Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1025 Jumpscare

According to the Bible, when Jesus was born, three magi observed a star belonging to the "King of the Jews" in the east, so they set off to Jerusalem to worship.

When passing Bethlehem, the star appeared in front of them for a while, and appeared in other directions for a while. It guided them to the stable where Jesus was born. This star is the so-called Star of Bethlehem.

The twelve signs of the zodiac that people are familiar with now divide the trajectory of the sun in the dome equally. The ancients believed that the sun revolves around the earth. The trajectory that the sun walks is called the ecliptic, and the moon walks around the earth. There are still many places that are blank.

The nomads in Mesopotamia looked up at the starry sky every day, divided some constellations, and created stories for them. Ptolemy sorted out the contents recorded by astronomers before, and added 48 constellations. Later, other astronomers filled in Ptolemy. The gaps between the constellations that Lemi divided.

Especially after the 15th century, the advent of the age of great exploration brought humans into contact with the southern hemisphere. Everyone wanted to leave their own traces in the starry sky. As a result, the constellations were confused in the 16th century, so humans decided to divide the sky into eighty-eight. constellation and is still in use today.

Every constellation has a ruler. If the constellation is a house, the ruler is the owner who lives in the house. If it is the ruler of the zodiac, it is the ruler of the house.

These main stars are the masters of the constellations. Astrologers in the Renaissance have been trying to find the Star of Bethlehem in the Bible, but because of technical limitations at the time, people have not determined which one the "Star of Bethlehem" is.

Later, astrologers identified 15 stars for astrological calculations, but not all of these fifteen stars were as auspicious as the main star of Leo.

For example, the β star algol in Perseus is a very famous demon star. It represents the head of Medusa held by Perseus in his left hand. The magic eye that turns to stone.

Algol is a binary star system like Sirius. The two stars revolve around each other. When the darker star comes to the front, the luminosity of this system will become dim. Because the main star of Sirius is too bright, Sirius β will even go around it. Nor can the front block its light.

Mungnes lived after the 15th century and before the 17th century. Pomona only hopes that he did not experience the era of constellation chaos, otherwise guessing riddles will be a huge project.

While looking for a place to build a house, Pomona saw the strange wizarding village of Palodo, which was built on the hillside.

Maybe the village was formed in this desolate place because of the same reason as her.

The treasure hunters knew that they would not be able to solve the puzzles left by the ancient alchemists for a while, so they planned to stay and study slowly. The results of their research will not be shared, because everyone wants to get the treasure in the maze.

"It seems that in addition to monsters, you have to be careful of people." Pomona put her hips on her hips, looking at the village and said, "Are you right, Felix?"

"Can you do some magic?" said Felix eagerly. "Just like you did before."

"Magic is not for playing, young sir." She said with the majesty of the dean.


"But we really need a little magic now." Just after Felix showed a disappointed expression, Pomona said again.

She took out the seed from her pocket, threw it on the ground, and then used the Farmer's Growth Curse to make it grow quickly.

It quickly takes root, sprouts, shoots, and becomes clumps of low shrubs.

"Do you know what this is?"

Felix shook his head.

"This is the dancing grass, it will automatically dance when the surrounding sound is too loud, here you are."

She brought out a large string of bells and "tie them to a tree so we can use them as an alert later on."

"You might as well use the Screeching Charm," said Voldemort.

"I need to find something to do for the child," Pomona said to Voldemort in her heart, still smiling kindly on her face. "Besides, I like living in sunny places."

Slytherin’s cellar sees no sunlight all year round. Although Hufflepuff is also underground, half of it is on the ground, and the little badgers like to have a picnic while basking in the sun. Like these poisonous snakes, they don’t see the sun all the year round. Vampire-like.

Dancing grass loves the sun, loves the sun, loves the sun!

Normal humans hope to open the windows to allow fresh air to come in. Don't think that she lives so humid that mushrooms grow, and the windows cannot be opened, otherwise there will be floods flooding into the cellar!

"This is your plot." Voldemort said in a positive tone.

"Hahaha." She laughed and tried to get away with it.

"This isn't fun, Klicer!" Felix said, and just as he had finished speaking, Klicer appeared out of nowhere.

"You tie these bells to a tree." Felix gave the string of bells to Klicher.

"Since when can you call him?" Pomona asked.

Kerry snapped his fingers, and all the bells were automatically hung on the dancing plants, and the plants made a tinkling sound when they moved, which sounded terribly noisy.

"You're just trying to fight me, aren't you?"

"Klitsch obeys Master's orders." It bowed towards Pomona, the tip of its nose almost touching the ground.

Oh, yes, housework is annoying, and it's far less glorious than leading your men into battle and creating miracles.

Keep smiling, baby, keep smiling.

Pomona brought out her fake smile skills that she had practiced for decades, and smiled at disobedient children and servants who pretended to be obedient.

Even though she wanted to give each of them a petrification spell and throw them into the sinkhole.

"What do we do next?" Felix asked again.

"Find a place to build a place to live, and then transplant these dancing plants over there."

"Why don't you find a place to plant it again?"

"Because we're going to live in tents until we find a place, and the grass can be a warning here."

"Why don't you continue to live in the tent? I think it's fine."

"This is your first time living in a magic tent, isn't it?"

"That's right."

"When the novelty wears off, you won't feel comfortable living in a tent."

"You have a key that opens the door and you can go anywhere, why not use it?"

"Magic must not be abused, child!"

"I don't understand." Felix shrugged. "Why do you have to write when you can use the phone?"

Appeared, the child's 100,000 whys!

"We can't use Muggle electrical appliances, they will break easily."

"If it's broken, you can buy a new one. Aren't you rich?"

"Felix, Muggles and wizards live in different worlds and have different ways of life. You have to adapt to this life instead of asking others to change according to your ideas." She said seriously, "Money should be spent on more needed places."

"I think what he wants to express is that there is a convenient way, why don't you use it, but it's so troublesome." Voldemort said.

"It has been proved in the Triwizard Tournament that if Hufflepuff wins, he must win in a fair manner. We will not cheat." Pomona said to Voldemort sternly.

"Do you know how stupid you are?"

"I know, but it's the right thing to do."

She sighed, and said, "You have all gone astray, now is a rare opportunity to correct, don't miss it."

"You talk to yourself a lot, who are you talking to?" Felix asked.

"The most evil big devil in this world."

Felix looked at her strangely, as if looking at a madman.

"Have you ever seen a horror movie?"

Felix nodded.

"Sometimes, a ghost or something scary will suddenly appear in a movie. The principle is the same as a person jumping out of a corner. It will startle you. People's natural reaction, but there is a kind of person in this world, they don't need to do this, just hearing his name is enough to make people scared, so we gave him a code name called 'mysterious man', you will often Heard of the name."

"Where is he now?"

"Legend has it that he died, but he came back to life and was later defeated."

"Who was the one who defeated him?"

"Harry Potter, a boy with a lightning scar on his forehead." Pomona pointed to her forehead. "Do you want to hear his story?"

"Yes, please tell me." Phoenix showed an expression of listening.

Pomona laughed maliciously.

"I can tell you, but the premise is that you must complete the work I give you next time, and you can't leave it to Kerry."

Felix hesitated, looked at her and said, "Can you tell me something that no one else knows?"

"Are you someone else's little spy?" Pomonami asked with narrowed eyes.

"of course not!"

"That depends on your performance, deal?"

"make a deal!"

The two shook hands, a deal.

"Then, let's go." Pomona opened the painting box and let the lazy snake and cockroach pile out to bask in the sun.

It was sunny today, a fine day for picnics and walks, but luckily she didn't waste it in the tent.

Not long after they left, the dancing grass stopped beating, the jingling bells gradually stopped, and soon became quiet, only the mountain wind blew by, making the dancing grass and silver bells shake slightly occasionally, making a sound that people often use to describe laughing. The sound is sweet and soft.

Children have 100,000 whys, but adults don’t have 100,000 answers, and it’s not the Room of Requirement

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