfully peeled off the face of the person lying on the ground with a small silver knife.

"Damn beast, it's all broken." The weird man complained, installing the freshly peeled off skin on his own face.

When he turned his head, Pomona found that he was exactly the same as herself.

Pomona opened her eyes.

Every inch of her body was covered in cold sweat.

Severus wasn't around, he seemed to have woken up, the Mediterranean sun shone through the floor-to-ceiling windows, but it didn't make her feel warm.

A piercing chill made her feel as if she had been attacked by a dementor, and she couldn't jump for joy.

Although she was still shaking, she got up, put on her dressing gown and slowly left the bedroom.

She was going to tell Severus what she had just seen.

It's just that she retched when she came to the stairs. What she saw in the dream just now was the most disgusting thing she had ever seen.

Then she cried against the wall, she didn't want to go to that maze.

"Are you all right, Professor?" Astonia asked.

"Leave me alone," she twitched.

"Then do you need me to call Professor Snape?" Astonia asked again.

Pomona gradually stopped crying.

"Why were you crying just now?" Astonia asked.

"I had a nightmare."

Astonia's expression became very strange.

"how old are you?"

Pomona stared at her tearfully.

"Can't adults cry because they have nightmares?"

"Have any grown-ups ever done this?" Astonia asked back.

"Of course there is!"

"Listen to an example!"

Pomona glared at the Ravenclaw.

"Would you like muffins for breakfast?" Astonia asked.

"Yes!" said Pomona crisply, and a sweet treat would change the mood. "I want double the cream."

Astony helped Pomona stand up, and they came to the restaurant together.

The designer who designed this house is the vampire Giovanni. The dining room of the villa is the same as his dining room, all round, but the color of the wall is royal blue, and the lamps are also bronze, full of Ravenclaw style.

In the middle of the dining room was a round table with a large bouquet of roses, surrounded by two plates with steaming muffins already set.

Fiona doesn't live in the main house, she lives in the annexe, and doesn't always eat with them.

Astonia likes sweets, and honey often makes sweets. I really can't imagine how Draco can bear it.

"Where are the two of them?" Pomona dipped her fingers in a little cream and put it in her mouth. The sweet and savory smell diluted the smell of blood, and she felt much better.

"Training." Astonia picked up the knife and fork, "Let's eat, don't wait for them."

"Training what?"

"Fight." Astonia thought for a while and said, "or fight."

With Draco Malfoy's thin frame, Pomona really doubted that Severus would break him.

"Where are they training?"

"I don't know, I'm not interested in watching people fight."

And Pomona just likes to watch people duel.

Without talking too much, they finished eating the muffins quietly, and then went to do their own things.

Today is Saturday, and she doesn't know if the University of Padua will be in class today, so she wants to pretend to be a Muggle student to attend.

As a woman, I always hope that I can stay at a young age. High school students are subject to many constraints, and the unfettered college life is the best time.

To pretend to be a college student needs a T-shirt and jeans. This Muggle outfit is very comfortable. After all, Italy is not England, and the temperature is much higher, so she sorted out her summer clothes.

Severus continued to wear three layers inside and outside, and even if he didn't die from the heat, he would still be surrounded by people.

Draco is also an aristocrat, and his current clothes are very Muggle. In fact, Severus looks good in just a white shirt, provided he is willing to wear it.

After getting Severus to wash his hair, getting Severus to wear something less sombre was the second hardest thing.

The potion ruined his hair, and it would become greasy if he didn't wash it for a day. The question is, why did he wash his hair again today after washing it yesterday? You can't explain it to him.

Master Malfoy's hair was so smooth when he was a kid, and now...he can do a shampoo ad with platinum blonde hair flowing like a unicorn's mane.

While packing her clothes, she took a look at the scenery outside the window. It was very peaceful and beautiful, and she didn't feel war at all.

There are a lot of people who like lively parties, and Fudge is taking advantage of this, trying to redeem the panic caused by Sirius' escape from prison the year before and the negative evaluation of him.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with being calm. You can quietly think about some problems that you don’t usually have time to think about.

She likes this kind of life, and now this state seems to have returned to her life in seclusion.

They are far away from those bad people, things, and things, as if they are in the Garden of Eden.

The Greek envoy said to the Minoans who wanted to be independent: Speaking of hope, you must be careful about that thing. Don’t be like ordinary people. When the real hope is gone, you turn to believe in the unrealistic hope of religion. You'd better give up this stupid idea. I'd also like to remind you that none of you have had an actual thought in our conversation just now.

In fact, the "practical idea" that the Greeks said was very simple. Would the Minoans be willing to become slaves of the Greeks?

Therefore, there are only two paths left for the Minoan men, either to die standing up or to live on their knees.

It was not that the Athenians were afraid of the bull in the labyrinth and gave the children of the Greeks to the monsters in the labyrinth to eat, but the Mycenaeans invaded Minos, which was also in the bronze civilization.

The Minoans used bronze for pots, the Mycenaeans bronze for swords, and the Greeks were conquered by the Romans. Although Greece had more brilliant science and culture than Rome, the Greeks were not as barbaric as the Romans who were fed by wolves.

The difference between civilization and barbarism does not lie in the difference in power. The primitive tribes in the jungle should be more barbaric than the civilized world, but who would think that those primitive tribes can conquer modern civilization?

The wind with the scent of flowers blows the notes she took yesterday, making a rattling sound, as if an invisible hand is flipping it.

Eventually, it stops at a certain page.

Pomona walked over and took it in her hand.

That symbol, consisting of a cross, a circle and a flower, represents the metal antimony, a metal that represents the nature of animals and the wildness of humans and nature.

Gold and philosopher's stone grow on black antimony like wheat. Antimony is black, magical, and fertile soil. Medieval alchemists believed it was the soil that Adam brought from the Garden of Eden, and was described as the blackest of blacks.

The symbol reminded her of the Tarot priestess' tiara, also a sphere held up by two open petals.

At the same time, antimony also symbolizes the wolf, and the strange bird of Aretea escaped from the wolves and came to the shore of Lake Stymphalis.

"You're so mean!" Pomona said to herself.

Some desperately wanted to get the treasure, but they were not given a way to get in. Someone didn't want to go to the labyrinth at all, but he forced the key into his hand.

Albus gave the Philosopher's Stone to Harry, who didn't want to use it, for safekeeping.

"Why are these old guys so hateful!"

She closed the notebook in pain, and then went to change into Muggle clothes. Today she didn't want to be a "professor", she was going to be a "student".

Today is the Hungry Ghost Festival, what a bright moon

I’m basking in the moonlight, it’s okay to take a walk under the moonlight (laughing and crying)

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