Harry knocked on the door of Hermione's room.

"Come in," said Hermione from inside.

Then Harry opened the door and walked in. Hermione had just taken a shower, her hair was fluffy like a lion's mane again.

"I have a question for you." Harry closed the door behind him.

"Okay," said Hermione listlessly, "I think we can talk a little before bed."

"I went to see Ron just now, do you want to know how he is doing?"

"I haven't slept in two days, Harry, is that what you want to ask?"

"Malfoy has also been missing for two days, I mean Draco Malfoy, he hasn't been to St. Mungo's Hospital for two days."

"Harry... I know you and Draco have issues, but you know, his dad has been planning to send him abroad, maybe he's finally listening to his dad," said Hermione wearily and wearily.

"We had a terrible time last night, so I thought it was time to bring you some good news. Ron looked better after eating the rune snake eggs. Maybe he'll wake up in the afternoon."

Hermione smiled "Thank you, Harry."

"I heard that snake eggs can stimulate the brain's response. Maybe Ron's memory will improve after eating it. The investigation of the Office of Abuse of Magic by the Auror Office in 1999 was not aimed at Arthur. The director of the Office of Abuse of Magic at that time was Connery Fudge's nephew, Rufus Fudge, had blanked out a Muggle section of the subway because of a bet he made, and Ron thought Calvin had directed the Aurors to investigate the Misuse of Magic Office against his dad, Arthur has been in that department for so long that he forgot about Arthur's transfer."

"Okay, I see." Hermione frowned.

"He finished complaining to me, and before I had a chance to remind him something happened, you know, Ron always lacks self-confidence," said Harry.

Hermione nodded.

"This time Arthur was suspended because he couldn't explain why there was a Floo network between the Burrow and Borginbork, and the person who reported him was Mrs. Akmore from the Floo network office. She was Marietta Akmore's mother. "

"I know that." Hermione frowned.

"A girl's face is very important. Even you and Ginny have times when you don't care about your appearance. Your actions when you were young made yourself enemies. And your campaign to liberate house elves..."

"I know what you want to say." Hermione said calmly, "Thank you for reminding me, Harry."

"Even if you can't directly retaliate against the person involved, as long as it can hurt his relatives, someone will do it. The reason why Molly is angry with you is because you got Arthur involved, not because of Litaquist's article, do you remember? Li said Litaquist was a 'slut'." Harry smiled and said "I went to see Ron just now, and the paper said I beat him badly, but Molly gave me a hug anyway, she didn't Unreasonable people."

"That's right for you, Harry, you are her son-in-law." Hermione pursed her lips. "I am her daughter-in-law."

"But you're still going in the afternoon, aren't you?" Harry asked.

"Of course." Hermione said, "I'm done with my work, and the Department of Magic and Disaster Affairs is mainly responsible for finishing it."

"Compared with the last Quidditch World Cup, which one do you think is more serious?"

Hermione shook her head, as if she didn't want to comment on that.

"Do you remember Bode? We visited Rohart. He shared the same ward with Rohart."

"I remember... on Christmas of that year, he was entangled to death by a devil's net disguised as a crab claw orchid."

"It was an assassination, Hermione, by the Death Eaters, Bode and Saul Crocker were the Resisters from the Department of Mysteries, and he watched the World Cup match with us that year. I looked at Newspaper, Saul Crocker is missing, Arthur thinks he is doing an experiment, do you think there is nothing wrong with it?"

"What do you mean?"

"I have a hunch," said Harry. "Bod is in charge of the Prophecy Sphere, and Crocker is in charge of the Time-Turner. Is it possible that the Death Eaters kidnapped Crocker?"

"All the Time-Turners are broken, Harry."

"I know it's because they're all broken that Crocker went to Hogwarts to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts for a year." Harry said calmly.

"It's also possible that he's on vacation," said Hermione. "Don't be suspicious."

"The last time you told me that Professor Sprout knew who Momoran attacked Diagon Alley, how did you know?"

"I met her in London."

"Then how do you know she knows who the Obscure is?"

"I overheard it."

"How did you eavesdrop?"

"She was talking to someone in an alley, and I didn't know who it was."

Harry didn't continue the questioning, as if lost in thought.

"What do you want?" Hermione asked.

"I can't ask the Ministry of Magic to send people to investigate Crocker's whereabouts because of a 'hunch'," Harry said.

"Then you plan to ask the Order of the Phoenix for help?"

"No, it's not them, Hermione, I want your help." Harry said. "The last time it was Lucius Malfoy who was responsible for stealing the prophecy ball."

"But he confessed a lot at the Grand Trial, and if Voldemort returns, he'll end up with Karkaroff."

"Unless the merits he has done are enough to offset his crimes." Harry said, "I heard that the Malfoy family has no house elves."

"You're thinking……"

"Find a loyal house-elf and let it spy on us like Kricht." Harry said for Hermione. "No one would care about a house-elf."

"I don't think they're up to the job."

"Think about it after you've rested, I won't disturb your rest." Harry said with a smile, turning around to leave.

"Did you know Hermione, in fact, you can choose to stay with Ron and accompany him." The moment Harry opened the door, he turned his back to Hermione and said, "Since you choose to come out to work, you have to put it away." Your kindness, George told me that he doesn’t want his children to live in a world where werewolves are used as food in the future, do you want your children to live in a world where they are discriminated against?”

Hermione didn't answer.

"You are Muggleborn like my mother, but you are both talented. You know Teddy's situation. I can't think of a solution. I need your wisdom now, Hermione. I know every time You will be very abnormal when you encounter Ron, but as you said yesterday, you can't solve any problems if you continue to stay by Ron's side. If you plan to work, you must wholeheartedly and don't be distracted by Ron's affairs .”

"Then can I rest for a while, Director?" Hermione said deadpan.

"Don't sleep until dark, I only rested for a few hours." Harry said indifferently, "Today is still the night of the full moon, and the werewolf may still come out to act."

After speaking, Harry closed the door, leaving the guest room to Hermione alone.


For Victorian British men, "family" and "career" were completely separate, and even many people continue this tradition in modern times.

The "tenderness" of women and the warmth of a happy family are a haven for men who are busy with "war" every day.

Whether this "battlefield" is the colonial rebellion battlefield, or the House of Representatives, or the Financial Street, where the most arrogant, cruel, wolf-like financiers in the world are gathered in pursuit of money.

Fools and their money are welcome everywhere, and the financial markets follow the law of the forest of the animal kingdom, attacking the weak.

But even in this capitalist world where money means virtue, the uneasiness of conscience brought about by success and reputation is still gnawing at what little conscience they have left.

They would be relieved to have a woman who had no ties to the outside world of business, politics, or the military. Even a slave owner who made his fortune from the slave trade can act as a responsible and good husband and father at home.

And they succeeded in instilling in women the idea that women are "angels in the house" and men are their protectors and saviors.

Perhaps only when the police came to the door, did the "angel-like" hostess understand what her husband was doing outside.

Draco's family went through such upheavals when he was in fifth year, when the Aurors ransacked his home because his dad was involved in the Battle of the Ministry of Magic and was arrested.

Pomona didn't know when Naxisha found out that Malfoy had set up a "harbour" for her outside. She, an "angel", could do nothing but housework, and Black's house was also gone. She left Lu Xiu His protection and survival will be problematic.

Severus and Albus also kept many things from her and Minerva, and it was because of this that Hogwarts maintained a "pure" that was different from adult society. At least werewolves were not discriminated against, and many people even thought that Remus was the best Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.

You don't know anything, you have no preparations, you have to accept so much information suddenly, and you will become as helpless as her.

Her husband is a good man, how could a good man be found by the police?

But a woman, if she knows too much and becomes like a man, he will lose that feeling of wanting to dock.

He wants to rest, instead of going home to continue intrigue, if so, then he will find a place where he can rest, even if the other party is an empty-headed but very beautiful woman.

The mansion where Pomona lives now is where Malfoy used to "vacate".

Although he screwed up a lot of things, and became better at handling money, playing politics, and less and less a wizard, compared with other crazy Death Eaters, he still had a sense of sanity, and he was still Love Naxisha very much, so he is not so hopeless.

Of all the things he hated in Severus' inarticulate personality, the one he couldn't stand was being thought of as a "fool".

His wand was aimed at the bird that Voldemort was possessing, but he didn't hurt the killer. Voldemort's wing was injured and he couldn't fly away. The two of them remained in this stalemate for a while.

The most sensible approach is to kill Voldemort directly while he is still weak.

But the puzzle about that labyrinth was able to advance so quickly and by leaps and bounds thanks to the knowledgeable Dark Lord. Now not only the puzzle is only half solved, but also they don't know how to use sun gold to make a time converter. Such a precious material can't be wasted to create a magic item that is still flawed.

Facing a "student" like Severus, any "teacher" would hold back. He was not as absolutely loyal to Voldemort as Bella was, making bystanders doubt her loyalty to her husband.

Some women are like this, full of adoration for the strong, and look down on the weak. Bella is one of the best. Any ethics and morality are useless in front of strength.

She is "As long as I can win the whole world, the whole world will revolve around me", Rodolphs can only be regarded as a moderate strength among the Death Eaters, and the proud Miss Black actually doesn't think much of him.

Slytherin College values ​​strength, and Death Eaters are even more so, and black magic is a shortcut to rapidly increase strength. This has led them to try not to talk nonsense when they can do it. If they win, there is nothing to talk about. If they lose, they will not have any sympathy or comfort, but will be ridiculed and punished mercilessly.

Old Malfoy failed to grab the prophecy ball, and Draco was about to assassinate Albus Dumbledore. A 16-year-old child was going to perform a task that adults might not be able to complete.

They are scarier and more ruthless than werewolves, and they hide very deeply. Magic props like looking glasses may not always work. If Barty Crouch Jr. hadn’t been for Karkaroff’s confession, no one would have seen that Good boy turned out to be a Death Eater.

How do you communicate with a person who enjoys privileges, does not have to be afraid of murdering and breaking the law, and who will destroy your entire family if there is a disagreement?

Besides, they have eyes and ears everywhere. You don't know who has pledged allegiance to the Death Eaters. If you accidentally say something wrong, you will be targeted and come to your house at night to attack.

This is also the reason why werewolves are not as terrifying as Death Eaters even though they cannibalize people.

"You're an idiot, Severus, to point your wand at me." A voice came from Pomona's head.

"I'm not Rodolphus Lestrange," Severus said grimly at the crow, "even if you were the Dark Lord."

Pomona guessed that Voldemort used the same spell as he did during the Battle of Hogwarts, and everyone could hear his voice, but it was not through the ears, but in the head.

"Haha, no wonder she called you 'Love Saint'." Voldemort said with a smile, "You always bring me different surprises, Severus."

"Yet you killed me anyway," Severus said slowly. "What am I to you? A dog to be disposed of at will?"

"You are much better than a dog, Fenrir is not qualified to be at the same table with you."

"Better than a dog?" Severus sneered. "You are so haughty and arrogant, 'Master'."

"Kill me, let me see if you dare." Voldemort challenged.

"Enough!" Pomona said wearily before Severus lost his mind and struck. "If you really want to destroy him, you will use the basilisk teeth, Severus, and you, Tom, without us." , How do you get what you want? Not to mention your former subordinates, isn’t your lesson from last time not enough?”

"I can……"

"You can't!" Pomona cut him off before Voldemort spouted what grand plans he had for leaving the two of them, "August Rookwood and Theodore Knott they want to take you all 'Inheritance', it's best if you don't come back, they won't save you at all."

"You heard what she said," Severus said oilily, "and what do you think Bella would do besides kill?"

"I'm a good teacher..."

"You really think Wormtail was made into a resurrection potion?" Pomona interrupted before Voldemort continued to complacently "I thought it was the Goblet of Fire."

Severus withdrew his wand, but there was a hateful smile on his face.

"Isn't it cold outside? How about going down for a cup of tea?" Pomona took off her gloves covered in black mud. "My cake is almost done. How about some human food, Tom?"

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