Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1026 The Daily Life of the Villain

The world's largest alchemy research center is located in Egypt, where Albus Dumbledore participated in the International Alchemy Conference while studying at Hogwarts and won the gold medal for pioneering contributions.

Once during a meal, he once mentioned to Pomona the Horus alchemy studied there.

The mainstream alchemists in the Middle Ages and even up to now in Europe consider themselves to be the apprentices of Hermes, and few people have studied the earliest origin of Egyptian alchemy.

Pomona didn't understand Horus' alchemy very well, and Albus didn't talk about it in detail, but he probably talked about sons and mothers.

Isis is the mother of Horus, and there are priestesses in Egyptian temples as in ancient Greek temples. The Egyptians observed Sirius to observe the Nile River, and the priestesses of the goddess Isis observed Alpha Bootes. They had to be trained , and the Alpha Bootes star, this training process is called meditation.

Alpha Bootes is also one of the fifteen magic stars. Alpha Bootes is the brightest star in the northern night sky, and Sirius is in the southern sky. Its name comes from the Greek word "Arktos" and "Akdoros", which means " Bear's Warden".

Zeus, the king of the gods, secretly fell in love with Callisto, the maidservant of Artemis, the moon god and goddess of hunting. This matter was known by Hera, the Queen of God. In a rage, Hera turned Callisto into a big female bear. Hera couldn't do anything to her husband, but she was very good at dealing with a maid.

Later the young Arcas grew up. One day, he was hunting in the dense forest, and was seen by his mother Callisto. Callisto forgot that he was already a bear, and stretched out his hands, wanting to embrace the dear child. But Arcas raised his javelin. At the moment when the tragedy was about to happen, Zeus happened to be patrolling the sky. Seeing this scene, he couldn't bear to let his son kill his mother with his own hands. They lift up to the sky, the mother ascends to Ursa Major, and the son ascends to alpha star of Bootes to protect mother at all times.

"I don't think this star is related to the order of heaven, Tom." Pomona said with a strange look as if she had eaten Goldigan, "This constellation is just a farce caused by a man who likes to sow everywhere. He just cleaned up the mess in his self-righteous way."

"Then which one do you think it is?" Tom Riddle, also a man, asked angrily.

"How about Spica in Virgo?"

When the sun moves to Virgo, it is also approaching the harvest season. The word Spica, the main star of Virgo, comes from the Latin spīca virginis, which means "virgo's wheat ear".

What could be more joyful than a bountiful harvest?

"Then what is its corresponding metal?" Tom asked aggressively, "A gold coin can't exceed a quarter ounce of mercury. Virgo's lucky metal is mercury."

"Then what is the lucky metal of Bootes?" Pomona was so annoyed that she spread the picnic cloth on the grass, while Klicher and Felix were picking strawberries.

Strawberries in the Alps are not as big as those in the lower altitudes, but they taste great.

As she said before, the children had to find something to do, and strawberry cream cake was a temptation, and this time he didn't complain that the job was boring.

"It's not far from Austria. Do you think Grindelwald built Nurmengard to study this labyrinth?" Pomona put the pie on the tablecloth. To prevent the ban on broomsticks?"

"Palace is a person who lived in the same era as Copernicus and Da Vinci." Tom suddenly said, "Did you hear Parseltongue in Severus' memory?"

"I'm not sure, I only heard whispers." Pomona followed his lead.

Palather was a famous alchemist in the 15th century, and he also discovered Parseltongue, although wizards of that era had long known that some people used Parseltongue.

Almost all Parseltongues are descendants of Salazar Slytherin, and one Parseltongue is the dastardly Helbo, who are defined by the Anti-Dark Arts League as evil because snakes are often used in Among the most diabolical forms of black magic, and historically associated with the bad guys.

Alchemy also has snakes, and even medical and health departments have single-snake sticks. If snakes are all evil, then all hospitals should be closed.

In medieval astronomy, Spica was classified as the gypsy fixed star, symbolizing emeralds and sage.

An ancient Egyptian temple dedicated to the goddess Hathor is believed to have been constructed around 3200 BC based on the Spica location at the time.

The ancient Greek astronomer Hipparchus discovered the precession movement by studying the movement of Spica, and later Copernicus also used Spica to study the precession.

In the 15th and 16th centuries, the witch hunt movement and the deeds of Copernicus, Galileo, and Bruno were the most turbulent.

"I had a strong gut feeling that Spica was the star of destiny," Pomona said.

"I also have an intuition that there are other monsters in that maze, and it is likely to be a basilisk." Voldemort smiled contemptuously. "Let us see whether the basilisk raised by Hagrid's ancestors is powerful, or Salazar Slytherin's basilisk is powerful."

"Do you need me to borrow the sword of Gryffindor?"

"No!" Voldemort firmly refused. "I don't use Godric Gryffindor's stuff."

Sometimes, you really can't understand the boys of Gryffindor and Slytherin, these two houses, obviously Salazar Slytherin and Godley Gryffindor were very good during the giant war Friends of the two have become deadly enemies in modern times.

"Severus also said that he would rather drop out than go to a college with strong limbs and simple mind." Voldemort added, "Do you think he is right?"

"Felix! Kricht! Dinner!" she called to the strawberry-pickers.

Voldemort snorted contemptuously, but did not continue his malicious words.

However, after waiting for a while, no one came out from behind the bushes.

If it was an ordinary child, Pomona would have to worry about it, but Jan Felix was the silent one, and Klicher also had the magic of the house elves, so she wouldn't be defeated before she could fight back.

Out of caution, Pomona took the wand in her hand and walked to the bush where the two disappeared just now. When she came out from between the branches, she found Felix confronting a stranger.

He was tall, in his thirties, and handsome, but he was dressed like a farmer, holding a rake for raking hay in his hand. Seeing her appear, the farmer pointed to Felix and asked, "Who is this?" your child?"

"What's your business?"

"I planted these strawberries." The farmer pointed to the picked strawberries and said, "You don't think there are wild strawberries on this mountain, do you?"

"Oh, I'm so sorry."

"With your wand, give him the Imperius Curse," Voldemort said in her head.

"How much will I give you?" Pomona asked the farmer.

"100 euros."

"How can there be so much money for such a few strawberries!" Felix yelled unconvinced.

"Who told you to talk, little thief!"

"Felix!" Seeing that his emotions were out of control and black smoke was emitting from his body, Pomona immediately warned him, "Control yourself."

Felix dropped the basket full of strawberries on the ground, turned and ran.

"Children are like this, causing trouble everywhere." The farmer said, staring at Felisk's back, and then his eyes fell on Pomona's hand. "What are you doing with a stick? Self-defense?"

Pomona smiled at him and aimed the "stick" at him.

"Forget nothing."

The big Muggle looked petrified, staring straight ahead with glassy eyes.

Pomona floated Felix's lost basket, let the strawberries float into it, and carried it away.

As for the agreed 100 euros, of course she did not pay, but she would not tell Felix.

The advantage of being a teacher is that you can ask the children to do so, but you don't have to obey it. She just used Forgetfulness on the Muggle and didn't use the Unforgivable Curse, so she's kind of a good guy compared to the real villain, right?

I read an interview record of Harry Potter. Dean Sprout said that the advantage of being a teacher is to set standards for students, but I don’t have to follow them. At that time, I felt that she had a dark belly (small smart ghost)

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