Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1075 New Target

There is a question, what kind of person would want to live forever?

Anyway, people who are very tired do not want "eternal life". They pin their hopes on the afterlife, hoping that they will be lucky in the next life and be born in a wealthy or happy family.

This kind of thinking comes from the reincarnation in Buddhism. Buddhism believes that our actions will form a force that will cause us to bear various karma in the future.

A person who lives and does evil will go to hell or become an animal after death; while a good person will go to the Western Paradise, or jump out of reincarnation and become a member of the Buddha.

What can be enjoyed in heaven? Some people can feel it when they are alive, and they don't need to wait until after death.

Voldemort is not as obsessed with sensual stimulation as those people. He wants to live forever because he hates failure. His Boggart is said to be his own corpse.

Humans give up immortality and gain the ability to evolve. Ordinary jellyfish will die after sexual reproduction, but the lighthouse jellyfish can return to the polyp form again. There is no limit to the number of times this process, so this jellyfish can obtain infinite lifespan, unless Eaten by other animals, otherwise the lighthouse jellyfish is "immortal".

Its cells will not mutate and mutate, so there is no ability to evolve.

Human beings have never stopped pursuing life extension and rejuvenation, especially women, who have almost become obsessed with maintaining their youthful appearance. But no matter how you maintain it, there will never be a young woman looking fresh and natural.

A young, ill-judged, and troubled witch like Merope needs help. Pomona once offered to do charity, but a wealthy noble woman like Naxisha refused.

Even if the young girl has nothing, as long as she has a beautiful face, she can hurt the lady who seems to have everything.

Lies can bring benefits to oneself, so I can't help but continue to lie until the day when the paper can't contain the fire, and when everything is revealed to the world, there is no way to end decently.

When Pomona came to the living room with her afternoon tea, Voldemort and Severus occupied a corner of the living room alone, and neither of them spoke. If it weren't for the sound of traffic coming from outside the window, the passage of time could hardly be felt.

This situation is really embarrassing.

The reason why some people have nothing to say is because they feel embarrassed if they can't speak. The weird thing is that Pomona and Severus don't feel embarrassed when they don't speak. Why do they feel so embarrassed now?

It's embarrassing, really embarrassing.

Because it is so quiet, you can even hear the sound of plates colliding.

"Have you bought a new tea set?" Voldemort asked after she had placed tea and dessert on the coffee table.

"Liverpool," she said hastily.

"Bone china?" Voldemort continued.

"Yes!" she replied immediately.

"You are a woman of status now, you can't entertain guests with ordinary porcelain, you will embarrass Severus." Voldemort said coldly, "Albus Dumbledore doesn't even have the most basic hospitality etiquette Know."

"You don't need to be frugal about that," Severus said. "You go and buy a decent china set later."

"Muggle porcelain is mixed with beef and sheep bone powder. Have you ever used porcelain mixed with dragon bone powder?"

"I thought dragonbone powder was a potion, like unicorn powder." Pomona looked at Severus.

It probably wasn't his idea that this incomprehensible guy used unicorn horn powder to pave the way.

"You don't need to save this little money." The potions professor who came out of the slum said richly.

Damn rich.

She glared at him, poured a cup of tea, added milk and sugar to her liking, and left them both alone.

"If you want to drink it yourself, you are not guests." She said indifferently, and the two Slytherins didn't move after hearing her words, and the atmosphere became extremely awkward again. It really echoed the old oriental proverb. More than half a sentence of speculation.

"It's a full moon tonight, do you think the werewolves will come out again?" She had nothing to say.

"It is none of my business."

They both said in unison.

"Okay then, I'll go shopping later, what are you two going to do?"

When shopping in the same room as her enemies, Pomona had no doubts that both Severus and Voldemort would choose the latter, it was their nature.

If you have time to go shopping, it is better to do something that they find interesting, but meaningless to human beings. Is it really for children to play with when a man buys toys for his children? No, that was bought for themselves.

I didn't play it when I was a child, but I bought it for myself when I grew up and had free money. Sirius also rode Harry's Firebolt.

How expensive is that broom, the boys lose their minds seeing it!

"None of you ever rode a broomstick?" Pomona asked.

"No!" The two said in unison.

"I remember you showed Lily riding a broom." Pomona looked at Severus with a smile. "Also, Harry volunteered to be the referee for the first time in a Quidditch match."

"Ha." Voldemort sneered, "Like a real Quidditch player."

She heard the sarcasm in Voldemort's tone, but didn't understand it.

"No brains," Severus muttered.

She tilted her head and wondered whether he was saying Quidditch players had no brains, or someone else.

"He's just as pushy as his dad," Severus said disgustedly.

"That's why you're embarrassing him at Quidditch?" Pomona asked.

"If only he'd spent more time on other things..."

"You have the nerve to talk about others." Voldemort interrupted Severus coldly. "You spend too much time on children's games."

"I think he led a pretty harsh life..." Pomona said.

"The Dark Lord was right," Severus said. "I'm certainly not improving as fast as I used to."

"Can you alone deal with all the dark wizards in Parodor?" asked Voldemort.

"It seems that you have found a common topic." She put down the unfinished tea. "Then I will go shopping."

No one stopped her, and the two remained silent, but the atmosphere was not so weird anymore.

"Klitsch!" Pomona yelled, and the house-elf immediately materialized.

"Take good care of the two of them. I'm going to buy a 'keel porcelain cup'." She said with an emphasis, and then left the living room.


"Are you all right, Harry?" Ginny stood at the door of the study, asking Harry Potter, who was drinking alone.

"What?" Harry looked up in confusion.

"When you came out of Hermione's room, you know who I thought I saw just now? Professor Snape." Ginny said, "Seeing your expression, I don't even suspect what you did in there just now."

"That's Hermione, what can I do?" Harry took a sip of his wine, then hiccupped.

"The first thing you do when you come home is not to kiss your wife, but to go straight to your friend."

"This house has the Fidelity Charm. As long as you don't go out, you don't have to worry about your safety. Since Hermione has chosen to leave the house, she must learn to follow our pace instead of us accommodating her." Harry said with an expression on his face.

"Here it is again, are you imitating Professor Snape?" Ginny asked, "He's not a good imitator."


"He's dead and careless, but you're a family man, Harry. Are James and I a burden to you?"

"No!" Harry said urgently.

"Look, this is the one I love." Ginny smiled, leaning against the door frame. "Don't put too much pressure on yourself, Harry."

"Easy to say, Ginny." Harry finished his drink in one gulp.

"Would you like to play with James for a while?" she asked. "George has some new toys that aren't on sale yet."

"Did he use James as a test subject?"

"If James doesn't think it's fun, Uncle George won't mass-produce it. I think every child likes to make such an 'experiment'." Ginny stretched out her hand toward him, "Come here."

Harry stood up, and when he took Ginny's hand, Ginny looked him in the eyes and said, "Close your eyes and imagine you're in the Room of Requirement."

"But I don't have any books to hide," said Harry, looking into Ginny's brown eyes.

"This time I'm going to hide the Half-Blood Prince, do you remember why we hid that book last time?"

"Because I used dark magic, and I hurt people with it," Harry replied.

"Who did you hurt?"

"Draco Malfoy," Harry said guiltily, "he bled a lot."

"Who saved him?"

"Snape...it's Severus," Harry corrected.

"You said that if we had a second son, we'd call him Albus Severus Potter instead of my dad's name 'Arthur' because he was as memorable as anyone else. person?"

Ginny didn't use the word "dead" because neither James, Sirius, Albus nor Severus had died.

"No." Harry said, looking into Ginny's eyes, "because I think there's something I can learn from him. He's the bravest man I know."

Ginny tilted her head and looked at Harry with a smile, "You can follow my words."

"But that's not the truth." Harry said shyly, "Arthur listens too much to Molly."

"You don't want him to be a person who listens to his wife in the future?"

"No, I just want him, how should I put it?" Harry scratched his hair, unable to think of the right words to describe it.

"I heard that he is the only one among the Death Eaters who can use the God-Calling Guard. You were in the Death Swamp the day before yesterday. Why didn't you use it?" Ginny asked.

"There are too many dementors, I'm afraid I won't be able to resist them."

"Liar," said Ginny forcefully. "You can't use it anymore, can you?"


"Then you summon it to me now."

Harry looked at Ginny, and slowly drew out his holly wand, but he didn't cast the spell right away. He squeezed the wand and twirled it nervously in his hand.

"You're not happy, Harry, or you quit the Ministry."

"No, Ginny," he answered immediately.

"Nobody asked you to be the savior, Harry Potter, and you don't have to save the world."

"None of that," said Harry gravely. "I need to find my bearings."

Ginny looked at him confused.

"I have walked the path that Albus designed for me. Next, I have to go on my own. No one guides me. I rely on my own groping. James will follow my example in the future. I do this for our own sake." son."

"Well, since you say so," Ginny said bitterly, "do you want to be alone for a while or play with me and James?"

"Let's go." Harry took Ginny's hand and left the study.

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