Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1028 The Manor With Dogs

Pomona expanded her search.

The treasure hunters in Palodo have guarded the tiankeng for hundreds of years but have not succeeded in taking away the treasure. It is useless for them to learn from the villagers to build houses on the edge of the tiankeng.

There are many abandoned buildings in the Alps, dilapidated and desolate due to the chaos of the Second World War.

In the forest, Pomona found an abandoned manor. According to neighbors, this manor has existed since the 12th century, and the last owner was a rich man who liked to raise Great Danes.

Hunting is a traditional aristocratic sport in the UK. Every spring and autumn, aristocratic hunters gather in the countryside all over the UK. They wear red hunting suits, black felt hats, step on tall horses, and hunt in groups of hounds. The thoroughbreds they rode were worth a fortune alone, let alone the hounds.

Compared with the speed foxhound raised by the British, the Great Dane is larger and can hunt wild boars and wolves. It was also a symbol of nobility in the Middle Ages.

The dog owners of the manor are very keen to send their Great Danes to participate in the competition, and they have won many awards. These dogs have created income for the rich. It is said that at most, there were hundreds of dogs in the manor.

They dare not keep so many dogs in the city, and even they dare not live too close to the townspeople, because the Great Dane is too big and has a bad temper, and it will be bad if it hurts people, so They live in this forest far away from the village, and the barking of dogs will not disturb the people.

Later, for unknown reasons, the family moved away, and the road out of the manor was impassable because it was covered by weeds, thorns and shrubs because it was left unattended.

The house has two floors, the second floor is mainly bedrooms, the first floor has a kitchen, living room and dining room, as well as a not-so-small study and studio.

When the owner left, he left a lot of things, including those gold-plated trophies and photos. Most of the furniture is still in good condition and can be used after repairing.

The glass window of an empty room on the first floor was shattered, and vines climbed in along the broken window, and wrapped around the marble sculpture placed inside, forming a strange and beautiful landscape.

There is a large open space behind the main building, which may have been a riding field in the past, but now it is divided into many small rooms by barbed wire. It seems that it should be a kennel.

There are many vertebrae hanging under the beams on the second floor of the barn. Pomona speculates that it may be a place where food is prepared for the hounds, but it is disturbing that many symbols and numbers are etched on the wall.

If you are not a professional, it will be difficult to tell the difference between the human spine and the animal spine.

Seeing the spine hanging in mid-air like a forest in the dark house, the scene really makes people feel creepy.

Fortunately, the copper pipes used for heating in this house are still there, but the boiler in the basement is probably not working, so I have to buy a new one.

"So, what do you think?" Pomona asked Felix after the tour.

"This is where we're going to live?" Felix said, looking at the cobwebs on the ceiling.

"Oh, it didn't take as long as you think." Pomona looked at the house-elf Klitsch, "We will go back to England after we have settled the issues here."

"When will it be finished?"

"I'm not sure," said Pomona resignedly. "We're going to solve an ancient mystery."

"Okay, let's start packing today?"

"What do you think, Tom?" Pomona asked inwardly.

"I want to go somewhere," said Tom. "I saw a cave on the way here. Go there and have a look."

"Cave?" Pomona recalled, why didn't she see that thing.

"You're right to go."

Pomona shrugged and waved to Krich and Felix, gesturing for them to follow.

Compared with the careless Gryffindor, Slytherin is cautious, makes plans, and never puts himself in danger.

Neither the old bat nor Voldemort would easily determine the snake's nest until they were sure that there was no threat around them.

So under the guidance of Voldemort, they walked for about ten minutes from the manor, and they saw a cave hidden in the bushes.

It was flat and looked like a mouth. It was almost completely hidden by the bushes, and it was hard to find it even if it was close. She couldn't understand how Voldemort found it so far away on the road.

"Do you remember the cave where I kept the Horcruxes?" Voldemort asked. "At that time, the four of us went down together. Only Amy Benson and I were fine. Dennis Bishop and Eric Wallace were both sick. Abnormal, one often has a rash all over the body, and I didn't do it."

It is difficult to believe Voldemort, but Pomona still chooses to believe him.

"When did that happen?"

"Towards the end of the summer, and then, 'Professor Dumbledore' came." Voldemort said still in a mocking tone, "Amy Benson and Dennis Bishop are very noisy, and they hardly have quiet time, children The way of expressing love is very strange, it is actually bullying the person I like, or in other words, Dennis is a bastard who loves to bully girls, the two of them fell behind, and then they met me, I noticed that weird cave at the time Same as now."

"And Eric Wallace? How did he show up?"

"He always followed Dennis, he went wherever Dennis went, and then we split up to explore in that cave."

"It's often shown in movies that it's dangerous to split up in dangerous places."

"Take a look inside."

Pomona raised her wand and threw a ball of light into it.

The inside is dark, and some rocks can be seen. The terrain inside is quite complicated, like a maze.

"Since we left that cave, Dennis stopped bullying and talking nonsense, he became very quiet, Eric Wallace's rash kept oozing blood, it didn't look as cute as measles .”

"You call hives cute?"

"It's better than being covered in purple spots." Voldemort said indifferently. "I thought he had the Black Death. After Bucky died, no one knew what happened on that island, but now I think, I know." .”

"You mean, someone has been to that place?"

"Butch's Felix Elixir has changed a person's destiny, who doesn't want to be lucky all the time?"

"I won't go in!" Pomona wailed. "This place is horrible!"

Felix looked at her strangely, "You brought us here, why don't you go in and investigate?"

"Children are bolder than you," Voldemort said contemptuously.

She turned around and wanted to run.

"It's daytime. If there are monsters inside, it's easy to deal with. It's even worse after dark." Felix said, "Do you want to sleep peacefully or not wake up?"

When you are married and have a husband who is always there when he is needed, and who happens to be away, you feel the same way she does now.

Why did Severus just leave at this time?

She took a deep breath, raised her wand and walked cautiously into the cave. She didn't know if it was her illusion, but the wind blowing towards her face was full of the smell of rust, mixed with the stinky smell of some kind of animal.

Wind flow is proof that it is open, and the hole is deeper than it looks.

"Follow closely, don't split up!" She said, pretending to be calm.

"How long will it take to explore such a big cave without splitting up?" Felix said impatiently.

"I suggest splitting up," Voldemort said irresponsibly.

"Oh! You can't split up!" she said forcefully.

"If you're afraid, Kricht can join you." Felix found a stone from the ground. "I'll mark it on the wall."

"Klitsch can use the marker to manifest, but if I follow the mistress, I can't follow Mr. Young." Klitsch said in a bullfrog-like voice.

Everyone stared at her, including Lazy Snake and Cockroach Heap.

"Okay, let's split up!" She roared angrily, "Gather here in an hour, regardless of whether we have reached the bottom of the cave or not."

"Yes, ma'am." Felix and Klitsch left together, leaving behind Pomona, the unreliable bodyguard of the bird and snake, and Voldemort, who couldn't see a ghost.

"Let's go," said Voldemort. "Ladies first."

She stomped her feet, as if she had a grudge against someone, and walked deep into the cave with her wand in hand.

"I hate this place!" she said angrily.

Compared to reckless adventures, she prefers to do housework. Wouldn't it be nice to keep the house clean and comfortable?

"Don't forget about traces." Voldemort said with a smile, having succeeded in plotting.

So Pomona waved her wand, leaving a bright line of fire in the air.

Flagrate (marking appearance) is the line of fire in the Chamber of Secrets, where Tom Riddle rearranged the name

When I saw the spine candle in Lupin's office, I thought of this spine forest, hey

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