Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1027 The King of Star Science

Pomona found Felix behind the picnic tree.

He didn't really hide where she couldn't find him, but his back looked like he had been greatly wronged.

Poverty prevents him from spending money on whatever he wants like a rich kid. He is like a bully on the street, using his silent power to rob, so pickpockets like Ivan will meet him when they mention him. She was scared, and at the same time felt that he was a monster.

He was afraid of the immigration people, and his mother warned him not to make too much noise or they would be kicked out.

Those Muggle policemen were totally vulnerable in front of Mo Ran, but they were like the iron chains on an elephant's legs, which made him unable to break free.

Now he feels that his strength is appreciated by others, and he can use money to settle everything like a rich man.

Perhaps this loosens the chains that bind elephants, especially in this wilderness, where cameras and witnesses are not to be feared at all.

Luckily for the Muggle farmer who almost lost his life over a few strawberries, Voldemort was "steady" compared to Felix.

Pomona has not yet figured out how to tell a thirteen-year-old child that he is terminally ill and won't live much longer.

And Pomona hadn't met Felix's mother, telling her that Felix would not live for a few years through her own fault.

If she really loves Felix, this kind of guilt and guilt will kill her. The whole family came to England without living the better life they dreamed of.

However, staying in Romania is not necessarily a good idea. Also in Europe, not every place is rich and illuminated by the brilliance of modern civilization.

"He blackmailed you, why didn't you teach him!" Pomona hadn't thought of how to speak, but Felix asked first with a crying voice.

"Because it's the Alps," she said. "Do you know where the worst witch hunts are?"

"That was hundreds of years ago."

"You are a wizard, Felix, and as a wizard you are bound by the International Statute of Secrecy."

"Fuck his law!" He looked at her with a ferocious expression, "That's for people who have no power!"

"Who told you that?"

"Nobody told me! But I do, and that's it!"

"Children growing up on the street are like wild strawberries growing in the forest, sour but full of vitality." Voldemort said at this time, "Strawberries grown in greenhouses are bright and sweet."

"You didn't help!"

"I'm not going to help." Voldemort said, frustrated. "Let me talk to him."

"Have you heard the story of the three brothers?" Pomona said forcefully to Felix.

"What three brothers?" Felix asked.

"A wizard's fairy tale. There were three brothers. They were going to cross a river. The river was very fast. So the three brothers built a bridge and walked across. This interrupted the plan of Death, because usually people would drown here, and Death was very angry. But when the three brothers came to the middle of the bridge, he came out very politely and said that they could grant their wishes. The eldest was aggressive and asked for the strongest wand in the world. He defeated everyone with it, but when He was drunk, and when he was sleeping in the hotel, someone assassinated him while he was asleep. No matter how strong you are, boy, you always have to eat and sleep. Is it safe?"

Felix said nothing.

"I want to sleep well, and there are a lot of people who think the same as me, we don't want to be hunted down by Muggles like foxes, they think there is no magic, and there are no wizards, so be it, we can hide from them In between, enjoying coffee, dessert, and a ride in their vehicle, that's what the law of secrecy is for! Do you understand?"

Felix looked at her in bewilderment.

"Not all wizards are strong and invincible, especially women and children. We can't Apparate with little babies, so we have to use Muggle transport."

"It's not fair," Felix said tremblingly.

"Fate is inherently unfair." Pomona said blankly, "Do you know how many Muggles are born wizards like you? We live in groups, and there are always various constraints. People can live unscrupulously and as they wish. There was once a great demon king who took advantage of the desire of wizards to use magic freely and provoked a world war. He was later defeated by Albus Dumbledore. Do you still remember that you drew Is it the chocolate frog card, the old man with the crooked nose is him."

"Gellert Grindelwald?"

"No, Merlin's beard, is what I said so difficult to understand?"

"He's not a mysterious person. I just mentioned his name."

"You-Know-Who has another name." Pomona walked over and sat down next to Felix against a tree. "He comes from the Muggle world just like you."

"What did he do afterwards? So many people were afraid of him?"

"Besides the mysterious man, there is also Harry Potter who came back from the Muggle world. He is a character that even the mysterious man fears."

Voldemort snorted.

Felix has no interest in Harry Potter, he prefers to be a ruthless character who is feared.

"Have you ever been in a war?" Pomona asked.

"No, I was born in England."

"So have you ever lost a loved one?"

"I haven't seen my dad," Felix said. "He hasn't been in touch with us since he went to jail."

"What about your grandparents?"

"It's just me and my mother," Felix said dejectedly.

"Have you ever thought that one day your mother will die..."

"My mom won't die!" Phoenix interrupted Pomona excitedly.

"War kills people. During World War II, Britain was far away from the front line. London was bombed by the Germans, and many civilians were involved. That's why we want to prevent wars, avoid innocent people being implicated, and let them taste The pain of losing a loved one." Pomona said unevenly, "Albus and Grindelwald are friends, but in the scuffle who killed Albus's sister Arianna, Albus knew the loss of a loved one. Arianna was a harmless witch who was attacked by three Muggle children in her garden. There are also wizard children like her in this world. The International Statute of Secrecy requires that Keep people like her safe."

"Have the three Muggle children been punished?" Felix asked.

"Of course," Pomona said.

Being punished by Albus's father, he finally entered Azkaban for using Muggle magic on Muggles, but Pomona didn't say the following words.

"Did you just say that the wand is the same thing as a stick in your hand?" Felix asked.


"Can I have one too?"

"I can't decide for you." Pomona said, "Your fate is not arranged by me."

"What's the meaning?"

"That person, I mean, Edgar will arrange your problems, and I just take care of your life."

Felix fell silent, sitting with his knees crossed, as if lost in thought.

"A son cruelly banished

Despair of the daughter

Return, great avenger

With wings from the water fly with wings from the water

do you know what this is asked Voldemort.

"Not very clear." Pomona answered inwardly.

"This is the prophecy of Tycho Dodonus. He was a medieval wizard, but his prophecy was very popular when I was studying." Voldemort said. "Do you know who Tycho Dodonus is?"

"Danish astrologer?"

"He discovered many new astronomical phenomena, and proposed a cosmic structure system between the geocentric theory and the heliocentric theory. He believed that the sun governed all the stars around the earth. Although his worldview was problematic, he was unable to understand it. An unmatched observer, the accuracy of his observations was unmatched by his contemporaries. A star catalog he compiled is quite accurate and is still valuable in modern times, but the most important thing is that he did not use a telescope, but Observations made with my own eyes."

"I don't want to talk to you about this." Pomona said a little upset.

"After he died, Kepler took over his work. Kepler didn't have eyes like his, so he improved the telescope, and the way humans observe the starry sky has changed since then." Voldemort paused, and then said, "From the water. The wings you got are like that Icarus who fell to his death because he was too close to the sun?"

Pomona was confused.

"I killed Muggles in revenge for what they did in witch hunts." Voldemort continued, "My uncle was banished to Azkaban, my mother... I was the Avenger that was prophesied. "

"It's a poem, and it has many interpretations, and so can Albus."

"In that case, why can't you accept me?"

"Do you still want to go to war with Muggles?" Pomona asked angrily.

"Even ants have their role. The guardian beast on the outermost layer of the maze should be eliminated by the Muggles, that is, the hybrid of the five-legged monster and the poisonous leopard." Voldemort whispered, "Sometimes ordinary parents Incomparable children will also be born.”

"Are you talking about yourself?"

The handsome father who has no magic power, and the ugly mother who carries the powerful blood, gave birth to the Dark Lord, the Mysterious Man, the Avenger, the successor of Slytherin, Tom Riddle.

"Quintapod, five in the rune, guess what the fifth floor of the maze will be?"

She shook her head and sighed.

He has changed a bit, but he is still dangerous. Such a ferocious beast will kill people if released. People with fate and destiny like him cannot be killed. Use the time switch to go back in time and kill the young Voldemort. Such unrealistic dreams are impossible to realize.

No wonder Albus didn't order the baby to be killed while he was weak.

"In the era of Dodonas, Muggles were more willing to spend money on astrology and fortune-telling than on scientific research." Voldemort said, "Let's also do astrology to see what our fate is like?"

"Let's go, let's eat." Pomona said to Felix. "We will continue to find a place to build a house in the afternoon."

Fantastic Beasts 1 is 1926. Voldemort was born on December 31, 1926. Counting the days, Merope was already pregnant when Newt was in New York. The crime of Grindelwald mentioned this prophecy

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