Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1076 Tenants u0026 Talent

Concierge Alfonso opened the door of the apartment for Pomona.

The building where the werewolf set fire to is located in North Kensington. It is a "welfare housing" with social security properties. It is a 24-story building built in the 1970s, which is considered a tall building in the Kensington area.

The Muggle government renovated the building last year, but because of cutting corners and using inferior materials, the materials that were supposed to be fire-proof and heat-insulating did not work, so the fire burned the entire building. 79 people died in the fire, but the police did not It was not said that it was arson, but it was announced that it was an accident caused by the aging of the refrigerator.

This year is in the election year, and the leader of the Labor Party called on the rich people of South Kensington to use their vacant houses to house the homeless fire victims. As a result, in addition to tourists, this rich area also has some working-class residences. guest.

In London, every district has affordable housing. In order to solve the housing crisis in London and make housing affordable for low- and middle-income earners, the government mandates all real estate projects in London. No matter how high-end the project is, no matter which top or popular location it is in, it must provide affordable housing to the government.

These low-income housing need to queue up to apply, and government officials such as police and nurses also need to queue up.

Being caught in a fire, but living in a mansion because of this, living on the street with nothing to become neighbors with the top rich man, this feeling is very unreal, like a dream.

But this is luck. According to the British policy, people who live in government low-rent housing (Council Tenants) in each area can only be arranged by themselves in that area. Therefore, even if the price of apartments in Kensington is high, the poor cannot Arrangements to other remote areas can only be solved nearby.

Those who were sympathetic to these disaster victims at the beginning exploded after hearing the news:

What a waste of taxpayers money this government is doing... I will never vote Conservative again! I'm furious!

Are you kidding me? I know the fire is a tragedy, but the residents of the current government low-rent housing live in a better place than most people! This is too unreasonable!

I'm thinking: If I light my fridge on fire, the government will buy me my dream country house on 5 acres with a swimming pool overlooking the Atlantic Ocean in Cornwall.

And dark inside:

What about compensation? Is it over to live in a mansion? Where did all the insurance go? (1000 words of conspiracy theory omitted below)

In short, after the fire, many people began to think about some previously neglected issues. When the disaster victims moved into the mansion, on the one hand, the Muggles believed that helping these people solve their housing problems was the top priority, but on the other hand, they felt sour. Anyway, if this kind of pie didn’t fall on their heads, they felt uncomfortable.

Pomona was very happy to be able to get rid of the two gloomy Slytherins and go out to play. She hummed a song and planned to go around the neighborhood before going to Diagon Alley, but she was stopped by someone after she left the door for a minute.

The young man Pomona who stopped her knew, it was Jan Felix, and there was a middle-aged woman at the corner not far away.

She didn't seem to be doing very well, her hair didn't have any luster, and although the material of the clothes was ordinary, they were washed very clean, but they were washed too clean, and the original color of the fabric was washed away.

"This is my mother, Fiona." Felix introduced.

"Nice to meet you, ma'am." Jan Fiona said timidly, she didn't even dare to shake Pomona's hand.

"Uh... what are you doing?" Pomona asked Felix.

"My mother didn't believe me, she thought I was robbing the store," Felix said. "I took her to see my 'employer'."

Pomona looked at Fiona, but Fiona didn't dare to look directly at her, she put her hands under her armpits, looking tense and defensive, just like when Dobby brought Winky the house-elf to Hogwarts .

"I'm so sorry I can't take you upstairs right now," said Pomona in a soft voice. "My husband is entertaining."

"It's okay, I... I... just..." Fiona stammered, as if trying to find a decent excuse for herself.

"I'm going shopping, would you like to go shopping with me?" Pomona asked, "It's boring for me to go shopping alone."

"Come on, Mom." Felix said, tugging at Fiona's sleeve.

Fiona looked hesitant and struggling.

"Have you ever been in a wizard's shop?" said Pomona, smiling.

"Wizard?" Fiona asked in surprise.

"So is your son, and you're a Muggle, which means someone without magic."

Fiona opened her mouth wide as if hearing it for the first time.

"You didn't tell your mother?" Pomona asked Felix.

Felix shrugged. "She didn't believe me at all."

Pomona raised her eyebrows and had a bad idea in her mind.

"Take my hand, Fiona, and don't let go."

Fiona looked overwhelmed.

"Hold on, Mom," Felix urged.

Fiona hesitated for a moment, but still held Pomona tremblingly. Pomona took the opportunity to grab Felix's hand, and the three of them apparated together.

After a brief squeeze, they came to Charles Cross. Disapparating people was a certain risk, but South Kensington was not far from Charles Cross, and Pomona completed it easily.

"The Leaky Cauldron, your mother can't see Felix, get involved with her."

Pomona said, and then took the lead into the alley behind the bar. After tapping the red brick wall with her wand for a while, the bricks began to turn by themselves.

Not long after, Diagon Alley appeared in front of the three of them.

"This is the shopping street for wizards." Pomona said to the pale Fiona. "You believe we are wizards now?"

Fiona opened her eyes wide, looking at the wizards in weird clothes and the goblins who came out from Gringotts, she was so shocked that she couldn't speak.

"I want to buy a tea set, maybe you can give me some advice." Pomona held Fiona's hand and said cheerfully, "Maybe we can have afternoon tea together next time."

As if under a zombie floating spell, Fiona followed Pomona numbly, walking on the wizard's commercial street.

Felix protected her the whole time, he didn't look around like he did when he first came here, seeing everything was new.

When passing Lihen Bookstore, Pomona remembered.

"Your homework, Felix!" She turned to him and said, "You've been playing all day!"

"No!" Felix hid behind Fiona, "I don't do my homework!"

"Listen to what your son is saying." Pomona grumbled to Fiona. "We agreed last time to..."

"I don't take the exam!" Felix continued.

"You still have to take the exam after becoming a wizard?" Fiona asked blankly.

"Of course you have to take the test. In the future, there will be an ordinary wizard level test and an advanced wizard level test. After you have learned apparation, there will be an apparition test."

"I hate exams!" Felix's facial features wrinkled.

"It's up to you, young gentleman!" She thrust her waist like an angry teapot, "Go in with me to buy textbooks."

"Didn't you say you want to buy a tea set?" Felix said in a desperate state.

"It's too late to buy the books after I finish shopping!" Pomona stretched out her hand to grab the little bastard.

He ended up hiding behind his mother, out of Pomona's reach, and making faces at her.

"How much does that cost?" Fiona asked.

"You don't need to worry about that." Pomona said awkwardly, "Where's your husband?"

"Still in prison." Fiona said calmly, "Sometimes he sends some money over, usually I work in the laundry."

"So, your family is basically just the two of you?" Pomona asked.

Fiona nodded.

Pomona didn't know what to say.

"Well, if you don't want to buy books, don't go, anyway, I still have old textbooks!" Pomona said aggressively, "Don't be like a monkey, watch your words and deeds, young gentleman!"

Felix probably relied on his support and didn't take Pomona's warning seriously.

It made her even more sad.

"Let's go." Pomona said to Fiona evasively, and inspected the shops on the side of the road to see which one was selling porcelain.

Just like Scarlett said, I don’t want to think about these things today, I’m thinking about them tomorrow, after all, tomorrow is a new day.

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