In the later period of World War II, the German army became increasingly passive, facing the situation that the homeland was about to be attacked by the Soviet army and the Allied forces on both sides.

In order to divert the attention of the Allied and Soviet troops from the mainland, Goebbels, Minister of Propaganda of the Communist Party of China, made a big publicity and created a so-called Alpine fortress in Austria. Young elites gathered in the mountains are being trained, all of Germany's gold reserves will also be transferred here, the head of state will abandon the German mainland, and shift the focus of attack to the Alps and so on.

Goebbels' propaganda really deceived Churchill and Roosevelt. The Allied forces suddenly shifted their main attack direction into the Alps and away from Germany, but Stalin was not fooled.

The goal of the Soviets was to rush into Berlin first and catch Hitler. After the Allies broke through the so-called Alpine fortress, they discovered that there was not even a piece of gold except for some props used by Goebbels to build momentum, and Hitler did not retreat to Go to the Alpine fortress.

Although Hitler was a subject of Habsburg, when he assumed the position of "Führer", he was no longer the leader of a democratic system.

The germans started building alpine forts after the battle of kursk, they did move important industries to the alps, in mid to late 1944, as the front collapsed, the germans started pulling back their best troops, especially the SS Army, enter the Alps to prepare for defense.

And they withdrew hundreds of thousands of troops from Norway, piles of food and armaments were hoarded there, and as the last key Communist members were evacuated to the Alps, the bloody battle began. Germany effectively accumulated all the reserves in the Alps. Combat capable and loyal SS SS, remnants of part of the regular army, pro-government collaborators, mainly Italians, Croats, Hungarians, French and a few Russians and some older and experienced combatants The youth loyal to Hitler formed a mighty army of more than half a million and fought for the Alpine fortress.

Attacking in hordes, hundreds of thousands of soldiers died, and the Allies moved very slowly as they began to destroy the fortifications with heavy artillery.

For the next six months, the Germans would desperately resist the Allied advance. While the Allies were outnumbered by nearly five times their numbers, the terrain greatly reduced this advantage.

At first Pomona thought that the cave was one of the secret fortifications built by the Germans, or a secret way of retreat, but as she walked deeper into the cave, this idea was ruled out.

Pomona once went to a bunker built by the Germans. According to the German style, even if the lighting facilities are very simple and the ground is only cement, as long as it is for people to pass quickly, it must be laid neatly to ensure that it can be used People can pass quickly and efficiently.

In order to stop the chasing soldiers, it is necessary to reserve a place to bury explosives to blow up the passage.

This cave has no artificial traces, the ground is uneven, not to mention the lighting equipment.

"The Alpine fort is mainly in Austria, not much in Italy," Voldemort said in her mind. "I guess it leads to the bottom of the sinkhole."

"Why do you think so?"

"If the person who is thrown in enters from the entrance at the top of the tiankeng, he will try his best to pry open the door, or climb out along the gap between the rocks instead of going down the repaired road, If he had been knocked out, sent down this cave, and woke up to find himself at the bottom of the crater, he would have seen the passage in the rock wall and climbed up it."

"Won't he go back the same way?"

"This hole is very hidden and will not be found easily."

"Merlin's beard, we are at the feeding port!?"

"If so, we have a shortcut to the maze." Voldemort said with a smile, "like the secret passage from Hogwarts to the Shrieking Room."

"how do you know?"

"Wormtail told me. He told me everything that happened in the Shrieking House."

"Damn mouse." She cursed under her breath.

"Bella and the others could have entered Hogwarts from the Shrieking House that day, but I thought Dumbledore would have set traps on the passage, just like Sirius Black and James Potter did when Sirius Black and James Potter were reading. The road was blown up, but I seem to think too much, have you neglected that place?"

"It's a little distance from the Whomping Willow to the castle, and the sneak attack is not as effective as the disappearing cabinet."

"It was a good move, the only downside was the full moon, and you know why?"

"You don't want the little wizard to be bitten by a werewolf and turn into a werewolf."

"I know Fenrir's ambitions and what his werewolf army did, do you know why I didn't stop him?"

"You can kill him anytime," Pomona said. "He's not a threat for you."

"Do you remember how the defensive circle of Hogwarts was shattered?" Voldemort whispered again, "If you are really that scared, you can give me control of your body..."

"I kissed Severus this morning." Before Voldemort could say something more deceptive, Pomona interrupted him, "Severus with greasy hair, yellow teeth, and doesn't like to wash his hair Snape."

"You're disgusting!"

"Enough!" Voldemort said coldly, "I really regret being possessed by you."

"It's disgusting, isn't it?" she said triumphantly. "I'm not Ginny cutie."

"You are afraid of the five-legged monster, but you are not afraid of me. I am much stronger than that creature."

"That's different, Tom, you can communicate, you're rational, the five-legged monster is full of sex, it likes to eat human flesh, there's nothing to talk to it." Pomona said, "You think, after that battle, Has anyone else passed through here like we did?"

"You suspect someone else is feeding it?"

"Even wild animals, once they are domesticated, they need wild training so that they no longer depend on the food given by humans. The size of the five-legged monster is not as big as the sac leopard. If the sac leopard can run, why can't it run?" Escape? The space in the sinkhole is not very large, but we didn't encounter that monster like the Mason brothers, and I didn't see any traces of feces, even magical animals need to defecate."

"Who do you think is raising it?"

"It's most likely the slave trader. He's not dead." Pomona glanced at her summoning ring. "I think there should be cold storage during World War II. There will always be missing people on the battlefield."

"He's raising five-legged monsters with the bodies of fallen soldiers?"

"If this is really a feeding port, I think I know why there is a dog farm nearby. Before there are enough humanoid corpses, he used albino hounds to drive the piggies into this cave."

"Then how did he leave?"

"Because the five-legged monster is old, or the corpses he reserves have been eaten up, he wants to find a new source of corpses."

"It's disgusting," said Voldemort.

"You know what? I suddenly think the basilisk is very cute." Pomona said nervously, "It kills but doesn't eat people, and eats mice like a snake."

"These are all your inferences."

"It's the same for you, maybe this hole doesn't lead to the bottom of the tiankeng."

"Want to bet?"

"I'm not in that mood." She said sullenly, "If I really guessed it, we'll have to find another place after we go out later."

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